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Alphys Wrote ALL the True Lab Entries | Undertale Analysis

Jun 18, 2024
Well. It's 2024 and I can't believe I have to say this, but W.D Gaster did NOT write the


we see in True Lab. I know it's a strong statement, but with a recent theory circulating, the discussion has been reignited and I feel the need to make a more focused video explaining why neither Sans nor Gaster


half the


, because I'm tired of people making Alphys. dirty and misunderstanding the context. So let's start with one of the most obvious points I've seen. Time and time again, people use inconsistent capitalization to imply that a different character


some of the entries due to the precedent set by Sans and Papyrus, but immediately, this is false.
alphys wrote all the true lab entries undertale analysis
Do you want proof? Look at Alphys' letter before entering the laboratory. As you can see, Alphys wrote this letter with proper grammar. As for his text messages… It is


that some of them have lowercase letters and also include emoticons. Keep this in mind for later, but also keep in mind that Alphys is not consistent in the way he texts. Sometimes he capitalizes words for emphasis, like a Homestuck character, as in his review of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2. But also keep in mind that there's a big difference between online status updates and professional writing . The game itself confirms that the first entries are Alphys.
alphys wrote all the true lab entries undertale analysis

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alphys wrote all the true lab entries undertale analysis...

Look no further than entry number 1 here... "*This is... *It is time to do what the King has asked me to do. *I will create the power to free us all. *I will unleash the power of the SOUL ." Now, watch Alphys' speech at the end of True Lab... "As you probably know, ASGORE asked me to study the nature of souls." So far this lines up with the first proper grammar report. Later in the reports, we have this... "*I have done it. *Using the blueprints, I have extracted it from human SOULS. *I believe this is what gives their SOULS the strength to persist after death *The will to continue living... *The determination to change destiny *Let's call this power... *”Determination.” Now, compare this with his speech. "During my research, I isolated a power I called determination.
alphys wrote all the true lab entries undertale analysis
I injected it into dying monsters so that their souls would endure after death." Now, you could say that Alphys lies to claim credit for someone else's work, but...why? The True Lab is clearly framed as Alphys' story. His leitmotif is in Here We Are. The lead-up is her date and she admits her faults and wants to do something about it. At the end of neutrality, Flowey even nudges you so you can get to know her better. EVERYTHING points to Alphys. Furthermore, her letter makes it clear that she wants to clear up her mistakes once and for all.
alphys wrote all the true lab entries undertale analysis
Also, if you want more proof that Alphys is the one who discovered determination, look no further than Toby's own comments in the Book of Location Legends, page 89. He said: "Determination" also happens to be Alphys' keyword for an actual physical substance that he injects into monsters, one that humans naturally produce in large quantities. The substance has the following properties: - Creatures with too much of it cannot die (determination). - The being with the most "Determination" in the underground has the power to change fate and use the game's save/load system. More like cut and dried, right? Straight from the dog's mouth.
So ask yourselves, why would Toby say this, only to turn True Lab's essential story into a character that most players, unaware of the funny events or the fandom's fixation on him, will never hear about? Fun events rely heavily on RNG. The odds of getting any of the Gaster Follower events are slim, and even if you get the corresponding fun value, the chances of them appearing are not guaranteed. I get that the Gaster mystery is appealing, but from a narrative perspective, it just doesn't make sense and turns what is an elegant, focused arc in which Alphys is thrust into a position of responsibility in an unprecedented field of study into a mess. complicated that only people who are deeply immersed in the fandom will be able to fully understand it.
Gaster is obviously more important to Deltarune, and while it's valid to get involved in the mystery and contemplate what he did as a Royal Scientist, I'd say attributing Alphys' work to him is lazy... The on-screen footage is a garbage can with All of the True Lab entries in chronological order, which I used as a reference to sort them in my Alphys video. As you can see, entries 1-8 have proper grammar. Entries 9 through 13 are all lowercase, but in entry 14, when the monsters wake up, the grammar returns to normal. This continues in entry 15, where Alphys talks about it being a happy ending and how he plans to send the monsters home.
The SOULS and the ship, Flowey, return to Asgore, and everything seems great... Entry fifteen even features a smiley face. Who else do we know who uses emoticons? Alfis. Until everything goes to shit and in entry 16 he loses his polished grammar again. His unused 17th entry also lines up with his speech at the end of the real laboratory. Note: This is different from Gaster's seventeenth entry. "Monsters' physical forms cannot handle 'determination' like humans. With too much determination, our bodies begin to decompose. They all melt..." And in his speech, "You see, unlike humans , the monsters' bodies do not have enough...
Physical matter to take those 'determination' concentrations. Their bodies began to melt and lost the physicality they had. Very soon, all the test subjects had melted into... Those. "I saw them like that, I knew... I couldn't tell their families." Entry number 19 also adds to this account "*families keep calling me to ask when everyone will come home. *what am I supposed to say? *I don't even answer the phone anymore." But also, if you look at each lowercase entry, they are written when Alphys is distressed or depressed. In entries 9 to 12, she laments that nothing is working. The vessel, Flowey, still has not awakened, and none of the other flowers he had experimented with have shown any reaction to the determination.
He also comments on the sticky seeds. Now remember, the Golden Flowers are from the surface. Metro are in Asgore's throne room, where Asriel died, the garbage man, where Alphys goes all the time, and the beginning of the Ruins, where Chara was buried. Entry number 11 covers her lament for Mettaton's fame and how. she feels abandoned by him, while also emphasizing how her EX body makes her sweat. Obviously this is about Alphys and not Sans, who for some reason people also attribute the lowercase entries to But we know that Alphys created the body. of Mettaton, and the sweating reaction is very characteristic of it.
She was the one who proposed the design to him, and it was she who has a close friendship with him in addition to his own insecurities, making it clear that she does not want to be left behind. So if he needs decisive proof that the tickets weren't Sans, there he has it. Continuing, in Entry number 12, she says that she will continue to inject determination into the monsters, which leads to Entry number 13, where one of the monsters wakes up and then, the grammar resumes until the fusion occurs. Inconsistent grammar is not intended to convey two characters. It is an environmental narrative.
It communicates how the experiments started out promising and Alphys was full of confidence and hope until everything seemed to stagnate, only for her to regain that spark of hope before everything fell apart. Additionally, her end-of-lab speech uses the same type of formal academic explanation that the previous reports use, further tying them to her character. It's easy to lose track of this when all the entries are out of order, but I'll link to the Pastebin in the description, as well as the section of my larger Alphys


that goes through each report to present the order of events. more consistently… As a final point on grammatical inconsistencies, I would be remiss not to mention Sans.
There are many occasions where she slips into proper grammar and Undertale's default font when she speaks, usually when she is serious or threatening. The Last Corridor is a good example of this, starting with a portrait with no dialogue and normal text. This further shows that Toby uses changes in grammar to communicate tone, further cementing Toby's intention with the lowercase entries. Still, there are a few other points I've seen that I want to address... Editing Dorked here with a brief addendum! A few days ago, the Undertale Valentine's newsletter came out, which includes 44 different cards written by various characters.
Alphys had three, including an anonymous card, and they were all written with proper grammar. So, for those who still want to argue, there is recent evidence. Additionally, Mew Mew Kissy Cutie's review of her in Chapter 1 of Deltarune also uses proper grammar. So there you have it. Without a doubt, there is no indication that Alphys cannot write with proper grammar or that this is inconsistent with Toby's writing style. One of the previous reports says this: "*I have chosen a candidate. *I haven't told ASGORE yet, because I want to surprise him with it... *In the center of his garden, there is something special. *The first golden flower , which grew before all the others. *The flower of the outside world *Appeared just before the queen left *I wonder... *What happens when something without a SOUL gains the will to live? to the comment about the queen due to Alphys' reaction to Toriel in the True Pacifist reunion scene But just because Alphys doesn't recognize Toriel doesn't mean she doesn't know there was a queen, since in the imperfect ending, she's not surprised. that Toriel exists, but that she is attractive.
While it is


that Alphys has access to the tapes of the royal family, those tapes do not have any images and, therefore, all she had to listen to was Toriel's voice. common monsters mention a queen, as well as Asriel and Chara in the walk through the New Home. This is common knowledge. There is no way Alphys doesn't know that Asgore had a son and therefore a wife. Being surprised by how much Toriel looks like Asgore doesn't mean she's completely ignorant. And as for how Alphys was able to work with the first flower when Asriel died so long ago… Let's not forget, the flower grew from the dust of a Boss Monster.
Boss Monsters are special monsters, stronger than the rest, that are usually immortal unless they have living parents or children. Asriel aged while he was alive, obviously, but it's entirely possible that his dust had some latent properties that influenced the flower's lifespan... or that the Golden Flowers simply have a long lifespan. Either Asgore takes care of them so well or he uses some kind of magic to help them survive the same way monsters' food doesn't spoil. As for how she knew it's the first flower, it's obvious that it has a lot of sentimental value to Asgore, so it's very likely that she knew about it because she talked to him.
It could be a fun fact that she shared. It could be that this flower was larger than the others or any other number of differences and distinctions. The fact of the matter is that the first flower is Flowey. Not an unrelated flower that Gaster experimented with. The reason Flowey has memories of being Asriel is because the flower grew from his dust. The flower was also returned to the throne room, as mentioned in entry number 15. "*It seems like this investigation was a dead end... *But at least we got a happy ending...? *I sent the SOULS and the vessel Back to ASGORE, I returned the vessel to their garden. *And I called all the families and told them they were all alive *I'll send them all back tomorrow :)" Flowey's own account in No Mercy. also adds to this.
And we know that Flowey went through a lot of careers and did a lot of things, but he always restarted them. However, in entry number 18, the flower is no longer there. This will likely occur after Flowey has gotten bored of restarting and is in the Ruins or somewhere else. Maybe hanging out with Papyrus. Don't you see how elegant everything looks if you leave out injecting Gaster into the Determination Experiments? Everything connects seamlessly and works well into True Lab's narrative as Alphys's story and experiments. Injecting Gaster not only overcomplicates this narrative, but it also feels lazy when Gaster's own 17th entry, with its talk of negative photon readings and darker than dark, feels much more tied to what we know of Deltarune , leaving room for a host. of fun interpretations.
It also makes Alphys' reaction when Papyrus mentioned Flowey make a lot more sense. Another point of controversy I've seen is entry number 2, which says: "*The barrier is blocked by the power of the SOUL... *Unfortunately, this power cannot be recreated artificially. *The power of the SOUL can only be derived from what was once alive. *So, to create more, we will have to use what we have now... *TheSOULS of the monsters." Some have interpreted this to mean that this was before humans fell, but there is a crucial problem with this: the experiments still required DT, which was derived from human souls.
A much simpler explanation for this is that Alphys was referring to the fact that they did not have the seven human souls needed to break the barrier. Ergo, to supplement a seventh soul, she needed to find a way to create more soul power. "If you look at entry number 3." *But extracting a SOUL from a living monster would require incredible power... *In addition to being impractical, doing so would instantly destroy the SOUL's host. *And, unlike the lingering SOULS of humans... *The SOULS of most monsters disappear immediately upon death. *If only I could make a monster's SOUL last..." This not only serves as foreshadowing for later, but also how Flowey absorbed all the monsters' souls while still alive thanks to the power of the six human souls. , but the further mention of the consistency of the human soul leads to later reports, where she discusses the discovery and extraction of determination.
For, again, she later states: "As you probably know, ASGORE asked me to study the nature of souls." every reason to want an alternative. Asgore doesn't want to take another human life. By his own admission, he never wanted to and simply acted out of rage. By the time DT's experiments are carried out, they most likely already had six souls and. , therefore, Asgore has an immense burden on his shoulders. By entrusting Alphys with DT's experiments, his goal was probably to find a more humane substitute. There is even foreshadowing of this in Mettaton's cooking show. While it's easy to dismiss this as a joke, Toby has a way of taking jokes and gags and turning them into plot points later on.
Mettaton's diaries document his bond with Alphys before she became a Royal Scientist, with her meeting him in the human fan club and Alphys sharing designs for the ideal body she wants to make with Mettaton. They also mention at the beginning that Shyren's sister fell. Some have expressed concern about how the deadlines are aligned. If Shyren's sister had fallen before Alphys became a scientist, how was Alphys able to experiment on her? There is a really simple explanation. Fallen monsters remain in a coma for quite some time. The game never indicates how quickly they turn to dust after entering this state.
We know from Bratty and Catty that Alphys got her job shortly after showing Asgore Mettaton. I think the most likely outcome is that all of this happened very quickly. It would also add to the tragedy, as Alphys barely had time to deal with her new role before she was assigned such an urgent experiment. Another really important thing to point out is that none of the appropriately capitalized entries sound even remotely like Gaster. There is a consistent pattern to the way Gaster speaks and writes. He uses capital letters in short, fragmented sentences. This is clearly seen in the Goner Maker segment of Deltarune, as well as whenever Gaster takes over Undertale's Twitter account before the chapters release.
He compares this to the speaking in both sets of True Lab entries and it doesn't really hold up under scrutiny. Especially when you consider his own entry number 17, which reads: “ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN DARKER EVEN DARKER THE DARKNESS CONTINUES TO GROW THE SHADOWS CUTTING DEEPER PHOTON READINGS NEGATIVE THIS NEXT EXPERIMENT LOOKS VERY VERY INTERESTING… WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK ?" This aligns with the short passages of text, broken up by line breaks, with a general lack of punctuation overall. Gaster using Twitter would imply that Gaster is typing, so if entries are written, why would he have such different gestures?
From a characterization standpoint, this also falls apart under scrutiny, as the character's voice is one of the things Toby is most skilled at, and any deviations, such as Sans being more serious, are done with a purpose. Even with Alphys' entries, the correctly capitalized passages still feel like her. That said, there's another oddity I want to talk about... The idea that Gaster successfully did what Alphys couldn't before Alphys even tried also doesn't hold up under scrutiny. The concept of Gaster injecting DT into Dogamy, Dogaressa, and Gerson has no real relationship to the canon text and seems like a complication at best to me, as interesting as it may be in a fan work.
Gerson is old, yes, and he's been around since the war, but a) we don't know the lifespan of every monster species other than a boss monster, and b) he's a turtle. Turtles actually have a very, very long lifespan, so Toby's decision to make one for Gerson is probably a play on that aspect of turtles and nothing more. I've seen a theory that he's a Boss Monster and that's why he's dead in Deltarune, because of his children, but we have no indication that Alvin or any of his other children don't exist in Undertale just because we No. see it, so that's up in the air.
As for Dogamy and Dogaressa, you can absolutely read them as old people due to their poor eyesight and the fact that they were present for the '98 Nose Nuzzling Championship. I personally talk about this in my Undertale timeline video... but there is no need to inject them. DT to make this a thing. Again, we don't know the average lifespan of a monster compared to that of humans, only that normal monsters age and eventually die. Plus, it raises too many questions. Endogeny was carried out with the parents of the entire canine unit, including the Canine Marriage. Their parents would be older than them and would enter the fallen state, which is a state that monsters enter before they die.
Also, if this had been done successfully, why only them? Why don't the dog couple or Gerson mention this? While there's certainly nothing wrong with using such an idea or an AU or a fanfic, as I said, ultimately it just doesn't match what we know of Undertale's history, and I personally find the implication that Gaster is just "Alphys but Better" really frustrating when all we know about Gaster in the context of Undertale is that he created the CORE and it fell into one of his own creations and shattered. He wasn't perfect and yet so often people in this fandom try to paint him as such.
And it's true that Gaster's Followers discuss how Asgore took his time replacing him, so there's no doubt he was skilled. He created the CORE and is clearly connected to whatever is going on in Deltarune, but you don't need to take away the achievements and work of another more central character to make Gaster interesting. In fact, I would say doing so does the opposite. It opens up plots, such as why Alphys would be tasked with doing this again, especially when the goals of his experiment required the monsters to die so their souls could be preserved with DT.
See here in entry number 3. Immortal monsters were never the goal. If there were a precedent in this regard, the DT would have been completely ruled out. And while it's true that Alphys worked from blueprints to make the Determination Extractor, whether you attribute it to Gaster or not, it doesn't necessarily mean that Gaster would have used it the same way or even called it the same thing. manner. And it is still debatable whether or not they were Gaster's plans. The DT extractor looks more like Gyftrot than Gaster blasters, so appearance isn't necessarily an indication, and there are blueprints in Sans' lab that are ambiguously described as strange symbols (which would point to Gaster) or bad handwriting ( which would point to Alfis).
Those plans may also not be related to the DT extractor and instead may also be related to the broken machine. It is quite possible that Alphys was following his own blueprints or referencing a different machine and reusing it. Toby is no stranger to vague or strange phrasing, when considering Seam's description of Spade King's rise to power and how they say, "The remaining king put him and his strange son into power." We know that in Chapter 2 the Knight is only referred to with them and that, so it's likely that what this dialogue meant was "The remaining king put himself and his strange son in power." Basically, I mention this to say that "the blueprints" are inconclusive evidence that the machine was not Alphys' own work.
It's fun to speculate on, perhaps, and given the nature of the dark worlds in Deltarune, it's possible that Gaster came to similar ideas and conclusions independently, but independently, when it comes to Undertale's main story, the determined work was Alphys's work, and we have nothing linking Gaster to that specific set of experiments. It's easy to get carried away with the mystery of Gaster and want to inject it into what we know about the True Lab, since he was the previous Royal Scientist. I'm not saying that people are wrong to theorize and speculate, but I truly believe that people attribute too much importance to Gaster in the central events of the Undertale story.
As I said before, he's a character you can go the entire game without knowing about, so why would Toby sneakily make him the true driving force behind a sequence of events that are central to Alphys' development arc? It really seems like this mentality is because people don't like Alphys anymore, but they find Gaster attractive because of how mysterious he is and want to give him more of an impact in the context of Undertale. Again, speculative fanwork is great, but I really think it's a discredit not only to Alphys but also to Gaster to act like the two of them do the exact same thing, when there's so much more you can do with the character and so many more mysteries to follow. discover. consider.
What's up with Goner Maker in Deltarune? What happens to the creepy green menu when you start saving again? What's with all the meta knowledge he gives the secret bosses? Is Deltarune Gaster the same as Undertale Gaster? These are all avenues worth pursuing that don't eliminate Alphys' agency and importance to Undertale's plot. But let me know what you think in the comments! I'd love to hear what the guys think of it. Also, if you missed it, I posted a video about Gerson a few months ago that unfortunately only reached around 20,000 views. If you want to learn more about Undertale's coolest NPC, consider checking him out!
And if you would like to support me financially and help me continue producing videos like this and other creative jobs full-time, please consider visiting my Patreon page. There are a lot of cool perks, from early access scripts, user surveys, WIP story drafts, concept art, and more. My next video will be a user-voted topic about how the Undertale fandom overlooks the central themes and metanarrative of Undertale's No Mercy and revisits what it set out to do. Stay tuned for that in the future! I'm also streaming Persona 3 Reload on my Twitch channel and hope to upload the vods soon.
The videos themselves probably won't appear in the list, but the playlist will be public. I also hope to upload a corrected version of the Undertale Yellow playthrough video soon and do so again in the near future. Thank you so much for watching and have a great day!

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