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All 72 Harry Potter Deleted Scenes Ranked

Apr 21, 2024
Overseas, the Harry Potter books are huge, often leading filmmakers to leave a lot on The Cutting Room floor when adapting each book to the big screen, which in turn gives us a lot of



, if we look at just the official



, there's a whopping 72 of them now. I know there are a few others that weren't released, but for this video we'll just focus on the official ones. Let's rank the 72 from worst to best, in which I haven't seen anyone. YouTube still does it. I've seen them rate each film individually, but for this one we're doing all eight films together.
all 72 harry potter deleted scenes ranked
For my ranking, we based it on a few things, one on what it would have added to the original film and two on impact. had about the story and the characters and three how much I enjoyed it because after all this is my list with my own opinions before going into the video, although I want to thank today's sponsor, nebula for presenter, they sent me two amazing projectors First of all, I loved it, we have the Capsule 3 Laser Projector, which is lightweight and portable, which means you can take it to a campsite in your yard and you can even do what I did last week and take it to a tailgate.
all 72 harry potter deleted scenes ranked

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all 72 harry potter deleted scenes ranked
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all 72 harry potter deleted scenes ranked
We have Yaxley finding Hermione's parents' house and the first part of the Deathly Hallows. This one is pretty useless. In reality, he simply walks into an empty house and stays there for good. pointless scene on the list I'm glad they cut it number 71 the extended cake delivery in the Chamber of Secrets they added a few more shots and some extra dialogue oh all my suits are custom made and I wear them to add more suspense, but I thought the original scene had enough suspense since it didn't need all of it. This number 70 is the next scene in Deathly Hallows Part 2.
This scene isn't actually deleted, it's just different from the original, but it was still a part. from the official deleted scene, so I felt like I had to add it. This was what they originally filmed but realizing how boring it was with everyone sitting down, they re-filmed it with them standing and shouting some more and I'm so glad they did that because it makes a huge difference. We need to get into Hogwarts tonight. Your brother gave me a job. We need to get into Hogwarts tonight. Dumbledore gave us a job to do number 69. It's Trevoni at a dinner in the Order of the Phoenix Trelawny just makes a mess for two and a half minutes of the dinner and to me it's hit or miss, at times it was funny but stupid at others.
I know she's supposed to show that she never comes down to eat and when she does, very nervous, but two and a half minutes of this is too much and I'm glad they cut it. Number 68 is the rooster scene in the Chamber of Secrets. This didn't need to be in the movie. It's nice that they added some more story. from the book about the roosters being killed because they are enemies of the Basilisk, but this adds nothing to the film if you really think about it on the part of the filmmakers for cutting this issue 67, the birds' tour of the Hogwarts grounds extended the Prisoner of Azkaban I love this idea in the original film as it shows how everything on the grounds is connected, but this deleted scene adds him getting off to annoy Hagrid which is unnecessary, it was better without this.
I also like the idea that this is just the terrain and there are no living things other than the bird and adding Hagrid is some kind of ruins that number 66 Harry just misses Joe in the engulfed fire another kind of useless scene Harry asking to relax in the alley was all we needed to see it was a good decision to cut this issue 65 Harry wakes Ron up to tell him it was Hagrid in the Chamber of Secrets, another kind of pointless scene. I thought the way the original cut foreshadowed this was much better for Ron and Hermione and fit really well. with the transition of scenes number 64, the letters in the egg and the Philosopher's Stone, this was a good reference for the book, but we had a few other examples of the owls invading the house with letters and we didn't need another one. number 63 Harry gets his invisibility cloak again, we didn't need to see him getting the cloak, especially since the last scene ended with Harry telling us he was going to do this, we didn't need to see him number 62 Boykin catches Harry from the Chamber of Secrets, this scene had a bit of a cliffhanger but honestly nothing happened here and it wasn't the best performance from the actor who played Borgen looking for something number 61, the Hogwarts theme song from Goblet of Fire, was kind of embarrassing.
I think the other school's reactions were all ours too, but I have to say it's cool to see the song Come to Life on the big screen and I'm mad about that touchdown about you being a doctor when you're not. Great, your Balloons have a much better entrance, they come doing martial arts, we are, um, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, holy water. The Hogwarts team do something please number 60, the origin of the Deathly Hallows radio part 1. It was cool to see where. the radio came as it played a role in the movie and I love that it's part of Arthur's muggle collection, but I never wondered where it came from so I don't think we needed the scene to tell us Justin Finch Fletchley's number 59.
Chamber of Secrets intro, since Justin was the one the snake chased, it was cool to have an introduction to him and know that he was a muggleborn, but overall it's not entirely necessary, although this is the first one in this list so far. that could have improved scene number 58 Umbridge observes the Tolani class extended from the Order of the Phoenix. This one has some great comedy as Umbridge continued to interrupt her every time Cerlani started teaching the class a question here that was very well done. but I like how they shortened this and worked it into the montage.
I think it made the movie work much better. Number 57 Harry and Ron watch the Durham force students from the Goblet of Fire. Just seeing Harry and Ron's reaction is priceless, but I think it was good to get rid of it because it's very similar to the awkward interaction they had with the Ravenclaw girls earlier, number 56. Harry tells the gray lady of the Chamber from the Secrets that this is a cool Easter egg when you see the gray lady interact with Harry. Do you mind, of course, we later find out that she is Helena Ravenclaw, Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter, which makes her Easter egg even better, however, as cool as this Easter egg is, I'm glad that they caught him because I don't know why the ghost? that represents that Ravenclaw would be in the Gryffindor common room, maybe they also realized that when they caught him that's why.
Number 55 Philips locks up the Slytherins from Deathly Hallows part 2. This scene was a little strange and not entirely necessary, but it's pretty exciting. Also, Filch's reactions are hilarious and could have bumped this up a notch on the 54th list as the trio discuss Crouch's death in Goblet of Fire. This one really gives us a lot of information about the crowds in the book and it's pretty creepy that he just murdered. However, I think it was the dialogue that wouldn't have added much to this already bulky film. Also, while he was making it, I noticed how many deleted scenes have Harry looking at the fire.
This is the first of a few I'll point out as we go. #53 Sheamus and Neville fixed the bridge in Deathly Hallows part 2. It's cool to see how they fixed it and it gave me one of my favorite moments of Sheamus and Neville giving each other the thumbs up, but I thought it was great. leave this out and have the bridge explosion be a surprise when Neville was running in number 52. Harry enters Dumbledore's office before his talk on the Order of the Phoenix. This was a cool concept as Harry walked in before his talk and saw the Sword of Gryffindor. and the Sorting Hat reminding Harry and the audience of a previous conversation Harry had in this office three movies before this one.
Overall, while it wasn't really necessary, it worked better to just cut the conversation short without Dumbledore welcoming Harry into the office. number 51. chamber of secrets extended bludger scene, it had some cool action that was fun to watch especially when


got into the crowd, but it's not really necessary, there was a lot of chase in the theatrical cut, no we needed this number 50 in the extended version. Chamber of Secrets flying car scene again, great action and a pretty crazy scene as they almost crash into Big Ben, but we had enough suspense later in the car ride again, we didn't need this too.
Number 49 of Harry and Hagrid in the Underworld of the Philosopher's Stone it is very funny to see the looks that Hagrid gave for a size and for talking about dragons but everything we heard in the scene was already present in the original cut of the film it was not necessary number 48 Harry and Hermione's hallway The conversation spread from the Half-Blood Prince. This conversation focused on Draco looking at the missing cabinet, Dumbledore traveling, and Draco looking sick. The missing cabinet and Dumbledore traveling had already been covered, but Draco looking sick was a new one, which is definitely an interesting plot point and definitely.
I made this one go up a bit on the list because it was an interesting topic number 47, the trio talk on the bridge from the engulfing fire, another scene with nothing but dialogue, but this one stands out more than the previous ones because of what Harry says At the end someone approaches. I can feel that this is a great foreshadowing of Voldemort's return and also a great throwback since it is very similar to the scene from the first movie. I think it's a warning, well if they had kept this it would have been very It's poetic to have them both side by side, number 46, Umbridge and the filth react to Fred and George's escape from the Order of the Phoenix.
This one is just funny, especially when Philips blows smoke over Umbridge's head, it very well could have been higher on this list, but I think I placed it here because it would have changed the tone quite a bit before Harry saw the vision of Sirius, so I had to push it down a little. Number 45 Circa Duggan from the Prisoner of Azkaban Circa Duggan is a very fun character. which I wish had more screen time in the movies, however this scene didn't add much other than being silly and we already had a silly moment in a portrait outside the common room with the fat lady, so this might have felt repetitive if it had been kept at number 44, the weird sisters extended from Goblet of Fire, this scene was so funny, it would have to be almost three minutes long, no, but it was great to see their full performance, however, I'm glad they made Caught Aid, I think so. the perfect amount of them in Final Cut number 43, the extended Night Bus scene from The Prisoner of Azkaban, the Night Bus doing donuts and Harry hanging on for dear life was a lot of fun, but as funny as the scene is, I think we've had enough Night Bus. excitement in Final Cut number 42 the crazy flying car from Chamber of Secrets how are you Harry it's our car hello the forces gone crazy watching Harry and Ron trip over the car in the woods before it saved them was a nice moment It really highlights the car's journey, but having it appear in the theatrical cut without the scene was fine, as was number 41.
Harry and Hermione talk in the Half-Blood Prince's common room. I love the banter between these two friends here, honestly, Harry sometimes. I think daily earnings should call you the dark one, other than that, although there wasn't any information here that we didn't know, we've actually seen filmmakers be smart about cutting out extra dialogue scenes that aren't quite necessary and good because I wish that more should be donefilms. We get three-hour movies all too often these days. By making these videos, it really stands out to me that the Harry Potter movies outperform, I'm not saying, which is a big franchise mark number 40 Bill's Warning of the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.
I know, goblins, if you made some kind of deal with the grappling hook, you must take exceptional care to honor it, if you don't, he won't forgive this bit of dialogue. it was very well delivered and if it had been in the movie I might have added More's red when it came to the trio who trusted Rip Hook, although as I said in my video essay about this movie, I'm very glad that they captured the scene for reasons of rhythm. number 39 the other crab and Goyo from the Chamber of Secrets. I'm actually combining two different deleted scenes here because they practically go together, the first is Harry and Ron hiding Crab and Goyo in the closet and the second is where they confront each other when they wake up, which is comedy gold.
Also in the middle we saw Hermione making the polyjuice potion and saw how gross it looked, which we did. It really doesn't look good in Theatrical Cut Number 38, Harry Takes Ginny's Hand from Deathly Hallows Part 2. If you've seen my videos, you'll know that Harry and Ginny are my favorite couple not just in the Harry series Potter but of all time and you will also know that I was very disappointed in the way the films portrayed the relationship so I will take any good Harry and Ginny scene I can get and although this is a pretty small moment I really wish they kept this. and I said that's a note worth it because it's the first time I felt like this is the first scene on this list that I felt like it should have been kept in all the others before this could have been omitted from my opinion number . 37 Tom Riddle's Chamber of Secrets Trophy Of course, I was punished that night, my job was to polish the silver in the trophy room.
I remember because I kept burping slugs over Tom Riddle's trophy, what's the trophy because he won the award 50 years ago? Special services for school or something. It was a nice touch to bring Tom Riddle's services to the school trophy there, especially since we saw this in an Easter egg in the last movie. It was also fun in the scene to see Hermione's brain working so fast. that she discovers everything it is possible that he knew where the chamber was how to open it even what kind of creature lives in it number 36 the introduction of Cowan creevey extended from the Chamber of Secrets is from my father he is a millionaire a muggle like all our families have It's been so cool for me to find out that Cowan was a Muggle-born here, which makes his attack mean a lot more later, plus Ron's comment at the end makes me laugh every time everyone imagines Ernie MacMillan number 35 gossiping about Harry from the Chamber of Secrets.
I've talked about this scene before because it's a great performance by a relatively unknown actor, which is probably why you know who wanted to kill him in the first place. They don't want another Dark Lord to compete with him. It also adds more depth to the fact that Harry is isolated. and I hated that the book did very well and I always felt like the movie was missing something, so maybe if they'd kept this in there they would have fixed that slip of Junior's 34th body since Goblet of Fire, first of all they added a great shot showing Crouch Sr.'s reaction to seeing who he thought was his son after the tongue flick, which was great, but it gets better when we see Barty Jr fail for the first time while in costume.
Moody, if you want to play the hero, I can find you plenty of playmates. between the first chairs, otherwise I suggest you grow up, we will grow fast and his slide also shows how dedicated he is to completing the mission for his teacher. You can hear it in his 33rd voice, Lockard's assignment from the Chamber of Secrets. one is just hysterical these questions are all about him what's Girl's favorite color Royal Car really highlights how arrogant Lockhart is, which granted the movie wasn't really necessary because they did a good job of making him arrogant in the theatrical cut, but this would have been the icing on the cake.
I think hardly any of you remember that my favorite color is lilac number 32, the Gryffindor common room of the Order of the Phoenix, this is really cool because it's not often we see that day. -Today here with other people besides the trio and it really gives you the feeling that the books gave you, you feel like you are hanging out with them. Also, we get another deleted scene with Harry looking at the fire, making this the second example. issue #31, the beginning of the Order of the Phoenix's inquisitorial squad, this not only highlights the bullying trades of the Bronze Trio, but also shows you how evil Umbridge is to see that and immediately recruit them into a group, what a horrible teacher number 30, Harry and Ron. amusement turns to resentment over Deathly Hallows Part 1.
For years I didn't know how to feel about the scene, but I really liked it, but I think it would have felt really out of place if it had been in the movie, which it is. why is it not higher, but I felt that the number 30 was the perfect position because it is a perfect metaphor for how the trio feels on their mission, they can have fun but the tensions are so high that that can change in an instant and besides that also perfectly foreshadows Ron leaving as they walk far apart from each other hinting at crack number 29 Harry asks who is he from the Chamber of Secrets who am I Hedwig what am I this scene is really powerful it shows what it's like for Harry to question everything about who he is and where the chatter around him is coming from has changed his opinion of himself completely changing the way he views himself which is a tragic thing.
Issue 28 Ron and Hermione try to help a grieving Harry from the Order of the Phoenix Sirius's death greatly affected Harry in this scene not only highlighting that but also how much Ron and Hermione care about Harry. The way they look at each other after Ron couldn't get through to him shows how Harry's pain becomes his pain and it's a really interesting look. in the Trio Dynamics I Love number 27, the aftermath of the mirror emerging from the Philosopher's Stone, this scene really showed how much the mirror affected Harry, it makes them not think about anything but the parents he didn't have, they want to play tag. chess, no, we.
I'll be exact, no Harry, I know what you're thinking, but don't do something wrong in that mirror. Also, this is the third deleted scene where Harry stares at fire number 26. Neville defends Harry in the Order of the Phoenix. This is a quick one, but it's actually one of my favorite Neville lines and was taken directly from the novel. My grandmother says it's the Daily Prophet, that's nonsense. She canceled our subscription. It's a shame he was kind because it shows how supportive Nevelas is to Harry like never before. he was one of the few who sided with him that 25th year after the Prisoner of Azkaban's first voyage.
This one is a lot of fun and houses so many Easter eggs like Neville and Dean pulling this long stick out of the box. stilts grabbing Goyle pouring water on this kid the streamer shooting Honeydukes candy pumpkin juice the mini quidditch pitch in the background how are you eating the candy and my personal favorite from the scene? the pocket sneaker reach which was taken directly from the page pocket sneaker reach is anyone untrustworthy meant to light up and spin and to top it all off this was all filmed in one take which is crazy considering everything that's going on?
This movie, of course, is known for that, but I think this is honestly one of the best examples of this and what made it have to be in the top 25. number 24 Harry and Hermione's argument about the Tower from extended astronomy from the Half-Blood Prince this is a nice exchange that highlights Ron and Hermione's feelings for each other when I'm around he keeps smoking like that's going to happen plus he's barking oh it says the same thing about you and also how much that Harry cares about both of them. You are brilliant, you are both brilliant, brilliant with that look that Harry and Ron share. in the end it's so sweet it says a lot without a line of dialogue issue 23 leaks quick spells from the Chamber of Secrets this is one of the few times we see a squib leak and Harry of course found this quick spells course in the novel too, so i love it when it's taken straight from the page, this quick little sequence also shows why filch hates children, he's jealous of them, which i think adds a lot to filch's character.
Personally, I think they should have kept this because it changes the way we look at Philge number 22 before Harry's mission with Dumbledore from the Half-Blood Prince. I really liked how this adds suspense to the cave scene when they tell Harry it's time Harry also listens to the trio interact in what is called a walk and talk scene, sorry if I'm boring you with my School movie mumbo jumbo, but I think they made great use of this because it adds excitement to what they're talking about and it's also a lot of fun to return to an old location.
That was used a lot in the previous movies but we hadn't seen it in quite a while, however what really makes the scene so high is what Harry says at the end, which is one of my favorite lines in the series. sixth book which is actually my favorite book in the series good luck friend I don't need luck I'll be with Dumbledore number 21 Sirius breaks into Gryffindor Tower from the Prisoner of Azkaban this scene has so much going on it covers the fact that Siri broke into the Gryffindor common room and pulled a knife on Ron, which is crazy, gives us funnier scenes of Circa Duggan on the little piece of paper, gives us more pathetic Neville, will it always be you, long ass?
I'm afraid so. Mom, which in the end only adds more to her redemption and we also get some A-Plus acting from Daniel Radcliffe. He was right there, he was close enough to touch. We also notice what he is doing at the end of the scene looking at the fire in the fourth. example of this, I think it's just foreshadowing, if you have Harry sitting in front of the fire, the number 20 will most likely be cut. The Great Hall scene cut from the Philosopher's Stone is like the last one. This scene has so many things going on.
It has some great dialogue from Hermione, ask me any questions, okay, what are the three most crucial ingredients in an Oblivion Potion that I forgot and what can I ask? Do you plan to do if this appears on the final exam? Copy for yourself, no, you will win it. I don't like the last scene, it also adds more of the pathetic Neville again, which makes the Redemption of him at the end even better. This scene also adds more to the joke of Sheamus blowing things up, that's all. I need you to set my damn kneecaps on fire.
I don't appreciate the hint of the long bob, also, if anyone cares to note that my eyebrows have grown completely strange again, and furthermore, it shows how the trio actually discovered Nicholas Flamel, since it was Harry who did this, not Hermione and the cardi red, they also mentioned Dumbledore's epic duel. with Grindelwald, which is a great detail and a great Easter egg. Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of darkness, it was Grindelwald in 1945. number 19 Arthur Weasley in the ministry of magic in the Deathly Hallows part 1. one of the main reasons The reason why the scene is so high is because it highlights how kind Arthur Weasley is.
Try to have faith, if there is anything Molly and I can do to help, this is something we don't see much in the movies, we always see that he is a great father, but we rarely see how level-headed he is, also the back and forth between Arthur and Harry is so tense and really adds uncertainty to the Weasleys' well-being. You know they're tracking you, don't you? It's a threat? I'm fine, no, it's a fact that they are watching you. Number 18. Harry is struggling with the Slytherin feel of the Chamber of Secrets. This scene actually focused on something the book denied and that was Harry asking if he was the one who opened the Chamber. of Secrets the filmmakers backed up this claim with the fact that he didn't know he could talk to snakes nor did I know he could talk possible time what else did he know about me?
It's really interesting and a very good job on the part of the filmmakers. Dive into how Harry is struggling with Iran's omo confession number 17 from the Deathly Hallows, part 2. This was just a cute little moment where Ron was going to tell Hermione that he loved her, which was made for the movie where he didn't do this. the book does tell you I don't love you when you still buy a giant snake he will just ruin it, it also adds humor to the moment and it's always good to see a positive run on Hermione's moment in the movies because as we know they really pushed a lot more Harry and Hermione's relationship number 16 Harry and Dudley's uniforms from the Philosopher's Stone the meaning behind the scene is very stimulating as it shows how differentHarry and Dudley are treated in this house, they gush about Dudley in his new cheap uniform and then show how they won't even buy Harry his uniform, instead of dyeing one of Dudley's old shirts, this is what you'll wear when he's done diet, but that's Dudley's old uniform that will fit me like pieces of an old elephant. number 15 Draco and Lucius and Borgen and Bergs of the Chamber of Secrets Not only does the scene show Draco discovering the disappearing cabinet, the cabinet that would be a crucial plot point for his character 4 movies later, but it also shows how Draco grew up and even more why he is a bully, it's because of his father, don't touch anything Draco, which wasn't necessarily the case in the book, but I love the fact. that the movies went by with this, he is such a nasty little ball of slime.
I decided I should gain some sympathy so you can watch me bully him mercilessly. Also, this scene allowed us to see more of Borgen and Bergs' dark take, which was a pleasure because the set. It is absolutely amazing with all the things I just listed. I felt like it deserved to be in the top 15. Number 14, the Deathly Hallows horcrux breakdown, part 1. I always liked this scene because it's the closest thing we have to the missing Voldemort. memories from the sixth book which was honestly my favorite part of the entire series, it mentions the ring that belongs to Voldemort's grandfather Marvolo, which was the first memory Dumbledore showed to Harry, the ring that Dumbledore said belonged to Tom's grandfather and also mentions Voldemort's mother. having the Lockheed, which was another memory that we read about in the sixth book and then this one, which again, according to Dumbledore, the blonde to Tom's mother, also the movie that adds the heartbeat to the horcrux was chilling and was something that the The filmmakers did so with just a small mention in the book, which is absolutely fantastic and shows what a great adaptation this is taking. or something like that I just received a living heart number 13 Snape and Carterov's conversation from the Goblet of Fire This confrontation between Snape and Karkarov is so fascinating because it takes place before we learn about their past as Death Eaters, which we would learn later in the story. memory.
Kokoroth is afraid of Voldemort's return and tries to get Snape to admit that he is one too. Don't fool me. Severus, you're scared, but Snape is calm. His behavior shows why he was successful as a triple agent. I have nothing to be afraid of. ego and you say the same thing and Cocker tries to grab Snape's arm as he quickly pulls him away, it's great foreshadowing of the dark mark that both Harry and the audience first see in the next scene during Harry's dream. A deleted scene was added, that moment would have meant so much more because we'd be like, "Oh my god, what she was protecting on her arm is this dark mark number 12, Umbridge's break from the Order of the Phoenix, this scene just harbors a amazing acting and Honestly it's one of the best monologues in the series which blows my mind because they caught these kids they are the messiest creatures it's such good dialogue it's almost criminal to commit especially since this was the most short of the series by far, they had plenty of room to add it in.
I also love how Umbridge tries to justify what she's doing to herself more than anyone else with great acting in the end, by the way, no one could blame me. and if it's up to me to figure out what should be done number 11, the discussion at the tomb of the Deathly Hallows, part two, there are so many things to highlight in the scene, first of all, the first line has a much deeper meaning: the sky has lost a star, since this refers to the reflected stars. in Dobby's eyes when he died in the novel, which is a great attention to detail, this scene also highlights how much Luna grew as a character while she was locked up, which is very powerful, it's not the place you left, you know, it's not the same, me neither. and above all this scene explains the eye in the mirror you are going to tell me what that is you are going to think I am crazy but more than once what I have looked at I think I have seen Dumbledore, which in addition to this The mention was never explained in the movies they just kept showing it over and over again and i guess if you didn't read the book too much this part should definitely have been kept, now we've made it to the top 10 and number 10. it's the friendship of the trio that begins in the philosopher's stone .
This scene is based entirely on an amazing line from the book, but from that moment on Hermione Granger became her friend and this scene sums up that line perfectly. They adapted this line perfectly to be on the big screen. It's not easy to do, it makes this such an important scene and I really wish they kept it at number nine. Harry says goodbye to Hogwarts and Ginny to the Half-Blood Prince. I feel like this scene is never talked about, it's as powerful as Harry takes one. Last look at his bedroom where he had lived for the last six years knowing he wouldn't return, then we see him and Ginny staring at each other knowing it was all over for now.
I feel like most people don't understand how hard this is. To do so, I'll explain, the scene took a few moments from Dumbledore's funeral in the book when he came out and said he wouldn't be coming back, which the movie showed brilliantly when he took one last look at his bedroom and at the funeral Harry also cut with Ginny, what the movie did without words as the two of them stared at each other, knowing that converting dialogue from a novel to a scene without words is some of the hardest writing a screenwriter has to do and they did it perfectly here in the issue 8.
Snape's first class extended from the Philosopher's Stone in the original guide. Harry stays quiet like Snape and little Sam, but here Harry responds clearly. Hermione knows it seems a shame not to ask him. This causes Snape to point the finger at Harry even more and sets the stage for how much these two put pressure on each other and shows that it's not one-sided. Harry also shoots Snape, it's not just Snape attacking Harry just by adding these few extra seconds of interaction, it intensifies the difficult relationship a lot which makes this moment seven years later mean even more I wish they kept this in issue seven The Tom Riddle's cave Excursion of the Half-Blood Prince as I said at the beginning this is my list with my own opinions and my favorite part of the series is Voldemort's memories Like the deleted scene with the explanation of the horcrux, this scene adds even more to the Voldemort's past when Dumbledore explains one of the scariest things Tom Riddle did as a child in the cave of his two young classmates.
What happened is unclear, but it is known that the children were harmed. If they had kept this, I think it would not only add to Voldemort's backstory, but it would also make this cave scene even more sinister than it already was in movie number six. Dumbledore's trust in Harry from the Half-Blood Prince, we have back-to-back scenes. that has to do with the cave sequence and this contains one of my favorite lines in the entire series, right sir, don't worry, fine, I'm not worried, Harry, I'm with you. It shows how much trust Dumbledore has in Harry. It's also very significant when combined with the line from the other deleted scene where Harry has complete trust in Dumbledore.
I don't need luck. I'll be with Dumbledore. These two scenes together mean even more. This might be a short deleted scene, but for me. Honestly, this is one of the most shocking things they could, which is why it's so high up that it definitely deserves to be in Final Cut number five. Dudley's Redemption from the Deathly Hallows, part one. I don't think you're a space hoister, Dudley. I never got a redemption in the movies which is pretty disappointing if I'm honest, I don't think I have to explain why this is in the top five, it's the summary of one of the main characters that has been around since the beginning.
Starting to cut his Redemption was criminal because it leaves Dudley on a completely different note than in the book he saw you Big D number four, tonkson Lupine from the Deathly Hallows part 2. Tonks and Lupine were dirty in the movies, but This scene would have fixed a lot of that we see Tonks run into Lupin's arms and it shows how much they love each other and also mentions their son Teddy, it's Teddy, honey, you'll sleep until dawn and it snows like his father, something that the movies they didn't make. to do until after they died and Remus your son, having the audience not know they had a child before they died removes a lot of the anguish their deaths caused, seeing their bodies and knowing they are leaving behind an orphan makes it This is much more tragic.
It's really a shame that the filmmakers left out the scene because it would have improved several different parts of the story, as well as characters number three skipping Stones by the River from Deathly Hallows part 1. Honestly, this is one of the most healthy. throughout the entire series and it melts my heart every time Ron teaches Hermione how to skip stones and not only does it give us some great running and Hermione moments but it's also funny that we get there and at the end it shows Harry isolated from Ron and Hermione as they have fun and flirt number two in the Half-Blood Prince's nocturne this is probably the best known deleted scene as it extends the time before the battle of the Astronomy Tower the chorus music is absolutely chilling As the clouds gather form in the air, we get one of the best shots of the entire series and the fact that this shot didn't make it into the final movie is honestly disturbing as we look up at the sky as the clouds form half of Snape's faces. shadow while the other half is in the light perfectly pushing a struggle with good and evil, then when the camera moves his face is shrouded in nothing but Shadows hinting at his dark times, he is a Death Eater, but a As the shot continues, it shows that Darkness.
It doesn't matter, since we end up with his face fully illuminated, just when his character at the end would be fine, after that it immediately cuts to another person struggling with darkness and light, causing Draco to rise even more significantly. . Embrace the darkness, honestly this is an example of cinematography. Brilliance, lighting, Brilliance, acting, Brilliance and tone, Brilliance, says a lot without a word of dialogue and it's a shame they leave this out and finally at number one we have Petunia's Redemption from the Deathly Hallows part. 1. This wasn't in the book, but it's incredibly momentous for Petunia's character in the movies, as she stands in her empty house, thinks about her entire life and, perhaps for the first time in the movies, we see a different side of her.
Petunia. who loved her deceased sister, not only did you lose a mother that night at Godrics, however you know I lost a sister, that adds a lot to her character as we leave her on a very different note than the original cut of the film and even Furthermore, adds much more to its scenes than the prince's tale. The princess's tale in the movie didn't highlight her good relationship with Lele like in the book, they just showed that she was mean to Lily, which makes this scene even more important for the first part. the final film and that's why it belongs in this number one spot.
It completely alters our view of a character, a character that has been there from the beginning and a character that got some much needed development because of the scene that is in my opinion on the best deleted scene from the Harry Potter movies and there is my list, let me know in the comments below what you guys think, do you agree with my rankings? You do not agree? I'd love to hear your opinion if you enjoyed this video please hit that. Like button to help with the algorithm, it will be a great help for the channel, that's all I have for you today, so I'll see you in the next video.
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