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Airport Adventures for kids with Chris

Mar 29, 2024
H family, which one will I choose this offer for the flight? Please go to door 89, yes, come here, come on, hello, let's see what's inside. Oh, Chris, it's you, but something's wrong with your luggage. Oops, Chris, no candy allowed, okay sir, but can I touch my toys? Okay, please, you can take your toys, here you go and a good fight. Bye, now, can you help me with my luggage? Oh no, officer, are you okay? Officer, I'm fine, uhhuh Nicole, don't you know there's a weight limit for you? luggage thank you a good F Goodbye how good Hello H interesting everything is good yes sir here is your passport goodbye how are you oh there hello yes come in okay here is our passport have a good flight goodbye hey M hey delicious candy where did you get the sweets from the wind machine oh gimme gimme welcome me aboard little passengers there's no candy on my plane guys what are we going to do?
airport adventures for kids with chris
We need a lot of candy, no problem and let's party Yahoo uhoh uhoh where are your candy? Does it work? You failed. I have a plan I'll be back, let's put candy inside hey, hey, stop, stop, stop, I forgot something, okay, where is CR? I don't know, where did we get the fishing rope? I'll show you guys, let's go. And how almost this. What is this candy? Oh no, no, no fishing on my plane, oh noil, it's my turn, girl power, huh, what does she say, hey, hey, bear like that, a bear, I told you the girls will do it, I really don't have your tickets, mhm, do you have a ticket, young lady, mhm? sir, you have tickets, sir, excuse me, sir, you should leave the plane if you don't have the ticket, my teddy failed, fasten your seatbelt, come on, what an Alka, okay, it's my fat, gree, gree, oh myar, I found you mommy It's too close, oh, we have to close. we are close ah this is for you and me Italy China South Pole North Pole H we are in Greenland yes mommy mommy I want something new oh where can we find it h let's shake it oh Grace I found your toys this is a car that Frozen Red's blet, let's do it God mine please M hero GES a hello, what's inside sagus once again? 1 2 oh, it's a goal, we found this treasure like this, where are GRE W, what country is that bread, delicious Venetian mask.
airport adventures for kids with chris

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airport adventures for kids with chris...

Pizza uhoh we are in EAS do you believe mommy let's make a pizza great idea you need to roll it out in a round shape yay Pizza Time mhm yumy yum bake with mince with tomato and cheese uh baboni yay this is one for me this is B in traditional cabbage okay and wait 15 minutes delicious yay let's go where are you SP okay and yum Yumm yum yum Pizza is enough for today let's go to another country what is this country? I don't know Paris snake soccer ball maybe Brazil yes, let's play hide and seek in the jungle, yes, let's do it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I'm going to grease myself, did you see my grease?
airport adventures for kids with chris
I love it, I found you and you like chungles high five hey let's pick a country yeah do you know what country that is? Now mommy, I know China, oh right, it's China H I want three, okay, nothing more, it's a tradition of Chinese food, let's learn to use chopsticks, it's very fast P, do you like it? I like this country too GRE, look at me, what is that? I like your hat, but what is this country? Wow, let's see what's inside, yes, come on, Grease look W, let's decorate it, choose your color, this is ready, look what a nice adventure, now you know, continuity and cultures, yes, mommy, it's time to clean, let's do it together. okay, yeah, hey, eyes, hey, these are my toys, these are my toys, uhh, my, my, my, my, my, oh no, mommy, what's wrong, please, take my toys, oh, you take his toys, uhh no.
airport adventures for kids with chris
Alice needs her room, let's find a place, okay, yay and mhm wow. It's a nice room, yes, but we need furniture. Mhm, hello, we need a bed, a lamp, a table and a rug, please, okay, let it go. I was crazy, come on. Mommy needs help, yes, hello, my friend, please help us, hello, yes, yes, wooho, yay, here we go, okay, let's go. this one yes, come on, yes, Alice, we need to make toys, uh, yes, what about this toy?, yes, this one I like the dresses, yes, okay, we need to buy some books for Alice, yes, hello, these They are dolls for Alice, yes, R for Alice and books for Alice, look.
Alice this is your room this is your dress this is your real bed princess do you like this toy? Me too blue GRE orange and yellow great thanks creat for helping Alice create it you're welcome team Park it's always a good idea boing time hello we need boarding tickets okay thanks and H me oh thanks you're welcome let's go amazing Welcome to our is okay alright ready to fight hello and and hey, let you choose your food, cookies and juice so quickly. I want cookies, okay, thank you, I want juice. thank you you're welcome it's empty very true excuse me sir uh-oh thank you delicious run oh no run run I'm fine KY great yes Black Sheep you Black Sheep hello we can't answer the phone now so go away your name come on yay oh come on oh now w oh aquo B yes, come on oh no bye thank you for choosing us see you yay Oh come on, okay let's go to the police department coffee coffee hello hello here we go fresh donuts you and and and bye Poli Poli stop, stop, no, ha, yay, no , thanks Chris for helping us, you're welcome, yes, and, okay, let's go to the hospital, uhoh, come on, who are you, is he working, yes, oh, foxi, hi, we're late for the emergency game, the nck. in the in the race no, it doesn't work oh no, I love you, let's go and and and that you Chris for helping us and yay and it's okay, we will be there the mission is part bana no, what happened yes, let's go YooHoo incredible great God it's okay run the car is loose open the door cop police come on let's go more cars good job we saved a lot of cars yes yes let go what dog Steal what is it you asked me to buy a dog now you have one but we want a real one dog but you don't need Faith this what let's open it yes wow G it's time for lunch let's sit down D this delicious delicious delicious delicious oh I have an idea uhoh this dog doesn't eat sausages it's weird let's play yay yay doggie doggie come on yoh today it's raining let's go home H I want that mainspring, he doesn't It's real Bing bye huh, where's my money?
You need to take care of the house hm I want the royal dock, let's play ball with him yes, come on, come on, this dog can Don't play with me hm I want the royal dock it's not better it's not fair this dog doesn't eat doesn't play doesn't watch I want a dog real this is not real it is not real it is not real I know what to do I want to change the dog from Roba to a real dog yes please it is not real it is not real wow he is so cute let's play with him I give puppy , give it to me, yay, puppy B, children are always responsible and worry about, yay.

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