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A Quiet Place Pitch Meeting

Jun 02, 2021
so you have a movie for me, yes sir I do, it's a horror movie called A Quiet Place, oh and what is that? It's about these monsters that get scared every time you make a noise. Sounds like my ex-wife. I'm sad all the time. Thanks, so what's going on in this? Well, the movie starts in 2020 and it's day 89 since these monsters attacked the earth, so all the streets are deserted. Oh wow, completely empty streets in 2020, can you imagine? I know it's crazy, so we're going to meet. the Abbott family and they all know sign language because daughter Regan is deaf, so they took a walk into town because their son Marcus is sick and they need things from the pharmacy.
a quiet place pitch meeting
Oh, it seems like a trip that maybe only one of them should take. Yes, but instead everyone will go together and not supervise the small children. Not very irresponsible, yeah, sure, so the younger guy just runs freely around this pharmacy because why the hell not? He almost throws something and kills everyone who should. I'll definitely be watching their kids, yeah, well it's only day 89 so you know, I guess they haven't figured out that kids make noise yet, so Father Lee realizes that his dumb son will turn on a noisy toy, so take the batteries. outside of this, oh they're learning more or less, but then he leaves the toy and batteries on a counter right in front of Bo and then Reagan gives the toy back to Bo and then everyone just leaves Bo alone, oh no They are learning at all. no, not yet, so they're all walking on the sand path they made, sand path, oh yes, they made a sand path from their farm to the city so their steps would be less noisy when I filled the little sandbox with my children.
a quiet place pitch meeting

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a quiet place pitch meeting...

It took a hundred pounds of sand, how much must it have taken to make this big tray, huh, now that you mentioned it's several tons, I guess? Oh, a sand empire, so anyway everyone is walking down this path and since the kid is dumb and unsupervised, he turns on the noisy toy, oh yeah, and since these aliens are attracted to the slightest noise , he, you know, killed him right away, oh my God, so we jump to day 472 and now Evelyn is pregnant, she's pregnant, it means she's having a baby. Oh yes, I know, but why risk bringing a screaming baby into the world?
a quiet place pitch meeting
Well, we don't know if it was intentional or not. You know accidents happen, but I mean, why take that risk? You know well that they are both very attractive. oh, okay, I didn't realize that, so it's not like they could, you know, not do it, no, I completely understand, so anyway let's see how this family lives, like they don't use plates or very clever utensils, but they do have. a scary moment where the kids are playing Monopoly and accidentally knock over a glass lantern so they don't have electricity, they don't because they have solar panels so I use a glass lantern because I want them to knock it down in this scene oh.
a quiet place pitch meeting
Well, then everyone goes silent like, uh-oh, is a monster coming? Oh, is a monster coming? Well, they hear a loud bang on the roof, but then it turns out he's just a raccoon. Well, if the raccoon makes that big of a noise, he would. Anyway, an alien comes running, an alien is going to kill the raccoon, yeah, okay, but later, when he's silently crossing a field, as revenge for making a noise earlier, yeah, I guess look, these aliens They're going to be pretty inconsistent in their attacks and what they can hear, okay, could we make it a little more consistent now?
Okay, damn it, anyway Lee is bringing his son Marcus fishing and also taking him to a waterfall. Why does he take him there? Good because? It shows them that you can safely scream next to a waterfall because it's loud. Wow, what headspace do you have to have to try it for the first time? Oh, definitely a dark one, so if loud ambient sounds make it okay to make noise, right? They have some kind of speaker system installed in their house or something. The more you think about this concept, the more survival solutions you will find and I will need you to leave me alone with all of them, you know?
I'm going to get out of that thing okay, so anyway, later Lee and Marcus are walking through the woods and they run into an old man whose wife has just been murdered. What are the chances of that happening? I don't know math is hard, so anyway this guy looks like he's going to scream, so Lee shushes him so hard that he forgets where his own nose is. Oh, forget that the location of your nose is tight. Yeah, then the guy screams and an alien kills them. Evelyn is doing the laundry and her bag catches on something on the stairs and almost falls.
Oh, what's hooking? A big old nail is now sticking up, so she removes it well. No, you don't see it. He almost fell and died. and she doesn't look back to see what caused that, that's what we're going to do and then her water will break, oh yeah, that's when a baby pees to let you know what's on the way, that's not what's right . she goes down the stairs and steps on the nail and drops a glass thing that breaks into pieces alerts the aliens this time this time yeah yeah wow wow wow so now she has to give birth while there's a monster at home. trying to kill her manfully takes hours, it will be impossible for her to do that, actually, it will be super easy, barely an inconvenience, oh really, yeah, he manages to get into a bathtub and Marcus sets off some fireworks that cover the noise what are you doing. fireworks for hours so she gives birth in about five minutes oh yeah that baby just comes out like an upside down PEZ dispenser or something oh I don't like that image at all but I'm not sorry either , So what's up?
Well, both Regan. and Marcus are stuck outside and there's an alien running around, so what do they do right? They fall into some corn and recreate a scene from Titanic, and then Lee is outside with an ax and there's an alien waiting on the roof to surprise him and it takes a hit. Oh, he was talking loudly, well now the alien was just waiting there, he sneak attacked him, uh, okay, yeah, I don't understand how these aliens behaved, that's okay, then Marcus shouts from inside a truck and the alien starts attacking him. and reggae Oh no, so Lee sacrifices himself by screaming super loud and he just likes to throw his ax at the barn and make a big noise like that, yeah, but a sacrifice is more dramatic, that's a good point, so like was sacrificed, the kids have It's time to drive safely, the truck doesn't make any noise when it moves, apparently not, so they reunite with their mother and discover that this earpiece Lee made for Reagan actually affects the kids' heads. aliens and exposes a huge weak point, oh that's good. to find out yes, then Reagan puts his earpiece against a microphone and the alien just freaks out and Evelyn shoots him dead, very exciting, so the noise of the gun obviously attracted a group of monsters, but now they know what to do, so Evelyn gives some.
She smiles at her daughter and her husband her husband just died, but this is a good time to cut it to black, argue with that, so what do you think? I think that sounds great, thanks. I just think it would be really nice to have. like a good indie horror movie, you know, I completely agree, no franchises, no sequels, just a good movie, I'm really glad to hear you say that, unless of course it's a hit. Hey guys, I'm Ryan, I hope you enjoyed that


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