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After The Storm (2019) | Full Movie | Madeline Leon | Bo Yokely | Carlisle J. Williams

Jun 07, 2021
me, sincerely, thank you very much, sorry, oh hey, this is really good news. No, yes, it's Nathan. He says we're getting tons of media attention. crowdfunding page that's awesome oh that's so awesome now we just have to wait and see if the world wants to help oh they will they will see how much damage the


caused they will help I know just have faith ok now tell cyril what she wants to pick up first let's go and get started you're stable what's up hey so um you and colin are friends what's okay I have a fiancé oh okay why just know I thought I was having a vibe not no vibe it's okay, no vibe, why did you catch a vibe or something?
after the storm 2019 full movie madeline leon bo yokely carlisle j williams
This is elementary school, should I give you a grade during math class? Well Colin really likes you and you like him, yeah I really like Colin as a friend, seriously he's been amazing to me during this whole


y situation. No, when we were little kids, we liked it when they were big kids. You liked him when he moved to Georgia. He liked it and when he came back, it's no wonder I liked them. I have a fiancé, okay, Lauren, thank you so much guys, thank you. Wow, I can't believe how much progress we've made on this house.
after the storm 2019 full movie madeline leon bo yokely carlisle j williams

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after the storm 2019 full movie madeline leon bo yokely carlisle j williams...

Well, the Amish can build a barn in a day, so by that standard we're a little behind, no, but. Seriously, your friends are really awesome, Zero can really lift heavy things, yeah, they're fine, I guess they all are. right and you're fine, just take credit for what an amazing friend you've been, huh, yeah, I You are helping to rebuild my house. Well, I think I'll spend the night here tonight. There is no interior of the house, how? I'm going to do that no, no, not in the house in the barn, plus the house has running water, gas, everything I need, buy yourself in the barn, oh, with the dancer, okay, okay, I'll stay spend the night at my house so you know if I ever needed a place to sleep?
after the storm 2019 full movie madeline leon bo yokely carlisle j williams
Are you trying to spend the night with me? No, I'm just letting you know that you didn't feel like being alone in the barn. You have a place. So, oh, that's really sweet of you, but I'm a big girl, I only offered myself as a friend because that's exactly what we are friends, okay, well, I'm going to wash up at the house and then I'm going to go to the barn, yeah, great, I'm going to look for the truck and the head. Back to the cabin, okay, uh, you can take it, oh, sure, this is good, well, uh, good night, friend, good night, friends, uh, ugh, friends, friends, friends, colin, she's asleep alone in a barn, what would your mother think if she knew this? did you know?
after the storm 2019 full movie madeline leon bo yokely carlisle j williams
He's not even that handsome, no matter how many times Cyril thinks he catches me looking at him, he's not, he's so amazing, even though he just doesn't see it, he saved entire families, he helped rebuild my house, friends, my fights, that's all. . in lauren lauren hello hello colin it's me it's lauren um why don't you open your door? wait you're in my house wait you're not in your house no I'm not I'm in your house what are you doing there? I was worried about you. Yeah, she started coming to check on you. What are you doing in my house?
I panic. Yeah, I was just afraid of being left alone in the creepy barn. You said it wasn't creepy. I know, but it turns out it's okay, you're at my house, I'm at your house, yeah, it's really funny, why don't you stay at my house tonight and I'll stay here? No, that sounds great, very reasonable, yes, um, the key to the front door is on the windowsill. We'll all have a good laugh about this tomorrow, I'm sure I know, okay, good night, colin get some sleep, lauren, okay, dancer, stay here. okay wow i remember this she has beyonce man she has a fiancé i can't do this foreign answer friend colin sleeping in a pink frilly bed that's what you doing lauren what are you doing here ? right, no, it's actually not okay, I really like you, colin, I really like you and in fact, I also came to apologize to you for hating you all those years after that stupid day at the picnic because I was just embarrassed and I was so insecure. and I spent years trying to keep you from thinking you were a horrible person even though you're not at all I was a horrible person you're not a horrible person Colin you're smart right you're kind you're a leader and that's okay I saw the furniture your house wow, you talk about talent and you listen to me you care about what I have to say you care about other people colin you know how weird that is I like you and if I'm honest I think you like me too Lauren, you have a fiancé, I mean, I saw your photos in your room, your barn, whatever, you two seem incredibly happy together, you deserve it, because I was horrible and I could have handled things very differently, much better.
But I didn't, no, you were just pushing me away like you're doing now, Lauren, how could I not like it? You tell me you're at the top of the class, the best catch, the most beautiful woman in town, you dedicate all your time. life to help children you are smart and talented you are an absolute boss with a nail gun you give back to other people and you deserve the best and lord that's not me history has shown that it's not me you deserve dane i broke up with dane when he brought the team in that day and I asked him not to do it, why did you do that Lauren, out of instinct and because he never listened to me, why don't you say something sooner because he was so tired of relationships, Colin, you know? and then there's this amazing guy standing right in front of me and I couldn't help but fall in love with him colin I think I'm falling in love with you I can't do this I thought I could I can't no I don't want to do something I can't take back, I don't want to leave, everything What I see is that I did not choose in another life, in some forgotten dream, in another life, it was whether to live, have goals in another life, in some forgotten dream and another life maybe and another life in another life dancer what are you doing here dude it's lauren here lauren let's run away again what do you need hey yeah um the dancer is actually here at my house sorry no no it's okay you're just supposed to run outside again um listen if you want I could um you know , bring it back to your house, could you leave on my iPhone pages the split page, yeah, yeah, okay?
Um, Lauren, listen, thank you, let's get you back, Paige, hey, dancer, have you been on your adventures again, yeah, yeah, I'll keep it until Lauren gets back from teaching, thank you, Paige, could you tell Lauren something for me? tell aaron what could you say to lauren just to give this dog a leash thank you oh answer i don't know i just thought you were dogs okay okay what's going on? Know? Wow, this is a good bench man. Where did you get it? A great store next to the road. I know you didn't drive here to talk about my bank.
Cyril, you know, calling. smart guy, you can be pretty dumb sometimes, yeah, family tradition, I'm afraid, man, you can't blame your dad for everything, I can blame him for a lot, come on, just talk to her, okay, tell her how you feel that she does not want. to talk to me she doesn't want to see me that ship has already sailed my friend well that's not necessarily true what do you mean by building your house when you're together there's like uh there's a five there's a live yes well in high school the the vibe of the series is just my instinct but i think there's a small chance man you don't understand cyril you'll never understand him no colin you don't understand what you're doing guts sutter hey buddy hey listen it's not you shift. to speak well i'm going to speak you're going to listen we've known lauren's family for 40 50 years brett allison they're as good as they come i know sutter listen listen i'm still talking you were a teenager when we moved here from georgia and since then there's only been one woman, just one Lauren, the problem is that you think you're not good enough, but it's not true, Sutter, what dad did was stop listening, this isn't about dad, I'm not talking. about dad i'm talking about you you're a good man you always have been even before this town needed a leader before lauren needed a new house i don't need to tell you what mom and dad went through control mom mom She has five children seven grandchildren and she hopes to have more I'm not dead tell me about Lauren what can you talk about now okay well I can't stop thinking about her if that's what you mean uh I just want to be with her all the time, I mean to see that girl achieve something, it's something, lo and behold, her.
She gets a smile on her face, you know, she snores, she snores like a grizzly bear, she wakes up the day with her snoring, how do you know this? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, she said, I can't stop thinking about her, well, there she is teaching a group of third graders and there is a man on the way to maybe take her away from me forever. Do you really love her with all my heart? heart? Yeah, so don't let dad's behavior stop you from being with her forever. Listen deep down, you know? You are better than that.
Can I show you something? Yes, what do we have here? I will put it. I made you do this. I did it that way. Surprised, that's what I do. Wow, I think she'll like it. Yes, I think she will like it. It fits You don't know if you don't try You're right You're right I assumed the conversation went well since it could be scaled from one to ten nine point five Mr. Chan I'll call you again How's my Lauren? Dane, what are you doing here? I came to apologize. I want this to work. Me and you later talk about this.
You were right. I should have listened to you. I never should have sent those guys to build your house for you or send that to you. furniture or that Italian marble tile it's just my way of taking care of you and yet it took you so long to get here you chose your job dane look look I'm here now I want to make this work I'm listening but it's much more than that, you know, after The storm hit, I realized what's important to me and I also realize what's important to you and those two things just aren't the same.
I love you and I loved you, but your life is all condominiums, good and big. city ​​life and I'm all little kids and house rental shows we can make this place work we're going to get a place here we're going to buy a house and you're going to design it and it's going to be fantastic. I already have a house here I have a house actually a house that I built myself I'm sorry dane no sir I'm sorry good Lauren Colin I'm sorry I pushed you away five years ago Lauren you are the most amazing woman I have ever met since I was a child.
I was always better when I was with you and I am a better man when I am with you. When I have to spend the rest of my life with you. Did I do something to you. lauren christensen will you marry me? Yes, I will, oh my god, that was so romantic. It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. No? You took a photo. I think she liked the ring. Oh, our boy finally did it. Hello, oh, I guess. You're happy for us too, aren't you, Nathan? Absolutely absolutely, but look, look at this, look at this, did we reach our fundraising goal?
We have more than enough for everyone. This is amazing, yes it's possible, I've finally been wondering about our guy. What do you mean? Our boy finally did it. It was all of us. You and me, mainly me. Someone had to make him see reason. You're right. I just called you. You are the man, the VIP, the older brother. I understand it enough, but I appreciate it all, that in a bag of chips, the big tuna, the freshly cut grass, think of the jungle, oh my God, king of the south, oh, you stole my heart, yours.

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