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Amazing Fruits Jelly Recipes || Unusual Desserts To Treat Yourself

Jun 03, 2021
Sammy, are you okay? Yes, you will meet my friend Charlie Sammy. You know this


isn't really alive, right, I know, but I really miss my slime friends, so bouncy, shiny, stretchy, shiny and stretchy, sami, I have an idea. We're having a party at home, maybe next time I'll know how to jazz them up and add something stretchy, sparkly and sparkly, sounds like a new craft, yeah let's get to the kitchen. Hey guys, today is World Tangerine Day, Sammy, you're almost right today. We're going to make


tangerines, my mouth is watering with joy. That's what you were talking about.
amazing fruits jelly recipes unusual desserts to treat yourself
Wait a second. Uh, where did it go? You didn't like my surprise? I'm ready to create chef Sam is ready for everything oh ready for everything then peel this tangerine please okay I'll take care of it now hmm guys I wish the camera could convey the aroma. Did you know that ripe tangerines should have a thin peel? So ours is at its best, but don't get distracted, Sammy, how is it? Let's go with the peeling, I did it, Susan, what's next? good job sam let me think now we need water lots of water can you do it easily?
amazing fruits jelly recipes unusual desserts to treat yourself

More Interesting Facts About,

amazing fruits jelly recipes unusual desserts to treat yourself...

I'll be done before you know it we'll see guys, did you know that tangerines tangelo? and tangerines are all small citrus


, but the sweetest are the honey tangerines, try them when you get the chance, sammy, we need this water for the tangerines, find another place for your pool, so what they can jump into the water is great, but soon it will be too much. You can get hotter I guess I have to go for 500 milliliters of water we use a tablespoon of soda and wait until the water starts to boil be very careful with the stove ask an adult to help you how hot and what are we going to do with it Now we will boil the tangerines for 30 seconds over medium heat be careful with the boiling liquid uh shoe are you sure we are making gelatin and not tangerine soup I'm sure samy look at the water change color three two one here they will cool a little while still hot be careful with the cold help is on the way hmm that's better ah holy cat only this is the light come to me we have to peel them well they are so soft and shiny susan I really want to try the wine if you eat one and you'll get less of a jelly hmm you know how to persuade you okay, I will wait for the tangerines to be ready and now let's make them even tastier, is it possible?
amazing fruits jelly recipes unusual desserts to treat yourself
I am ready to help, we will need 200 milliliters. of water 50 milliliters of lemon juice will add a tasty acidity and add more sugar, mmm, actually only 50 grams will be enough, all the ingredients are ready now we have to stir them well, I will do it, I will do it in time. I'm purging this whoosh whoosh how much until all the sugar dissolves sammy oh no, I'll skip that tub how do you do it being a lazy bone sammy okay, I'll get more candy then hey, I was never okay with this, take my word for it? Back, I'm just kidding, don't worry, now we have to pour the liquid over our tangerines.
amazing fruits jelly recipes unusual desserts to treat yourself
My delicious wine, I will eat soon. Wait a second. Why did you cover them well only halfway? They need to set and absorb the juice for three hours. each side, so we will have to wait six long hours traveling to China during that time. Did you know, Sammy, that tangerines grew in China more than 3,000 years ago? Are we eating subtle tangerines so we can spit them out? No, no worries since then the tangerine began to grow in many other countries I almost drowned guys for you six hours we will spend like a moment let's not go anywhere and we come back after six hours of waiting our tangerines absorbed the juice well and leveled out more tasty, oh it's a lot of vitamin A and C, but it's still better to eat just a couple of them at a time and now we will prepare the gelatin layer, we will need gelatin, that's enough, oh no Sammy, we need 20 grams gelatin powder. but we can eat gummy bears afterwards and the sugar jelly should be sweet hmm, 30 grams of sugar is enough like this and we will pour 300 milliliters of water, this will do, eh, what an interesting color and how do we get jelly from this.
We have to wait until the liquid heats up and the powder dissolves, then we need more heat, let's do everything according to the recipe and we must be careful with the fire, look our gelatin cooled a little and turned golden, we can't wait. for a long time, otherwise it will harden and we will get a lot of slime. You're right, Sammy, let's speed it up a little. Now we will form the shell using this ice press. We will need the tangerine, which we will cover with gelatin until the end. press the line mmm, can we try it now?
Don't hurry, Sam, now go slowly here and close the lid carefully choosing. I really wanted to try this mandarin jelly. I promise that if you wait a little longer you will end up with something incredibly delicious. Will you try well? I don't know if it's really worth it. I promise and we have this for now. What do we do next? We have to put our tangerines in the refrigerator and wait two or three hours. Two or three. Hours guys, were you waiting for this? It was definitely a thumbs up if you like our tasty crap. Oh, I really can't wait to see the result here.
It is important not to rush and do everything carefully. Oh, and what happens if they pull the lid? abruptly we can damage the gelatin, so better do it slowly, look how beautiful it turned out. It looks like a ball or a Christmas decoration. It's as bouncy as a ball and as shiny as a Christmas ornament. Oh, let's get the next one out. It looks the same. We'll see. Now you throw it carefully and now we shake it to get it out. Say hello to the great tibida. It's as round and soft as the first one. These tangerines will be a great dessert.
On top of it, there's this elastic gelatin shell and if you cut inside, let's see, be careful with it. knife here's a shower sweet juicy stuffed with fresh fruit aha yes this top is two millimeters bigger than the other so I'll take it meticulous slime oh this was incredibly delicious yes such a shame they're gone so quickly Hi guys, today we're going to show you several interesting ideas about watermelons. Let's start first. Cut the top of the watermelon. Be careful with sharp objects or ask an adult for help. Yeah, wow, let's do it. Eat them, Tammy, eating watermelon and chips together is not the best idea, although in some countries they eat watermelon with salty cheese, what cheese, you know?
I don't eat cheese even on chips, don't worry, those were chips and now it's just a Can we need it to make watermelon chips? You have to place the opening in the flesh of the watermelon and then carefully press the barrel. I think Sue just ruined the watermelon. She was probably delicious. Now all we have to do is cut it there very easily. It smells delicious


wow it's so cool wait I want a slice too I'll go get a plate I'll be here I'm not going anywhere oh sammy I'm sorry Suzy I'll show you one more trick with this watermelon to start what we need to get all the pulp out we'll need 100 grams of red gummy bears oh my precious 1.5 liters of drinking water now we'll turn on the stove carefully uh susie what's going on you just ate sammy I'm sure you'll like it Okay then and that's it, we'll pour it into our watermelon, smell it so good and we'll put it in the refrigerator.
I can not wait to see him. In the meantime, guys comment and tell me which of our watermelon ideas you like best. Look Sammy, we made real watermelon jelly, guys, be very careful with sharp objects, Sammy, this is


, isn't it guys? I would love to invite you too. It's fabulous, by the way, does this jelly remind you of anyone I love Jelly Sam? Can? Please bring a coin from the piggy bank, we'll need it for our next experiment here you go, thanks sammy, well guys, heads or tails, we're about to see guys, don't you think that's the one who's being weird?
I was just practicing my acting skills and now look what we have here, chills, cheddars, I have the sharpest point in the world like any other coin in the world, well let's open our watermelon, let's go, I didn't even think you could do that . Great, thanks sammy guys, want to see more tricks and new videos and give this video a lot of likes. I'm watching you.

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