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Air Fryer 101 - How to Use an Air Fryer - Beginner? Start HERE!

Jun 09, 2021
So you bought a deep


and you have a new appliance, but you're not quite sure how to use it. Today I'll share some basics on how to use an air


and some do's and don'ts. If you're new


, welcome, my name is Kathy from Fabulously Frugal and every Sunday morning I share with you an air fryer recipe or an Instant Pot recipe. It's always fun to have a new appliance or even if you are an aerator. air fryer pro to discover more recipes and that is exactly what I am doing for you. I have a new kasori air fryer


air fryer 101   how to use an air fryer   beginner start here
I also have my trusty phillips air fryer that I have been using for about a year because I thought I would. It'll be fun to show you a new air fryer and what to do when you first get it and instead of sitting here and talking about air fryers, I'm going to show you that I have two recipes to show you in two different air fryers. I'm going to take it very slowly step by step, so by the end of this video you'll feel empowered to take that deep fryer out of the box and


using it.
air fryer 101   how to use an air fryer   beginner start here

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air fryer 101 how to use an air fryer beginner start here...

Are you ready? Come on, what's the big deal with air fryers anyway? Here I have the number one selling air fryer on Amazon and let's make one thing clear: an air fryer is not a deep fryer, but it is a great and healthier alternative if you can bake it, if you can roast it, if you can fry it. you can cook it in your air fryer why this is better than a deep fryer it's because it's a lot less messy and I don't know about you but I can't stand that stinky smell that stays on your clothes forever when you fry something basically It's a mini convection oven which means which in this chamber you will find that most of them have baskets.
air fryer 101   how to use an air fryer   beginner start here
I haven't even used this before. Wow, and down here you will see that there is a heating element and above it there is a powerful fan that is going to just lower the heat up and around to cover all the food, it will make it juicy and crispy if you air fry it and bake it it will take less time and , of course, is less complicated. I also love the air fryer, especially in the summer because it doesn't heat your house like turning on the oven wheel. Now there are different types of fryers. Today I'll just talk about the guys who have the basket here.
air fryer 101   how to use an air fryer   beginner start here
The basket is nice because you can take it out when things are cooking. I love using instant thermometers to check the temperatures of chicken, steak or pork, whatever I'm cooking here and you can't do it as easily with a regular oven, so what to expect the first time you put your bill to good use. plane. Of course, take it out of the box; You'll want to spend a little time reading the instruction manuals. I know it's not always fun to do, but each model varies a little and will have a few different things, so before you do it.
Using it for the first time, wash that fryer with some hot soapy water and a soft kitchen cloth or sponge. You could even run that basket through the dishwasher to make sure it's really clean and then dry it quickly. I don't necessarily stress about drying every nook and cranny because the fryer can also dry itself because it has that powerful heating element in there, so I'm going to check to make sure there's no other packaging inside anywhere so I don't


anything. on fire, this one is a good one, it has these little ledges that keep it up off the counter because this could cause some damage to the counter, so you'll want to make sure if you don't have a deep fryer that it has those little ledges on it that have something like a big board. wood, something that would protect your countertop from the heat of the fryer, so now it's time for the test, that's where you're going to run the fryer empty, not just make sure everything is working.
Properly, it will cook out those factory oils and eliminate that foul smell that comes with new appliances. Check your owner's manual, but I'm going to run this at 400 for five minutes, those are the instructions for the kasori brand. I'll just find the power button there it is and usually all you need to do is find some arrows so now the temperature is flashing and then I'll press the button again and now it's doing time and I'll just hold it down. up to five, it looks like this one has a play button, now you can see it's just going to run.
Hook everything up while I do this test. This is where a lot of the heat comes out, now you can hear the fire in the air, that's something that does work. vary, I would say that my phillips deep fryer makes more noise than the unfortunate brand, it is louder than a microwave, but definitely not as loud as a vacuum cleaner and every time you use it you want to take it off the wall because that heat comes out the back if you had it too close to the wall, it could cause some damage, it's not safe, so make sure you get it at least five inches away from the wall so it has enough room for circulation and doesn't damage anything, okay, here we go.
Made with a test run and it's hot so all this is hot up here it's not hot it's a little hot here on the sides it says don't touch anything else except the basket if you've been running for quite a while. This could all be pretty hot, so there you have it, the fryer is clean, you did the test, now it's time to start cooking, so let's start simple, I have a bag here of sweet potato fries, sometimes find instructions for the air fryer, but it doesn't matter, we don't need to have the bag. Tell us how to cook our fries now, depending on your make and model, I might recommend that you press the preheat button now some air fryers have a preheat button. others don't, kasori brand has preheating now some people say why would you preheat and then as soon as you take out the basket all the heat comes out ok it's still hot so it won't let all this heat escape.
There are still some benefits to preheating but on my Philips airfryer it didn't say anything about preheating and I rarely do it and my food usually comes out fine, what happens if I'm making two and three batches of something that the second and third batches will they do? Cook in a little shorter period of time because the air fryer is already heated, so just refer to your manual about preheating. Some recipes will certainly tell you to do it, but many times, if I'm in a hurry, I just don't do it. Don't mess with it depending on what you do, you need a little bit of oil, if you have greasy chicken wings, things that already have it built in, you don't need to use any oil, but other things you do want to. use some oil you want to drizzle the basket which prevents the food from sticking and the oil helps it crisp if you have seasoning on your food the oil will help the seasoning stick to the food now I have a fryer I learned that these types of sprays with propellants are not good for deep fryers.
What people are reporting is that the non-stick coating is starting to peel off inside the fryer now on my Phillips that I've had for about a year. I didn't have that problem so I'm not sure if it's just the brand or maybe it's all a scam, but I don't know that the Philips air fryer I have is much more expensive so it might have a better coating than others. I'm not sure about these others, but to play it safe, I bought myself an oil sprayer and instead of using the cans from the store, I always use avocado oil in my kitchen and you can use that instead, put it in the spritzer . and then spray your fryer with that, so I have a 20 ounce bag of chips.
It only takes up about half the basket, so there is still plenty of room for air to circulate. What I'm going to do is go ahead, give him that. another spray and I'm going to apply it. I am leaving this warning sticker with my family only because it is a new fryer and when using it I just want to make sure everyone is clear about what is hot and what is not now. just always use the manual button the beauty of the air fryer is you can play with it and see how it goes so I'm going to go up to 400 now I'm going to do it for five minutes and we'll just shake it after five minutes and see how it goes , you might be wondering why I'm only making 400 when it says to make 425 in the oven.
I made the whole bag. 20-25 minutes are recommended for a full bag. My rule of thumb is to go down 10-25 degrees in any recipe and then I usually start by cutting the time in half and then add. That's the beautiful thing about the air fryer is that it's so easy to add a few extra minutes. depending on how the food turns out and again, it's great to have an instant read meat thermometer on hand so you can know exactly when the food is done, so here's a little tip for using an air fryer if you're cooking something . that will require you to rotate the batter instead of setting it for the full amount of time, you can simply set the timer in increments of five to seven minutes or whatever is half of the total baking time which will help you not forget to come and rotate your food.
I've been there. I have made this fryer have a safety feature. You can press pause right there or you can just open it and it stops immediately, so here it is. Almost 12 minutes here and I shook halfway through, I just lost that footage there so it's okay you still have a good idea here so shaking the food halfway helps a ton and look you can see it won't turn back on until you press this all the time. Now it will finish, it's cycled, it's ready, so it's been running for about 12 minutes. This is basically where you decide if you want it crispier, throw it in for a bit longer, otherwise it might be perfect. for you that's the beauty of the air fryer, I'm going to give it another little spray, we'll go five more minutes and that's it, we have some toasted fries that actually took 15 minutes to prepare, so the cooking instructions let's say 20 to 25 minutes , this is fantastic, plus my kitchen is not hot from turning on the oven so we won't just buy an air fryer just to make French fries, there are many other things you can do next, I will show you how to make air fryer salmon and I will use my Philips xxl.
I only have a couple of steaks here, they are thawed in a deep fryer, it is important to dry the food because if you have water in the food it will end up steaming. food instead of frying and browning it, so just pat the salmon dry and here's a tip for the air fryer. We're going to use the power of the aluminum foil sling and all you want to do is have some sturdy aluminum foil and you're done. We'll put it in the basket and create little handles so you can get the food out easily. This is much better than trying to scrape the food out of the air fryer, so let's spray the foil and the inside of the basket.
Next, I'm going to lightly season my salmon with salt and pepper. I have my Dijon and honey mustard mix. This is just two parts honey, one part Dijon. I made about two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of Dijon and make sure it's mixed well. and then just spread it over your salmon and if you have thicker fillets you're going to want to brush the sides and then if you have fillets that have the skin on the bottom you don't want to brush that, now this one is thin enough that I can brush a little bit here.
I'm going to place them right on top and we'll apply a little more frosting. Now you can probably place it depending on your basket. If not, you might be able to fit one more in there. we have everything ready so we're going to bake it at 400 and this recipe says 10 to 14 minutes, but since they're much thinner, I'm going to start with seven and take the temperature. The beautiful thing about air fryers is If you're just not sure about overcooking your food, you can pause it at any time, so this takes about five minutes and according to this it's done, but I want it to get kind of toasted in there, so I'll just give it Spend one more minute and it'll be ready right there.
This is all very hot. The basket is still hot. If you don't have a heat resistant countertop, don't put this on it either. I'll just show you how useful this aluminum foil is. sling is and another thing I love about air fryers is that you've had some fries sitting for a while, throw them back in the fryer for just a minute or two, reheat and re-brown those fries will be as good as new, yeah you have leftovers and want to reheat, just play with it, it's like a microwave, throw it at 350 for three minutes and see if it needs to be hotter, unless you are going crazy with the temperature for a long time, let me know which one. airfryer you have and which recipe you are going to try first, be sure to check out this great list of airfryer recipes right here.
I also have some air fryer desserts you should try. I'm here to help you every Sunday morning and if this was helpful, please like it and I'll see you in the next video. Now I'm going to enjoy some food.

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