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All Iced Coffee Drinks Explained: Cold Brew vs Iced Latte vs Frappe and more!

May 03, 2024
In our popular video above, we showed you all the espresso


you can order at the


shop and in this video we want to show you all the






options. Behind the bar is Denis Kramář, head of coffee at Rebel Bean, who is ready to show you and explain 10


ranging from Iced Latte, Frappé, Cold Brew, Espresso Tonic or Affogato. Let's get into it! Alright, let's start with Iced Espresso or Espresso on Ice. Are you ready? Sure! Well, let's get into it! There are two ways to do it. The first is to pour the drink directly over the ice and the other is to pour it separately and then pour it over the rocks.
all iced coffee drinks explained cold brew vs iced latte vs frappe and more
We prefer the former because it gives the espresso time to cool a little and when you pour it you are serving it ready. So one of the simplest


coffee drinks you can order, Espresso on Ice or Iced Espresso, is basically espresso straight into ice. Shakerato is a slightly different way to make espresso over ice. You put the espresso in the shaker with a little bit of sugar and you just shake it and it forms a really nice foam and everything is kind of connected. This drink is called Shakerato and it consists of a double shot of espresso, a little sugar and shaken with ice in the shaker and then served in some of these elegant glasses.
all iced coffee drinks explained cold brew vs iced latte vs frappe and more

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all iced coffee drinks explained cold brew vs iced latte vs frappe and more...

Iced Cappuccino is a drink with milk and an espresso. We prepare the milk in the steam wand, we create a microfoam but we do not heat it to normal temperature so that the ice does not melt when we pour it on top. And first there is ice, then milk and a drink on top. So this is the iced cappuccino. A single shot of Espresso lightly foams the milk and we put everything on ice. The preparation is completely the same as the Iced Cappuccino but there is


milk, it is like almost double the milk. Well, this is Iced Latte and as a bonus, I get a straw so I can drink it like this.
all iced coffee drinks explained cold brew vs iced latte vs frappe and more
Frappé, it has roots in Greece and our adaptation is to make Frappé with an espresso machine, so it's a shot of espresso, 100 ml of milk, a little bit of simple syrup and everything is mixed in a frappé machine and poured over ice. I mean, the funny thing is the sweetness because it has a little sugar and it's super original because it has a lot of foam and it's really refreshing. Well, this is Frappé, a traditional Greek iced coffee drink that the baristas here at Vlnena adapt. Cappuccino Freddo, I think our way of preparing it is a little different than usual.
all iced coffee drinks explained cold brew vs iced latte vs frappe and more
We made a Double Espresso, poured it over ice and then made the milk in the Frappé machine and then poured it on top of the Espresso so it was like two different layers. It's almost like Irish coffee, but a little different.  Well, this beauty is Cappuccino Freddo, which is a double dose of espresso and frothed milk from the blender. Cold Brew coffee is a drink that is prepared from coffee extracted at low temperatures with a slightly high proportion and we leave it for about 12 hours and then we put it in the jars or in the cup.
Okay, this is Cold Brew coffee. This particular one is made with washed Rwandan coffee. And then we have Nitro and it's the same drink but nitrogen infused and on tap. The difference is that nitrogen gives the coffee


body and a very pleasant velvety texture. I mean, nitrogen is like a preservative, so it keeps the coffee fresh for almost a week. Well, this is Nitro Coffee, which is



coffee with nitrogen that creates this beautiful cascading effect and also creates a nice creamy, velvety texture. Affogato is a drink originally from Italy and is a combination of vanilla ice cream and espresso.
Just put ice cream in the jar and then pour espresso on top and just eat it with the spoon, it's almost like a dessert. Well, this is Affogato, which is vanilla ice cream and espresso. It's more of a coffee desert, I would say, it's one of my favorite things during the summer. Espresso Tonic, it's quite an unusual combination, but I really like it. I mean, it's just tonic water with a shot of espresso. It is bitter, sweet and very balanced. And it's a really refreshing cold summer coffee drink that became very popular recently and is a nice mix of the bitterness and brightness of tonic water and the acidity and sweetness of espresso.
Well, let's summarize them one more time.  I should mention that these are not universal recipes. They can vary greatly around the world.  We asked Denis to show us the drinks as they are served at the café in Brno. Iced Espresso or Espresso on Ice is a shot of espresso poured over ice and served in a small glass cup.  Shakarato is a Double Espresso shaken with a little sugar and ice cubes and then strained into a glass. Ice Cappuccino is a slightly frothy, more whipped milk poured over ice in a glass with a single shot of espresso on top.
Iced Latte is almost the same as Iced Cappuccino, only more milk is served in a taller glass.   Frappé consists of a shot of espresso, 100 ml of milk and a little syrup, all mixed together and poured over ice in a tall glass. Cappuccino Freddo is a double espresso served over ice and topped with a layer of cold, frothy milk. Cold Brew coffee is coffee brewed in low-temperature water for a long time, usually 12 to 24 hours, and served in the glass over ice. Nitro Coffee is a nitrogen cold brew coffee that is often stored in a keg and served from the tap.
Affogato is a coffee dessert that consists of a shot of espresso served over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Espresso Tonic is a simple coffee cocktail consisting of tonic water poured over ice in a glass and then topped with a shot of Single Espresso. Very well, that's all. We show you 10 cold coffee drinks that you can order and try. I hope you enjoyed it and let us know which one is your favorite. We hope to see you in the next video! Bye bye!

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