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Adventures Of Aladdin | Full Fantasy Adventure Movie

Jun 08, 2021
my grip my beloved shahzadi i fear my time is short and i must secure the kingdom my loyal advisor mcgran you have long served our people as their vizier and i can think of no other to fill your shoes too thank you my sultan my only wish is to continue serving our people and so you will be maghreb you will continue your role as the wisest and most trusted advisor after my death princess shahzadi will rule as sultana of baghdad the will of allah will be done no no it is not my turn it is my right no woman any has once led our people, it would be an abomination, it is my wish and my command has proven its worth and our commitment to our people, times change, she has earned the right to govern in my place, so it will be, this is an sacrilege, it may be a bit problematic my daughter, you will manage with the power that the dark ones have given me I order you to come to me patience if you do not come to me and I will face the cave only then we will see who sits on top of the throne is My father sultan's favorite garden it is appropriate that we honor his memory on this day it is because only here will you find flowers that match your beauty your highness I have already forgiven your outburst in my father's chambers and I thank you but my feelings are sincere, your highness, flowery flattery, vizier, honest praise and today I am only maghrib, yes, it is good to loosen the bonds of office from time to time, isn't it?, yes, perhaps we can do this more often, look, I I love acrobats, mindless little monkeys.
adventures of aladdin full fantasy adventure movie
I thought Baghdad was supposed to be generous. I just arrived, given the time, a city in celebration is a city with money and now I am sure that something will reach our hands, so, oh, most impressive, I would like to reward that young man. awesome thanks everyone on a day's work my friend oh speaking of which hey I was in the middle of mine when all this happened so you know maybe you can see the way. Are you suggesting that I pay you for doing me a favor? says the Quran. do good deeds and the rewards of paradise await you, but in the meantime, I don't remember reading that part right, it certainly should be there, don't you think? um, let me know, uh, a mistake, it's not at all what it seems.
adventures of aladdin full fantasy adventure movie

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Pretty sure, it's exactly what it sounds like, but I'm not worried. Someone wants to talk to you. My fortune seems to have changed. Your capture of the thief was very impressive. What's your name? Acrobat Aladdin, forgive me, I didn't hear you, Aladdin. my lady, you can approach Aladdin, I do not buy Aladdin, come here please, this amulet has been in my family for many years, it has protected me from evil and now it will protect you, it is too much, madam, you are undoubtedly right , it's too much. Very much, your highness, your bravery deserves reward and I want you to have a pleasure meeting you, acrobats, Aladdin, what just happened.
adventures of aladdin full fantasy adventure movie
Did he honestly not know that Allah has given him eyes but he does not see? Stop, we are not a holy man. Words of the righteous may fall from many


don't you know why the city is celebrating today a sultan leaves another sultan comes what's up no sultan sultana yes fool we just met the ruler of baghdad wait how could I miss that well maybe the charms in her break they weren't the only charms that you concentrate on just thinking that I was thinking that she seemed to like the acrobat Aladdin she is also thinking the same thing yes, you are both bad no, she was just playing with a peasant, the not peasants.
adventures of aladdin full fantasy adventure movie
Do not give gifts of silver deeper currents run in this river Allah had said my friends give me a moment to collect my thoughts I will return I guess you know who I am greetings vizier well known acrobat


you know the palace could use a man like you has such abilities and talents acrobat I already received my payment from the palace a man like you does not work for charity a man like me a real man makes a living I offer a task and the payment is much greater than the reward what could be worth more than that maybe a invitation to an audience with the sultana the sultana hmm why does she, who needs you, a man with your talents and abilities, a young man, an acrobat, seem so, so, help me complete this task? and I will quickly escort you to the palace where you can continue where you left off.
She saw a very brave and resourceful young man today, one who certainly piqued her interest. Now we must reach our destination before the moon is


, uh, my friends. she needs me our act sultana needs you and she awaits our return now come and leave him once first he is flirting with princesses now he travels with royalty they are royal viziers do they arrest you for flirting? He doesn't look arrested He doesn't look happy Or something is happening When Allah directs a strong wind A man must sail in that direction Boys we have to go catch horses and follow them They are greed Truly a desolate wasteland I thought there was nothing out here The desert keeps many secrets acrobat aladdin my name is Aladdin's names and titles are interchangeable and have no importance.
I think so, vizier, what do you demand of me? prestige of wealth that has been passed down from sultan to sultan since time immemorial I always wondered where the money came from there is a laboratory and it represents the sultana's right to rule we must recover the lamb, take it immediately so that it can be blessed then we will return the lamp to Let it wait for its next eventual ruler. There are obstacles inside the cave and unfortunately I am too old and beaten to deal with them, so now this staff will light your way and this rope will help you with said obstacles just unroll it and place it in any hole you find and let it go, you will fall, you must return before moonset, well that's when the cable closed and I won't be able to open it on the next


moon, I'll have some queues. to tell the sultana when we return, yes, he said: let him go and go through the prophet, oh he's gone, so every new sultan, the vizier, makes this trip again with some fireman, he could spend a lifetime trying to find the real lamb, apparently someone turned on the light. of knowledge destroys the darkness of ignorance finally sultan of baghdad hmm where is aladdin?
We'll follow his trail after he passes, so we have to go now, so this makes you sultan, so it looks like a game of chance with well-thrown darts in your hand. Allah has guided our steps thanks to all the wise men enough Aladdin needs us oh our friend is buried we arrived too late ready now the strange thing is I missed the 30 drachmas that he owed me it was only 20. I was buried but I did not enslave anyone What is happening If your ear is a long story to tell, my friends, then start right from the beginning?
The lamp still eludes us, my little vet, but I will be the sultan and Shasadi will be my bride when the moon rises. I get back what's mine and then. I was catapulted out of the cave and fell into your arms. Tell me again about this special lamp. It is a symbol of the sultan's right to rule. The new sultan or sultana must bless it and then it must be returned to the cave. I had never heard of anything like this. one thing and I've lived in Baghdad my whole life well 22 years of that I agree there's something more beneath the surface here let's look at the source of all these fabrics well it's definitely a lamp okay It is an ordinary lamp, why would it exist? there will be so many traps protecting it, who knows why royalty does anything they do, yes, I want to see something from the vizier, then it's worth something to us, we could sell it, I don't know, we used the last coins on the horses and me.
Don't think that the vizier is going to pay you soon maybe you can sell the amulet. I'll clean the lamp and we'll sell it. Oh, I still think there's something special about that lamp. I am the genius of the lamb. you have summoned me why do you hide every master arise so that I may serve you uh forgive me I did not summon you uh this is why you summoned me that is why the vizier wanted the lamp that coward sent you to defy the traps that he should have braved himself is that makes me worthy worthy of being the lamb of the vizier flock yes you have done well to tell me these things mortal mortal you are real a genius magic is real I appeared from a laboratory in a cloud of The smoke was that, nothing for you, in It was actually when the vizier opened the magic cave.
The vizier associates with the dark ones. You should avoid it at all costs. That will be difficult. You see, he comes between me and a woman I've met. Ah, that's more to my liking. Romance is my specialty. So who is this woman? A woman out of her reach. A woman. I don't dare have a romance. I just call you his master again he who summons me rules me I have a genius how does this work what do you want if I were honest right now a hot meal a feast for you and your friends why don't you try not to overseas the lamb, if you wanted, it was joking, well your stomach said otherwise, master of sorcery, the genie now said: enjoy, come on, come on, they weren't stars in your eyes, they weren't the heavens above your smile, it was just a disguise, how do you know all? our songs genie, yes, a stench is worse than a dead camel's butt, excuse me, well, really, this genie can give you anything your heart desires, in fact, I can't overpower him, I have everything I could ever need, you I have you, my good friends, it is more for me. family I have my health our life is pleasant I am missing nothing nothing is missing if I am going to be honest the only thing missing would be love and shazad is the only piece that would complete the puzzle of my life she can be yours I am unworthy she is sultana and no I'm more than a street artist a commoner a peasant a club a roof worker sir four oh well I see what your problem is aladdin you two need to be equal I'll make her a peasant I can't Make that decision for her.
If I were a prince, then she might consider me well. I can make your prince any way that works for me. Mortals choose their own paths. I just help. How do you become a genius? Yes, where do you come from? We were born for it, slaves of the mystical left and the power that is in you and the lamp are one. If the lamp were to break, I would be my own man, but as long as I remain whole, I am more obliged to is so you have no parents or sisters brother I am how you see me what your name is my name ten thousand years and teachers without end no one has asked me that before I like to know the names of my friends nor has anyone called me that either so it's time for us to change I'm aladdin aladdin well, my name is too long and too difficult for you to say, so you can call me friend, although I'm a supporter of the name, the wish for merit comes true exactly now, let's return to the matters that happened, whoever your prince is.
I wish to be then appropriate raymond it's in order get up it may seem a little old-fashioned fashion-wise because it's been a minute since I saw what's current you're close you look like a prince look, I told you my fashion the sense was good I think the sultana will still recognize the acrobat aladdin easily rectified he is impressive he would not recognize him allah sees beyond the gift wrapping with him the rap has more value than the gift what are you talking about you are still the same master except that everyone else sees to a different type I'm not sure I want to be different you just what's inside you that never changes she will love the real you can be sure there's still something missing, back off, this will be the end of it all uh What does that mean?
Well, my teacher, I think this meets the criteria you order. I guess that's enough with the prophet part. Sorry, Murad. I just wanted to see what you do if a wish goes wrong. My wishes never go wrong I certainly can't find any fault with this she will never see it she never left Baghdad well guess what well I will bring the sutanna here no no no no no no no no magic well we will invite her she should come to me for her Mind you, it's okay, master, as you order, so it's good to leave the worries of the palace behind even if it's just for a moment.
Yes, unfortunately they are never far behind. Well, perhaps the burdens of the position are too much for one person. drive alone that's why I have you my vizier maybe it could mean more to you than just zia shazadi if only sultana brings a message from a messenger a race you can emerge as a messenger I don't know my lady but he rode on a beautiful white horse his royal highness prince ali ababa extends his congratulations to his royal neighbor and invites his majesty to attend a party in his honor who is alia baba i do not know such a royal family with that name your highness anyway we will attend ah she is here master she will enter in a few moments I am ready to receive you not at all your friends must not be seen or everything will fall apart wait what I'm sorry you have the best food in your rooms master very well that was one of two concerns correct now you my handsome companion needs to make an entry this is unimaginable wealth margaret in fact how have we not known such wealth how have I not known this where is our host finally delighted to meet you greetings and congratulations exalted guests welcome to my humble home your humble majesty thank you your highness may I introduce you to my most trusted vizier magripe arshad elbador your invitation is very kind your highness your uh home is very charming greetings to you maghreb please allow me the honor of giving you a little tour beforeto die the honor and pleasure would be ours, your highness, it would be an honor for me if you called me ali, your majesty, he treats me like a little sister, they have known each other all their lives, it is difficult for him to see her as anything other than her. has. anything he doesn't have but we know each other i know him more than he does himself if you knew you would see what's in his heart now i can steal your chefprince ali the variety of dishes you served was amazing i didn't know the names of half of them either oh my uh my chef is relatively new to this region this is a nice diversion your garden is lovely I win again you mean you cheated You cheated me again Was there ever a more misunderstood man?
So I take it you're okay, you bully-headed rascal, you've got two this time. It's what magical money, it's a principle. Ah, it is always the honest man who suffers. Aladdin Atlanta. Your garden is. really remarkable please just ollie i have never seen such lush growth before from such unusual trees. my gardener called it a forest. I love gardens, just like I did when I was young, I would sit barefoot in the trees and play the flute. I was never allowed to climb a tree. rules rituals restrictions this is our life you should never be afraid to break a rule if it means a little happiness happiness is hard to come by when you rule a kingdom you know I know I long for a life that is more than just ruling your home is truly beautiful Prince Ellie is even more so by your presence Your Highness please do not flatter I have my Filipino at home all the royals do, but surely you have learned to differentiate between the fake and the real.
It seems that I have missed that lesson, allow me to share the chapter that you skipped my lady we are the stars themselves that fall from the sky could not match the brightness of your eyes not even the darkest girl in town would be fooled by that the sound of your Laughter is like sweet music and it gladdens my heart which is better your hands are as warm as your smile they are simply hands they shake just like your heart I think I have learned my lesson prince ali you are a quick study I have a good teacher and what has learned the student is the eyes the mouth can speak but the eyes tell the truth then you will know the truth of the matter regarding me your highness come and join me prince ali I could not my garden my rules and there are none come I will help you my mother Elia used to say my heart it's time to go to bed the moon will return tomorrow aliyah my middle name father called me shasadi because I was the princess in his life not only because of the office but because of my mother's name do you have a private name to share what you are ? doing thanks prince ali should say aladdin the eyes the acrobat yes dear he has fooled us all into believing he was a real prince but the palace the garden all the magic let her go me grandmother you have summoned me master order me vinnie i It's like this palace, move to the top of your mountain, I will rule from there as sultan with my new bride, of course, no genius, take everything I now possess to my new home.
Thanks, fool, enjoy your return to poverty. I know it's too good to last. aladdin what happened the vizier happened and that's where we have to go to fix things how we would get there we don't have horses or camels or genies now I can take everything and we will get it back how we have no weapons or magic we have each other has a genie we should leave while we can not forgive each other next time we meet aladdin this is a sign a sign that we have nothing to do with royalties his concerns are not ours in heaven we all look the same just follow different paths so that a man evil in power is of no concern to us all this happened because of me it is mine to undo I am with you aladdin how am I when a man extends his hand? your brother cannot refuse or your sister I will go, but only because you can barely throw away your sashes without me, where the radiance of your cheeks shames even the moon and the stars in retirement, what do you want, vizier, is sultan for You, my land, am I not your genius lamb, my fiancée? needs proper clothing as your command master ah increasingly charming genius you can leave I will never marry you visir poison fumes but I will defang you soon now get ready elia my love never use that name that's all unless we find more there should be more ahead on the mountain it's already so hot I don't think we can go that far aladdin we're still close enough to turn back so we can go back to get supplies at least no, we don't have time, we don't know what mcgrub's plans are, We should move on to be honest, I'm not in such a hurry to meet an evil man wielding a genie.
I'm a little sorry, I don't know what swoon awaits us. Cheer up brother, we'll fix this. I will do that. die for a lie, even the vizier spoke with a little wisdom, he said, it is never said to embrace your destiny, I do not like this nor sister weeks of witchcraft, oh, so I have you lined up, your highness would have something lofty to say if you were here now if we weren't here he would be here what's happening again undercover I'm not what this really is our whole world has the seamaster commander lands beyond lands vast oceans but there must be sights and wonders to see Holy , oh, indeed, master, what do you care?
See a volcano up close. It's really wonderful to see it first hand. All you need is a snap. What is a volcano? It doesn't matter, maybe you can tell me later for now. I wish to know more about these distant lands and who lives there and all the gold they possess, as you wish, master, this is witchcraft. McGregor knows we're coming, I don't think so, he's set traps, but if he was watching us he'd make sure we were all dead. toys with all of us, but we fly in their network, it is possible, but I have to believe that there is a possibility to fix this, we have to try and we all die trying, just like their wish, so it is all your fault if you had not made.
I tried to impress a princess, we would all be back in Baghdad, now we are planning our next show and now my brother is dead because of you, I'm sorry, none of this should have happened, we're sorry, let's go back, no, before it is too late. we can't do that we have to finish this we would like to save a woman that you imagine you love he is not the only one navina we are like family please darwish and summit they were my brothers too you are so good his wish and samad would follow you to the ends of the earth we would all do it but you let us do this and now they are dead I'm done nevina please I won't die for her you can follow your heart mine has light I'm going to return to my dad come back to me and live or stay and be stupid I'm sorry novina we have to finish this we have to stop mcgregor there are many guards patrolling when I wish a palace I wish so many guards I can safely say that it is I think it's the vizier's job, but that window looks particularly attractive.
A man standing on another man's shoulder should be able to do it effortlessly. Let's see if that's true. Where does McGgrub keep the sultana? This can be easy or difficult, my friend. I'm going to release this gag and you'll give us answers if you scream, this time we won't be so nice. Where is the sultana being held and what is the feast for you? They are aquatic veterinarians. Yes, we are here to save the sultana she is in. on the second floor she will marry the sultan tomorrow the sultan has become sultan we have to hurry up and forgive me give me you don't know anything about fighting I'm learning that you're back I'm very glad to see you you're gone You didn't lie to me.
I can explain, but now is not the time. I took the words out of my mouth. We should leave quickly. That explains why I don't need a savior, but I'm glad you made the effort. I couldn't do anything, this is all my fault and I have to fix things. Your newfound honesty is refreshing acrobat. I look forward to hearing your story. It is not over yet. Well, it took you long enough to bother with sand traps. Shazadi, my flower with whom you relate. the rabble again you know that even in a slave suit you are still the most beautiful flower in the garden however genius much better now come sit next to me I am not your genius sultana these cherries are delicious your fall from grace is also delicious your taste is questionable vizier sultan your name alone without the genie you are just a little man with a little lizard in fact we will rectify that scenario janie see to it that my beloved tanim is a formidable adversary for the acrobat go and make sure he breathes fire That should make things more interesting since our orders What were you thinking?
I thought he would fight me himself if we survived this. I will kill you myself. You never understood the position you held. People don't want a friend. They want. a room here do you ever go tadpole a sultan who leaves and punishes as necessary only a man can know these things the real man does not need a genius to achieve maybe but help here you are a big ugly belching beast ah samantha the bravery is no substitute for skill a thousand rashes would not be enough for you and I will let you live he never gives up so easily he is up to something the guards find him and kill him you are a snake made of lies but never with you my sweet beatings all this will end soon that spirit we will do a perfect match once your soul has mingled with the dark ones genie bring me my spell bowl and my tools we have a ceremony to fulfill your wish it is my order i revealed a glimpse of the dark arts to that dance aladdin understood nothing foolish mortal yes If he is, you were referring to Aladdin, but of course, master, I call the dark o, I give you my devotion is complete, I have offered your mind and your soul to the rest of you.
Well, that will be my reward. You will never live to collect it, pig, there is the defiant spirit. that I love so much we will be a perfect match once he is aligned with mine what kind of man needs magic to force his will on another to whom you gave your heart peasants, an amulet like this that you never gave me is where it all began sad, my heart was never yours to claim that sharp tongue will be the first thing I silence, the dark ones, bless me with their face, I am their living vessel. If you have such power, what need do you have of me?
The exact price is high. My ears will wither like the leaves that fall from a tree in the fall. You will act as my conduit from this day forward to carry out my will. so I can live out my leisure years with her this will be my last act of magic the dark ones stop, paul, it's me, mcgrath is protected, destructible and saved, you think you've won, useless dog, come claim your reward, the point sweet dragon It's his eyes they go through the eyes I confess, I am very impressed acrobat few men have a day like yours and live to tell about it why you courted a sultana and won her heart you are a brave man in the cave of death did I mention that that is the real name?
From that cave you had a genie, the palace and true love, all in the span of a day you fought a dragon, all for her, it was worth it maybe we should ask your friends, you had friends with you when you arrived, loyal friends, I remember. Now loyal to the end, I think the phrase goes: Did they all come to an end helping you find true love? I just realized that you are exactly like me why do you discard and destroy anything in anyone that gets in the way of what you want why could he be my son there is one of your friends I think I will hear his screams and my dreams are night I know it will take a long time it is all yours my pants we are going together this year we have not learned anything doubt now die and let me live in peace clearly it was a mistake to hire an acrobat inshallah the guy in my hand gave you a powerful charm that day genius acrobat what is happening why is he still alive me too a bewildered old master no charm is so powerful yes and he is also an agile acrobat truly his skill is unparalleled I am your master you must obey me your every wish it is like an order to me now kill to this man yes master it seems that he enjoys the favor from above oh enough master I am the holder of a lamp I do not see any lamp the one who holds the lamp orders me here now I know the lamb that orders you yes the lamp that binds me with its power that It will never be broken Now get it out of my sight Yes at last There has never been a bigger thorn in my side You and I have a lot to do Talk about genius, there is no place for friendship in the realm of government You are wrong, McGregor, the Friendship is the greatest treasure of all, you are still alive, you treacherous slave, kill him and be done with it, there is no lamp, there is no master, it's okay, that knife looks like I could use it. a mate, I hope there's enough life left in you to see what I do to the end, what are you doing, mate, are you going to do with it like this, you came back, I told you you couldn't tie up your stashes without me, genius, come on? the dark ones still favor me peasants even to the end you avoid your fate by dodging things that's what I do that's the only thing you've ever been good at that's for my pet that's for stealing the lamp and that was to steal his heart there will be one to be a better man than you, a fitting ending for the would-be prince, as you said, we must all embrace our destiny, there is nogenius, there are no friends, there is no charm, so there is no magic, Diego, he is talking, he sounds confused, if he thinks I'm an angel, then he definitely is.
Look confused my heart has been unconscious for many days my where are we? We're safe We're home We're at the bed maker You didn't kill him anymore A big wind didn't come and blow him off the cliff It's not a big wind, he had a little push. I can let that small-time sorcerer kill the best friend I've ever had. Thank you Murad, my friend, but do you know where you are going? I destroyed the lamb wherever it was, old master, I am no longer bound to the lamp I am glad you have earned your freedom I suppose I too should be on my way to your house I do not wish to cause you any more trouble you are home for now and forever I found this you didn't cause me any trouble no Now anyway but I'm not what you think I'm not a prince I lied to you you're a prince here my whole life I've had every comfort I could ever want or buy except love of a worthy man. a worthy man aladdin and as sultana I make the law and can marry whoever I want I choose you if you accept me I suppose I have no right to deny anything to the sultana aladdin what was the last thing you said to my hands? everyone embrace ourDestiny, okay everyone stand back, stand back because I have a wedding to play for you.

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