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all he has to do is live in a grocery store?

Apr 12, 2024
door. and while you're cleaning out the freezers, I want to tell you about Shopify. Shopify helped pay for this



and an exchange wanted it to promote one of the millions of businesses they support and power if only we had a bag we could. put these things on to keep him cold and together we elect King, you know what I respect and appreciate, like Jimmy could have done this like, um, I don't know him, I'm sorry, that's how when he calls me Dean, Mr. Beast, I could have done it. He did this as a challenge where he says, "Oh, now you have W Twist, you feel me," but instead of wasting the food for a Twist, he says, "You're going to donate this right now." Chandler, what if I told you there are 12 packs of soda inside and it can keep us cold inside for up to 7 hours?
all he has to do is live in a grocery store
That's a lot of time. I got the best transition. I got individual sausages. Sausages with cheese. Tango coolers are heavy duty and insulated so you can carry them when you meet us at the front, have you ever been a cashier before? Wait, scan twice, wait, you can have the Kang cooler, you can put a human head in here anyway, click on the description L down now I'm going to Go and help them scan some meat. Here's our meat receipt. Here's your $10,000. You also have a Kango cooler here. Oh, that's great, by the way, Alex, I'm going to Africa for a week.
all he has to do is live in a grocery store

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all he has to do is live in a grocery store...

At this time, I once again had to leave to film. The video in Africa where I built a number one 100 Wells is Alex spending the rest of the day rushing to sell all the frozen food so he could donate it because from now on I'll be scanning things in the dark to give away. the chip, turn on the power, it's going to suck, I'm not going to lie, running out of power affected Alex a lot more than I thought. I guess the food wasn't the only thing they checked, I wonder if you can turn around. a forklift oh, watch out in aisle 7, what the


is turning into a wasteland, sun, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back to this dock door, some daylight hits my face , get some fresh air because this is not going to work, it's so cute, right?
all he has to do is live in a grocery store
Here I will help me get through the dark days. It's the 36th. I received $360,000. Why stop now? I have to keep loading these cars. I have a lot of food to just spend cars and funds of money and wait, wait for the days to pass. The most exciting part of my day is being so close to the red line. I'm sad, that's too tempting, brother. Nothing has ever been sad in my life. Living in a


store. Coffee, food and a lot of money. I'm so far ahead at the checkouts I still don't want to do anything there's nothing to do everything that stands between me my wife my kids is this line right here the lights are off being so close to the red line realizing I can Going to see my family is super tempting every day now this trip I know there are a ton of popsicles there yet I haven't even dug into some glasses ice packs oh what the fuck what I just found instant start quick pack Nice flashlight I got five of them i just turned them on all of them are blaring right now it definitely lights up the whole space really good i feel like i can really hang out here again 39 here another 10K yeah come on dude it's crazy i have all this money, but there's nothing I can do with this money while I'm here except look at it, well, you can't look at it.
all he has to do is live in a grocery store
It's really dark in here, so I'm going to bring some lights. Are you serious about filming? Alright? What are you going to do for the rest of the time you're here? Something I definitely want to do is go ahead and just go through all these shells with the forklift. Oh, you asked for this to happen. It's time for me to be gone. We're not here anymore, see you tomorrow, here's your Brom, thanks guys, enjoy participating after spending a whole day cleaning up Chris's mess. Alice took advantage of the newly opened space to install a pool she found in the back.
I'm going to drag the Hose here, put it in this pool and tomorrow sometime we will have a supermarket pool. It's been over a week and Chandler won't tell me what happened while he was away. This place looks completely different. Oh God, open the doors that I could see. Here, where did it all go? We did a little remodeling while you were away. Looks like someone gave Chris a forklift. It all makes sense now. Do you wear socks? It is very cold. Do what you normally do in the pool. I just float around it. It was fun and all, but I think we should go, thanks for the groceries, enjoy your pool, okay.
I'm going to take everything from the back and put it here, organize it and who knows, maybe there will be something fun in there, there are only so many days you can stay anyway because how many more things worth $10,000 can you give away? It's cooking. I don't even think I can do more than 50 days max, which would be $500,000. It's no secret at this point. Alex was pretty. tired and while he was making his rounds on the forklift something unexpected happened oh CP oh no no no God oh friend no oh my God I was trying to turn one direction and it just went the opposite direction oh my God my damn money is soaked there's a pile of ruined produce it's so deep right here it's in my space it's all over the grocery store dude I'm done man hey in the chat said W water park let's go Alex dude why is it so wet in here?
Yeah ew, oh Alex, your golden car is waiting, oh look at you in bed, good dog, I'm fine, man, you look like a defeated man, yeah, I broke the pool, how do you break a pool? So I was driving to drop something off. paddles and tried to turn and it just turned in the opposite direction. I was like I'm not Al, so this whole thing got wet. How many more weeks do you have left? I'm just taking it day by day right now. It depends on how much longer. I can go so if you see like a spider in your bed tomorrow you leave oh 100% I don't think he has many days left this will be over soon you guys want to come hang out hell no you're depressing that's what the store was like when Alex started the challenge and this is what it looks like now, so day four 44 it's almost dark outside Jimmy hasn't come today.
I have things I need to sell. to move these things to the back, hopefully someone will bring me the $10,000 today, maybe they just forgot, if it stays for a year, that's not possible because there are no things for a year there, it's very lonely here. I'm just going to do it, I guess. Sit in my chair until they bring me some money, what are you seriously saying? Damn, can't even have human interaction bro, this is the first interaction I've had all day and it's the damn robot, thanks for the money. Nice, even Jimmy wants to come here. for a minute this is how depressing this place is now I can't say I honestly blame it that's why the robot will never be the same it's always better when a human leaves you your money bro stop pretending like I don't understand what I have.
I mean bro what I said made so much sense God I'm driving my family crazy it's the 45th and Chandler how would you say he's doing that? It's a complete bore, you're just hitting the ground with the bat. I would feel bad for him. except he won $450,000 and he can leave whenever he wants, so it'll be fine Alex, hey, we were watching on the cameras, you looked really sad, yeah, I'm pretty bored, well, here's $10,000, are you less bored? Help a little, how many weeks are left? You have I don't know if I have an hour left Jimmy Oh, really, let's see your sea of ​​money here.
This is all the money you have earned so far. 450 grand. Are you saying you're happy with that? Wait a second, I have a surprise that might help you decide what was definitely a voiceover, but okay, again, hey babe, what the hell how many times did she see his family, bro, what can't I help it? It would be for the biggest haters on Twitch right now, man, I'm one of the biggest haters on this bro, I swear to God, I'm a man, okay, why wear your shoes? Your shirt to make it clear. I didn't take the shoes from him.
I do not know why. he doesn't wear shoes these are all the things this money is going towards it's that crazy I can't even understand another 5 days do you think it's worth it what's the verdict make tons of money keep tons of money you I already did it honestly, she ain't worth staying Jimmy you set it up bro you're nuclear oh man come on bro she ain't GNA tell her this come on you can do it stay there for more money she gon' say come on boy , let me suck on that, but. That's what she's going to say brother, come on Jimmy, you knew it, okay, then let's get the money, you knew it, brother, okay, Alex, this second you step on the red, it's over.
I can move all the money back, we can move on, it's yours. decision, okay, bring it back, okay, bring it back. Just kidding, Alex spent 45 days in the store and left with 450,000. This is what I know. This is probably much harder than any of us could imagine. I can only imagine. Bro, I know it sounds easy, you're just chilling in a grocery store, but there's really nothing to do, bro, and boredom is one of the most dangerous things on the planet, as is isolation. I had both, but can you imagine if in 10 years I will be there?
Damn bro, I wish I had $20,000 to buy this new car, all I'd have to do is stay here for two more days, but that's a bad way to look at it, but that's how my brain would think of it. I'm like a fucking brother, in the future, if I was like a brother, it would be nice to have 50,000 for a down payment on whatever and I don't have 50,000. It would be like I only stayed there for five more days. I can't believe this, oh, they're going to tax you, no, tax calculator, North Carolina, so let's say this brought in 450,000.
What are all these numbers? Just tell me how much they're going to tax you. Your estimated bi-weekly take-home pay is 11,000, boom, then. let's take that calculator and put that number in, okay, let's just write it down 11,632, okay, multiplied by 12, no, that's not possible, sem my monthly good, multiplied by two, I'm stupid, $279,000, I raised all that for $279,000, which It's still a ton of money, but the way you were dividing the money, you're going to put this amount on the car, this amount on the house, this amount on whatever you're going to have to choose which ones are important to you now because you only have 279,000 of that.
There are 180 missing, this is very sick, congratulations Alex, shout out to Albertson for helping us fill the shelves, you are incredible. I'm going to look for his shirt too if you're wondering how we filmed this video because we blew up the Earth. before it was actually on the moon the whole time watch the Laser Maze video if that confuses you oh you don't have to pay taxes on the moon you don't have to pay taxes on the moon no one has conquered it yet bro but as soon as people can conquer the moon, that's going to be crazy.
Space war. Man shooting space bullets. Feel me. Space bombs. Space grenade launchers. Space missiles. What is GNA? It's going to be a crazy time, brother. I hope we never get close to that, literally, brother. Humans have nothing to do. other planets we're just going to ruin that planet. I'm not even trying to be funny or sad, it's just true, we're just going to fight about it and then screw it up. Space penis. I guess brother, imagine the madness of space. Do you believe? like me, that would be crazy, imagine if you go crazy in space, like it really just goes off forever and then imagine if another space astronaut, look well, imagine if another space astronaut is just floating in the abyss, bro, because is in it.
Planet like you and this hit him, that's a fight, like you can't go crazy from long distance without fighting, bro, that's what I always say, personally, that's crazy, that's crazy, oh, so you like the video boom, oh yeah, you. He's gonna like it too, man, go ahead, just bro, click what bro, that's what I'm going to say.

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