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All proven strategies to stop Procrastinating Explained in 5 Minutes

Jun 23, 2024
Have you ever felt like you have a lot to do but can't get started? Do you find yourself scrolling through social media watching Netflix or doing anything other than the task at hand? If you answered yes, then you are


. Procrastination is common. A problem that affects millions of people around the world, it can have negative effects on our health, happiness and productivity and can prevent us from achieving our goals and living our best lives, but the question is: why do we procrastinate and how can we overcome it? ? In this video, I'll explain





procrastination and help you achieve your goals before you start.
all proven strategies to stop procrastinating explained in 5 minutes
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ping procrastination is to identify the root cause. Procrastination is not a sign of laziness or lack of motivation. Motivation is a complex psychological phenomenon that involves emotions, beliefs, and habits. There are many reasons why we procrastinate, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, low self-esteem, boredom, anxiety, or lack of interest in stopping


. We need to understand what is holding us back and address it. The underlying problem One way to do this is to ask yourself the following questions: What is the task I am avoiding?
all proven strategies to stop procrastinating explained in 5 minutes

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all proven strategies to stop procrastinating explained in 5 minutes...

Why am I avoiding her? How do I feel when I think about doing it? What are the consequences of not doing so? What are the benefits? Doing so by answering these questions will give you more clarity and insight into your procrastination problem. Step number two: challenge your negative thoughts. One of the main reasons we procrastinate is because we have negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and the task these thoughts may be. irrational, unrealistic or exaggerated and can affect our mood, motivation and behavior, for example, you may think things like I can't do this, it's too difficult, I don't like it, it's boring and tedious.
all proven strategies to stop procrastinating explained in 5 minutes
I'll do it later, when I feel more prepared. The thoughts can make you feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. To stop procrastinating, you need to challenge these negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones, for example, you can say things like "I can do this." I've done similar things before I had enough time and energy. and resources to do this, if I plan and prioritize, I may not like it, but it is important and valuable to me. I will do it now because the sooner you start, the sooner you end up changing your thoughts, you will change your feelings and your actions.
all proven strategies to stop procrastinating explained in 5 minutes
More confident, optimistic and motivated, and you will be more likely to start and complete the task. You can change your negative thoughts using a technique called cognitive restructuring which involves writing down your thoughts, identifying distortions, and finding evidence to support or refute them. You can also use affirmations which are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to increase your self-esteem and self-efficacy, for example you can say things like I am capable and competent I am worthy and deserving I am proactive and productive I am focused and determined I am successful and we achieved the step Number three we set smart goals another reason we procrastinate is because we don't have clear and specific goals, we may not know what we want to achieve or how to achieve it, this makes us feel confused, directionless or overwhelmed to stop procrastinating.
You need to set smart goals Your goals should be specific, trackable, achievable and relevant to your interests By setting smart goals you will have a clear vision and plan for your task You will also have a sense of direction and motivation and you will be able to monitor and celebrate your progress and achievements Step number four Break up the task One of the main reasons we procrastinate is because we feel overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the task. To stop procrastinating, we need to break down the task into the smallest, simplest parts we need. To break down the task into manageable chunks that we can handle easily and quickly, one way to do this is to use a technique called the Pomodoro Technique which involves working on the task for 25


followed by a 5-minute break after four pomodoros you take. longer break 15 to 30


step number five eliminate distraction another big reason we procrastinate is because we get easily distracted by things that are more fun, interesting or urgent than the task;
We may be tempted by social media, emails, phone calls, games, or other activities. that offer instant gratification and pleasure, we can also be interrupted by external factors such as noise, people or events that demand our attention and time. One way to do this is to use a technique called the 10-minute rule, which involves setting a timer for 10 minutes. and commit to working on the task without interruptions step six get support and accountability the final reason we procrastinate is because we lack support and accountability

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