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American & British People Swap Snacks

May 30, 2021
why crunchy I'm not white, it's crunchy hi, I'm Chloe and I'm from Britain hi, I'm Joyce and I'm from America, I'm a guy, I'm from Cambridge, England, I'm Emily and I'm American, have you ever had British knives before? No, but I've watched a lot of British television. Oh, that's the same thing and I always wanted to go to the pub at 16. Oh, that was my biggest dream in life. I think what I miss. The best thing about my English collars is that they don't really make sense to other


outside of that culture. I'm really excited to show them to you because they're so good, oh yeah, so these are walkers, crispy shrimp cocktail, okay, fries.
american british people swap snacks
We have a classic here, it's salt and vinegar potato chips, they have flavor, they make you sweat, sometimes they make you sweat, yeah, they're really good, like a sandwich, okay or something? Do you think some of my bag walkers guess it looks like Lay's? It's a minute, so they're the same company, but they have different names and different country origins, they just taste really good, but you can't eat too many of them, it's very strong, right, it stimulates your taste buds a little bit. It kinda looks delicious because I saw it in vinegar, it's too acidic for me, but this is perfect, so it definitely doesn't taste like what I taste.
american british people swap snacks

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american british people swap snacks...

Shrimp cocktail tastes like what I think is good, but this tastes a little like tomato sauce. fries but I have one I really want them please delicious and we tried some crazy things together kids what do you think? Even as a Jew, I am biased. I still prefer those. I think I prefer these two. Thanks, maximum. These are my all-time favorites. everyone's favorite snack. I love these every time my mom comes over to say I have to make her bring big bags of them. She is amazing. These are really like a penis snap if you eat a cheese and that's it.
american british people swap snacks
Scare me, I like to eat them like a bunny, this is dense, this is a heavy bag, it doesn't sound like rabbit food, although yes, can't you say that? I better not be too happy with this box of cheese, I like it. I live with them so much, but everyone likes the Z quite comparable and more salty, they like to have more Tang, while for you they are not a soul, but they have a strong cheese flavor, so this is nothing like a bunny I can't be the only one who does it for you. There is more, true.
american british people swap snacks
They are 100% dozens of each other. I can't leave them alone and they only have one pound. I think cheese is much better than that. I'm sorry. Jacob's arrow is like a classic English chocolate like everyone knows what arrow is so the arrows are little bubbles of chocolate and you take a bite of it like you feel the bubbles inside your mouth. They also make a mint version which is amazing like, oh my gosh, if you ask, yeah. I prefer this way more than impulses, there is a hard chocolate shell, but as soon as you make contact with it, it's strange, but I like it, so I have a whole speech about America, let's listen to it lemon, oh, it just doesn't taste real .
Where is it like this? It's light, fluffy and airy and the much creamier flavors were just a dream to eat. It is absolutely delicious. Brilliant. Yes, we like the arrow much more. Yes. Capra are already rabbina. What is this? This is great. It's like the Australians there like detergent, cleaner, juice, why is this packaging? Australia, if I saw this, I would wash my dishes with this ok, verbena, black currants, which I don't know, you'll have black coming soon, it's like a blackberry, a blueberry, that's what There seems to be no other way to describe this other than that has a purple flavor.
There are some things in America that we are fighting for and the only thing that is certain is that Capri Sun is the greatest children's fortress in the entire world. I'm intrigued by the water, okay so it's a concentrate and you have to put it in water, she gets angry, oh the color you usually choose I like, oh yeah this is the one that could even be a sweet tea from me part, but Some


would like to drink, that was like this year, but I think it's horrible. Thank you. It smells like grape juice. You know, it's refreshing. what a blackcurrant, actually, it's interesting how people make homemade drinks in America, we are so used to powders and then I feel like everywhere in Europe everything is liquid when I first came to America at school, I of the kool-aid, I thought so. powder in water never I a wing I make a cocktail In fact, I like them both a training opportunity still they do little things it's like wine for children yes, I think so too.
I have childhood memories of Capri Sun, but that's just, I mean, it's just better, so this is fun, yeah, right, yeah. I learned that England has a lot of great and fun words for things. I still don't know what a blackcurrant is, but now I know it exists. this stereotype that English food is bland, yes, while I feel like Austin acts like he's not blind at all, most of the snack changes I've made before, the flavor isn't as intense as America's , I think it brings one of the first. one where it's like pow ho. I would say that it has been a great experience in terms of remembering the things I loved about England.
You haven't convinced me that American sandwiches are better than English ones. I'm afraid some people do things better than others and that's the English way. I guess I can let a real Brit

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