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May 30, 2021
hello everyone, welcome to Mario Kart, this is your average Mario Kart, nothing new, nothing strange to see here, nothing strange happening with the map or Luigi, nothing strange happening here, hello everyone and welcome back. I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine, a friend of mine who I call Andy now, I'll tell you something. Andy has a secret you see, unlike you and me. Andy doesn't like to play


ly, he likes to do things a little different and today Andy wants to do it. play Mario Kart 8


now it's very difficult to get Andy's software to work on ten two, and I spent many hours of trial and error trying to get this to work, so you can imagine that once I finally got it working I was pretty .
a normal day in mario kart 8 deluxe
Excited, it's definitely something they put the piranha plant in Smash Bros, but they didn't put it in Mario Kart, so we had to do it ourselves. Uh oh, the Mario Kart double dash sounds are working. I have a mod that makes it so you can listen. all the sounds sound like



double dash and then there's that Ronna plant that makes me anxious because it doesn't make any noise, oh my god look, look at the map of what's coming towards me, it's an old style blue shell, I am very proud. that I got this to work that's it, that's the first part that blows me away, but now that I have the chance, well, a red shell comes, yeah, I'm not used to that, I'm not used to seeing that and so on, baby. the piranha plant takes first place look at them look at them giving kisses OMG, what else can we do?
a normal day in mario kart 8 deluxe

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a normal day in mario kart 8 deluxe...

Typical Mario, let's go this way Oh oh, I forgot about that old Squidward record. Oh, a submarine, of course, that's definitely what's happening, why it's happening. oh first of all i got an error which is not that helpful but thanks for that. I guess, huh? Did I use it all myself? oh my god, I got a bullet pill first. Oh, okay, I basically have this mod installed where, well, no. No matter where I am in the race, I'll just get any random item, even if it's something I'd get if I was in last place, like triple mushrooms, okay, okay, okay, squid, we're not that good drivers, We'll be honest, boss.
a normal day in mario kart 8 deluxe
Oh boy, I've really gone too far since we enjoyed calamari, where we might as well enjoy SpongeBob SquarePants. You know, we should give him a chance to be the center of attention. It's really the best possible timeline we live in. The Be Alive mushrooms even seem to be from my double Urquhart, that's great, give me something really good like a Bullet Bill, oh I'll take a golden mushroom, that's how you secure an advantage though, don't run. against the fence that's not how lead work is secured, you know? Kristi Grubb, wait, where will this go if I throw it out? oh oh, I said above, known, oh, that's terrible, but I have to use it, no, it's not what I wanted.
a normal day in mario kart 8 deluxe
Oh, sick. I was lucky eight first when I have an incredible, unbeatable lead. There is something new that you don't see every day. It doesn't really fit in any of these strollers, maybe a bike, no, maybe but they are kind of nice. from Oh Kirby you look good bro you look great damn is that change hop Oh peach is catching up a little bit right there a little baby PT oh nevermind she tripped over something it's okay we're okay we're okay with Boo and first place still a mushroom for you is really very broken, this is the bug, okay, so the bug doesn't affect anyone but me, if I am in first place and I use it, so there is something interesting that we learned today, should I use the?
Bullet Bill to cross the finish line, that would be a very dirty way to win, wouldn't we? Iggy, you're still Roy, you're up there, it's there, I mean, it has no limbs, there's no chain, so it's not really a Chain Chomp, it's just some kind of bite, it's floating and it sounds like that. The thing is, the person in last place could be getting coins, you know what I mean? You might not get any items that benefit you, which is great and I'm out here, oh no, look at that look, look at that, Oh God. that's weird, she's adorable, okay, she is, she's absolutely adorable, you can't say that, that says this isn't the cutest character, it's so weird hearing octiline sounds in Mario Kart 8


, I mean, there's a lot Weird things happening right now, okay?
A lot of weird things happen, for example I have three red shells in the first place. Who am I going to use them with? I don't know, but there's a hit on the map, so it's all good, but wait, I still have one more character for a useful drawing. fans, oh yeah this is definitely weird, excuse me, who is that with the star? You better stay back there, buddy, but it's recorded back there. I definitely chose the right map to show Mario. This is perfect. A bullet was felt. Oh God, you can have first place. Dude, take it, I don't even care, he's driving that cart, there's no one driving that cart, oh, it's Kirby, oh, he just had to load, oh, no problem, curve, take your time, dude, oh, and the colors are green and pink like callie and marie murabba jean. he's picking this map, come on, give me some props for that, I don't care if I get that win real quick, look Murray's a winner, go Murray, you get, you get, oh oh oh, because it was getting too hot, just shut up uh-oh so yeah I'm right yeah oh I've definitely gone too far now I've definitely gone too far well there's no turning back now oh boy something doesn't seem right yeah yeah something doesn't seem right about it Oh, what's going?
Okay, let's go, okay? I guess we just have to make our way through that giant flower in the middle of the track. Sounds good. I'm stuck, I'm stuck, how can I, how can I get over it? The CPUs don't know either, okay, the queen is the rainbow. I just realized and bananas are blue. This map really isn't what it's not exactly as I remember it. Oh, giant, shy guy in the middle of the road. Couldn't you? It's okay, it's no obstacle. I don't understand what this is, oh, it's a ship, it's part of a ship that sticks out.
I see, yes, that makes a lot of sense. It was that Waluigi is trapped there, he is trapped on the map. I can't go anywhere. I imagine these. They're not ripe bananas, but they're protecting me, so I'm going to move on, there you go, don't get crushed, yeah, that happened in typical Yoda. You know, when he wins, he has his magic flowers around him. Yoda, you are not. I'll get over it if you keep backing up and driving, it's okay, it doesn't matter. I guess you can do it. The colors are only slightly different with this, but it makes a big difference and I love it.
Apparently it affects the characters too, which I didn't realize. why do we have green hair, Daisy over there, okay, okay, wait, wait, what's going on oh my God, I'm almost on my side I can't, oh my God, okay, an important shortcut, I think what What if I turn on intelligence here? Okay, very smart, kind of direction. This saves me a bit sometimes, so now what happens if I try auto-speedup and let the game play itself? Oh, you even have the game if the game doesn't help. What is this possible in Rainbow Road? Wow, they all just take off.
If I don't drive maybe I'll be fine, oh my God, it's okay, it's okay, I was wrong, I was very wrong about that, I think it's like super speed that sends you flying and you can't like it, you can't control it. and you go so fast that it runs across the map. I could say one thing for sure: I'm winning. I'm not even touching the controller, although auto acceleration is on and smart steering is on and, as you can see, the game. It's just Kanna winning for me I guess I could win, I could win, what was that, guys, wait, I'm coming, guys, I'm coming, wait, I'm just going to do some donuts at the starting line real quick, okay, am I going to turn?
Turn off auto throttle and smart steering and I'm just trying to do this on my own. No, I can't do it too sometimes, even if you gently touch the a button on the remote control, you will fly away and if you turn even slightly and to the left. They're going to spin a million times, gentle taps, okay, Rosalina, you have to stop flying, you have to stop flying and stop doing the spins, do the spins again, press this mode, this part will just take me. I can go oh boy it's okay he actually went up to the top and just oh right it's okay he's going everywhere no you can do it you can do it you can do it oh thank you lucky you got me to the end and off they go oh you've got to be kidding me so we're moving moving very very slow I can't drift there's no way I can drift oh okay this is one of the most confusing things I've ever seen in my entire life I think this race may never actually end let's get it to a boost panel somehow some of them are up there getting items and they like to drive somehow they go fast wait what's unaffected in reverse wait a second I'm cheating Oh see you later fools I'm leaving from here oh wait, wait, huh?
This works technically. I just have to avoid Lakitu at all costs, which is hard to do because he is everywhere, mushrooms allow you to move and so does the star. Oh, hey guys, how are you doing? Oh, okay, okay, one of them is going to eventually press the boost panel and what guys could they do, don't be afraid. I'll be scary but it won't hurt you, right? Yes, I know it's new and looks scary, but don't be afraid. Guys, we're a little stuck here. I can't believe what's happening, oh my god, I'd be surprised if I could win a game.
Oh god, the water isn't helping, okay, wait, this is actually it. help, it doesn't matter, come on, come on, come on, oh come on, come on, okay, we're okay, we're getting to that point, we're almost done, laughs, but we're making progress. I don't know how to feel about this, isn't that me? Come on, come on, let me, let me, let me, like I'm on it, come on, please, I'm stuck. I can't really move now. Wow, you seem very excited. Daizy, is everyone still here from the beginning? Yes, there. They're just hanging out here I'm all I'm going to do I'm going to do I'm going to cross the finish line I did it happy one lap that's all I care about I'm done these roads have dirt, how cool is that, sorry where are you guys going, okay, that's weird, my car goes backwards and then forwards, okay, no, there are definitely some problems with drifting here.
Hello everyone, welcome to Mario Kart, this is your average Mario Kart, nothing dumb, nothing strange. look here nothing strange is happening with the map or Luigi nothing strange is happening here it's more of a yellow shelf oh my god you can't do that can she do that? oh I think I've got it, I've got it, I think I'm free I think I'm free no, not free, definitely not, yeah, here we go, okay, I'm figuring it out, but what happens if I press this? Okay, that's fine, it works, so I think the CPUs are having the same problem.
No, I don't know why, I think this is definitely not right, great, wait, I'm almost there, almost there, almost there, that's what I needed, thanks, look, see you later, fools, I'm about to do it . completing a lap no wonder I'm in first place okay I can do this I can do this I don't know what's going on with everyone else but I'm worrying about myself right now someone's going I don't think I'll be able to complete three laps of this, but I'll see how far we can go arrive. I think I have the strategy down, although I think I've already figured out how it wants to work almost there, peach.
You're there, baby, you can do it. I'm taking this step by step, but I'm going to do this. I'm going to be the only person who can get through it because everyone else is out there doing their thing, okay? It just falls in front of me and then disappears. I have no other place to go. Who is this Bowser? I think it's Bowser. There is no going back. Well, it doesn't really do anything. I thought it would work. Oh, it's fine. I see that everyone is going to back down. Alright. Although it's okay because I'm busy winning there are no jumps there are no obstacles or anything there are cars although Oh Isabel goes in there she goes I do a trick and I do it or a little bullet it's okay, it's okay, what happened is that it won't let me get there off this ramp, pitches, well let me do it, wait, I think I found the strategy, I think I found the key to winning, dude, choc, Jessie is helping me, that was a bullet ticket going backwards, okay, that's something I never thought I'd see some articles get. maybe I can get some items I can help with.
Well I think this might have been too much chaos and my switch is overheating.

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