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African Street Food in Namibia!!! OUTRAGEOUS Worms, Kapana and Rare Meats!!

May 15, 2024
is that a cow's stomach, yes, wait, let me wash my hands, ready, ready, welcome to Namibia, one of the most outstanding countries in Africa and the world. The culture here is diverse and dynamic, with roots dating back thousands of years. This vast landscape extends here. They are larger than Texas, but only have a population of 2.5 million. A large part of those people live in the country's capital, Windhoek, which means that people from the windy corner from all corners of this country have settled here bringing their culture, German is a local language and its cuisine me like this one it has some imperfections it's unique today we're going on a total



african street food in namibia outrageous worms kapana and rare meats
I've never seen someone take apart the whole chicken while the guts are still there trying everything from the delicious, I'm having mouth gas to the straight, um weird, you can do it, welcome to Namibian style



. I'm a little curious to know what's going on here. I look across this parking lot, it literally says uh, super store right on the other side. the street so you are installed here I mean, what is this? This would be the open market because there is no ceiling, right? and that would be the supermarket with the slippery roof, the cock, that's the name it uses, it's traveled all over the world.
african street food in namibia outrageous worms kapana and rare meats

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african street food in namibia outrageous worms kapana and rare meats...

He even lived in Beijing for a while ten years ago, he became the country's first comedian, so here you have one of the biggest comedians in the country. Elegant will be my companion and guide me through the complicated culture of winter street food, what is it like? Work like the supermarket owners don't care that there are people here at all they call it competition it's good it really makes you work a little harder that's amazing this open market is a supermarket in itself managed by several independent suppliers and supported by walk traffic like me first of all what's your name memory memory yeah oh that's a great name hope I can remember it memory memory memory memory wait almost memory memory memory memory I remember following memory to the nearby butcher shop this morning watching her buy fresh cuts of meat and sausages your specialty turning this bill into a lot of cash in one day what are your specialties? sausages, shiny meat, what do you think I should try today? maybe buura's voice and what is a border board, yes, it is inside here, yes, office, what is inside this sausage is a mixture of beef and lamb fat inside a hot dog bun.
african street food in namibia outrageous worms kapana and rare meats
Is this bread from the supermarket? Yes, oh fantastic, faster add some homemade sauce a mixture of onion, tomato, green pepper, a little oil, vinegar and barbecue spices. and this is my next meal so you made this yeah tell me mayonnaise tommy male that sounds amazing thank you so much awesome oh this is really delicious no joke i mean it just reminds me of a guy classic sausage, but with delicious toppings. Toma mayo is a killer this is fantastic how you say it it's really nice yeah how long have you been here? This has always been your place for three years, I mean, just looking at it may seem a little random, but there's nothing random about this, nothing at all.
african street food in namibia outrageous worms kapana and rare meats
If I come here with my Weber grill and start cooking hot dogs in there, it's going to be a problem, yeah, you can't just come in like they'll just accept it. You can pray because all the people lead to their own places. In fact, this place is supported by the government and each of these vendors has an assigned space, so it is completely legitimate, but it is not without its challenges. Ozalia has had her place for four years. He can feel the struggle as much as anyone. There is no electricity or water here, so every day you have to bring your own, but the good thing is that the meat you are cooking is conveniently located nearby.
Do you think the cow was alive this morning? The owner used to go to look for her somewhere in the farmer. I just think she must be fresh because the butcher isn't. It has no ice or refrigeration. Her cows probably woke up this morning thinking it was going to be a good day. Sorry, now it's good food. This area will likely grow and develop more over time. That's what happened here at the Wernhill Flea Market years ago. Vendors served food under this bridge, but conditions were chaotic and unsanitary. Now the government has built permanent stalls where you can witness all kinds of unique local classics.
There is so much going on here. There are some more common foods. Lots of fried bread, pasta, macaroni. Here we saw this. Before in the other market, this is the pop, yes, each region of the world has its basic carbohydrates. Here it is pop, like a dense porridge made from mahangu or pearl millet boiled with hot water and then allowed to cool until it becomes solid enough to handle by hand. the side of some tripe is a cow stomach, yes that's a kind of stomach, it can be a little bitter, sometimes sometimes you have to cook it for a while to get that initial bitter taste, you season it and you get a better flavor , that's exactly what I'm waiting for, I'm waiting for that too, I usually use the spoon or my hands, my hands, usually my hands, it's better, just good, I'll try to pop it first, it has almost no taste, the taste comes from what whatever you add to it. tofu or something like that exactly I think we have to go for the tripe oh boy a little more hungu a little tripe it's intense it has a super animalistic flavor it's like I know this cow better than I ever intended to know this cow you almost get to know her work with your teeth to really get it down there it's not like normal beef they did a good job addressing the gaminess but it's still there what's your name? yes, sony sunny, well, yes, not like the Japanese brand, but like, uh, like the weather and what's your name, I know this is my friend, uh, slick the dick herta in hilma's business was inherited from her mother they offer a lot of food even pop whats the dish that people always come back here for most of the time is pet pies fat pie yeah cute that was my nickname in high school it was sad boy anyway, we are here for this, but since they are also producing one of the city's favorites, we will also try it with yeast and dough made from corn flour. in oil and then turned until golden brown, they go down every time, so it is normal to eat it alone, if you want, you can dip it in sauce or if you are eating some meat, you can put the meat in the middle like this.
It's fantastic, super crispy on the outside, incredibly doughy on the inside, what time do you leave here? Seven, long day, full day, yeah, okay, sounds like he's trying to pick her up now, we're just waiting for the number. let's talk about the dish you are preparing now what is the name of this dish scrambled eggs scrambled eggs yes also at the chicken level oh, you are also going to put chicken liver yes, in a pot she fry some vegetables add turmeric egg mixtures then the liver of chicken, add some spices and finish the cooking side than with other local favorite macaroni, I bought you a what is this? an energy booster.
This assumes that it is already driven at one point. Yeah, another boost, cheers, I'm just going to jump. I'm going to try just a little bit of egg at first a dynamite, that's good, it's very good, it's like a tasty scrambled egg and it tastes like it has sauce mixed in. Have you eaten it in this style, not specifically this style? I have eaten more boiled egg wrapped with the liver and a little bit of intestine together. This is like the metropolitan version. Yes, now I'm going to get some egg with the liver. What do you think the chicken livery could be? dry, but the butter with the egg is soft, the better, here it also sinks easily to the side, not macaroni and cheese, it's macaroni and cheese, we have a barbecue culture and macaroni with a little mayonnaise is a staple when we make a barbecue, we call it a bride Namibia has a long, brutal and complicated history for thousands of years, traditional ways of life continued without interruption, but in 1884 Namibia was colonized by Germany, leading to conflict and massive bloodshed In 1915, the country was captured by South Africa and Until 1988, when Namibia became independent, there can be good and bad things in this kind of bad things that happen, of course, there is nothing good in a genocide, but what benefit came from the colonialism?
If there was any infrastructure development, many of the systems were established during colonialism. That could be said to be good, but the way it happened I don't think was necessarily good, given the strong influence that Germans have had here, do you think there are parts of German culture that have rubbed off on the culture at large? I'm not saying that being on time has necessarily rubbed off on us, we've still applied a lot of African time here, okay, when someone says I'll be there now, they mean in a little bit, sure, give me some time, but I'll be there now, oh.
Oh my gosh, what it actually means now is going to be: I'm here, uh, bye, we're on the market, like it seems like it started randomly and then parts of it became permanent over time, well that's exactly what happened, they call it , took over Jenny Market, which means let's fight for the market, it probably has the largest space extending from where we are, so the first part of the CBD, what is the central business district of the CBD? Oh, okay, I thought you were talking about the marijuana oil that comes in here. Everyone, really, knows someone who passes by. a student coming from school someone coming to buy some food for lunch so the market is huge here at her restaurant she offers a long menu of foods I've never heard of but I'm here for one in particular the walkie -talkie is the runaway chicken the runaway chick has muscles these are different from other types of chickens well we like to think that because we assume they walk a lot in a field somewhere and that's the only reason we call it a marathon walkie talkie This part is done by the walkie This part is talking We are both eating and I have only eaten something similar in Madagascar but here she cooks it her way I have never seen someone take apart the whole chicken while the guts are still in there, oh, it's unrecognizable , she is cutting the face from the back of the chicken, we used to be a male delicacy, just why that patriarchy is okay, cool, the walkie-talkie is cooked in a pot, then her special ingredient, curry vegetable soup, add some tomatoes and cook it a little more until your culinary instincts tell you it's done.
What's ahead? Yes, it's a lock of hair. I'm going to try it. It's crunchy. Super cool. You put some various parts in it. Some extra surprises. Now, do you pull your nails? We usually get rid of them. You have to file them or get fake ones. We needed some of the best chicken legs he had. It's soft, it's not crazy soft. It's like that in-between texture. It's like it's real. The heads are almost unrecognizable at this point. You can clean the bones and go straight to the brain, travel around the world after living in Asia for several years, I really opened my mind to trying different unique foods, have you ever seen anything like that?
It is not like this? Your face doesn't look happy, but in the US chicken feet just aren't going to happen, it's not something that scares them no, no, the US should have a little bit of everything, yeah, I don't think so let it be what people in the US are most scared of. It's just weird textures, things that are too greasy, wobbly or oily, although a lot of people in the US are a little fat, greasy, wobbly and oily, they're missing out on this is a good thing, they're totally missing out. . I love it. today my slick man has saved the best for last this is single rooms one of the most popular markets in Windhoek.
I'm seeing a lot of foods I haven't seen before. First of all, what is this that is a form of dried spinach? oh it's just been dried into pancakes yeah this is what catches my eye the most these are jobs this is the pony tree mopaney prize mopani they could be everywhere like I'm talking everywhere can they? do you know the method? to get them like this you kill them you just press your thumb down and you go and dry them you boil them or you fry them some people prefer to eat them some soup I prefer them fried I'm going to eat, oh, this is a monster right here, you can do it, oh I know, I can do it, there's a lot of things that broke, it's a little bit of dirt, so crunchy it absorbs water, I could really use a diet coke, I forgot my coffee right here is cheat slip cheat so we have to sharing it very nice but you know it's still a raw ingredient this is


this is one of Namibia's favorite delicacies I can see in the back there are huge cuts of meat like there's half a cow on the table back there later, to measure As you move forward, it's been sliced ​​and diced a little bit more here, it's actually roasting it from here we just sort it out and start digging, it's going to create a space for us, we're going to eat it. fresh off the grill fresh off the grill oh that's itfantastic, it's simple, point at what you want and hope they see you well, they cut it into beautiful bite sized portions and you pull them back, go in, do it, dip a piece in some of the spice here oh there's something of spice in this cardboard box oh delicious hot and juicy fresh off the grill the only struggle here is the uh the fumes coming off the grill wait give me a second I'll be right back oh okay, that's it Better, the good thing is that yes you take a piece of meat, you take a piece of liver and a little bit of fat, oh you make it like an animal sandwich, that's what you do, can you take me seriously while we're talking here?
I'm trying, good, good. What I really like about this is that because it's so hot, even a cut of meat that isn't the best or juiciest cut of meat will still taste tremendous because it comes fresh off the grill. It's become so popular that people come from all over. Don't eat this, even Herbie says: Sorry, can I come in? I know you're filming the show but I don't care, fantastic guys that's our full video, that's street food here in Win Hook, what was your favorite food? gut and boost is a deadly combo one day and now this country this city will blow me away the next time we leave the country's capital into the unknown traveling back in time to a way of life that is rapidly fading hey guys, How are you doing with this quarantine?
Rather, it is a boring team. I am right? If you're like me, you're probably gorging twice a day. Listen, we're going to get through this. I'm not talking about the apocalypse. Don't know. I don't know about that, I'm talking about this constant stomach stretching that we keep doing, but if we keep going, if we persevere at the end of the day, we can call ourselves food coma survivors, we bought the t-shirt and we will donate 25 percent of the profits from this campaign to feed America's coven 19 response front they are helping food banks and people in need all over America so it's a cool t-shirt it's a great cause thank you all for the support from the research and filming to editing and mastering our 10.
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That's it for this one, see you next time, peace, peace.

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