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Abrupter Abbruch - Freimaurer-Adler macht Abflug bei Bares für Rares vom 18.04.2018 | ZDF

Mar 13, 2024
Andreas Krall comes from Baden-Württemberg. Who has a special piece of art and still has some unanswered questions? Today I would like to know where it comes from, what is the story behind it and how. how much it is worth and then nothing more than going to the experts' room. If there are the desired answers, the sculpture will be examined and evaluated by Detlef Kümmel, I wish you a wonderful good day, hello Andreas Andreas, of course I am the Eyrie, that is an interesting sculpture. I find the eagle very beautiful whether it is Allah or a falcon.
abrupter abbruch   freimaurer adler macht abflug bei bares f r rares vom 18 04 2018 zdf
So what I can say relatively little about this sculpture. I know there was a couple from Berlin who came to southern Germany at some point and became friends with my parents. and at some point it ended up in the family's possession and when my mother died it didn't happen either. Now we have another relic like that, my dear Delev, the sculpture seems interesting to me because I don't want to say that it is strange or bad. , I know the post was great because I think it's very beautiful, but I'm very happy with it and the stone base and in some ways that's because I was special, I didn't like it, you'll find out in a moment.
abrupter abbruch   freimaurer adler macht abflug bei bares f r rares vom 18 04 2018 zdf

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abrupter abbruch freimaurer adler macht abflug bei bares f r rares vom 18 04 2018 zdf...

I will make it very simple, I have just left something in front of your beloved lots for the black eagle on the occasion of the first founding festival dedicated by the Hans Hofmann Köbler brothers to several people in Berlin in May 1925, which means lots. What it means is that when I now hear the lodge looking towards the base, then to me it is the Freemasons, we are right in the middle of all this and that is in memory of the first celebration at the first founding festival of the foundation from an annual celebration by Johannes Loose for the Black Eagle in Berlin, founded in 1924 in 1925.
abrupter abbruch   freimaurer adler macht abflug bei bares f r rares vom 18 04 2018 zdf
The trophy is given to them in the form of stones, the raffle tickets are still there today, it is one of the 14 Berlin lodges that are still active today and That's actually one of the first souvenirs that you were able to get in the madness, so there's already a stable, this piece up here continues, you can see here again the book that has a plaque on it and of course we went in . A reference again, we have the really great order, the highest order of the Black Eagle, it is the most important Prussian order. This batch basically gave it this name.
abrupter abbruch   freimaurer adler macht abflug bei bares f r rares vom 18 04 2018 zdf
They then adopted the name of the black eagle. They also adopted the beige color, so you can see. the Prussian crowns up here. You can see the eagle. You can see the motto in Latin, each one has the usual square and compass and everything is enthroned above you. Alabaster takes care of it. You can see again that it's built in a pyramid shape, so it's like do you want a rose badge or is there an artist there? Yes, yes, he goes even further. Is this artist the one who signed Ludwig? Meyer Ludwig Vordermayer is an artist who was born in Munich in the year 868 and later moved to Berlin.
Who knows, maybe he wasn't even a member, but it's unknown who was specifically selected because he was primarily responsible for the animals. sculptures What you see is very well made. This eagle is also all over the place, but it is still stylized, meaning it is not as worked on in every detail. Actually, I would like the general image. I have no idea about the values. When I hear from you now that this is something very special and a milestone and some other superlatives, then I'm just thinking in the south center if I could let him return to his home in Berlin, let them loose if they are still there.
That's what's on my mind now. Should we calculate the value of wastewater? Well, dear Lew, how much is something like that worth? How much would people interested in art and history spend on this souvenir? the connection with one of the Berlin lots still exists, I definitely have to have a value of around 2000 euros here. I'd listen to what they have to say, for some reason, but I wouldn't miss it right now. see what happens in there, know a little, be relaxed. Everything is fine, dear, for me it was a great and exciting pleasure that you are on your way because you can take it with you and it is there. but this is the tutorial box in many languages, good luck, I'll jump in now and let myself be surprised by what comes next.
How do traders react to this historic event? Get on it or it's too special at home. The golden eagle has worked with one in soapstone, a Masonic base. I can also be, okay, the question clarifies us on A1, okay, because I just found out from the expert that, of course, it is a Masonic craft, that it was a lodge where he. came from the trade that still exists today, so here is a vignette attached that says about the black eagle lodge on the occasion of the first founding festival dedicated by the brothers Ernst Hofmann and in Kuegler Berlin on May 16, 1925 and in the base there is the signature of the artist who created the industry, this is Ludwig before the celebration in front of the first rows of Lena's artistic nature, but it is not true, meanwhile in Berlin, somewhere in Bavaria, the industry is already is based in Berlin. nice piece I start immediately with 500 euros yes, I will continue with 600 euros the industry is already worth just that so it is worth more than 1000 of 1200 I will also give you the 1300 1400 I will give you 1500 602 000 2100 give them 2100 well well so the black lodge will be very happy if someone takes money in hand and says now here the cyclist is back where he belongs yes 22 if you have electricity I'll give you 24 two and a half 2550 2600 Say it again one night, yes, so I'm out of a job.
I think that's a lot of money he would ask for even for an older brother and I don't want to take more from him just because. I'm out and then I'm out too and I'm still on this yeah I'm 650 for that outage yeah yeah and I hope you're mad at me now without now thinking I'm doing my thing now. I don't sell because now there are so many things they have for me and the expert told me that I know that is the case with the Freemasons, call me and tell me to sell it now, it's not right, maybe they would be sold because of the lodge, but it didn't help at all, according to them the freight didn't help at all because they said they had to pick it up, oh, that's easy, so thank you very much for letting you see it.
I hope that the Germans in the test will be good traders. Now he has so much information, a series of things, that he now sells them. Yes, I learned so much about the eagle that I suddenly had the idea to put it on. The eagle returns to where it belongs because there is a lot of history behind it.

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