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Alan Hansen - Liverpool FC legend

Jun 15, 2024
turning movement and in by Hanson Highway Johnson beautiful ball and a great break by Hansen he was able to score set him up for D 5 what a wonderful goal what a beautiful goal Neil finds mcdermit Highway outside of him Thompson in front of him Bailey is down and that's the goal so close for United and so far now Thompson surging into the attack could only be touched by the beautiful thank you very much The Equalizer 22 what an incredible cup moment and what a brilliant piece of work Alan Hansen, you scored the vital tying goal what did you do?
alan hansen   liverpool fc legend
I feel like with so few minutes left, well I had such a bad game you know, when it came I thought I was going to miss it and the goalie touched it and went up there and I just pushed it away. We fought more than anything, but you know we were happy to get the draw, even though I think we should have won the game. We are very happy with the tie at the end. United may have surprised you with the way they fought from kick-off. Yes, well, we went up a goal and then I made a mistake on the first goal and they came back well, but you know, I think if Terry had to score with a penalty, they have been fighting to come back, we showed a lot of fight nearby and we have A repeat.
alan hansen   liverpool fc legend

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alan hansen liverpool fc legend...

How did you feel at half time, especially Terry Mcder after you missed that crucial penalty? It was incredible, everyone really had their heads down in the locker room and you know we were tying, that's how it was. They were beating us, but you know, the boss and the coach just said a few words and the boys recovered and it was great to come back to tie it after being two, one down. Aral can break here with rck, can't they do much? supported the front and Sunderland and was beaten by Hansen who comes all the way and finds delash who is on the side and that is absolutely outstanding, finishing by the footballer of the year, Kenny, delicious, what an absolutely world class goal it was Alan Hansen achieved from defense. possible by staying calm and passing the ball through himself, defeating any attempt to play the offside game, fueled by Dalish, who continued to make a real fool of poor Walford, whom he left on his backside and then the clinical final pass to Pat Jennings pH NE from the Sam Hansen has taken over, oh he saw the Gap too beautiful, so a lovely fair Club puts it in a wonderful goal from David Fair Club, second goal of the game.
alan hansen   liverpool fc legend
It matches his second League goal of the season, but this is the man who deserves most of the credit. His eyes sum up what he feels about it, since he is now accompanied by the scorer. A really beautiful streak and it was using the Fair club by not using. During the course of that run, he sold an excellent dummy to the nar defense and allowed space to open up in front of him and finally set up a fair class for the goal and then Kennedy Orton gets injured and T to the United score. went offside and although Hansome was doing the right thing and was actually greeted by Pat Partridge, he will now score well, it wouldn't have mattered because the linesman had the leich flag offside now the ground is on a absolute ferment here there were around six Liverpool players in an offside position when Hansen played the ball forward.
alan hansen   liverpool fc legend
I think Mr Partridge waved at him but this is where offside was called, in any case he had put the ball outside the zone. Post here is Del gash Hansen out of it, Sunis is still Hansen, however Alan Hansen ends Liverpool's goal famine with a speculative shot that sends a roar of relief throughout Anfield, but as soon as he fell wide , Hansen moved to the other side and continued. himself and just let one go over Hansbury and into the net, nice little touch from Johnson taking it back now from Cen derat sunis D leash Hansen is up there, this is M gmon, he's on the side and Hansen scores and Liverpool are in that mood, they need something.
It was very special shooting at the m and they were busy opening doors everywhere, then everyone involved and the appearance of Hansen, the extra man in the penalty area, it was easy for him once MC deflected it, that's his second goal of the season, so Jimmy's case in the Liverpool corner saw him turn once again towards Hansen and the goal was certainly deflected after Hansen's header, but the goal is Liverpool's and they took the lead, in fact, it did click on Billy Bonds. I think so, well, the scoreboard says the goal is for Hansen and there's Billy Bonds' right knee in the back of the net.
Alan, did you score that goal or was it Billy Bond's fault? I hope so. I hope you are affirming that we are achieving. In the Liverpool dressing room there is now a soft kiss on the cup and you can imagine the happiness, joy and euphoria that is there. Well, it's actually nice to see them with a cup because it's something they've never won in the old days, they used to call it the Mickey Mouse Cup because you know, because they never really competed for it, but in the last few years they've been in the finals. , they were defeated in the semifinal and now they win it again.
I think Liverpool's work is fantastic, Mcdermut and Hansen's short corner. It's a goal out of nowhere with 5 minutes left and can Liverpool hold on this time? Losing and reflecting desperation for the Dutch was Ronnie when he got a big move there. Hansen made his way between two outstretched legs got it under the title Alan Hansen, who has not scored since the winning goal in the League Cup final, appears with another vital J with space and time to cross and here he is Hansen and the weather very well. used and the defender moved forward and was not discovered, so just after the 35th minute, Liverpool Take the Lead had so much time that MC measured the cross and chose the man who arrived last and arrived best, Adon Hansen King, so fast and leads the charges towards his left on the side Ian Rush A brilliant Liverpool goal done wonderfully by Alan Hansen and denied by Ian Rush with the minimum of the first Alan Hanson intercepting in his own half saw the opportunity to advance excellent play by The great defender, the ball he got in the way and hustled and when Southall came out Rush scored his ninth goal of the season he is very good on the line why mcmah looks to David Johnson but he is soon leading this Liverpool by example making sure that they don't do it.
He doesn't weaken at this stage, here is the Hansen Rush deflection, he took it hastily, he will claim the second goal of the game, but a defender certainly emerged and Liverpool went for two and Hansen Le Hanson again against the post and it was Sun who Hit the rebound and found it blocked but so far it's proving to be an unlucky night for Liverpool as Hansen found his cost here and Fal got it away from Lawrenson and here are the krooks covered by Alan Hansen. Walsh D is having fun in the second. half, I don't think I enjoyed the first period and Walsh is on the number three side, Newcastle totally divided and the whole time in the room because he ran from behind and Newcastle all over the place and no one was in the company of B. it was Hansen, he was on his side, although it must have been close, and Walsh had no chance for Clemens, who is furious, I think, because they didn't push in front of him and Walsh was given a free header and made no mistake, another Scott is the captain of the equipment.
Alan Hansen, who Liverpool signed from IC Thisle, although disappointed to be left out of Scotland's squad for the World Cup in Mexico. Hansen already represented his country in a multitude of sports before football. He was a schoolboy. International in volleyball. He was also a good enough squash player to defeat the Scottish junior champion by three sets to one, but best of all was the golf reserved for a Scottish junior team that faced England when he was just 16 and playing with a handicap of two and still hits a great ball when I was younger. I really loved the game I mean, when I was in school, golf was my number one game and in the summer, I mean, we played three times a day, I mean, 54 holes, soccer was a bad second, a great effort, this because of its power, because we endure. one of this length last night for five I wonder if he can do it again, yes, well done, a dream of what might have been a consolation for Alan Hansen in the week he was left out of the World Cup party Scotland.
These applause, sweet music. to your ears and livers everywhere Liverpool have won the double and the two Scots Hansen and Dlish who played against each other years ago north of the border, well, they have had a great time since they came south with this Hansen club. that arrived just before the Cup final in 77 delich, that arrived that same summer as a substitute for Kevin Keegan to return to Hanson, oh, and that's it, Steve McMan snatched the tie from Liverpool, beautifully crafted goal created by Alen Hansen and then bravely Steve Mcmah. diving here's Kevin Richardson oh not a bad ball at all Martin Hayes and the cross here for Road Castle off the line Alan h I think the goalkeeper who beat the Liverpool Captain saved them on the line and Lawrenson couldn't get to it was A beautiful floating center David Rastle scored the half-goal but lacked the power to beat Hansen in his first game for Liverpool over 10 years ago, that debut season was capped with a European Cup victory at Wembley for a very versatile young man.
Athlete Alan Hansen could have made a living on the professional golf circuit. Liverpool almost pushed him in that direction by rejecting him when he was a schoolboy at a time when his golf handicap had dropped to two and was continuing to drop for some time. He also dedicated his energies. squash and his football career certainly benefited from the speed of that game. He was also good enough at volleyball to be called up by Scotland before Liverpool revived interest in him and reshaped his sporting education. The first thing you learn about the moment you sign for Liverpool.
It's keeping your mouth shut, I mean, Bob Paisley was a stickler for that. I remember, around April, one time Alan Kennedy was in the paper saying we won the title and Bob went completely crazy and we played V on Monday. They beat us 3-1 and they gave him a forehand, Ross, and he wasn't actually having a bad game, but it was just because he was in the papers on Sunday saying this, so from that point of view, I mean, that's the first time. The lesson is that you learn that people keep their mouths shut, no matter what you're doing or how well you're doing it, just you know, don't go to the papers and say anything, not even on television, or even on the Television, I mean.
I would never come and say, you know we're going to do this or that or the next thing. I think we are in a good position, but the bookmakers think you are in the bookmakers and they think we are in a good position. Well, but once you have the championship medal in your hand, it's time to start shining with six championship medals. Alan Hansen knows that feeling and is in a good position to compare the current unbeaten Liverpool team with his illustrious predecessors, the team I would say they are. more offensive than most Liverpool teams and I mean, we've always based our play and attack, but certainly with links and beards, um, you know, they're doing things that individually possibly people from other teams did.
I don't and it's a pleasure to sit behind them and watch them play. I have said that, as far as John Bars is concerned, I would also say that if he had gone to any other club, the ball would possibly be at his feet. As much as being at Liverpool, I have been in Liverpool's midfield for 10 years and it has always been the same, we have the ball so much that you always want to get involved in what you always want. pass, I mean it's a pleasure now that that gram Sunus has gone to the centre-backs because I mean he was playing, you could never get a kick, I mean he would just come and take the ball off your feet, not Ste and Ronnie Gan in the middle at least you have the chance to get the shot and John Aldrich has done it again for Liverpool a great break here from mcmah a beautiful cross from him they left Orage for a moment and there's the goal that puts to Liverpool One n forward here John, well you have to tell Alan Hansen what a wonderful play he had on the ball, he controlled it in Direction two or three times and then played a wonderful ball for mcmah.
Mcmah did well of course, receiving an AC cross, but Alen Hansen instigated it with his captaincy. The double winning side was a nice highlight, but his smiles and career are threatened by injury. uh I needed trouble for a long time, but I mean, it's just part and parcel of the game, I mean, you just have to keep playing, it's called. weird and you that you, but I mean, right now I'm not having any problems moving pretty well, possibly not so well. I've moved in years past because I'm in a b now, but I mean, there isn't one.
Danger of him leaving the game. Maybe they'll kick me out eventually, but I'm happy playing. I love playing and it's great to have played for Liverpool for 10 years and great to have been part of Liverpool. settingfor 10 years honey I saw that before Glover's experience against innocence maybe Howton Barnes Howton will happen again honey now vley oh look at this Alan Hansen the captain from behind and he was so selfless he didn't was able to find Aldridge's free kick. against H but kind of handsome. I wonder if a striker in that position would have been tempted to go for goal anyway.
Alan Hansen was so aware of Al's position that he decided to give up the ball, but he made a lovely play on Beardsley first and then as Sutton narrowed the angle and tried to square him. Fantastic, you can see scenes here that are out of this world. Fantastic, how big a part of these fans is that they play at home. They have been absolutely brilliant. We are packed.them in the whole season seems like something you dream about yes in fact I have Alan Hansen by my side Alan congratulations a wonderful moment for you yes tremendous it gets better every time some of our guys don't They have won before and obviously tonight we are going to enjoy fantastic scenes in the locker room. um, but we've done it with style.
We didn't play very well during the day, but we scored a lot of goals. We haven't ConEd that many well. You'll go into the record books with three points and you only needed one, so you did it with some style, but today it was tied. Yes, like I said, we didn't play well that day, but we played well throughout. season um, when I think the league table and the championship 17 comes up and it couldn't have been a better year, your own testimonial year, yeah, it's been nice for me, obviously, it's been a great season, we've had a great support at home and away, um, as shown. today the support was fantastic and next the cup final the thoughts are focused on that now well we have some games before then um um so we have to do the business in these games um let's go for one or two records before the final of the Cup and hopefully we will get them Alan, well done, have you heard of Singing in the Rain Alton, we have singing in Champagne here in the Liverpool dressing room, in London, they looked like champions throughout, but when Alan Hansen finally got the trophy .
He made his first mistake of the season. Surprisingly, the afternoon ended as it had begun. Alan Hansen has had to pick up the pieces of the cold, calm Majestic rock at the center of Liverpool's defense for the last 11 years and last night Yan Field Roar hailed a great servant of the club in his testimony against an England team full of stars. Forget the first half. Mick Harford's first goal. The highlight is that the biggest Ro of the night was the return of Ian Rush. Italy at night Ian shone in the sun setting up Liverpool's first for Ronnie Willen and how about for the first of his two classic goals Chris Wle scored one with another cracker as England prepare for Scotland on Saturday in the European Championship in Germany? "You want to go home," the crowd chanted.
Ian says not yet, but last night it was as if he had never been away and he embarrassed the England team again with the winning 32 for Liverpool, the final score and for Alan Hansen it was £120,000 more. A plus to a wonderful career. Well, obviously, it was a little special. I mean, after they beat me in the Cup final on Saturday, the amount of puns that came out and the reception I got was just incredible. 31,500 people there tonight. Well, that's what they did. I mean I mean it was a solid sellout um like I say after they beat me on Saturday uh the crowd the reception they gave me was just fantastic you've been here 11 years now 11 11 years none of that I mean this night by For me it was like a dream come true Alan Hansen has won every national honour, including three European Cup medals, but my real regret is that in only 27 international matches Scotland have neglected such an elegant act, so to the At the age of 32 and after almost 600 appearances for the Reds, how much longer can Allen Hansen remain at the top?
Well, there are two years left on his contract and I hope to see him anyway. Happy memories tonight. Oh yes, tremendous magic. Hanson steps in with typical authority and looks at that for a pass inside LS. compiled by barnes delivered and rosenal this has become something of a fairy tale, well



is leaving, maybe just the wear and tear on those sore knees, the injuries that have threatened to end his career, but he's made of better material than the cunning Leach. third championship in just 5 years as coach Alan Hansen experienced this for an incredible eighth time.
Kenny Dalley's chair has done it his way as always, mostly his own emotions masked for us all. Just winning this game has been an achievement, but winning the championship well, you can't do better than that, it's very nice because people had written you off because of your knee problems, obviously, if you're up for 8 months when you're 34 years old, people would say you're in a bit of trouble, but I always knew I'd come back and it's fantastic to have won the championship again, obviously, you know, the last year has been magnificent, we've had quite a bit of criticism throughout the season, but just We have had a defeat in the league. since November and I think that speaks for itself Alan Hansson winner of the League Championship for the eighth time a fantastic record oh

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