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After 2 Years Trapped Alone In Space, Girl Returns To Earth With A Mysterious Pregnancy

Apr 21, 2024
In the opening scene we are introduced to astronaut Molly Woods, who recently returned home after a 13-month solo mission aboard the Sarah


station. The prolonged


flight has taken its toll on Molly's body as she struggles to readjust to Earth's atmosphere. Her young son Ethan seems worried about her well-being, but her husband Jon assures her son that she will be fine. The scene then cuts to a house party hosted by Jon on the occasion of his wife's return, all of his friends and family are in attendance in the midst of their enjoyment, one of Molly's friends offers her a drink, but she declines.
after 2 years trapped alone in space girl returns to earth with a mysterious pregnancy
She claims that her doctor has urged her not to have any drinks until her test results come out later that night. As Molly goes to take out the trash, a shadowy figure appears. on the nearby street, however, when she turns around for a second, the figure inexplicably disappears as Jon tries to put Ethan to sleep, the boy says he needs a cartwheel, which in response Jon opens a small compartment in his back of Ethan and replaces what appears to be some type of battery here it is revealed that Ethan is not a real human but an artificially intelligent Android created by John.
after 2 years trapped alone in space girl returns to earth with a mysterious pregnancy

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after 2 years trapped alone in space girl returns to earth with a mysterious pregnancy...

I hope Molly finds out the next day. Molly visits the International Space Exploration Agency or ISA to meet with her doctor friend Sam for her health evaluation. Sam, who has repeatedly gone through all the tests, gives shocking news. Molly is pregnant, bewildered, she wonders if she is another robot baby and how it is possible, because she has just returned home from a solo mission and, furthermore, she is infertile. Despite this, her friend asks her if she was


on the spaceship, the film then goes into a flashback showing Molly's time in space, she is working on some kind of plant experiment when she receives a video message. of her son and her husband as she proceeds to see him, the connection is abruptly cut, she asks. her AI assistant, Ben, about the matter, to which he replies that it is due to solar flares.
after 2 years trapped alone in space girl returns to earth with a mysterious pregnancy
Molly instructs him to reset the communication system, but all power, including Ben, shuts down sensing something. The young lady goes to check and fix the power cable manually while she is in the cable room she sees her deceased ex-boyfriend Marcus through a window, who approaches the glass and writes, help me, the ghost in the window will make her pregnant in the present. SMY asks Sam to keep it a secret and give him some time. To sort things out later, her superior director, Alan Sparks, interrogates her. He is skeptical of her explanation of how several hours of video files were deleted from sarap fim's database.
after 2 years trapped alone in space girl returns to earth with a mysterious pregnancy
Despite this, she insists that she accidentally deleted them instead of duplicating them, meanwhile, she gives it to JN. a presentation about her latest project, the humanix, in front of a leading company called yasumoto corporation. John talks about androids in banks and medical robots that can perform functions but lack emotions. He then introduces Ethan to everyone he tries to schedule with on a day-to-day basis. human experiences day seeks approval and funding from the board to advance his project one of the board members asks him about his emergency termination plan in case the humanix misbehave this question offends john and he states that no father will never think about ending his son's life unfortunately the board doesn't like this answer and they shouldn't because she is obviously deranged so they deny funding in the next scene.
Allan goes to meet with the president of the yasumoto corporation, Hideki yasumoto, who is also Molly's employer. Allan expresses his distrust of Molly's explanation because she usually doesn't make such mistakes in response. Hideki tells him to keep a close eye on her. Allan then talks about Jon's interest in getting funding from him. Hideki immediately summons Jon to meet in person and grants it to him. funding regardless of what their board decided later in the night Molly spends some time with her son in the park while there she receives a balloon with a note that says I know what happened to you intrigued Molly chooses to look for the man she sent but Ethan He refuses to go with her when she forces him, the boy storms off into the forest.
Molly chases after him and eventually finds him standing next to a dead pigeon. That night, she discusses the incident with her husband and states that Ethan has changed a lot, however. Jon ignores her concern by stating that she is part of a growing process after Molly is


in her room when she again remembers the spaceship incident. Continuing with the previous flashback, we see that she opened the door for Marcus to let him into the ship where Marcus was inexplicably standing. firmly on the ground as she floated due to the low gravity, he then approached her and gently touched her rendering her unconscious some time later, Molly woke up and immediately proceeded to check the CCTV footage to her surprise, the footage showed her every movement. , but there was no sign of Marcus, this Revelation scared her, so she frantically deleted all the images at the current moment.
Molly goes to throw out the trash outside the house, during which she notices a man approaching her and is surprised to recognize that it is Harmon Creger, a partner of hers. astronaut who supposedly committed the unthinkable, claims to know what happened during her mission, but before they can talk, JN calls her from inside, as a result, Harmon leaves promising to return later the next morning. Molly wakes up and goes downstairs to make breakfast. They greet her. by her husband, who is already dressed for work before leaving, they discuss her plans for the day and Jon tells her about a romantic lunch date he has organized for her.
After this, she arrives at her new workplace and her coworker gives her a tour. JN is impressed by his new lab, which is everything he ever wanted at home while Molly plays with Ethan, hears a dull sound when checking it out, is surprised to find Marcus in the kitchen, then experiences sudden abdominal pain that makes him collapse. Ethan hears her fall from her and runs downstairs only to find her mother lying unconscious on her. He also notices a strange movement in her abdomen, but ignores it and proceeds to wake her up. He asks her if she's okay, to which she states: I'm okay, robot boy.
I just have a baby alien ghost astronaut on my shift later that day. Molly takes Ethan to a museum where he and other children enjoy holographic images of birds and animals while the children play. Sam approaches Molly. She reveals that Alan is continually pushing. her for Molly's Health Report, however, the latter says that she needs some time to discover the real matter, she further confesses that she saw Harmon and claims that he faked his own death, at this point Sam reveals that Harmon had abnormalities. in her brain scans, which she believes. is some kind of neurovirus, she fears that Molly also has similar abnormalities, but the latter dismisses her concern, instead Molly says she wants an ultrasound to confirm her


because she doesn't trust anyone, at this point Sam complies and promises to find somewhere under the radar to do it, don't worry honey, I have an ultrasound technician meanwhile Ethan is seen talking to an information robot about the evolution of humans, the robot explains the theory of natural selection and defines the extinction as something that happens to the weakest species, Ethan seems curious, but before he can continue speaking, Molly appears and takes him away without them knowing.
Harmon has been watching them from above the entire time as the mother and son leave the museum. Harmon remembers his time on the space station which leads us to another flashback. It turns out that he was working on something when he experienced a power outage exactly like Molly experienced. He then grabbed a flashlight and went to check only to find several footprints on the floor. He looked up cautiously and saw his mother leaving him in complete shock. she had died 30


ago in the present Molly leaves eth in John's lab as Hideki wants to meet the boy in person after this he goes to isca where he secretly accesses the images of Harmon's mission in some of the images he sees Harmon frantically.
Locking a compartment door before she can continue looking, she hears someone approaching, so she flees the building just outside. Harmon picks her up in a car and takes her to the remote location where she has currently been living. Upon arrival, she confides in him all the experience she had in space. As the previous flashback continues, we see how his mother touched her face the same way Marcus touched Molly's. He is also about to get pregnant. This scared him and he escaped to the other compartments, but to his horror, his mother inexplicably chased her way through. Through each closed door despite being in a state of panic, she managed to trap it in the airlock and finally released it into space.
According to Harmon, he shared his experiences with the ISA members, but they believed he was schizophrenic. Molly relates to her story and states that they need evidence to back up her claims after Sam picks up Molly and takes her to a vet where she performs an ultrasound to her surprise. Shown that he is a healthy, normal 14-year-old fetus, on the other hand, John is seen waiting for Molly at a restaurant for a lunch date that he seems to have forgotten that night. Molly confronts Alan with the news of her


and asks him what has done to him, but he offers no explanation.
Allan then goes to Hideki and tells him the news. He also asks if the pregnancy means they found them to which Hideki vaguely replies I think they're already here while Molly


home and apologizes to her husband for not showing up at the restaurant. John realizes something, I'm a miss, but he doesn't force her to reveal it. he offers her time and also assures her that she doesn't need to go through this alone early the next morning. Molly


home from a jog to find Allan waiting outside her house. He wants her to go to a contained area of ​​Isa for testing for a couple of days. he claims that her pregnancy is the result of an internal agency's covert pregnancy experiment in which they mixed only John and Molly's correct frozen ingredients despite being shocked by the Revelation.
Molly refuses to be quarantined and walks away from all of this. Ethan gets ready. For his first day of elementary school, John and Molly go to drop him off at school, but to his dismay, the other parents express concern about their children being around a robot; However, the couple somehow manages to convince them that their son poses no threat. I was just researching Extinction and removing wings from pigeons, normal stuff. Molly then goes to Harmon's trailer to ask if she had to undergo tests after his return, but when she arrives she doesn't find him, she looks around the trailer and sees a strange shaped symbol.
As Appolloni and Gasket the same night, Jon throws a birthday party for Molly to make up for the one she missed while in space, several friends, family and colleagues attend the party, in particular Molly is surprised to see Appolloni's brother. Marcus, Tim, and then the two have a private meeting. Conversation about Marcus and how much they have suffered since her death, some time later Sam stops by the party and takes a sample of Molly's blood for a DNA test. Halfway through the party in progress, the power goes out, so John goes to his study. space to turn on the generator there he finds a captured bird inside a box as he proceeds to inspect it Ethan appears and admits that he was the one who did it, this upsets John so he forbids the boy from repeating such activities as well as keeping secrets in response Ethan claims that Molly has also kept a secret from him.
In the next scene, Jon confronts his wife privately in their bedroom. Molly finally reveals to him that while she was in space, the ISA experimented on her without her consent and as a result, she is pregnant, the Revelation leaves Jon shocked, but he assures her that he will support her in discovering the truth, for Now they both decide to enjoy the party. Molly is then surprised with a special video message from JN and Ethan that makes her feel. It's pretty special, but now that they have a real baby on the way, it's probably time to put an end to that weird little robot.
A few hours later, the party finally comes to an end and Molly thanks everyone for her presence as everyone prepares to leave. She starts searching. Tim calls out her name, Jon is perplexed by this and claims that she is not here. Molly then reviews a group photo they took moments before and finally realizes that Jon is right, she was hallucinating the whole thing. This incident makes her realize that she is going crazy so she finally decides to quarantine herself and calls Allan shortly after he arrives to pick her up and the two leave, on the other hand Sam heads to his lab to perform the test, but security prohibits him from entering.
They claim that there has been a chemical leak when they sense something. I'm the lady, she sneaks down another hallway and realizesthat the ISA team is moving all their things away, speculating that they are up to something. Sam calls Molly at home, but John tells her that his wife is on her way to Isca with Alan, as a result, he quickly texts Molly to get out of Alen's car upon receiving the message. Molly senses danger, so she jumps out of the car and begins to flee. Luckily, she runs into Jon, who had been following him. her out of concern in the final scene Allan and a raid team from Isa break into Molly's house only to find it empty subscribe to see more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to support the channel thanks for watching

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