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Akhenaten: The First Monotheist? | Atenism

May 25, 2024
Over thousands of years, Egyptian political systems and regimes rose and fell, but Egyptian religion continued with surprising consistency, that is, until the reign of King Akhenaten, some called him the heretic king, others a prophet or a religious fanatic, the renowned Egyptologist. Flinders Petri declared that Akhenaten is perhaps the most original thinker who ever lived in Egypt and one of the world's greatest idealists. In the


five years of his reign, Akhenaten managed to overthrow the traditional religion of his time and institute a new system of art. He founded a new capital and elevated the worship of a previously marginal God: Aten, the solar disk.
akhenaten the first monotheist atenism
The changes he made were so radical that some have suggested that Akhenaten did not simply revise the old polytheistic system, but rather introduced an entirely new form of monotheism, called autonism, but it did not last long beyond his reign, when Ramses the Grande took the throne, just under 50 years later, all memory of Akhenaten was completely erased, so what happened that led Akhenaten to reverse centuries of established polytheistic tradition of worship? a single sun god, what were the political implications of his religious revolution? Can we call his religious innovation an early form of monotheism? First, let's set the context.
akhenaten the first monotheist atenism

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akhenaten the first monotheist atenism...

Akhenaten was part of what Egyptologists call the 18th Dynasty, the


dynasty of the New Kingdom of Egypt. between 1550 and 1292 BC. BC, although the ancient Egyptians worshiped many different gods, the popularity of certain gods waxed and waned from century to century, from dynasty to dynasty, sometimes because a particular pharaoh became patron of a specific god, other times because to rise or fall. economic or political fortunes of a particular city where specific gods were worshiped, for example, as we have talked about before on this channel, the crocodile god Sobek was very popular during the Middle Kingdom, especially due to the patronage of Pharaoh Amanemhat III in 1390 BC .
akhenaten the first monotheist atenism
Akhenaten's father, Ahman Hotep III, ascended the throne. Egyptian religion centered mainly on Amun. King, a hybrid god of fertility and the sun. King sometimes pronounced Ra was the sun god, while Amun was an early fertility god. A moon had two cities of worship, one at a time. city ​​called Hermopolis and the other in Thebes, modern Luxor, and it was here in Thebes, where a moon merged with the sun god King, forming a solar god of regeneration. Amunray was depicted as a king with a flat crown with two tall falcons. plumes during the 18th Dynasty Thebes was the religious capital of the Egyptian Empire and served as the holy city of Amun for over 500 years and the temple precinct of Karnak on the east bank of Thebes was the religious center of gravity.
akhenaten the first monotheist atenism
If you visit it, it will leave you speechless. Today, a labyrinth of enormous pylons, obelisks, statues, temples and shrines, it includes an impressive temple complex dedicated to King Amun along with smaller but still impressive temples dedicated to his consort, the goddess Moot and her son, Kansu Amunre he was at the peak of his popularity just to underline. how popular four monarchs in this dynasty were named amenhotep, meaning Amun is pleased that this included Akhenaten, his birth name was amenhotep IV before he changed his name and all the kings of the 18th Dynasty contributed to this However, things began to change under the reign of Akhenaten's father, Amenhotep III.
Aten became more prominent, so who or what is Aten? The term atan means sun or sun disk and had been part of the Egyptian language for hundreds of years before Akhenaten and as long as the Egyptians. had long recognized Rey as the sun god, they seemed to have conceptualized Aten as a separate entity, for example, the Middle King's Kingdom text called the coffin texts use phrases like Rey, who was on his disk, the lord of the disk, King and his disk, so he binds. It was part of the Egyptian religion as early as the Middle Kingdom, but the aten became more prominent during the 18th Dynasty.
Autumn came to be associated with royalty. A popular expression at the time was the king ruled. The Autin has surrounded a Karnak inscription. Temple uses solar images to refer to the founder of the 18th Dynasty; He is regarded as King when he rises as The Shining of Auten, although Amun the King remained the center of Egyptian religion when mentions of Aten really began to increase during his reign. Amenhotep III's father Akhanan, in fact, even took the drastic step of deifying himself by claiming to be a living God, a practice normally reserved for a king after his death, then adopted the title Auten Dazzling, so imagine the religious and political ramifications of that.
You just declared yourself to be the physical manifestation of the sun with all the creative and life-giving power associated with it, so the stage was set. Amun the King was at the peak of his popularity. amenhotep III just declared himself the dazzling auten but then died. he died approximately two years before what would have been his 40th year as king. So around 1352 BC. C., he was succeeded by his son Amen Hotep IV. The man who would one day take the name Akhenaten, but how did we get from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten? We know basically nothing about Akhanan's early life and we know very little about his motivations for launching such a drastic religious revolution.
It's hard enough to figure out the motivations of people alive today, let alone someone who died three thousand years ago. A popular theory is that he was politically motivated, at least in part, and that his religious revolution was an attempt to weaken the power of the priesthood of Amun, perhaps seen as a threat to royal authority. Some Egyptian such as James Hoffmeyer suggests that Akhenaten must have experienced some kind of revelation. or Divine encounter a dramatic conversion experience like that of the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus when the resurrected Christ appeared to him. We can't say much with certainty, but it is generally understood that Akhenaten's religious revolution developed in stages, at first Aachena coexisting with other gods, followed by increasingly dramatic changes with Akhenaten moving to a new capital and then actively persecuting others. gods, as we originally said, he ruled under his birth name amenhotep, a moon is pleased and his reign lasted approximately 17 years from 1352-1336 BC.
C., when he ascended the throne. he adopted the name of the beautiful throne or the manifestations of the sun god King traditionally kings had five names and the most important of them was the throne name and the birth name. Early depictions of Amenhotep IV show him making offerings to the traditional gods, namely, of course, Amun. but probably during the first year of his reign she began experimenting with the solar religion in which his father showed interest. He turned away from the worship of the sun god of Amun the King to focus on a solar form of the god Horus called Ray Harakti.
This was a hawk. God with a head who was associated with the morning sun. Here you can see an early depiction of Akhenaten when he was still called amanhotep. On the left side of the image, he offers incense to King Herakti and the goddess Mat, and on the right side, he offers incense. to the Creator God Autumn and the goddess Hawthor, but then, in just one year, the art and architecture of the traditional religion changed dramatically, as with other kings he began to build temples within the precinct of Karnak, but now he built these temples to Aten instead of Amunray, built four large temples. dedicated to Aten within the first five years of his reign, some historians theorized that the traditional temples were neglected and defunded in part because many resources were redirected from them to fund Akhenaten's construction projects while Akhenaten was still based in Thebes, a official wrote that while the other gods were receiving income the income for Autin was measured in piles, we cannot be 100 sure, but some have detected a measure of resentment or jealousy in that statement.
Sure the income for the gods is coming, but someone is measuring more for the Autumn as well during this initial period, along with a stronger focus on Ray harapti, Ray hirakti and aten somehow merged to the point where they were interchangeable and the auction was given a new name, the full name became King Hirakti lives rejoicing in the Horizon in his name of Shu, who was in Aton, some historians see this new name for the Autin less as a name and more like a creed. Shu is the name of another traditional early God associated with light.
Shu was married to Tefnute and they were both The children of the Creator God Autumn Scholars had proposed that in his early years as king Akhenaten identified himself as Shu and his main wife Nefertiti as TEF Newt, while Aten takes the place of Atum . Together, the three figures formed the Primal Triad that created the world as we have talked about before on this channel. Important gods within Egyptian religion were often grouped into Triads, the Theban Triad of our moon Moot and kansu or Osiris, Isis and Horus, but this association with reiharakti was short-lived because perhaps in his second year as king.
Amanhotep IV discarded the traditional falcon-headed deity and changed the artistic representation of Aten to a more minimalist design. He now appeared as the solar disk with human hands extended toward the earth, sometimes holding the hieroglyphs that were dominion and life, so the Aten literally extends life. and power to the king himself, art historians would describe this as an iconic term used to describe a symbolic or suggestive representation of a god. This is seen a lot in more or less contemporary religions in ancient Canaan, where the gods were represented simply by a standing stone. in contrast to more detailed or literal representations.
While most Egyptian gods were portrayed as literal humanoid figures that often shared animal and human characteristics, the Aten was depicted as a disk or probably a globe. Notice how the Athena carved deeper into the stone, making it look more similar. As a sphere, Anton also had a urea or a rearing cobra that always appeared on the crowns of kings and gods. This change corresponded with a more general change in all works of art. You can see it in the Colossus of Akhenaten in the Cairo Museum. a long, narrow face, elongated, somewhat pear-shaped neck with a high, elongated waist, low navel, and backward knees.
The statue's feminine attributes have even led some scholars to argue that perhaps a statue of Nefertiti, Akhenaten's wife, was meant to be there. There have been countless attempts over the decades to pathologize these artistic depictions as evidence that Akhenaten may have had some form of physical condition. A popular theory that emerged in recent decades is that he and perhaps his family had the genetic disorder called Marfan syndrome, but these theories remain speculative. and most scholars don't really pay attention to them, these theorists are probably reading too much into artistic change. More lifelike statues of Akhenaten exist, especially from early in his reign and his entire family, including members of his entourage, are portrayed with the same exaggerated anatomy.
How likely is it that his entire inner circle, including people not directly related to Did he suffer from Marfan syndrome? Sometimes a stylistic choice is just a stylistic choice. Along with all of these artistic changes came the very personal change we mentioned earlier in year 5. of his reign he changed his birth name from Amenhotep a moon pleases Akhenaten one who is effective for Aten proceeded to erase his original name from all his monuments replacing it with his new name also probably in year 5 of his reign. He made the biggest change of all and probably the most controversial both religiously and politically.
He founded a new capital in central Egypt calling it Akitaten or the Horizon of the Solar Disk. Egyptologist Dimitri Labori compares it to Versailles in France when King Louis XIV forced his entire court to move to the royal residence. Akhenaten made a similar move: he abandoned the capital of his ancestors of the 18th Dynasty and the holy city of the dynastic god Amun King to robbers, today the site of akatatan is called Tel El amarna or simply amarna, this is what it looks like Today, not much remains of it, in fact the site was lost to history until the 18th century, notably Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition first mapped the site while passing through Egypt in the late 18th century. a decent amount about amarna due to the discovery of a series of inscriptions that marked the boundaries of the city one of the inscriptions called the Early Proclamation reports the founding of the city from the perspective of the king, it says that he chose the site because it was the place of the primal event, in other words, the placewhere the creation of life first occurred, then he declares his intention for the new city in Akhitatin, in this place I will make the house of Aten for the Aten, my father, he kept that promise.
He built several temples, chapels and palaces, all related to the cult of Aten, in particular he built what he calls the House of Arten or the Great Temple of Artan, which has been described as the nerve center of art and worship in Amarna, while traditional temples had a roof. The religious structures in Amarna dedicated to Aten were open to the sky so that you could enjoy the radiant power of Aten while worshiping him. Today only an outline of the great temple of Atan remains, but we can say that it was gigantic and measured 730 meters by 229 meters.
An idea of ​​what this looked like, look at this recreation of the interior of the great temple, which was essentially an open-air courtyard, a raid with altars, these little squares here in and around the Amarna temples literally hundreds of tables of tables were built. offerings replete with offerings of food and flowers, a practice depicted inscribed on temple walls and elite tombs, the ritual practice must also have involved other practices known from Egyptian religion, such as singing hymns and playing ritual instruments called sistra , but the main difference is that there was no divine image of the god or statue to worship.
Scholars are unsure how much the average person would have paid into the practice of the cult, but at least some scholars have argued that the non-elite of Amarna may have participated particularly due to the large spaces in front of the Great Temple where large numbers could have gathered. crowds. The founding of the new capital certainly shook the political and religious world of ancient Egypt and probably made many political enemies in Thebes Amarnath. Thus the holy city of Aton became the religious center of a new religion that scholars now call autonism. Now not much is known about the religion of autonism, but our best clues come from the so-called hymn to aten, the most elaborate of the sun god. hymns of ancient Egypt the surviving hymns are found inscribed on the tombs of Amarna officials it is too long to read in full but I will highlight some passages some stanzas describe arten as a life-giving god or you who bring living fetuses and women who give life in the sun in its mother's womb when the chick is in the egg you give it breath within it so that it lives the power or life-giving functions of auten not only on a cosmic level creating the entire world and giving life to the entire world, but on a personal level giving life to humans and animals alike, remember those iconic images of aten, literally extending the symbol of life to humans, other passages reveal the universal nature of aten, an inclusive God witnessed. for all says a stanza you have filled every land with your beauty you are excellent, great, radiant, elevated above every land, your rays unite the lands to the limit of everything you have done, so often you can embrace many lands and many peoples, Egyptians and foreigners alike. but auten is also a God that only Akhenaten himself could truly understand the hymn describes their special relationship you are in my heart there is no one else who knows you besides your son Akhenaten you instruct him in your plans in your strength passages like this lead to some They argue that Akhenaten himself composed the hymn here Akhenaten functions not only as a king but also as a prophet and intermediary who knows the mind of God in this hymn and others found around Amarna, we glimpse Akhenaten's personal devotion, another hymn says I am your son who is effective for you and lifts up your name your strength and your power are established in my heart another inscription records a call to prayer heed my father my reminder of continuity my testimony of eternal things thus illustrated by the great hymn and other religious inscriptions around amarna how aachen was conceptualized as a god aten was a god of regeneration in other words, it was believed that aten not only created the world but recreates it every day, unlike other gods Egyptians, Aten does not share the spotlight with a consort; furthermore, Auton does not speak directly like other gods, but through Akhenaten as an intermediary who claimed that Otten was his father.
Now some scholars have suggested that Auten may actually have been Akhenaten's literal father, the deified Amenhotep III, this is because he refers to Aten as father and us. We have already established that Amanhochet III called himself the dazzling art, this would make autonism something similar to the cult of ancestors, however, the kings had always considered the main God of the state as their father, which is what granted him the king the divine right to rule as if he were moving to a new capital. was not enough Sometime between Year 2 and Year 5 with the rapid rise of Aten as the state's chief god, Akhenaten made a bold move that shook the state's religion: he banned moon worship, closed his temples, and ordered the widespread and complete elimination of With the name and image of Amun we have evidence that this Erasure campaign was carried out from Nubia in the South to the Sinai Peninsula, more than 3,200 kilometers away.
The destruction of our Moon was so widespread that some Egyptologists theorize that it could only have been accomplished with the help of the military, just imagine the effort required to carry out such a vast campaign and let me remind you that all of this happened during the Moon's heyday. , as the most popular Egyptian god made some enemies by doing this in nearby tombs. Thebes, the name of Amun was erased, torn from the walls, the name was also removed from the top of the Obelisk of Hotshepsut. Just imagine Akhenaten presumably had a guy climb up there with a hammer and chisel just to destroy Amun's name.
He even ordered the destruction of his own father's name remember that Amenhotep contains the name Amun, so even though it was his father's name, Akhenaten destroyed his name even within Amenhotep III's own funerary temple, the temple meant to honor him. to him and his legacy, is still not exactly clear. why Akhenaten had such animosity towards Amun, but scholars have often suggested that it may have been for political reasons, as the theory goes, the Almond priesthood had become too powerful and this was Akhenaten's way of establishing his own power, but there is no text that proves this to be true.
Furthermore, Amun was not the only God who was attacked. The name of some other gods was occasionally attacked, such as Amun's consort Moot, and even the plural word for God was sometimes deleted. This has led some to theorize that the worship of all gods except Aten were prohibited and that perhaps Autonism was the first appearance of monotheism, so can we categorize the Akhanan religion as a form of monotheism? This association has fascinated scholars for over a century and even captured the imagination of Sigmund Freud, who raised the idea in his book Moses and Monotheism suggesting that Moses was actually a priest of Otten who fled to Canaan and introduced the monotheism to the Israelites, as is always the case in religious studies.
It is difficult to apply our own modern academic categories to our research subjects, sometimes our research subjects do not. I do not agree with our academic labels, other eras like Akhenaten were separated from our subjects by thousands of years who spoke a different language and had a different concept of what we could call religion or what today we could call monotheism. Normally, monotheism is defined as the belief in the existence of a single God, this is distinguished from other terms such as henotheism or monolatry which refer to the belief and worship of a single God while accepting the existence of other gods in a system. henotheist, a God is typically elevated as the primary object of worship often due to cultural, familial, or personal devotion, many, if not most, ancient Israelites could be classified within this framework, as many texts of the Hebrew Bibles assume the existence of other gods, even if the Israelite God is the main object of worship later during the Roman period.
Emperors such as Aurelian and Constantine came to favor the sun god while accepting the existence of other Roman gods, both monotheism and henotheism have been used to describe autonism, although with all the qualifiers that scholars like to use to protect their conclusions. , henotheism seems to be the easiest term to defend. There are several instances during Akhenaten's rule where certain traditional gods were accepted, especially Creator Gods. The god Ray, for example, continued to be an important deity during Akhenaten's reign. The name King even formed part of Akhenaten's throne name during Akhenaten's reign. There were also temples dedicated to King. which were built in Heliopolis and perhaps even in the new capital, Amarna, a letter dated in the fifth year of Akkenan informs the king that the temple of Pata in Memphis was operating at full capacity after the nation eliminated the cult of the moon and many ancient Egyptians who had names referring to our moon, change their names to include accepted gods, among them are Ray Pata and Thoth, apparently these were the favorite gods during the reign of Akhenaten.
It seems that Osiris was also particularly accepted at his cult site at Abydos, where Akhenaten may even have built a temple or The chapel dedicated to Auten that functioned next to the Temple of Osiris some point to the fact that the plural word for Gods was defaced during the destruction of the Amunri cult on the surface, this could suggest


ic violence and exclusivity, an attempt to destroy the concept that there are other gods, but as we have just seen, we have clear evidence that other gods were accepted and we have clear evidence that Other gods were overlooked in the anti-Amun erasure campaign, for example, in the memorial temple of Amenhotep III, the figure of Amun was erased but the nearby image of Osiris was left intact.
This practice of erasing the plural word Gods might rather be associated with the title of Ammun King of the Gods, an unacceptable title when Aachen is the supreme god, historian Ronald Ridley concludes that the deletions were intended to nullify that epithet rather than deny the existence of a broader Pantheon, many scholars argue that identifying optimism as


ic is not a compelling conclusion. Egyptologist Brianna Jackson says this is probably the dominant view among Egyptologists today, so henotheism may be a more accurate term to describe this religion. However, today there are Egyptologists who say that autonism was functionally a monotheistic religion.
The historian Ronald Ridley simply quotes Arten's great hymn, line 39, when he says: what else, except monotheism, can be called a religion that speaks of its God as a god of the soul without another? alongside him, although of course, as we have just seen, it is more complicated than that, since other gods were recognized, if not worshiped, within autonism. Egyptologists such as James Hoffmeyer, who defends the label monotheism, maintain that Aten was elevated to a new category above the other gods. and therefore functioned as the only Supreme Being. Egyptologist Orly Goldwasser argues that we can see this in how the word auten was written in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
She says that the standard determiners or classification symbols usually attached to the names of the gods are not. used when describing aten, she argues that autonists deliberately did not add a God classifier after the word auten because their Revolutionary Doctrine has actually canceled the options for a category of gods. This is a bit confusing, so let's use another example, it would be similar to how some early Christians simply relabeled the Greek and Roman gods as demons; many early Christians did not deny that Zeus and Athena existed, they definitely thought they existed, but the Christians simply demoted the Greco-Roman gods to a new class of supernatural beings, effectively canceling the category of Greco-Roman God, since all of these gods were technically Hell, this left the Christian God in his own unique category.
Scholars such as Goldwasser and Hofmeyer argue that auction was also in its own category and therefore monotheism is an accurate term to use either or We do not classify optimism as monotheistic or henotheistic. Many over the last century have proposed that Akhenaten may have directly or indirectly influenced ancient Israelite religion and its worship of a single God, the god of Israel, as we have already seen. Freud was convinced of this at the beginning of the 20th century. Although much of his book is fanciful, most Egyptologists today do not believe that Autonism had any link to Israelite religion, although with one possible notable exception sinceHe first discovered the greater Ottenham in the late 19th century.
Religious scholars have pointed out the striking similarities. between this hymn and Psalm 104 in the Hebrew Bible specifically verses 20 to 30. There are numerous parallel motifs shared between these two texts, for example, Psalm 104 verses 20 to 22 has the motif of wild animals in the night, you send darkness and it is night when all the beasts of the forest prowl the lion cubs roar for prey to seek their food from the Lord, the sun rises, they sneak away and lie down in their dens, meanwhile the great hymn says that when you set , the Earth is in darkness as in death. every lion comes out of its den every snake bites both texts also describe their respect for God as the source of life and praise their God in comparable ways Psalm 104 says O Lord, how many are your works in wisdom you have done in all the earth is full of your creatures while the great hymn tells how manifold is what you have done are hidden from the face of Man oh soul God as there is no other many scholars have proposed that the atenhim may have inspired this Psalm the Hebrew Bible Scholar John Day arrives even to say that whoever wrote Psalm 104 must have had access to the atenhim.
Other scholars say that we should be more cautious, there is not a single case of direct translation between these two texts. Instead, we see similar motifs, but even these motifs are out of order. Comparing them side by side necessarily pulls a stanza from one of the texts, so some have argued that the similarities are interesting, but probably not the result of a direct dependence, but rather they point to the fact that both texts emerged. Outside of a shared Near Eastern context, Akhenaten died around 1336 BC. C. and his religious revolution did not last much beyond the 17 years of his reign.
He didn't disappear overnight. The autumn temples continue to operate for some time, but optimism eventually faded. The most dramatic evidence we have of this is the so-called Stila restoration of Tutankhamun, who ascended the throne a few years after Akhenaten. The inscription declares his intention to restore the traditional religion of Egypt. He describes the temples of the country and ruins the temples and cities. of the gods and goddesses fell into decay and their sanctuaries fell into ruin, but then his majesty appeared on his father's throne and his majesty made monuments for the gods who built their sanctuaries anew as monuments of Eternity endowed with possessions forever. instituting Divinity.
Offerings to them consisting of regular daily sacrifices and the provision of food offerings on Earth. The inscription goes on to say that he installed new priests. And that as for the gods and goddesses their hearts are glad, this inscription was discovered in the temple of Amun at Karnak, probably the temple that suffered the most during Akhenaten's purge, suffering not only a loss of prestige but also probably of finances, since Akhenaten devoted so many resources to the construction of the temples of Aten and Karnak and the construction of an entirely new city, so, admitting that this is a piece of real propaganda, it seems that Chuchon Common restored what Akhenaten had destroyed, initiating a campaign to revitalize impoverished and abandoned temples and restoring a moon as the upper god despite his fervent attempt to remake Egyptian religion fell to a common phenomenon seen throughout the history of religion religious reforms imposed from above rarely hold up


's radical imposition of antonism serves as a powerful case study as he sought to impose new beliefs and practices his successors quickly returned egypt to its traditional roots the history of Akhenaten serves as a fascinating study not only of an eccentric king but of religious transformation in general.
One of Akhenaten's most radical decisions was to move the robbers' capital to Amarna at the time when this ended the religious and political landscape of Egypt. , but looking back three thousand years later, Egypt's political center of gravity moved many times from Memphis to Thebes to Alexandria and then to Cairo, the current capital and a mega city home to 10 million people. I lived there for Two years while doing my postdoc and let me tell you, I fell in love with the city. If you want to learn more about Cairo, watch the Cairo history video. From the Roman fortress to the modern megacity, it is made by the Creator City.
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