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Abandoned Himuro Mansion The Most Haunted Mansion In Japan (REAL LIFE FATAL FRAME)

May 31, 2024
every family will have one, yes you can see how terrible the damage is here. Look through the ceiling right there on Earth. Shall we cross this? Alright. We are taking a risk. I think you could stay on this side. I'll be fine. It's not that big a drop from here. It's just beautiful to walk down this hallway. I think this is another balcony al


too could have entered from here foreigners come here rubbish everywhere on the floor looks like a makeshift seat for an elderly person to sit ok here is the first bedroom I feel like this could have been the bedroom of a child and the bed only fits one person here there are more handmade samurai dolls there is like a very old stuffed doll there is nothing in these cabinets anymore I just saw this hanging here it looks like an amulet it must have meant a lot to the family that lived a littleIt's strange that there is a photo of a house that looks like the houses you see in the United States.
abandoned himuro mansion the most haunted mansion in japan real life fatal frame
I wonder why they would have that


up here. They try to cross without breaking the wood. I just have to step on the beam. Oh boy, this is scary. Okay, we made it. oh, it looks like there are more film strips right here, it's hard to see that they have been destroyed and water damaged. Well, they arrived at 5 p.m. and the local town alarm is going off, basically just telling everyone to go home. I think it's actually pretty. great, I wish we had something like this in America, look at this living room, it looks much more modern, they probably renovated this part, they still have the TVs or any retro video game consoles, but I don't see anything back here, chair. this must have been used for a camera so it looks like a flash here is all the furniture all that dirt came from the wall look what's inside this closet I can't even get through from this side something blocking I love the curtains here I found The staircase leading to the second floor, damn, it even has a foreign red carpet, that's what we're walking on now.
abandoned himuro mansion the most haunted mansion in japan real life fatal frame

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abandoned himuro mansion the most haunted mansion in japan real life fatal frame...

I don't even know if it's worth trying to cross. Dave actually said you were able to cross over here and this leads. I'm going down to the kitchen, so I'm going to turn on the light. I'm going to take my camera without the gimbal and try to get to the room. Apparently you can go this way, which was the other side we tried to go through and there's a basement, but damn, even the steps are gone, I just got to the kitchen, it's pretty small, you know the


wasn't that big. big considering how rich they were, you can see that all the plates and teacup sets are still here, that's how far as we go guys it definitely doesn't feel strong here yeah, I'm not going to try or bother.
abandoned himuro mansion the most haunted mansion in japan real life fatal frame
I don't think there's


ly anything important down there by the looks of it, so I think we should go upstairs now that you think about it. The house is


ly cool, yeah, I really like it, so I think this room here where they have the meetings, oh really, from the attack on Pearl Harbor, what the hell is really Western here? Yeah wow, carved ceilings are just these first answers. room is exactly what I thought, a western feel, it definitely has like a country western, yeah sure, this pottery down here is made in England, Rye, no way, 25 minutes from my house, it's so close to me in Canterbury, in Kent, mate, that's crazy, how?
abandoned himuro mansion the most haunted mansion in japan real life fatal frame
The strange thing is you come to Japan, they must have traveled there, it could have been like a souvenir they got from a trip and there's a little set of skinny steps there, you'll see a little bit of what goes to a room and up there there's like a book translated into English and all that, so I guess yeah, I'm done here, so I'll let you enjoy, but Dave just left, let's close the door. I can't believe the room we are in. I didn't expect this


to have this kind of room, but it was obviously used for important meetings.
I think that's also where you know the servant would deliver the food. I wonder what kind of important talks they have. I had here I know one of them was about Pearl Harbor unreal What's here? I don't know what this book is about. I think in Japan they read from right to left, so the beginning would be the other way around. Yes, you can see the page numbers. the number six right there just increases as we go, show us all the Buddha statues, maybe these are all the Buddha statues in Japan, it definitely talks about religion.
I guess the people who live here might have been Buddhists and in the corner they had a little keyboard. I wonder what kind of look, what is that, it looks like pissing. The vines are starting to grow up here and it doesn't feel safe to step on them there. I can see that there's like an album that's trying to work away from that side. part doesn't feel so good oh, okay, well, I have some photos there, we can see the family. I used to live here. Damn, look at that, but you have the dining room table, so they're having a barbecue, okay?
What is this? It is an album of postcards. These are all postcards from all the places they traveled to, so this is what Dave showed before. It's great that this was made in England. It's up to here. I would have loved to travel back in time. It must have been completely different because you know how I feel, you know, not many people used to travel back then, it was very difficult to travel like all the tourist places didn't have thousands of people going there, you know what I mean, I think we have a one more floor to go. so let's go upstairs, it's quite narrow, well it feels dirty, it's just a small room, it looks like there was a bed at one point, you can see the bed


right there, there's nothing that piques my interest, but whoever he saw in this room was probably a girl. as another decoration, it would have been beautiful to hide if she hadn't had so much water and this is another English thing.
At one point they had interest in England. There's a book about the Heritage of Britain engagement diary from 1988. There's another bedroom here, but look at the state I wouldn't want to go in there, it's probably where the parents slept. It's like a big bed. I'm not going to risk it. I was about to collapse the moment you walk in. I just came back outside. I think there's another building around here. I also think it was another house they had on the property, so we'll go down there. He looks just as creepy as the other one. I think we can walk down the hill from here.
Barnes belongs to the same person. He replaced the gimbal. I'm not sure who lived here. This could have been a guest house or perhaps it is where the parents stayed and the children inherited the mansion. There's a lot of stuff, including some really cool vintage retro toys. Don't be surprised if we find video games here. Oh, look how many things there are in this building. It's unreal. There are many things. I do not know where to start. A foreign console that looks like a VHS player. I think they use this house. for entertainment maybe this is where they organized parties and events and look that's a really good record I think these are wedding photos foreign toys here are so many children's toys man his son was definitely spoiled this is falling down there is a photo of the foreign granddaughter trying to spot something crazy if you see something on the screen that I don't notice leave a comment below with a timestamp s I'll check the attic later so now we're on the other side where we couldn't get into just one of the rooms so many clothes look at all the shopping bags but yeah there's a lot of designer clothes here look they were even buying Fendi there's some VHS tapes I feel like there's a lot it's been stolen oh yeah we still want spiders there's nothing there wow it's just an attic ladder here I have to crawl wow look at all the shoes I know it's really hoarded, so guys, we're trying to do the best we can up here.
It's very difficult to feel like it's literally stuff everywhere. Look at the selection of soap operas. It's probably the cause. Well, it's very dark now. I'm going to try to get back to the car. Okay guys. I just returned to my accommodation. Thank you very much for making it to the end of the video. If you enjoyed it, definitely subscribe and click through. belt notification buttons to receive notifications of each video I post each week. It's such an amazing adventure and probably one of my creepiest and



explorers I've ever done and I'm so happy I got to explore this place because I'm a big fan of Fatal Frame, it's one of my favorite horror games, although Himuro Mansion isn't it is real.
I really think I was inspired by this


mansion, it's probably the most evidence I've found of a


exploration that I definitely want. to hear your thoughts on it, like the open door, Dave's experience with the broken light bulb that fell from the ceiling, and if you notice anything else I didn't understand, leave a comment below and post a timestamp. In it, it was a really cool place to see and experience. You can tell this mansion was such a beautiful home at one time and it's a shame it was left in such poor condition. I really hope that one day someone can do it. go restore it, but I think a lot of people are just scared and don't want it because it's haunted, but I'm going to finish guys.
I hope you have been following the Japanese series. I think this is probably the third video in the Japan series and we still have a lot more to do if you haven't seen the other videos in the New Japan series. I highly recommend you go check out the spot up here after you finish this video until next time guys. Don't forget to live a


of freedom and wander and see you on the next adventure. Peace and thanks for watching.

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