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All is Fair in Love and Fraud | American Greed

May 15, 2024
thanks to the 9 10 and a second net Johnston became a millionaire now Johnston has already been convicted in a court of law for stealing half a million dollars from McLaughlin and convicted in the court of public opinion for being a


y girlfriend but his defense wants ask the jury one last question hate as much as you want for being a thief, a liar, a cheese, whatever you want to call her, can you call her a murderer? I guess, truth be told, she just had some very attractive attributes that If used very well, she distracts you here with her beauty or shows off her body and in the meantime she has a completely different agenda and that is in full swing.
all is fair in love and fraud american greed
Before Nanette Johnston meets Bill McLaughlin, she sharpens her manipulation skills with Tom Reynolds in 1990 while he works the door. from a popular nightclub in Orange County, California, we basically met, things got along pretty well, she moved back to my house which is in Newport and then before I knew it she had moved out, it wasn't pre-designed, Looking back, I wonder how. As it happens, Johnston essentially moves in immediately and Reynolds quickly realizes that she likes nice things. He is very focused on money, where it comes from and how much there was. We went out and bought all new furniture.
all is fair in love and fraud american greed

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all is fair in love and fraud american greed...

It was redecorated. You know, from top to bottom. downstairs new couch new bed new TV everything was whitewashed from top to bottom she had a gift she that woman had a gift Orange County Deputy District Attorney Matt Murphy says immersing men in sexual lies and bakeries is a standard operating procedure for Nanette Johnston this is what she does, she meets men, she manipulates them and destroys their lives, everyone has a talent, that is her talent and one day Reynolds realizes that he is not the first to fall prey to the Johnston's talents. An ex-boyfriend showed up at one point.
all is fair in love and fraud american greed
I found him lurking, literally lurking, walking back and forth in front of the house and he was trying to locate her. She had tricked him somehow. You know they had been involved and she had received money from them and when she did, which relationship she believed existed, doesn't that seem to be a pattern with Nanette Johnston? He started thinking about how this whole situation came about because there really was no planning, there was no formality, just here I was in the middle of it. It's pretty much how he had described it, but he said he also looked around and things were gone, the money was gone and she was gone and I'm like, well, everything is so far, but not the missing part. and that really started to make me wonder maybe this relationship.
all is fair in love and fraud american greed
It's not all sunshine and roses. I found a safe deposit box and that safe deposit box had a canceled check in it. That canceled check was made out to a magazine that we don't have a subscription to and I looked up which magazine it said it was one. hookup magazine, so I just went by the dates, found that number and lo and behold, bold letters only, rich men, single, white women, classy, ​​well educated adventurers, fun, looking for an older man who knows how treat a woman, you take care of me and me. I will take care of you and now here I am watching this knowing that she lives in my house.
I say, well, if you're going to


those rich men, I don't think there's enough room here for you. to leave in a short period of time Johnston finds her next brand Bill McLaughlin my wife today you know she's kidding, thank goodness you're not making more money than you were because it could have been you if Bill answered that ad or if they met him . one of these, otherwise no one really knows, all we know for sure is that McLaughlin was married for about 30 years to a very very nice woman, had three beautiful, super sweet children and when he got divorced he basically met The worst woman in Orange County.
A business partner invents an innovative medical device that makes the two millionaires dozens of times over. They invented a centrifuge that would separate plasma from blood. It is still used today and is incredibly lucrative after their divorce in 1990. Family friend Sandy Baumgardner says it was a vacuum cleaner. in McLaughlin's life and sees how the 52-year-old woman fills the void at a Christmas party in 1991. Bill then walked in and she was much younger and I managed to deduce through the conversation that she and I were, in fact , equal. age three weeks apart and I was 26 at the time for a 26 year old, Johnston appears to have an impressive resume, telling Baumgartner that she earned a doctorate from Arizona State and once owned her own business , but something about Johnston doesn't feel right.
She was talking about all this education and stuff, and while I was doing the math, something didn't ring true, you know, the list of accomplishments and the resume, so to speak, anyway, she was repeating me when Bob Gardner He sees Johnston twice again. Years later, McLaughlin and Johnston are still together and she sees a transformed Nanette Johnston. She looked like she had had a little facial surgery and had a breast augmentation. McLaughlin's family, particularly his daughters Kim and Jenny, are not impressed. Kim said Bill came down once and said. Look, I think she's after you for your money and you know he said, "Well, thank you very much for your input, but you know I just think she took Johnston's stance duly noted." She moves into McLaughlin's house and converts the guest rooms into rooms for her two children. from a previous marriage, McLaughlin treats them as if they were her own and before long it looks like she'll make it official.
In '93 she came to see me and asked me what I thought about her marriage. Brian Ringler has been McLaughlin's accountant since the mid-80s and McLaughlin tells me. He wants Johnston to be a permanent part of her life and said her concern was being able to provide for her in case something happened to him, so we had discussed several options and one of the things she ended up doing. was getting a life insurance policy, the insurance policy is for a million dollars naming Johnston as the sole beneficiary and it arrives just in time, the year the policy vaccinations ring in Newport Beach, the actress, singer and social activist Jennifer Lewis has spent decades on the Broadway stage. and starred in dozens of films and in 2015 Lewis is at the top of her game when she landed a co-starring role as the wildly funny Ruby Johnson in the TV series Blackish Just Turned Blackish and Boom I said oh God sent the man, the man is Antonio Tony Marriott Wilson, manager and personal trainer at LA Fitness, where Lewis escapes his hectic schedule for a quick workout.
Lewis isn't looking for a boyfriend, but on a beautiful spring day


is in the air, so she bumped into me on her way out. I went to the gym and it turned out to be a happy day so when he did I smiled and said excuse me and he smiled back and complimented my hair and I kind of flirted with him and he flirted with me and we met up for coffee. Lewis now believes in the coup. She was a ruse, but at the time she seemed harmless. She is flattered and delighted. She said that she had graduated from Oxford University.
She had been a Navy SEAL. Her mother had died. He had two children and was divorced. Lewis is impressed as she was. handsome, he was handsome, well spoken, he was educated, I mean what woman wouldn't know how to sit down when someone says they graduated from Oxford in an intriguing way despite Lewis's long career in blackish hi-vis Tony Wilson also says no Are you familiar with Lewis' work on stage and screen? Is her professed ignorance of her a power move when she said she didn't know me as an actress? I believed her that she was in England in a few weeks.
Wilson sweeps Jennifer Lewis off her feet and finds her personal and now exclusive trainer to be a true Renaissance man. Man, real life, Indiana Jones, yes, the former Navy SEAL is an Oxford Grand, but he's also a theology author, UCLA biblical studies professor, archaeologists, by all appearances Tony Wilson is a catch according to Lewis Wilson He is deeply religious and his statements are credible, he shows her his writings. and when she checks online that her books are available on Amazon, it didn't make me think she hadn't graduated from Oxford, a good picture doesn't hurt either, as Jennifer discovers when she opens the door one day and finds Tony in military fatigues. complete packed with Navy Seals Trident to surprise his famous girlfriend, he wore his uniform here and said he had just trained some young Navy Seals, he brought medals to my house and said this is the one Clinton put on me after a work group special and to top it off.
Turns out they're both in the movie business. He says that he is a sound designer for Blockbuster movies like Jurassic Park and King Kong. What's not to believe, he seems to know Hollywood as well as Jennifer. We would be driving near a studio. and he would say things like that's the building we worked on with Jurassic Park, but his true passion isn't fame, he tells Jennifer, it's fortune, he's a budding mogul with all his knowledge of the industry, he has created a company specialized in sound effects, Ultimate. FX and says he already has multi-million dollar prospects in the works with blue-chip clients like ABC and EA Sports Ultimate FX is ready to launch into the stratosphere, it just needs to find the right investors.
It's an exciting moment for Jennifer Lewis and Theater Arts graduates don't believe I'm not aware that you're now my competition, but it's also a fragile moment in all those movies, television, and commencement speeches. My mother was sick at the time I met Tony. He was very busy, so he basically wasn't paying attention, although in court depositions, Wilson would later deny that his relationship with Lewis was ever intimate. His text to her calling her the future Mrs. Wilson implied a serious romance, which is why I don't. I want to know about you or see your work is to know with certainty that I love you and nothing more is my hope that we get to a place where we never have to think about cash but about the peace that one of my friends brings one night and she I was like Jenny is in love Jenny is in love Jenny is in love well, I was, like I told him no, I'm not in love.
I'm in a relationship, but I'm not in love yet, you know, but when he introduces Jennifer. with her children, she melted when I saw how beautiful they were, intelligent and charming, I softened and he built this fantasy world and I started thinking: could I live a normal life? Could I really get married and raise two children? help raise two children and I was like you know why not, Wilson offers undying devotion and a comfortable, if conventional, life together less than three months after meeting Antonio Wilson Lewis is sold in September 2018 to a multitude of reporters around California Congressional Representative for District 50, Duncan Dwayne Hunter, right here as a politician.
He is used to a group of press and sometimes critical voters, but these chants that surround him are new, that is because Congressman Hunter and his wife Margaret find themselves in the middle of a legal storm; are accused of stealing $250,000 in campaign funds and We are facing staggering 60-count indictments, this is not the spotlight Duncan Hunter was hoping for and it is far from the beginning of the story that could have been in this stretch of southern California that extends from the coast of San Diego to the suburbs that the name Hunter has. For a long time he had great political prestige.
Political reporter Charles Clark knows the family history well. The name Duncan Hunter and the name Hunter alone has a really powerful impact in that area. Because Duncan's father was very, very popular. Duncan's father is Duncan Lee Hunter, a decorated Vietnam veteran. A staunch Republican from the Ronald Reagan era is CEO of, a database that aims to track every penny spent by congressmen and other public officials, so when Duncan Hunter was four years old, his father won a seat in Congress and the year was 1981 and he rose through the ranks to become a powerful member of Congress.
Duncan Lee Hunter was a congressman for most of the same geographic area for 28 years and became chairman of the armed services committee, but when you add that, he represents San Diego County, which has the largest concentration of personnel military man, is simply a larger-than-life figure who grew up as the eldest son of an influential congressman. Duncan's childhood photographs include President Reagan and he travels between stays on both coasts in Washington DC and California. His father's position also helps in the romance department as a teenager Duncan finds young love with a former refugee from Poland named Margaret Yonkowski, she was a volunteer for his father and that's how they met, started dating and got married.
Morgan Cook is an investigative reporter for the San Diego Union Tribune according to court documents. She never wanted him to have a life in politics and they had discussed it and he said that he was not going to have a life in politics. Newlyweds move in with their parentswhile Duncan finishes a bachelor's degree in Business Administration at San Diego State Life. is looking for the young couple and then on September 11, 2001, Everything Changes the World Trade Center here in New York City, it happened just moments ago after the attacks and without telling Margaret beforehand, I think Duncan Hunter enlists in the United States Marine Corps. especially for people here where military service is really part of the fabric of the community and that really meant a lot to people.
I didn't have to do it right. He chose to do so according to court documents. Duncan's unilateral decision understandably caused tremendous stress to his worried wife after serving repeated tours of combat duty in Iraq. Hunter returns home in 2006 as a Marine reservist and then moves the family to Boise, Idaho for life. civil in the real estate sector. Margaret calls it the happiest and most stable time of his life thanks to a strategic approach. scheduled retirement will not last long in early 2007 Duncan Lee Hunter makes a decision as I finish my last two years as chairman of the armed services committeeAnd I serve you, I will also prepare to run for president of the United States at the behest of your father.
Duncan decides to move the family back to California and run as the heir apparent for his father's congressional seat again with sacred lawyers without consulting Margaret. I wasn't excited about it, but I wanted to support him anyway, but as soon as he announced that he was called up to the Marine Corps and went to Afghanistan to serve in our efforts there, per the rules, he couldn't actually actively campaign because he was in military service. member, so his wife did the whole campaign. Margaret is so committed to helping the campaign that photos of her trampling her husband are posted on her old website, and on election night 2008, hunters celebrate that another congressman in Margaret's family did not love the Limelight.
She simply wanted to return to the life she had before, but those days were over. Duncan Dwayne Hunter has arrived, he won his first pick by double digits, yes, his father's name, the ID helped, right, um, but still, that's pretty impressive. office in January 2009 and from that moment on they never looked back. The same thing will happen to Duncan when he takes over a subcommittee of his choosing. We'll see, yes, we'll make sure there's a long tradition in his family. You know, overnight, the 32-year-old Marine finds himself with a hefty $174,000 Congressional salary and attractive benefits, but as Emily Allen, a federal prosecutor on Hunter's case, will later discover, the salary is no match for the couple's serious money management problems.
I don't want to impugn him or his family for not being rich, but what we're talking about is something very different: simply a complete lack of basic budgeting capacity for his family and spending completely beyond their means and with mortgage payments What to do in a new $595,000 home on the outskirts of San Diego, the hunters are earning their glamorous New Life perpetually cashless, as Phil Halpern, former federal prosecutor in the hunter case, explains, which is a situation that most of Duncan's new colleagues did not have to worry about when he first went to Washington in January 2009.
Hunter realized that many of the congressmen had much more money, in fact, they all had more money than him, so young Duncan immediately begins to look for other sources of income and during that time it seems that he raided the petty cash that his campaign treasurer had on hand over the years. Margaret and Duncan turn to petty cash as a quick fix for personal items when funds are tight, but why just take pills to get perfect cash? When a credit card can unlock instant access to a large amount of money. Campaign War Chest In late 2009, at Duncan's request, staff applied for campaign credit cards, including one for himself and one just for Margaret, and almost instantly after getting that campaign credit card it was a license for steal Stacy's couch, feeling


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