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American, Spanish, and Italian Girls Try Not To Use Hand Gestures!!

Apr 27, 2024
I don't like to dance I never danced wow very intense I already lost guys hello my name is Julia and I'm from Italy hello everyone my name is Shannon and I'm from North Carolina hello my name is Andrea and I'm from Spain so what do you like to do in your spare time? Usually two things. I like to dance and sing. Oh, can you sing well? I like to do free time I like to explore in general, so if it's a problem or just also in your own city, you look for new places and you walk, you get some fresh air and also now you crochet, yes, and you, I like to walk, taking very long walks, especially. near the rivers I really like nature that's why I like to walk in nature and I also like to do my nails, paint my nails if you want, yes, but this is very easy, as you know, because of work, I can't do it like crazy, Styles, but I usually like putting rocks and pretty things, yes, especially because the weather is nice.
american spanish and italian girls try not to use hand gestures
I also like to walk, yes I do it especially when I'm standing with a group of people. I feel like I talk a lot with my


s and if you speak in your own language like your mother tongue or more like me with my Spanish friends you just, yeah man, you become wiser right now, yeah, I think I can do it well, no move the


s. I need to be super super focused. I'm fine, don't move your hands. hands but I have to move my head so Shannon, please explain your favorite song, what is it, why do you like it and the reader, ah, my favorite song is Yellow by Coldplay because yellow is also my favorite color and it always turns me on in good mood. no matter what so yeah, it's my favorite you look tense I feel like it's a criminal investigation um Andrea, what is flamenco dancing?
american spanish and italian girls try not to use hand gestures

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american spanish and italian girls try not to use hand gestures...

Could you explain it to us well first of all? I don't know anything about flamenco because it's not like a traditional dance in the place where I was born but well there are a lot of hand movements that I'm not going to do because if I do I lose the game and well the dresses are really beautiful the big one is very expressive , yes, the big, fluid, yes, and usually it can also be told as a story, it is a narrative that you can express through the feeling that you like. You're doing it right. I feel like we did the lighting wrong, we should have just one spotlight. about us and everything is loose like a policeman at the station well, yes, I do it because I went to Spain, I visited Spain, so I know flamenco dancing, it is danced very well, it is very pretty, some say that the French are better at it football than Italy, what do you think?
american spanish and italian girls try not to use hand gestures
I think they are very wrong, that's all I can say. I am American. I'll stay out of this, yeah, I mean, you're from Spain so you know it's not true, but I've never heard that. Yeah, me too, that's something that's I'm going to make me move my hands, but I'm not going to move my hands those things that they want a lot of times, so yeah, yeah, yeah, you're always very lucky. I know it's true, the French did it too in the last uh, yeah, yeah, well, not me. I don't know because we don't treat our football players well.
american spanish and italian girls try not to use hand gestures
I have no idea, I honestly don't know. I do not like football. I don't watch football games. It is uncomfortable. I feel very strange. I honestly want to scratch my head, but I can't. do it, that's why I feel very unnatural true natural unnatural oh wait, let me sit down okay, okay Texas and Louisiana, even Kentucky is a better state than North Carolina where you're from, do you agree? No, I'm not agree. Texas, Louisiana and Kentucky are great. United States, but they are not northern Kakalaki and that is the truth. Wow, I'm sweating a lot. This is very difficult, so everyone is great, but Carolina Barbecue has already said enough.
I feel very stressed right now. Andrea with seven plus five plus one. I'm sorry. I can't think because I'm just thinking about moving, not about moving, especially now my head, I don't even know, wait, okay, yeah, 18, 19, okay, I got it, I think it's 29, but I'm not sure, wait , what was the question, no. But I do not know. I'm losing my cookies. What are you wearing? She doesn't stop moving. Yeah, I think it's Shannon that's moving me. Yes, it's the most ridiculous thing. Wow, I feel like there is no scenario in which this situation. It would happen, yes, something that Italians don't know how to drink coffee because they don't have American ice, so not having American ice means that we can't drink coffee, right?
That is very bad. I don't move my head. I am moving my mouth, my vocal cords are moving, that is why my neck is also moving, how can I block my neck and head? It's stressful, okay, whatever it is, that's not true. I don't agree with that statement, oh my gosh guys. We don't have American ice We don't have American ice This is stupid It's so hard not to move your neck I just don't like this It feels so weird I feel like talking is moving too much He's a 10 but it's a moment a guy No, I agree, I'm okay, oh come on, I am, I'm thinking about Mama's Boys, that's a big no for me, yeah, I'm fine, look, this is what you have to treat your mom right, but it can't be like asking. her mom to solve all her problems, you know what I mean and she can't be so annoying about everything, but she treats your mom well, Andrea, why is he so little?
Okay, would you like to be forced to sing or dance with everyone? unique song You Hear wow I feel like you should sing right now because you can't dance, yeah okay let's say dance. I don't have a favorite song, but I enjoyed reggaeton music, yes, but I can't do it without my body. I don't have a favorite song, favorite rhythm, I would say pop, I don't like to dance, I never did, wow, very intense, I already lost Guys, Julia, would you rather be chronically underdressed or overdressed oh 100, right, yeah? better to be extra than to be super simple, yeah, especially in the summer, you're going to move your body now even now that you're eating because I don't know, I don't know what this actually is, oh, it's horrible, oh no, that was it.
Ridiculous, I mean, not moving your hands is fine, but when it comes to not moving your head and you're like you know your neck, that's a bit, yeah, right, I realized I used to do it when other people were talking and I like to pay. Mind you, I like it, yeah, yeah, and I was like, yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about just trying not to move, yeah, I couldn't think straight. When it came to the number question, the first thing I would have done was stick my fingers out like this underneath me, yeah, I feel like it's a little rude when you interact with someone and you just stay like that, we don't like a robot, no, yeah , like he really starts to cry, it's not warm, yeah, yeah, it's like showing your intention with your speech you also know what I'm saying, so if I was going to say no or if I said no, you know what I mean, they have a different meaning, yeah, very, they have a very different meaning just because I'm also using my body language, but yeah, I mean, they have body language experts for a reason like it's very normal to move your body, yeah, and if you don't, then you are hiding something, yes, like if you are married.
If you stay very still, you may be in a hostage situation that you have to put yourself in or you may be lying, so today we try not to do hand


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