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An Audience With Victoria Wood 1988

Jun 09, 2021
Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Tornado, shouldn't you shout hello? it's not like a crossroads extra money for talking welcome to London Weekend Television this is a lovely studio 1 this is the same studio where Michael Aspel interviewed Elizabeth Taylor still a puddle of nervous sweat in the back while she was so worried about meeting him , such a bad studio, I was actually thinking that this afternoon when I was vacuuming, it was dirty, I complain, there is no cleaner in these studios, this is that little man over there with a little. mop of gray hair I said that's very good hygiene in case you used the right way that's a horrible dressing room I don't have curtains just a blind adorned with the image of Jimmy Greaves everywhere I go I think they are on all the variety shows a few years ago couple of years they put me in the same dressing room, Frank Carson, Stan Boardman, Bernard Manning and Angela Rippon, and they put me in the same dressing room, Rudolf Nureyev, that was pretty good because Michaels would have used their facilities to watch television. and she lay down in her hammock this is my best clothes tonight it is well made especially for me by the famous couturier Mizan Rene or really Mason before I know that it is wonderful the doll herself has 103 operates from the mobile home and a sleeping area rest on the outskirts of Cleveland, she is color blind, unfortunately red, but you can't tell the red font from the blue.
an audience with victoria wood 1988
I started in a brothel thinking it was a police station. Her own hair was especially well combed. I had to cut it last week, in fact, I had a little disaster with it. I decided to henna it at home and I did what he said, I put all this henna on it at home and I wrapped it in a hot tea towel and sat in the covered area for four days, it was either henna or tea. towel when I took it off, it was pure Irish liniment, nor am I. I had quite an exciting journey to get on.
an audience with victoria wood 1988

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an audience with victoria wood 1988...

I flew here on the famous Manchester ferry, instead of an old plane. I have to go next to the rear gunner, movie proper, you know because the flight time is so short that just one of the stewardesses quickly passes by the Bunty. I was thinking she should have come on the train. I should get to town, but every time I go into town, it seems like I end up sitting in front of the The woman who is eating the individual fruit pie sucking the filling through the hole last time I went to town, Alice knows that this and there's a couple across the hall having sex just being a British trade no one said anything when they were done mainly to have a cigarette and this incident excuse me I think I'm fine this is a non smoking company I should explain that there is supposed to be an


of celebrities here tonight, but so far they are not here, we heard from them, the bus broke down. on m-40, on the right, we heard that Michael Jackson and Joan Collins are changing the wheel, he is changing the wheel, she is holding the lug nuts, we have not done badly here tonight, who we have some friends from Wincy Willis and some people from Guildford?
an audience with victoria wood 1988
Well, that is. they're on people's balconies in Guildford, we don't share them because they're not famous, you've met a couple of T's, do you have any celebrities? What if they had some old Volvos left over from Charles? Play no, not bad here. Who do we have? We have some right Honourables and at least one Lady and a couple of old Queens taking the paint off my penis Mac LWT the company What would you say? Company, save them, no, they said, because all these celebrities have flocked here. tonight I know Maidenhead and barns are like ghost towns tonight because they are all here, they asked me to involve them in the show somehow, but I suggested that the Beetle Drive hasn't disappeared, so the idea now.
an audience with victoria wood 1988
It's just that they ask me questions that I don't know what to ask. I prefer to ask them questions. I have two Cagney and Lacey and I say, why don't you redecorate that bathroom? They charge our rate more than a couple of days. Well, now I will answer the questions from the floor. I don't care what they are. There may be serious, thought-provoking intellectuals that you like. Yes, the split ends lady will have your question. Do you have five pencils? Why not? I have that Peggy bag at the reception, who are you? Anyway, Guildford people in diapers Sam, Miss Julie Walters, Educate star Meter Typhoo, a mug he only got because Meryl Streep turned him down.
Look, I know, let's have a question from someone. dynamic and creative and a force to be reckoned with on television oh no let's skip that let's get straight to Michael Gray do you really think there is any difference between men and women? Men and women of Triphala Street. You think that in your family it is probably the men who smoke. cigarettes and women kill the industry, so I think there is a difference, yes, I think there is, I think physically there is a difference between men and women. I've never seen a man who looked good in an apron, I'm sure, unless it was very, very simple, but there are no bustards.
I think the real difference between men and women. I think it's that men are much more desperate when it comes to Christmas shopping. I think that's my definition, but you see the mall on Christmas Eve panicking and running international department stores making mistakes. Like moths searching the lingerie department they are trying to buy French panties for their wives without looking at them, touching them or saying that they are my really strong perfume for their wives because I think the wives will like them and the wives don't like them. but they put it on and the men will like it, then the men go around saying: Is that blue bottle coming back?
Let's have a question from someone who needs exposure. Now look for pantomime this year. Senior Senior Emery may have your question. Are you? art lover it's not me I should say I am I love the photos I love the photos of her to tell a story what are they called comic boots I was when I was in Bhutan next to mine the beautiful oil paintings of course that they were sold there, they were for on special offer there was one of white horses running through the waves in the moonlight there was another of white horses they said they would not enter the agent Rembrandt Picasso seemed too cold although he did not stretch within the lines As well as Rembrandt was never raised, we have raised the tone now we have raised the description, a kind of intellectual and cerebral plane, so I would like to ask a question.
I have a question about John Beck, what a fine mind, what a sharp intellect. Could you ask me his question? Please, yes, I would like to ask you a rather serious intellectual question, if you allow me, yes you can, do you think that big breasts are a disadvantage? he was closed, he put himself in the strange question: Do I think that big breasts are a disadvantage? I would have to say they are if you were a heavyweight boxer trapped in the ropes. I tell you, soon there will be no boxing on television or wrestling. a man here is putting an end to this we're going to have more fancy stuff on TV than sewing and tailoring they say no one on Saturday afternoons she's a big, fat, hairy man squatting over an embroidery hoop it's not so much a disability is more of a disappointment I really care when I got them, not because I wanted Makana to be terrible, just letting you know that I was in a class of about 35 girls and suddenly every night, during the night, everyone had breasts and huge stains.
I have very oily hair, as if we were. swimming in the singing without caps to wash the seagulls with Barry and suddenly I didn't know anyone was talking because suddenly everyone was talking about periods so I didn't know what they were about, people are talking about periods all the time. and then the teachers would say come see me next period, anything I officially knew about them was ever watering down the games? The teacher would enter the forum room with her face very red and her skirts divided, working on my period and they would not come to see me.
I went to the machine on the wall, put your money in and took out the package and a neighborhood didn't do what she meant so when it happened I went to the machine on the wall, put money in, took out the package in the raisin place of chocolate, I waited and I was doing that every month, it's been huge, everyone, my class was huge, the other thing was running cross country because we were divided, we were on the diet all the time and we thought that yogurt made you lose weight, so I used to eat yogurt.
ELISA used to do it. say Sandra if you go to the city get service Bianca was the last one to arrive we will get someone else to come I said I couldn't receive your ads Bianca Japan Can I ask mr. Dennis Norton, please, yes, what do you think of the worst flaws of the British? That's not one of my questions. We picked it up from the ground. I think the worst, a lot of problems, are not useful, they are not useful for having fun, I would say I would classify myself. As a position that is not useful for when I get overexcited if there is a pattern on my kitchen paper.
Do you think we don't think about what other races are like? You know, the Italians have our prayer and the Spanish have you. We have flamenco dancing, we have Weight Watchers. I mean, we believe that in India, you know, if a man dies, the widow is thrown on the funeral pyre. I hope the man dies in this country. The woman simply crawls into the kitchen. She says 72 BAPS meat. you cut, I will spread the worst, the worst, what does need to make the British angry is that they drive too slowly. I mean, I live in the country they could beat you to.
You vote. I can't go anywhere in the summer without getting stuck behind. the mystery tour arrives in a Morris Minor why are they always in the Morris Minor? Why is it always brown so low in the seat when you're behind them? All you can see is a little pork pie hat on the rain hood. she's in the passenger seat neither of us are driving she's trying to steer him towards a crease in the map just trying to remove the top of the thermals and i have her stickers on the back window we've seen the toilets in longleat i lost my teeth false at Alton Towers my other hats are balaclavas and he goes about 12 and a half miles an hour because he took half a Shandy three weeks ago and he's getting like four, you know that at any moment they'll stop dead without warning or indication or in your vision because you just look in the mirror to see if you have your glasses on and they will take you to picnic chairs and place them next to a pile of loose gravel on the side of the road where you will sit.
There, for hours, he loosely chopped up all the corned beef sandwiches and all the pieces of Swiss roll, that's a different sized topper. I thought about going on vacation I thought about camping in this country because I thought it would be healthy and I heard that camping and it got a lot better in the last 20 years. I know there are nice tents now with landscaped gardens and escalators. I went camping years ago with my boyfriend and that little green tarp that the Scout had to be arrested on in 1957, we were just going to wait to sleep together, that was the point of going and we always forgot when the light was on inside the tents Campers at night see through the tarp.
We used to shout encouragement from the other tents because I've been camping before with the guides a few years before the things you guide were all on the worst guide patrol in the world. Sycamore patrol we had about three badges between us and we went camping and the captain said that for the first dinner we had to bring our patrolman to bring some vegetables and something that could be heated easily, so we brought some potatoes and some Carmen rollers so competitive . camping holiday with the guides there was a big competition for the most interesting thing that could be found in the forest, I think another patrol that with a rare breed of


pecker, I know he didn't get anywhere with mine, his name is Billy with all the buttons, a worker comes.
I thought about going to the beach as if it were a little British seaside resort, you know, it's one of those little bed and breakfast type hotels at the prom, you know, the kind of single beds and wick quilts with the bald head that people have. chosen at all, yes there is nothing in the room it's just a single bed in a pedal container with a notice saying this is not a birthday hotel, everyone is very inhibited and everyone feels obliged to have breakfast in full Silence, that's all you can hear. of terrible drinks if you are trying to eat canned tomatoes.
Quiet, always called Brain Mar or Loch Lomond. England's gun is what they called it in Scotland Stop Porter. The Manchester Ship Canal has this big advert inside boasting about what they have done. I have breakfast in bed Braemar and the chocolate elevator at night to all floors that's a lie, it's not a list, that's what brings the dishes to the kitchen, get a little old lady and if you fold her, the miss Tramell will now go to the beach. In this country, I mean, sometimes there's something fun to watch on the beach, isn't it like Punch and Judy?
Or am I trying to get a guest's underpants? How do they not like to do anything? They really like parking. their cars at the prom and sit there looking through the windshield or sometimes drive to a beautiful placein their park and they sit there looking at the windshield. I think if you took people like that to a really exotic place, you know? like the Taj Mahal and they didn't have their cars with them, but it looks great, we look better with the fiscal disc and two windshields. I have to tell you, I have to tell you about a lot of exciting things that happened. to me last Thursday and I was in the supermarket and I didn't go in for a loaf of bread, right? and I'm very strong-minded at the supermarket, you know, I only get what I've looked for or I don't get carried away by the packaging, the lights, the music or any of that, so I'm standing at the checkout and I'm just giving away the greenhouse folding paper and the six rolls of wallpaper that I took out of my cart and at first I didn't pay attention to it, but sometimes people think they recognize me on television, they think I'm that woman from Freshfields Julia McKenzie, the chubby one who lives next door . door sometimes if you can French and Saunders think, um, you think I'm a dumb French, they caught me on the street for a second, what's it like to be married to Lenny Henry?
Look, I don't know any of them, seeing them in a Muse Lee commercial, why? asked me to take too many notes from this stare because the limit of a whoo in my box because the girls are a bit clumsy running my cabbage through the infrared laughing at my store, they are having problems with the loungers in the potting compost and no one He stood next to me packing up his store now take a good look because I love people who shop and I decide that he lives alone in a dorm because he has one of those little cans of baked beans and pork sausages, you know, it's all in 1/10, the smallest size, 10, you can just have a pork sausage in there hanging off the edge of the can.
Well, I decide that he lives in a dorm, but shares the kitchen. I think he is a student because he has one of those freeze-dried coffee jars and he takes out the largest beans and pours them into the coffee. It's one of those that they advertise on television. It's the one where the woman comes into the kitchen pretending to be a coffee maker. coffee maker, something fundamental, that was very serious and she went to the kitchen and pretended to be a dishwasher, a dryer and took it out. Take an Iranian ambulance. I'm carrying my purchases to the car.
I'm just trying to put the ironing board behind the back seats and he's still looking at me, this guy, and not really looking, he's wearing a pair of Levi's 501s, you know, with the button waving a little red tag and he's covered of bruises and obviously completely missed the point of the ad and got in the washing machine with them I finished shopping I finished wrapping the dryer in the trunk because it's thirsty I'm going to do some shopping late at night, see, I'm walking down the street main looking in all the windows thinking would that fit me?
Why a disabled society? Our main streets are really boring. You know, there are banks or on one side of the street and burger joints or Daniel or identical is Burgerboss. They all have the same menu outside like Quarter Pounder. That's all. thin Erzberg oh that's a hamburger and no bread hamburger for vegetarians which is a bun and their hamburger hamburger for introverts which is just a napkin but you don't like to say anything and then you walk past a potato that you like and I see that the bread from the supermarket he is sitting From the windows he is watching while he snuggles with his bird.
I see that she has the least interesting of all feelings. Mashed potatoes again if you look at me so you're looking at the hustle and bustle of the scene going by and That's a bit of a stretch where I live so I live in the most boring place on God's earth from the stupidest people . I can't tell them where it is because if they heard what I was saying about them, there would be an outcry. I feel past, but you like it, it's not what you say, it's about what you say, it's poutulik, a place I pass by and then he takes it as shopping and follows me to the street.
I think this is a bit strange, so I'm going to Benetton which is next door. I don't always spend money there, but I like to go and then reveal things and he follows me and Benetton, I think. Oh, gee, he's a private detective. They are following me to get a divorce. case I don't know anything but it could happen no because I once went out with a married man we live together as husband and wife no sex and a lot of arguments follow me I'll give him a slip so I run out to the shopping and I run across the street it's a bit dangerous only time the little man is blinking that's funny any door you enter a department store it's always the leotard and the bag dedicated leotard said ornaments lend a hand to get back together people buy leotards anyway I think they're the less flattering things.
I think the only good thing that can be said about leotards is that they are a very effective deterrent against any kind of unwanted sexual attention. You think you're wearing stretched panties and stockings and a stretchy lycra leotard. You could or try to sexually harass a trampoline, it's worth letting a staff watch them go out and hit the house. By the way, it's in that department, so they gave the panties cut on the side to the cosmetics department, so I think no man will do it. I really want to follow along, especially since there's a woman at one of the makeup counters, you know, with the microphone announcing a makeup demonstration.
She is looking for volunteers and she is heavily made up. This woman. You know, she has really sick false eyelashes. She got that. advice, read again so that she opens her eyes, she is introducing a little bit of commerce like this, welcome to the world of this is Madeleine, speaker. I'm standing next to the escalator between the health bar and the toothpaste. Wendy and I were about to do a demonstration. by Sasha rescues the autumn range of cosmetics and skin care preparations. The lady would like to come to Sasha's counter. I'll go to the counter right next to the escalator between the health bar and the hairdressers, when they'll be very happy to give that lady some free makeup and me. she should rest, as it is free and totally free, which she once put to the gentlemen of her who wanted to buy from the new range of bands.
We have a special offer that comes to you free with any purchase worth thirty-six pounds or more, a gift that includes elegant suede effect but up to the lace with practical size odd money total in the mouth parcel Clean and shiny in neckline and ladies pretty girls all around sales and systems are fully qualified in all aspects of makeup and beauty therapy, on top of which Wendy comes to us with a diploma from the Geneva School of fun ladies with sterilized black hair who require a special Luke, perhaps under me just for the sake of it, then immerse yourself in the capable hands of Wender and experience the true magic that is Asher L. is that color -As for anything goes this season, maroon is back with proper vengeance.
The eyes bulge as the lips recede. The shadows this season come in all shades of the speculum, all the time in the world, tea ladies, we just wait for that willing face to achieve that. Rolling the ball, wash yourself, please, up to the sash. I'm going to counter, well, Wendy's been panting to wrap our gloves around someone's chop since dawn. To them, she's not the most hygienic monkey they've ever seen, but she's pulling an extra shift. Wendy's at the slaughterhouse doesn't have this natural beauty therapist diploma yet, but she does come with her City & Guilds impanel, beating Brick Lane and cement work.
By the way, I'm so stressed out that, from a medical standpoint, it's almost unheard of for Wendy's. eczema Wendy's Ringworm I have one at the same time this way, so this is Madeline asking one last time for a damn volunteer to show your true inner beauty by slathering your dogs with other precious bits of fat. I didn't want to do this, but if no one is going to show up, I have no choice when they take a Mozilla, well, she can't handle me. I panic and she runs to the shoe department. I must be getting older, you know, beyond dr.
Scholl sandals I thought they looked comfortable from the supermarket. He's still following me, so he got into the elevator and we went up to the top floor. The beds and pianos department seems to be fine. He doesn't seem to have followed me there. I'm walking around looking at all these horrible beds, some of them have mirrors on top. I told the assistant what are they for if we were supposed to make sex more interesting. I thought I bet not, but all the women in the country. They're lying there, their bald spots are getting bigger I play piano music that's coming from somewhere and I go to a piano department and they're sitting at this tiny little white grand piano he's a great friend of mine, my favorite cocktail pianist Kalamata said Oscar Peterson has witnessed that we call a MIDI boat because she places things every night in our local Cocktail Bowl called Manhattan.
Now this is the first cocktail bar and some people feel that it lacks a little atmosphere, you know, because before it was the Manhattan was the witness washeteria, they hadn't redecorated it yet. I like it. I like, you know, sitting in a dryer and sipping my tequila. around two in the morning and it's nice, you know, if you've maybe had a couple too many drinks, you're sitting at the bar, you're thinking about someone you loved and lost all those years ago and Connie's husky. The voice comes through from this talented singer-songwriter, how can I describe it if he's never heard it?
She's a mix of Barry Manilow, Suzanne Vega and Carly Simon, she has a big nose, a scarf on her head and could fit an entire wagon wheel in her mouth. no bite - she's been around, Connie's been around and her songs reflect that it's about Aberystwyth but she's been in love, she's been hurt, it's over, we've missed the bus, pretty psyche, but not for us, we didn't click , let's achieve it. quickly and say goodbye don't hold my hand and don't demand a reason why they are affectionate looks it's not fun greetings tonight was always I like big muscles she was thin and lanky I like good manly you have four to be in a bad mood you you ruined nose and then I looked in your handkerchief the day I met you it was really heartbreaking I thought love would be a great adventure then I saw the spinach on your dentures and I still do you gave me canned carrots femto and report spam you just can't manufacture You had your pin-up girl, I couldn't match her, I didn't want to, it was the lady. bag I wanted love to come and hit our block, but even Venus takes a turn and your foreplay clocks were to get the socks off that silly ass, you wanted gerbils, a whippet, but you couldn't write them on Ellen's nipple, but you would.
Don't put up with it, don't bother them, try to do it, we are not compatible, let's not be sad, dear, at least receive, dear, right now, let's get back to the story. This man from the supermarket is chasing me and I'm in the department store. Standing next to the piano and this big group of people, it looks like he's coming towards me, so I create a distraction. I turned to a woman next to me with a facial hair problem. I love your programs. Back stairs. Julie is there waiting for me and I know she's going. to kidnap me, I just know and I don't know what to do, that TC, I can't, let's call the police because I'm in trouble with my television license, remember the detective on this if we have come to believe you. you're watching TV you'll find five hundred pounds I said it's just the gardeners' world they said well 450 and I can't face it you see it face to face I'm not that kind of person it's not brave enough I thought if only I was wearing a sanitary belt.
I know what the word is I saw them in the department stores. They said on the package. You will feel completely safe while using it. I'll have to run so I'll run to the pub next door and hide in the group of people around the dartboard no I can't play darts pretend I can and it's my turn and I don't do it wrong I get a double one one 11 and there is someone's girlfriend embarrassed and he was embarrassed because it was until She started doing this. Everyone realized that you had been dating an inflatable woman. Well, we patched it up.
What we patched up for her first. He is running after me. I think that takes Mike to the supermarket parking lot and I can't find my car. All the keys must have fallen off and I can't get into my own car because it has an alarm system. He's American. It's the most sophisticated you can get, but if you put a brick through the window, it doesn't work. Because? you feel like they need to do that maybe talk about it he belongs behind me everything is shot by this thumb I can only see a light there at the end of the street just for once our theater the Royal Theater is open the light coming out of the pavement is humming people it's the only night or something I've never heard of a quick call oops, beggar my bloomers, they're just part of the storm, so I go in, get the last seat in the house, I'm going to the box office, you said.
It's 750 for the last seats in the stalls of a two pound 50 you can have shit, not anymore, so I'll go in. I'm sitting in the shops, a mistake at the opening act in my bloomers and I can't see anything. Because I'm trapped beyond this huge woman. Can'tsee nothing but her, depressed and rough, but my point extends to this lock. Devon listen red, we're not murderers, self-efficacy, damn, much better. I'm not going. to enjoy, then, taps on the shoulder, I said, sorry, I said we would mind taking off our hat, I shouldn't want to, I couldn't see anything yet, it shows this huge jacket with padded shoulders, so actually it's more or less said .
Would you mind taking off my jacket Nora I still couldn't see anything above the shoulder she said I'm sorry would you mind losing four stone because she whipped the branch I guess you'd like to come and sit on my lap more Jill, I said I don't really. I would, but don't. I think I'm running away from that side of my sexuality. I have another woman behind me who appears to be chewing on a roll of loft insulation. Actually, two of them. I may have missed some of the finer points of the screams, there you go my boomers.
I'll try to describe it, look, I never go with the babysitter, I never see faster, you've just seen a lot faster than me, we've probably all been there, I don't know, so I try to describe it, it seems like one. than usual, the curtain went up when there were some lights on and some people running and screaming and the


said: oh look, people running and screaming there are people and other people came in in their pajamas, that's right, that was very funny, we It hurt, we laughed and they walked away, those people and other people came with a vicar, that's it, that was very, very funny, everything stopped and I had a good shake, we met what seems to be the comic climax. as for a shouting meeting on the leg of my bloomers, as there were some people there in pajamas whispering and there were some people there with a vicar shouting and there is a man in the middle who was neither in pajamas nor vicar, but still further.
He's very funny, he was wearing long johns and came from Yorkshire. Hello, wow, they bought me the bloomers. I see the guy from the supermarket coming towards me along my line. Now, fortunately, it takes a long time to get to me because people don't know how to say the best way. of letting him block, you know, the fool who turns the seats from his knees to the side of the middle of the crack that the choir plays has plenty of time to cut my end of the line and I will run down the aisle and run towards this big door simulated private that is full of ushers well or he will spend another week on the street take a wrong turn he will end up in the middle of the stage in the middle of screams doing my bloomers I said like this to everyone, I'm sorry They are kidnapping me total silence nothing from the public nothing for the people on stage I go out I go back up the course a total average of about say to a big applause he comes running on stage behind me I hope the mantel group travel every toilet to the bishops in a haggis let the buttons fly off their Levi's 501 C.
The chances fall revealing a pair of novelty boxers with a fish and Magnus Magnusson on the front back in the orders that read the legend I' Started So I'll End the Standing Ovation and the curtain comes out. He must have taken some branches and bouquets from the summer season office in Bridlington. I mean, have you even tried to kidnap me? He said no. He was trying to give you your car. You leave the keys in the supermarket parking lot I said well why didn't you say something you see what I did last night I thought you were famous that woman from fresh fields now I know who you are I said well I said Thanks to you I had the opportunity to run a department store I clicked to an inflatable woman I've just endured the worst fuss and catcalls in British theatre.
What do you have to say? It's just one thing, dog, what's it like being married to Lenny Henry? I'm looking for my friend Jimbo, you've seen me, I forgot those dangling earrings we started, santhanam, they're not in oh, he's, she's very, very tall and just pierced, since he was able to reach me. Taste, although about big dogs that sniff me and put me on. the espadrilles started dog, it was really, really, wool, left that type that usually asks for wheels and a handle, you said we would meet in the ear and have a great day around the city, today we have done it all, I tried the shoes and add supermarket salad, you know, cheap says amateur work Kimberly cuts the meat like it's big chunks, just puts it in I'm in the price like the lady.
Gupta in our until he is served a priceless red cabbage, he becomes a cabbage man, he has no idea but responsibility as soon as the lady. Gupta comes from whoever it is, it's so funny, I've never seen so far away with Kidderminster, there's so many people here actually, but you can't miss Kimberly because she's very very tall, she usually has this ceiling stuck in our air so interesting , because we had it. I did it this morning once, this is really a trend, so long. Kimberly had a coil perm and a mohawk, and I had my baby done up, really cool boutique, I tried a lot of things, but Kimberly is really huge, so she had to buy the only thing that fit her.
It's not everyone who fits our cubicle, we just leave it pushing the doors, take your moments, this French restaurant closed with realistic fists whose month at the piano, like us, we should clarify your demand faster and the weight was magnificent, he said to Kimberly, who do you have? beautiful dimples on your cheeks, well, they're not dimples, the holes where she has to keep the AB side, she has the menu all in French, right, northern French, so I said, excuse me, what does this mean? She said it's a 10% service charge. I love it. that and some lettuce and I had a cocktail while I ate a fish and an umbrella inside, but Kimble, it really wasn't like that, she had five pints, five pints of Chef, well, they'll be leaving soon after, the policewomen will be leaving with your dad. elbow so tired I'm going to play the piano leave me impressed anyone could play the chopsticks we want to get his food out he ran out of the city everything from there Kimball is sitting in the city no steps until they started sinking in the middle don't do it you want too come to the movies.
I'm not going to go to a horror movie because when they squeeze Kimball you can see Allah's uvula dog attached to her, she wouldn't come to a comedy with me because when I laughed, chips fell on me. I don't know, then the engaged one went to see Mary Poppins for revenge, we insisted on sitting on the balcony to get away from the wall, we had to go into the cubicle, then a man next to Kim, beep, put his hand on her knee, he regretted the West, really, very good perverts kimberly like they throw so many flashes at me I just run away they do it to give to Allah she stops she doesn't make a map to tempt the presentation then she insisted on going to a cocktail bar I'm mixing hers cocktail well, the first two ingredients It was a galvanized bucket and some grounding in a pub, but she did a really interesting breakdance, it's not easy in an ambulance with cash, you want a good guy, so now come in, she's fine, she's not seriously ill. hurt or anything because it's very very hard, she got hit by a car last week, the only thing that was damaged was the panic of the escape, so I said: I'll cover Nia and get the signal, but study Reiji now, I'm not near the counter. everyone here before me, right?, you already had your burgers, this isn't the new weak wounded one, I wonder when I saw the piano, I thought he's moving to leave, he'll really score, he can't intimidate me, that door screams, like this Dad laughs when I tell him. she stayed there all this time in the bingo hall sorry thank you sir this game is going out a little further with it was it okay in the middle?
No, it's just a small survey. We are not. Not selling anything no, it's totally in good faith, I hope you don't mind I know, no, we're not selling anything, no, here's my ID, oh no, that's my breakfast, my ID, yeah, pretty surprised doodle No, but they fooled me. the photo booths and someone just showed up in a classroom with the curtains no, we're not selling anything no, we're not trying to buy mayonnaise or anything like that, it's all a fabulous ghostly tone, just little opinion polls, probably my opinion like break the ice with a joke no, everything is anonymous, especially for the libido, no further than the police in the Treasury, a short one for the next person, it's just a small survey, no, we are not selling anything, we are not trying to get you to buy. mayonnaise or anything, the laughter doubles whether the boredom of the elderly, questions about unemployment, has led to an increase in street violence or not, the level of secondary education is better or worse than 20 years ago, If she were alive, Alma Cogan would have been in government in the event of a nuclear holocaust.
Do you think there would be survivors or no survivors? worst survivors do you think there would be a total collapse of society or some semblance of law and order? some kind of structured post-nuclear society. repeat that people are more or less likely to I will be eating Hellmann's mayonnaise. Now I can end with a romantic ballad. This is dedicated to my deep interest in the act of physical lovemaking. It is very short-lived. Breeder and berries. One night the sky was clear. The stars were shining. The wind resolved itself. The moon was top Freda drained her cup of chocolate licked her lips she felt sublime she turned off the impious question time Barry Crimmins with fear and dread while Freda and said let's do it let's do it while the mood is right I feel like a shell and I really have an appetite I'm burning with desire trampled after tennis in a chorus of male voices but he said I'm spinning oh my God I don't believe in too much sex this fashion of passion turns her into a bundle of nerves without division my decision I'd rather watch the spinners on TV, So she said, let's do it, let's do it, until our hearts go boom, be native and creative, live in the living room, this madness is joyful, Bendis, Johnny, she said, I can't, the man who blew it on me every breath The days are gone I'm older I feel colder It's all the things that turn me on I'm begging I'm boring Let me read this Catalan vinyl floor So she said Let's do it, let's do it She said I can Don't do it, no, she's just wrong, don't place me at an angle, hanging my arms would have been strong enough for the muscle when I did that round, let's do it, let's do it, share a night of wild romance, frenetic poetics, this could be one last great chance Milton is leaning Wilton let's do it let's do it one of the many on the moon three Greetings are years like culture even semi some dress I feel stupid Mr. cold don't choose me don't use me mother sent a note to say you must excuse me let's do it it's absolutely necessary exempt you want to tempt you want Daniel no job I was the only girl I'm angry for you Judas let's do it come on how much do they pay you?

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