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ADHD Friendly House Hacks - Feat. MY HOUSE! (Executive Function Friendly Tips)

Jun 15, 2024
hello! No, this is not a gallery. Hello Brains... Hello Brains... Do I live here? ♪ ♪ Hello brains! Welcome to my ADHD-


home. I've been trying to make my




. In other words, favorable to



s. I have learned many strategies... ...I learned how to


in a neurotypical environment. In my own home I can make my environment ADHD friendly. That's what I've been trying to do. Still need some work. ♪♪ As people with ADHD, sometimes we find it difficult to eat well. This is very useful...'s like a slow cooker that cooks faster. Very compatible with ADHD!
adhd friendly house hacks   feat my house executive function friendly tips
I can do all kinds of things here, press start... ...and do something else in the meantime. While I'm cooking I can do other things... ...without worrying about it catching fire. I have everything where I use it. This was very helpful when I worked in ministry... ...and it is very helpful as a person with ADHD. Everything you need is at your finger


. To make coffee, I need a cup... ...I need water, the tap is here... All the supplies are in this drawer. Filters, coffee, something delicious to accompany. Everything is within our reach. Making coffee is faster and easier.
adhd friendly house hacks   feat my house executive function friendly tips

More Interesting Facts About,

adhd friendly house hacks feat my house executive function friendly tips...

I don't have to look for things. That way I'm less likely to get distracted by other things. You are less likely to forget what you were doing. THIS is the most ADHD friendly replacement for this boiler. I plug it in...'s an electric kettle. You can set the temperature... starts blue, you put the tea in it. When you turn it on it turns red. When it's done, it will turn green. Which indicates that the tea is ready. I can see at a glance how far the tea is. This basket ensures that all the clutter is in one place.
adhd friendly house hacks   feat my house executive function friendly tips
I put things lying on the counter in this basket. When it's full, I put some in the basket... ...with things that need to be carried upstairs. One of the things here is a timer. This one is great. Visually displays the time. I can see from a distance how much time I have left... ...instead of waiting for an alarm to go off. Pens...this is garbage. I don't need a pen in the kitchen. Someone gave me these chip clips. Very important! When I cook, I like to see what kitchen utensils I have. That makes it more likely that you're using the right cookware.
adhd friendly house hacks   feat my house executive function friendly tips
If I have to look for things, I'm most likely to grab what's available. This way I see what my options are. And I can choose the best one. I used to have a spoon mat... ...when it was dirty I didn't wash it because I needed it. So now I use a signal. This washes away and I can grab a clean plate. A plate works much better for me instead of a coaster. I'm small... ...I need a stool to reach everything. This is small and doesn't get in the way. Very ADHD friendly, I don't have to look for crutches.
This is close at hand without getting in the way. The following applies to ADHD: The fewer steps, the better. If I have to grab something from an upper cabinet... ...and I have to find a stool first... ...that doesn't work. Then I get on the counter. Having a stool available ensures that I use it. Can we talk about the dishes for a moment? The fear of all ADHD. An annoying job that always has to be done. It's hard enough to eat without having to search for clean utensils. My rule is that if something doesn't survive the dishwasher... ...then you shouldn't have it.
I hate washing dishes by hand. I use gloves when I have to wash dishes by hand. From a sensory point of view, washing dishes is an obstacle. The water is too cold or too hot. Everything is slimy and dirty. With gloves I don't have to touch the ground. ♪♪ Welcome to the living room! Sensory things are important to me... this rug is very soft and pleasant to stand on. I don't always want to sit in a chair... ...sometimes I want to sit on the floor. I can sit comfortably with this mat. I feel good anywhere when I have a blanket.
I do not know why. I have a lot of extra blankets... ...Chloe also loves blankets and she now has her own. I have many extra blankets. Especially in the living room. I was thinking about buying a coffee table... ...but I quickly ran into tables. So I wanted something I could move easily. If I have snacks or drinks I can clean everything at once. This way I organize everything instead of leaving things lying around. By the way, this room is also my ADHD-friendly gym... ...thanks to CoPilot. If you want to exercise in an ADHD-friendly way... ...CoPilot is the perfect way.
CoPilot offers personalized training. A personal trainer provides personalized training... ...based on the equipment she has available... ...and how often and where she wants to exercise. I explain more in this video. I still enjoy using it. I started an ADHD “responsible friends” group. My old coach continued her dance career... ...and I've had two new coaches since then. One of them showed how much progress she had made. The app also tracks your resting heart rate... ...mine has dropped since I started exercising. -- Yes, resting heart rate on different days... ...that's great! I'm also now strong enough for heavier weights.
I have new weights that I'm going to use. And Darian is very encouraging and motivates me. Each workout is based on what I can do at that moment... ...and what I want to work on. Now that means enjoying the sport. -- Yes, fantastic! I do my usual training session twice a week. Darian has added mini sessions... start the day off right. It's good for coaches to be flexible and open. This is the first time I've been able to exercise consistently. So I'll continue with this... ....this individual training is affordable. I'll tell you how it goes.
If you want to join, visit


For 82 euros per month you get your own coach... ...and a two-week free trial period. I often forget to meditate. That's why a physical reminder is useful. I don't always use this pillow... ...but it reminds me to meditate. Baking is very important. The cables and stuff go into this container... ...they're piled up here. It's a mess... ...but since it's in a container it looks neat. Chargers everywhere... ....controllers... ...Switch... ....the PS4 is here too. I did not know that. Otherwise, this is loose everywhere. I'll leave this behind for a moment.
Writing "Green Time" was the inspiration for this room. The theme of this room is things that arouse fascination. So I can rest my brain. There are trees, the hammock... ...the fireplace so I can look out. There are pictures on the wall. I don't have to do anything, I can just be... brain can wander instead of focusing on something. ♪♪ Welcome to my bedroom! This room is not finished yet. I use the same organizational strategies... in my old


. I have different colored laundry baskets... ...gray ones for anything that can go straight into the machine and dryer.
Pink is for delicate garments. Everything is pre-sorted... I don't have to think when I do laundry. This blanket is on the bed, where I use it. And here are books I want to read. When I put books on the shelf, I don't pick them up. So I'll put here the ones I read. I take my medication when I wake up. That's why I have them on my nightstand. This way I can easily take them... ...and set an alarm for when the medication starts to take effect. Chargers for mobile phones and watches are also available here.
One of the few strategies I use consistently... the Marie Kondo method of folding laundry. First I piled up my clothes... ...and had to look for what I wanted to wear. A big part of ADHD organization is being able to SEE your options. Whether it's using clear containers or folding things a certain way... helps you stay organized. The bathroom is a disaster... ....but in terms of organization I want to show you something. This is where I do my makeup. It is a travel makeup bag. I also store makeup here when I'm not traveling. This is how everything is organized.
All my makeup is here, ready to go. If I suddenly have to go somewhere, I don't have to pack my makeup. It is already full. ♪♪ I hope you liked this video. Let me know what


you found helpful. And share your own tips in the comments. What works for me may not work for others. Like, subscribe, click everything... ...and until next time! Goodbye brains! I'm going to enjoy my house now!

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