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Adults React To Taylor Swift - Lover

May 30, 2021
photo, but she doesn't tell you what it is. You have to listen. -♪ she feels at home ♪ ♪ Stay in bed all weekend ♪ -I like this. - ♪'s good to have a friend ♪ - I mean, I agree. It's good to have a friend. - It's a good review, you know? You had "Me," this upbeat "Me," and then you come back at the end of the album. -I feel like she's in an oversized sweater looking out a huge window with a cup of tea or hot chocolate in her hand and it's raining. She's feeling very Seattle on a Tuesday.
adults react to taylor swift   lover
It's good to have a friend. - ♪ I don't want to think about anything else now that I thought about you ♪ - Isn't this the same song you just played for me? - ♪ ...see you later on a dark night of 20 years ♪ - This is a very good ending to the album. - ♪ ...see daylight ♪ ♪ Daylight ♪ ♪ I only see daylight ♪ - "Daylight" and "Afterglow", they're kind of similar, and I feel like they're supposed to feed off each other. - ♪ You have to go out into the daylight ♪ - Ooh, I really like that part. - ♪ ...let it go ♪ ♪ Just let it go ♪ - Yeah, that was a very peaceful and calm ending to the album. - Ahhh, what a good final song! "Lover" was the best title for this album.
adults react to taylor swift   lover

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She talks about loving yourself, loving other people, loving other communities, loving everyone. - (FBE) So what do you think of the album as a whole? - You know, actually, a little impressed. This album is more for everyone, you know? Whether they are Taylor Swift fans or not. - I liked it as a whole. I'm so intrigued that I'm going to go listen to it in full. - It has a couple of pop songs in there. You'll say, "Oh, she's like the old Taylor Swift." And then you can see her mature a little bit. - This one seems more personal, I mean. "Reputation" was a message to the public.
adults react to taylor swift   lover
And this one is like, "Hey, audience. Do you want to see what's going on with me?" - The album is to die for. I'm very happy for Taylor Swift. I'm happy for all the fans who, you know, are listening to this album. You always want to see good people succeed. Always. And I feel like she's succeeding and I'm very happy for her. - Thank you for watching this beautiful episode of Adult React. And a shout out to the R series. - Which other artist should we


to next? Let us know in the comments. - Be a FBE


adults react to taylor swift   lover
Subscribe and activate the bell so you don't miss any episode. - Thanks for watching. Bye bye! - Hi guys. I'm JC, FBE producer. Be sure to check out all our other episodes from all generations. All links will be below. Thanks guys! Bye bye!

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