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Ali-A - Master of Clickbait and Scams

Jun 08, 2021
Welcome to another exciting episode of Charlie Watch Shitty YouTube Content. Let's go ahead and dive back into our favorite dirty toilet fortnight since I made the fortnight video a couple of weeks ago about shitty fortnight content. I have been inundated with emails. Full of emails asking me do you know about Ali-a? What about Ali-a? What's this guy's deal? This is horrible, look at this, so I looked at this Ali-A character and, simply put, Ali-a is what he seems like. like when you sell your soul to make money, he's the top YouTube clicker, Bader for kids, he'll play any game, he'll just throw any game, punching, slapping, and making his parents' wallets cry, who has the largest audience of kids on right now, that's fifteen days.
ali a   master of clickbait and scams
He will go up to fifteen days and click on all the videos of him. Misleading Photoshopped title. Misleading thumbnail that checks every box on the checklist for internet idiocy, where there's a red arrow pointing at someone with an eccentric facial expression and that's it. The content is because it's not entertaining, you can't derive entertainment from one of his videos, if you're over 8 or 9 it's incredibly uninteresting, if he's playing it comes down to him simply saying exactly what he is happening on the screen. no joke oh I'm building a wall right now my wall is being shot by that man's counter gun the bullets are coming at me and I don't have a chance to shoot those bullets at him I'm going to build another wall here now I'm building another wall this wall is going down lifting up real good if he's watching a trailer and his pants about it he's always saying what's happening in the trailer whoa that's a gun in his hand guns usually shoot bullets if I had a gun that shot bullets and I'm playing a video game.
ali a   master of clickbait and scams

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ali a master of clickbait and scams...

I'm going to aim those bullets at another player. I wonder if this game will allow me to shoot bullets at another player? Remember to smash that like button that AR me and that's pretty much it. its content in a nutshell and that's okay because there are thousands of popular flaccid penises on YouTube doing the same thing right now. I think it's a bit bad because you're tricking people into watching your overly long video, but it's a common practice on YouTube that you can't. He'd really be mad about that and he knows the kids in his audience, so here's a clip of him being self-aware.
ali a   master of clickbait and scams
Wow, I'm so weak. Five kids, oh, forget it. This will be a six. I have five deaths. If I get this, I will be. at six you can't argue with that arithmetic right there, he even takes a moment to teach his audience what number comes after five so they can clearly see that he has a firm idea of ​​what age group his audience is in or they are still in. learning this math. Ultimately, while this is all harmless, it's just


and that's very common here. The only victim of these videos is the time wasted by the audience and many times in the comments section you will see children distressed by it. you're upset, oh those are the video titles totally wrong, that didn't even happen, why did you lie to us?
ali a   master of clickbait and scams
Ally, a mom and dad said that if you lie you will go to hell, you should delete this video before the Lord condemns you to hell, that's right. but like I said, ultimately harmless, the problem I find with this guy is that he runs these fake giveaway


where he will make people believe that they will win something cool from them if they smash the like button, kill the button Like, subscribe. ring the doorbell and write their name on their toy box with blood, then they will choose someone at random from the comments section to give this away too and then you will see 200,000 comments like on this video here, it's absurd to me that I would think you would actually win something of him.
I have done a lot of research and have not found a single winner for any of the giveaways he has done on any of his channels. I haven't seen a single winner. and they have sent me a lot of evidence in emails that they didn't win anything. I put tests in these quotes because they are not reliable tests. Oh I was in a bar and I heard Ally talking to a girl saying oh he


kids all the time and doesn't give anything away but he was offering him a lot of money and then other emails like oh I saw Ally sitting in a bench next to two trees that looked suspicious and here's an email address I think. belongs to you, maybe on AOL, a useless test really, but enough to make me wonder if anyone really wins the giveaways and I've seen a lot of people say that no one wins, it's just a giant scam and I can attest to that. it. that since I haven't seen a single winner, he has never announced a winner.
What I've seen, I haven't seen anyone say they want something from him when you'd think the big Alley fans who won something from him would be bragging about it. or go crazy on social media but there is nothing about it so I think the scam and giveaways are big scams but if I'm wrong please talk to all the enthusiasts who have actually gained something from their shitty giveaways III. I would love to see that he actually isn't just blatantly ripping off kids and this would be a big deal if he was because a lot of the gifts he gives are sponsored by people and companies to give away, so if you just pile them up and then sell it in parallel.
I don't think they're very happy about that. I also don't think anyone is satisfied with his actual content, so here's his channel. I don't need to say much. about it, just read some of this, all these thumbnails are photoshopped and he didn't even take the time out of his day to make different thumbnails each time with a different expression, he just keeps you reusing the same expressions, you see, he just keeps them he repeats it over and over again ad nauseum and it is disgusting to even look at them. In my opinion, this is exactly what is wrong with YouTube.
It is very easy to trick the algorithm so that these videos always appear when you search for fifteen days. 100% and children will always be curious about these attention-grabbing titles and thumbnails that are not real. He blatantly lies about the content of the video. The videos themselves are him just holding his soft in his hand for 25 minutes saying. nothing interesting or fun at all and it's not just the lack of entertainment that the video titles often don't even appear in the video, for example when you like a superhero challenge like a superman challenge and you have a photo of a Fifteen-day Superman with skin for children. let's think holy hell that's a fortnight look of Superman, let's click on that video, but it's not just him pretending to be Superman and then if he has a video about, oh look, we're going to sail the meteor, how to control the meteor to win or how to never lose a game using this simple tactic, the video is useless, it doesn't teach you those things and that doesn't happen in the video, it's a blatant lie now that you make the mistake of clicking. in one of his videos and if the Lord is really not happy with you today and his ad blocker crashes, he will get five, at least five, mid-roll ads here and he will strategically place them to save the most he can of the system it puts three at the beginning because that's when viewer retention is the highest in the middle there are none and then towards the end it puts two more it's smart if you're a greedy guy who has sold his soul to make money but not a big chunk for doing this.
I really don't have much more to say about this guy. Its content makes me want to vomit. It's just horrible to look at, but what makes it even worse is what it looks like. he's scamming the kids watching and he's just getting all these extra likes and comments and pretending to give things away, so he's essentially cheating. YouTube really needs a rule where if you're going to do a giveaway, you have to have a follower. above where you show who won and that should be a rule because this is not the only guy who does fake giveaways, there are many who do this, but his is pretty bad and his content is even worse, that's what it's all about, fifteen days is absolutely bringing out the worst and the idiots of the Internet and this is just more proof, but yeah, yeah.

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