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American English Street Interviews | What Languages Do Americans Speak?

May 16, 2024
Hello everyone and welcome to my first video and the first episode of Street Interviews on Comprehensible English. You are learning English, but


about Americans? Do they




? Do you want to




? So let's ask them how many languages ​​they speak. Languages ​​you would learn if you could and maybe some advice and motivation for you guys, let's do it. So how many languages ​​do they speak? I speak English fluently and then Chinese, which is at an intermediate level. Why did you study Chinese? Mainly because I took it. in high school and I wanted to continue because I liked it.
american english street interviews what languages do americans speak
I liked learning another language. What did you get from learning another language? Something interesting. I mean, I'm a strict guy. I'm a math major so I think it's a great way. I like learning Chinese every day because of the way the courses are organized so I think it's a great break from math every day and all this, I guess I schedule classes every day so I really enjoy doing it Every day, yes, if you could learn. any language, uh,


would it be? Yeah, German, because my grandmother speaks Sherman and I speak like five words, so I would like to be able to talk to her in German basically and if you could give advice to someone who is learning English, what would you say?
american english street interviews what languages do americans speak

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Oh my gosh, no I don't know, I guess it's hard as a native speaker, but it can be hard because English is like six different languages ​​pretending to be one, but it's worth it. I guess I don't know. I mean, how many languages ​​do they speak? I said a quarter and a quarter, yes, that's a good answer. I have wonderful confidence. What languages ​​are English and Japanese? English and very little Spanish and what led you to Japanese and Spanish. I didn't want to take Spanish, but for some reason I just took Japanese because it sounded interesting.
american english street interviews what languages do americans speak
I took Spanish. He's from Texas and I thought that was wonderful. Would you like to be able to speak these languages ​​better? Yes, yes, 100, yes. In what way do you think you could improve if you wanted to learn. I could have gone back in time and learned more and studied more in college like now. I thought I had an old Rosetta stone and never did it, so I'd like to do it. We live in San Diego, so we are right next to Mexico. Wonderful if you could learn any language around the world. What would it be and why do I think in Spanish because of where I live?
american english street interviews what languages do americans speak
Japanese just to finish it because that's how I started it. Many years ago wonderful, very good, if you could give advice to anyone learning English or support, what would you tell them? It doesn't have to be perfect, people just have to understand what you're trying to say, yeah, just put yourself out there. in situations where they force you to do it, otherwise you won't do it, wait, how many languages ​​would they say you speak? I mean, I learned Spanish in school, but I'm just wonderfully fluent in it and did you study Spanish in school too? I did it and, uh, what would you say?
The reason it wasn't successful is that you didn't learn to speak Spanish even though you studied it. I think maybe because we started in high school like most places start in high school. I think if I had started earlier maybe I would have followed through well if you guys could learn any language in the world to speak fluently, what would it be and why do I think German, Mandarin Chinese, probably because it's so popular all over the world And what attracts you to the German language spoken in Europe? If you could provide support to anyone learning English abroad, what would you tell them?
Maybe it's a good idea, maybe yes, listen to music, yes, yes, tell me what languages ​​you speak. I speak English and Swiss German. Why are you talking? Why do you speak Swiss German? I lived in Switzerland. I'm moving back to the United States. Breathing the air here feels great, but yeah, learn Swiss German because I was living there and what language would you learn? If you could learn any language in the world, if I could learn any language in my mind, my mind could get there. I would definitely do Japanese and why would I be Japanese?
Because I think that style of writing is really cool and I want to do it. look at Japan, do you think Americans should learn more languages ​​or do you think it's useless because everyone speaks English? Oh, absolutely everyone, every person should I think they should speak at least two languages. I think it's very important, it opens your mind and allows you to experience this culture in a way that you couldn't if you didn't learn the language, so I personally think it's very important to speak at least two languages. Thanks for watching. Now tell me how many languages ​​you speak.
What language? would you learn if you could and why is it useful to learn other languages ​​and what is your main motivation and strategy when learning English go ahead, write it in the comments section and I will see if I can correct your mistakes, don't forget to like and subscribe and see you next time time.

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