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Jun 10, 2021
Hello welcome back I'm Adam I'm Bretton we're the wall twins tonight we're cooking again that's right we're cooking up another Asian favorite Omg these Asian dishes have become so fun and easy to cook in the black and absolutely tasty. Amazing, oh my gosh, yes, what we're doing is combining a little bit of what we did with the teppanyaki bhaji cook and our live stir fry cook. Do you want to combine them and show you our version of





, that sounds like something you might be interested in seeing our version of this


dish and then stick around while we dig I can't believe the twins on the wall are there, that's one of them, that's the other one. the other one, like we said, welcome back, however, if this is your first time, welcome and consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you don't miss anything we do together, which is hanging out with cookies and laughing , have any moment, that's it, Brett is real.
amazing chicken fried rice on the blackstone griddle
Quick, let's talk about the edibles that are entering our




boom. By the way, I remember the first time I thought I wanted to make chicken fried rice. I thought I would never be able to do it. This is getting super difficult. Turns out it's not that difficult. What we have? So we threw four eggs. We basically measure the amount of eggs per cups of rice we use. Of course, we have rice. Four cups of rice. Jasmine rice. Two chicken breasts we have. In cubes we have half a medium onion diced and then we have the soy sauce, but today we used sweet soy sauce.
amazing chicken fried rice on the blackstone griddle

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amazing chicken fried rice on the blackstone griddle...

This is Adams' favorite soy sauce. I'm going to add just a little bit of sesame oil. just to give it more flavor, it's very aromatic and delicious, we have mixed vegetables and sesame seeds for the books and a little bit of flavor with your bite, which right now is one of the most important keys to creating this fried rice, it's similar to the teppanyaki cook in the sense that we had to prepare the rice before, we did this earlier today, it was in the refrigerator for about eight hours, oh, eight to ten hours, so the longer it's in there, the more it will dry out, which It's harder when you throw fresh rice on the black stone or a


becomes very sticky so the way you hear the sounds of Florida in the background nature those birds are prey to the wall the twins can't hear hey you know what always this is going to be a low level and Cook on low heat, we'll start with our chicken because the chickens will take longer.
amazing chicken fried rice on the blackstone griddle
Everything you'll see here will start relatively quickly and we'll continue to move forward, so once the chickens are ready, we'll add them. the vegetables are put together, simmered and then we mix the rice, we take the soy sauce and Roxy we put the soy sauce with the chicken and the soy sauce again with the rice so that everything works, we put the eggs at the end , mix them. all together and this is going to be a big mix now the vegetable mix we normally reuse just peas and we get peas in ink just a mix of peas and carrots however I was very surprised and went to the store the vegetables were gone , it was really very difficult.
amazing chicken fried rice on the blackstone griddle
I ended up buying a mix of veggies so I figured this will work just as well, remember, use whatever works for you, you could even do some sautéed veggies if you want, so let's go ahead and start getting this going, like this We also have two cloves of minced garlic that we'll throw in once we put the oil in, which will actually help season not only the chicken but everything else, so we're looking forward to that now, no salt or pepper, just what make. enter into this, you can salt and pepper to taste at the end yes, I have seen recipes and talked to people who use salt and pepper in this recipe.
I have learned with Asian dishes that it is best to cook without salt. pepper and let each person salt and pepper to their own palate, that's what we're going to do here, we made it perfect and we have our handy great vegetable oil, so first things first we're going to do, yeah, we're going to Put the oil in, we're working from left to right tonight, we're actually going to work from right to left, so our main cooking is going to be here on the rice, we're just putting in a little bit of oil for our chicken and what.
What we're going to do is while everything is cooking, we're going to move it all the way to the left as we're going to be using the left side of our warming station, that's right, we have our penalty, but the garlic and then the garlic can burn very fast, yes. quick go ahead and just throw that in yeah here we go okay pick those now with this we have a nice chicken but as we go we're actually going to chop it up we want to make it a lot finer like I said. this is low and slow, but it's been on for about five to seven minutes, so you can hear the sizzling, everything's ready, so I'm going to take this.
I'm left-handed. I start to get some chops here when it starts to cook, it gets a little bit. a little easier to cut. I'm going to go ahead and add a little bit of sesame oil. Now we use only one table. You confess that we only want a little bit and we will do it with every bit of port from this. cook now, oh that smells, what you need to do right now is the feet of your favorite asian restaurant because the twins on the wall just took you there in this vision of Mela, olorivision, this is, oh, it's going to get even better , things are thick and rich, labyrinthine, look at this. brother, okay, we have a lot of mouths to feed, let's cut this up a little bit, make sure we have enough chicken for everyone and I want the advantage of pre-cubing the chicken to be the fact that you can put it in, it's just been on.
Well, for a few minutes and the chickens are already cooked most of the time. If we were to just cheat with the two uncut chicken breasts, they will take a lot longer to cook, so actually pre-cut them if you want. even like thin slices of leg that will cook even faster and then you can take the chopper and just dice them that way too, so now for our chicken stir fry we leave the pieces like this and even a little bit bigger, but like this is the main focus is actually the fried rice, we're actually going to chop it up a little bit finer and keep playing with it as we go.
This is your plate, you can do whatever you want. want with you do everything Ross you Bob Ross what the hell do you give this chicken let's send this to our cold side now I'm going out of bed without oil go ahead and throw it good I'm going to Put some oil in there, these are frozen vegetables, but all we want to do is literally bring them up to temperature and then we'll get on with life and yes, you can put it even here because it will give you if they're cooking vegetables, don't worry, you don't have to defrost them, throw them right out of the freezer, that's fine, a little bit of sesame oil and a little bit of soy sauce, and now that good soy sauce, yes it is definitely a strong mixture of vegetables usually peas and carrots it is very useful, but we have a little bit of lime, let me know, Adam , here we have other green beans, oh yeah, put the onions here.
Are we doing everything with our onions? Yes, firm, okay, so we're going to add the onions here too in our mixture, it already smells very good. Now we want this to cook a little bit. In fact, when I do it, I don't want it to be completely cold. I want this to continue cooking, yes, you might want to put it back in a little bit here to the left, yes, we have plenty of room for rice, yes, we're going to do that now, on our hard stove and yaki we made 6 cups of rice. We're only making 4 of this, so we won't be cooking as much rice, it'll still be a big, messy cook, but that's okay.
I like it when the onions are really cooked. I'm not a big fan of onions, but I like it. when it's cooked, it's good, you get a nice rich flavor on those onions that aren't sauteed but definitely cooked, okay we'll give it another minute like I said, all I'm doing is heating this up, the cook for this is specific to the onions I want the onions to be well cooked here, we have our line of vegetables, so a little more oil for the ground, a little oil for the rice and we have a lot of rice, so we have a lot of oil, maybe a tablespoon .
Okay, I'm going to scrape this towards the black star and


. Okay, this is what we left in the refrigerator, so a little bit stuck together, okay, and we left it like that, we didn't cover it. because coveri will pick up the steam and therefore keep it nice and moist, but we don't want it to get wet, we want it to dry, all we're doing is mixing this, it's got a little bit of soy because it's left. since before we're going to put a lot more oh boy soy here oh man now once this is about to be to our liking we'll go ahead and put the eggs here now and I would say even a little more I'm brother okay so this is the fried rice portion, well, the fried rice dish right here, where the rice has already been cooked, now we're essentially frying it on the top of the griddle on the black stone, so tell me when you're ready. we'll give the eggs a good minute let me mix the color, make it nice and solid, that light brown from the soy, like the vegetables that are still cooking around here, push this a little bit, man, this smells so good it reminds me of When we made the bocce style teppanyaki cook, now these will give your hands a workout, man.
I'm fighting a war, but it's fun when we push this back, let's go ahead and bring some eggs here. You got it, buddy, so let me know. Ready. throw them all in, yes, I'll give you a big swath of area so you can put some oil or eggs. You want to make sure that most of the eggs don't stick, just a little of all of them may stick. the cook who has been working well, here we come, a hand and kind, you are always good, you always understood it first. I do just as I say, oh, that one came out good, he's okay, stop, he was sure to get something. egg there's a shell boom okay making sure we don't stay here let me get one more and you're a golden broom okay we've got four eights like we said we've got 4 cups ooh you've got shell here bro.
Yes, you have shell. Oh, Bret has failed, we have something to share, okay look at that, it just doesn't stick buddy, so I'm going to cook this for just a second, as soon as they're done, I'm going to mix it in with the rice. to rice, that rice looks and smells absolutely like me. I really want to take a fork and bite into it. I'll burn my mouth, so I was right, that's how I want it and that rice, brothers, yeah, just look at that color. smell that and now we go to the final step which is going to be mixing the egg and then once the egg is mixed it's going to be about mixing and everything else and that's a big mess our chicken fried rice. so that's cooked, let's throw this in here, let's assemble it now, when Adams is done here, he basically just turned off the heat and put everything together nicely, in fact, again, everything is cooked, now let's go ahead and kill. the heat all together because this is going to stay hot this is going to give me a nice warm surface on which to mix everything well so we actually draw that whole bag of vegetables that we looked at and we don't need as many vegetables no, I like chicken better Yes, thanks chicken fried.
This is a chicken and vegetable fryer. I said what we're going to do is we're going to take the rest of this. This will go on another plate. Oh man, I'm glad I caught that look at that mountain. of deliciousness right there, oh, I'm looking, what do you think? More sesame oil. More soy sites. You know, that will be something to try. This is almost perfect. Yes, it smells perfect. The chicken had a little soy, but that Ryan rice shows through. Right now some people don't like sweet soy sauce, this is how we make it. Some use just a regular soy slice.
I like it, right, and I've even seen where they just add salt. It's a little soy. salt, oh okay, yeah, so the last touch here Brett is going to pour a tiny amount, just a small amount, and he pours a little bit into my sesame pan. Now I have sesame seeds, when we made it with a teppanyaki cook, it was almost too much. Not very much, we're just using the white sesame seeds just to give it a little touch just for the top just to give it a nice color and make it look good with the cicadas buzzing in the background that we have, which tells us something else.
The Florida rain has come and gone, the night has come, we are happy to be here, we are happy to try this, it smells


, it is very similar to that teppanyaki cook, however, this is sweeter, like the stir fry we made while yes, absolutely everything that comes out of sesame, will you ever give it a small gift? I'm excited, this smells delicious and I'm not going to lie. I was worried about those vegetables, we didn't use all the vegetables and we removed them. on the side and this has a lot of vegetables with a lot of vegetables and it expired just because it's not peas and carrots that we normally put in this dish and not to mention the last time we made rice we made six cups this is four cups listen we made it This and you did it, what we thought worked along the way.
Now I know they say this can look delicious, which looks like a great old Asian delicacy. can smellincredible. Odorvision. I'm sure if anyone in the family is about to come. Come out and tell us it smells like help, yeah, but if this doesn't taste amazing then this was all for nothing, so let's move on, let's dig in, make sure you get some good chicken in this, yeah, some chicken, some rice , a little of everything, yes, wait. Man, wait, let's do this. I know. Greetings, how do we do that? My brother one more time and I'll say the veggie mix is ​​fine man but I'll tell you I still love it.onions the onions cooked perfectly yeah mmm those onions give it a perfect touch now the only thing we did was not add salt or pepper nothing else on this I'd like a little salt just from my personal palette otherwise this is perfect Outside of this this is restaurant quality dude if I was in a restaurant that's where I would be same thing I'd get and I put a little bit of salt in it, oh I won't even add salt, I'll just add a little bit. actually regular soy sauce, well maybe even a little more of that sweet soy sauce, sweet soy sauce is very sweet, good, but regular soy sauce, maybe a little yum-yum sauce , we didn't have sauce mmm, that would be my jam, I just took a big bite. two pieces of chicken and that was amazing, perfect, the chicken is cooked to perfection, it's not chewy, you can bite into it, it's the perfect cook.
I am very happy to have done this. I love how simple it is, if this helped you learn another one. fun easy fast aging asian dish something else you can cook on the black stone griddle make sure you approve of this; However, if you didn't like our version for some reason, you just didn't like this in general, we understand what it will do. Do it and press your thumb down twice because we are with you, we understand that we are not with you, we just understand that it is really delicious. I'm really excited about this one, but Brett, yeah, we have a lot of mouths. to fuel what we do, everyone is lighting up right now, we have to reach the masses so let's get out of here, but other than coming to prepare these amazing dishes on the black stone griddle or just cooking in general like we love to do .
Why else are we doing this? Because everything we do is twin no matter what and with that we say goodbye and don't forget to like, subscribe and register.

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