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Amazing Flash Flood / Debris Flow Southern Utah HD

May 01, 2024
So we're probably about 40 miles from where the heaviest rain fell, 40 or 50 miles, and it takes a while for all that rain to accumulate and come down to wash what happens is the


front as it moves down. It starts to get clogged with


that's in the wash, so there's dead trees, bushes, rocks, all kinds of things that want to slow the front down, since the front is slowing down, all the rain that fell has a chance to build up. near the front. of the wash, the


front is going down because the floor at the flood front will travel a little slower than the rest, so the front will arrive when it reaches where we are, 40 miles south, about a



for the first one, depending on how clogged owashi is, it can be a debris


for the first few minutes of the flood before it turns into a more watery substance, it's quite a sight and I'm pretty sure today we're going to have really nice cover, who else is dead, okay, so yeah, let's take you to a dangerous place, well, actually, what's dry cleaning like?
amazing flash flood debris flow southern utah hd
It kills me easily now, man, I've never seen that, I've never seen it in all the years they've been doing this. So here we are waiting again babe, say hi, that's my wife, that's right, it's a fellow


flood chaser, he's about to turn the bend, here's a black wall right up here, now go.
amazing flash flood debris flow southern utah hd

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