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Actually Rare Ricky, Steve and Karl Interview and a 'YouTube Comment Quiz'

Apr 28, 2024
knowing that the damn mccarthy Germans have come up with that we have created the longest words so that's the problem with english we make life difficult for ourselves thank you very much well I want to ask you guys haven't you gone to America I want I mean, since I lived in America they had some really strange ideas about English, like everything ends at 12 because we all drink tea and we all know the queen because that kind of influence is your view of English uh no, no, no I believe it, I believe that it still exists, I believe that there are people and I met Boris Johnson at the airport.
actually rare ricky steve and karl interview and a youtube comment quiz
Lovely lad, but I didn't think people like that still existed, no, of course, yes, you know, but you know, I celebrate those people. One of the things we're talking about is the great English eccentric, you know, England does, uh, eccentric people. I saw a woman. smoking a pica the other day she was only 18 years old. Yeah, no, I saw a bearded guy in leather at um uh, now who was she? I think it was the mission they were giving, he was there, he was about 30 years old. redhead beard full leather outfit smoking pipe perfect you know, yes, you know, that's a wonderful typically English thing.
actually rare ricky steve and karl interview and a youtube comment quiz

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actually rare ricky steve and karl interview and a youtube comment quiz...

I grew up with people who are very eccentric where you grew up, you just have, you have a tattoo, yeah, he was a, he was a a guy on the farm who just covered himself in tattoos and my dad found out he was related just because they were in the same pub and my dad recognized all the names on his arm, they thought it was weird, I have everything, I mean my family. She turned out to be a cousin so in a way the tattoos were weird but it tied them together if it wasn't for the weird birthday tattoos next to them just the names and that and the ones on that arm were really good because it was right. with his hand, it's the kind of tattoos that he did himself, he did it himself and that arm was not very good, but yes, there was a tattoo, he was a man in shorts, very short shorts, and he walked big strides, so his testicles fell out.
actually rare ricky steve and karl interview and a youtube comment quiz
By the way, all year round, he had really leathery legs from the sun and everything that falls on him, but I bet he waits, how did they fall off in the winter? Because then wouldn't they be a little tight and wrinkled? They used to appear, why don't you have perspective tests? They made it more familiar, yeah, yeah, yeah, um, who else was it, miss piggy? um, why did they call her she, that she was married to a friend, no, she was she. I guess she seemed a little pigish uh there are a lot of people but that's what maybe I thought.
actually rare ricky steve and karl interview and a youtube comment quiz
I think having some kind of crazy people around you is more eccentric for crazy people. Now we are doing well. I just think it's more interesting. I think they're kind of locked in now, aren't they crazy and not celebrated the same way? Uh, yeah, let them all out, let's let them out for George's day, yeah, let the crazy ones out, uh, well, they ain't hurtin' nobody, what are they? they're doing well, yeah, they're serious, I'm just saying the ones that were just different, what would you do, how crazy, what kind of metal would you let out anyone I just mentioned, if they were locked up, well, no, but I.
I'm just saying we should celebrate now, we should celebrate that we live in a country where if you want to let your testicles fall off, I imagine there are some countries that won't allow it, that's what makes England great, you know, we we complain. No? We're Mel saying it's not like it used to be. Let them out. Let them out. We all know they are there. Why are we covering it up? We'll get yours out there. I won't do it. mine, but I'm just saying if it became the norm, why not? Yeah they always say to check for lumps and people can do it for you stewie as long as wherever you are they are waiting for a bus so don't do it.
Don't check it yourself, don't I like it? Why do I only think you can do more damage gently? No, but how is it, it's not small, it's difficult, it's like holding a sparrow, you never know how difficult it can be. away before you crush it and that's how I am this isn't about English it's a little okay okay okay what I want to ask you is have you had the book surely you have the podcast next stop Hollywood well


we've been , we are animating the audiobooks, that will probably come out at the end of the year, a series on American television that I hope will also be available here, so yes, Carl, we have seen it. which is great, isn't it a cartoon?
It's amazing but I went to hollywood to be in a Ricketts movie but it's not being used as it's on this side of the truth it was like a pre-credits sequence and the movie is about the first one. person who evolved the gene for lying and there was a little caveman sequence we thought it would be good to have him there as the world's first bald caveman and he came to um Boston for three days he got ringworm he didn't sleep did he freeze? in Shattered they cut it well. I had to cut it, so I tried it.
If you could go to Hollywood, would you like to be a big star? I've been there. I went to What is it? Then I went to La I liked it, you went to Ripley's three days in a row, right? Were you there? No, no, in Hollywood. See, that's that. That's pretty much what I'm saying when I say celebrate the extravagance of the world. The guy named Ripley who did that. went around the world and they stuffed it with two heads, you know, four legs, there was a guy who had a lion's head, no, that's not true, that's not true, they're all in a museum and that kind of thing, but now we.
We're kind of like, I don't know, we're moving away from something like that now, uh, I don't know what it's about, I don't know what we're supposed to be on anymore, I don't know where we stand. because I don't know why people would come here I don't know why people visit this country you don't know anything but you were saying about Los Angeles, yeah, I like Los Angeles, I would live there, yeah, but I only talk to him because of this couple. of minutes, I mean, his mind is like ping pong, but it's like coming and going, right? to go see it I've seen it all it's a waste of time you always have to keep moving you always have to keep doing different things isn't that you?
Who would interpret with you? Probably what his face is. Who? Gandhi ben Kingsley? Well, he's 70, so that's what takes care of when you, when you're 70, you can do it, yeah, Charlie Brown, when you were little. Who now there is no one like you? Carl, that guy who was at the start, he's not good. I don't know that's my


thank you good night Danny Devito no boldly go away no Jason Watson yeah he would be as good as me now that's crazy uh Kingsley and I'm older, he sat on the fence. I have to say that yes, I know, I know what answers we wanted to give.
Well, Corelli is pretty calm, he's brilliant, but he's not like that. However, he said that he wanted to work with you two on something. Do you think we can get that record? I will work. with both of them again yeah i think they're brilliant


crowe is a genius and greg kinnear is available ok it's signed up you have to do it now yeah ok i think they're both great definitely that's done, It's done, you could. Could you arrange for it to depend on me? Yes, I'm really the person in charge. Yes, stay out earlier next time, although it's that easy.
Can you get me some job? Seriously, there's nothing wrong with me. You may get cut again as long as it is paid. It doesn't bother me I'm not that worried I have some carpet food That's those guys when they come get yours tomorrow I told you so I think that's what my brain wants to do It's in everything it enjoys more than anything else because you sound like a grounded person, yeah, available now on iTunes, Ricky Joy's guide to English, so you'll get some important insights, okay, okay, and I finally heard you say that one thing that always makes you laugh is one or two things that They always make you laugh both of them are his testicles um this guy or elmo who is funnier oh well, I like elmo um I think doing Sesame Street was the highlight of my career, but I realized that with elmo um it's half car and half


, he has carl's head but steve's eyes you know we're hitting them but they're totally round head on the bulge what do you mean by bulge what do you mean exactly by carl bulge any


s why because you don't like it if you don't he understood in his head there's nothing wrong it's just that no, no, what I'm saying is listen, fat man, the end of the


, thank you, the fact that we're working with elmo was the highlight of your career, no , yes, thanks.

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