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AJ Styles Helps Main Event Mafia Battle Aces and 8s (FULL MATCH) | IMPACT August 22, 2013

Mar 18, 2024
the drop contest is scheduled for a fall featuring the first Aces and a huge high-stakes Main Event tag


Aces and Ace, the




, the outnumbered




, where the loser of the drop in this


he went for a good story, well I can assure you that he will not be one of these men who are now coming out of the esteemed and charming group known as the Aces and none of these men will lose their career in this match here tonight. It's not happening, Vice President Anderson Knuck. Garrett Bishop West Brisco and Devon for the team of five


and eight and their opponents, the main EV mob, are the icon, the Hall of Famer leads the way up the ramp and as you do the numbers, Yes, you can see only four members of the main event.
aj styles helps main event mafia battle aces and 8s full match impact august 22 2013
Mafia, yes, they couldn't get anyone to step forward under these circumstances and they have the big risk of putting a career on the line, being outnumbered here against Aces and eight, you think it was more if no one wants to put their career on the line as opposed to the entire locker room hating the main event Mafia think about it someone is losing their job one of these men is losing their livelihood who will it be let's find out when we return to Impact Wrestling hardcore Justice on our tag team main event we welcome you back to Impact Wrestling, the vice president of Aces and Eights, Mr.
aj styles helps main event mafia battle aces and 8s full match impact august 22 2013

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aj styles helps main event mafia battle aces and 8s full match impact august 22 2013...

Anderson has a microphone. I'm going to be a big man here and I'm going to go ahead and call our fearless leader, ladies and gentlemen, this. man, our president is going to come here and watch the story unfold because there are only four of you and there are five of us, so ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, our presidential pulley, Ray, president mother of Aces and eight world champions heavyweight,


y accompanied by Tito. Ortiz and Brook have a big day to be the world heavyweight baby from Champaign to be the president of the Aces and a look at a champion, he's got the muscle right there, he washed his back, he's got the beauty on his knee, he's got the world title. on your shoulder, okay ladies, here's the deal, like I said before, there's only four of you, there's five of us, that's unfair, that's not fair, so here's the deal, you and you know you can get together between yourselves and resolve this somehow. but choose one of you to lie down for us, there is no one in this family here who is going to lie down for you or anyone else and if we go down, then we go down fighting in Norfolk for Jor, what is this about changing your customs for AJ Styles?
aj styles helps main event mafia battle aces and 8s full match impact august 22 2013
You're kidding, you think get out of here. No way, no way, this can't happen. It may be that the old AJ, the phenomenal AJ style, is back and not just back with the one he's with. the main event Mafia this is crazy this is a scandal this can't happen in any way I can't believe this I never thought of this believe it AJ Styles steps up to the plate and thinks about it puts his career on the line puts his career on the line the line oh I I just can't I I I'm in shock I can't believe this AJ Styles and I can only assume it's because of the four members of the main event Mafia the respect AJ Styles has for them with the main event mafus backs up against the wall AJ Styles gives a step forward and join them here against Aces and Eights I I I'm almost speechless I can't believe this, get used to it the way you like it, it was like they witnessed it.
aj styles helps main event mafia battle aces and 8s full match impact august 22 2013
This when he walked over here it was like that pause and then just like a transformation back to the original AJ Styles, AJ's phenomenal style and how about that AJ kick, absolute insanity here in this now 10-man five-on-five team. and someone's career will be gone, man, come on, Brisco. Come on, the world champion looks with the main grip on him. Brook tests Mar, who is now the main event. Mafia, they have West Brisco on their side of the ring and Magnus hands him over. The Samoan submission machine, the Piston, as right and left, punch after punch from Samoa Joe, has West Chrisco down and in trouble, well Samoa Joe, he's always bloodthirsty all the time.
Maniac loves to fight, he loves to hurt people, Joe drops Brisco P, two men who would do it. it would have been if Brisco had disappeared from the story I don't know I still like our chances I still like AC and Eight's chances I won't give up trying to convince yourself well even it's Steven five on five even Steven what what what what my Worry about what's right, okay, Garrett, you can't let that happen. Come on, worry about what this has done to the main event. Mafia. AJ Styles is now in and AJ is going to take it to Garrett, but why does AJ Styles have to hit it? nose in other people's business why does Bish carry AJ on his shoulders oh oh drops him down his back smasher over his knee who's going to be the one to lose his job is it going to be someone from the mafia someone from Aces and Eights We found out after this and yes, we are back, this is the continuation of our 10-man tag team match from Impact Wrestling's Justice Main Event and now the aspect of this match that had been totally dominated by the Mafia main event has been turned in favor of Aces and eight and look at this Magnus just came up to the CAU right here, imagine, imagine, he's still fighting, he's got some heat and he doesn't have enough, he doesn't have enough for this tank, come on guys, don't let this one guy do this magn jez. pinned by KN Magnus could go here if he ever imagines Impact Wrestling without Magnus, the cover boy, the pretty boy, imagine him with the man with a tanned body and fights like Jean, that's just my opinion, imagine him leaving, imagine . getting him fired from Impact Wrestling, I mean there are so many options, imagine Impact Wrestling without their vice president Mr.
Anderson, that's a possibility tonight, that's not happening here. Sergeant Arm Stone making sure Magnus gets out of here, just imagine Stain or Samoa Joe leaving. Impact Wrestling imagines that's going to happen here tonight, what would Bully Ray, the president, say if Devon is defeated, if he gets pinned here tonight and Devvon has to leave? Don't happen, don't happen, look at G, fish here, one of the Young Guns in Aces. and eights wind in the face of Magnus CR that top R watch out here Magnus doing his best to try to fight out of the corner here he comes off the ropes no Dr by Garrett Bishop follows the pin with a linking uppercut for two that's something that cheating on this Magnus and he's tough, he's really tough, some say he doesn't look tough, he's triple tough and we're putting it on him right here, they're still fighting, come on guys, don't you have to try harder?
This guy, you have to try harder with this guy. West Brisco follows with the pin on Magnus and Joe to make the save. How about AJ Styles, the transformation we've witnessed by stepping up here and agreeing to put his career on the line to join the Main Event Mafia in this big 10-man tag team match, yeah, I'm still shocked, still shocked. AJ Anderson hit Magnus for two and Magnus survives and escapes and that's what it's really about, it's about surviving, staying away from being pinned, staying away. from being submitted by the opposition, AJ is the only one that maybe AJ will lose his career here tonight oh no, no, stop being angry to stop him Anderson, good job, cheap shot, it's a rake in the eyes that time by Anderson on Magnus and they have had complete control of this match talks about Aces and eight now for several minutes Devon drops the leg and now Devon mocks general manager Hulk Hogan who will be back live next week when we are in Cleveland Ohio yeah Hogan He's up to something.
I tell you, I covered that before. he's up to something defeated the attrition continues by Aces and Vice of eight necks Vice applied here to Magnus in the middle of the ring by devvon push that head like a bottle cap dvon come on don't ruin it he just cleaned his teeth earlier today Magnus was careful with his teeth Devon Champion champion looks on a champion Ray is joined on the ramp by Brook Tessmacher and Tito Ortiz the champion looks on as Magnus tries to get the offensive going and dvon devvon stops him and stops him. there yeah, plus a little old school break dancing and little Bronx Brooklyn maneuvers on you, oh, big knuckles on the right hand to the midsection bent over Magnus, let's just shut up on the total dissection here of Magnus by of Aces and a big leg drop, this could be it. right back on top of the pin that's smart ah still that tenacity right there tenacity good job good job on three separate occasions with those pin attempts Magnus was this close to losing his job I know I have to be honest I would love to see Magnus adds adds this company is not a big fan this guy you got lucky with the DDT desperation DDT that's step one step two is a tag for one of the four partners bring someone new here against AC eight stop protecting him Mike God yes you're embarrassing me Out here trying to balance what here comes the icon try sting sting drop kick for the next ones oh yeah Stinger Splash in the corner back to the pit again here he comes


speed oh just a blob that's going for the Scorpion's standoff oh H broke loose again the 10 men involved this is where something could happen someone could be pinned or subdued here in the middle of this in the ring oh yeah this is where it's dangerous that's complete like a car accident here his fights everywhere the spot SPI around the body flying everywhere here by the broadcast table action in the ring but Rampage Jackson laying on the right hand Devon on the CL line for Anderson no Rampage the Risco oh what a hit in West Brisco by Rampage Jackson and he gets caught from behind close it no thanks it sucks I have NS oh no don't get out of catch him catch him scorpion turn him around turn him around big step gotta help him someone help him Ste blocked someone help him apply a low blow holy shit knck for losing his job get over it get over it beat it ducks come on it sucks gone Sting left thanks for coming cool that was close to being the last time we saw Sting in Impact Wrestling that would have been awesome from his Hall of Fame car , take care, thank you for coming to see you on the road.
God, we almost made him feel like they have the advantage, they are going to try to kill here in the RS Stak series in the corner of Devon drops the dvon icon in full. control here we go Big D we go D we go D Deon prepares outside the corner High RIS here he goes and sting able to just walk away avoid that contact at the last second no it doesn't suck it doesn't suck don't take it AJ no oh here it is AJ gets caught in AJ flies with the springboard and AJ knocks MERS out of


and eights off the apron not fair you should even be in this match with a spinning back slam and he took down devvon with a fucking oh no no big time kick to the side of the head oh that was close Devon almost lost his job God come on Deon Anderson sneaks in from behind Styles Anderson puts the boot on AJ and now here it comes the main event comes Mafia again the importance of this match, the main event Mafia was not going to accept this attack of Aces and Eights.
You see everyone is on the same page for the Mafia AJ main event. I thought he was going to go for the Styles Clash. Oh, instead, AJ hit that. the P that time yeah, unfortunately he did, oh yeah, yeah buddy, powerful move from Devon, flip him over with that spear. AJ's career is at risk here while he wanted to keep his own and other people's business NOW. Look what happens. Devon doubled down on AJ. to try it yeah go for Styles Clash here on Dem to eliminate AJ H oh no one two no your winners main event Mafia you believe it what just happened.
Devon left. Devon is out, no that can't, no, this can't happen, there's no way this can happen rank no way the Aces and Ace wait a minute there's no way for one because of AJ's teral style he's the Sergeant at Arms there is no way this is happening he is the former Sergeant at Arms This is nonsense oh my god what we have witnessed from the transformation of AJ Styles to the phenomenal AJ style AJ advances


to the main event Mafia arrives at the style I crash into Deon and my God, Divon is gone I can't believe this I can't believe this this we're going to I'm appealing this this is not right this is wrong this is an outrage this is disgusting the man had an incredible career he shouldn't leaving this company, what a nocturnal couch he left behind and every

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