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A Lost Mermaid! We Found A Magic Mermaid! Kids Fun TV

Jun 06, 2021
foreigner, okay, okay, here's my last joke, okay, keep going, okay, but I don't think you can pull that far, just throw it longer, oh, okay, okay, look at this Kathy, yeah, wow, she's a


. I can not believe what I see. Oh my god, oh my god, Jesse came fast, oh that's not a


, yeah, mermaids have fins, not feet, it's wrong, oh my god, are you okay, oh my god, do you need help? She is a mermaid, this is her first time with a face, who are you and how can you? We'll help you I'm a mermaid at least I was I just got disappeared on Earth by King clown fish uh King clown fish who is he who is the king of the ocean the funniest fish alive he rules us all uh is this girl crazy no, i think he's telling the truth, i barely saw her with her tail so they banished you, he banished me because like he said my jokes weren't funny enough he just wants funny fish in his kingdom and no matter how hard he tries .
a lost mermaid we found a magic mermaid kids fun tv
I just can't make anyone laugh with my jokes, you


the right people because we are the funny team and we definitely know it's funny. Oh well, Bunny is a little difficult for me. Oh come on, funny, isn't it that hard? Tell us your best joke. Okay, why did the starfish cross the street? Why because she loves the roads? Well, obviously, the king clownfish is jealous. I am very funny. Well, they kicked me out for not being funny. Why don't you stop telling jokes because it's always like that? be a mermaid comedian and I'm never ever going to give up uh well now what are you going to do because you have legs I know but if I don't make anyone laugh my Sunset I'll be stuck like this forever uh well okay good luck if you want I can help you because I'm the funniest on the fun team, this is going to be easy, excuse me, you think you're the funniest, yeah, everyone knows I'm definitely the funniest, um and not you.
a lost mermaid we found a magic mermaid kids fun tv

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a lost mermaid we found a magic mermaid kids fun tv...

I'm not well? If you're the fun team, why don't you all help me and I'll decide who's the funniest? They know they're really lucky to have


the funniest member of the funny team, so listen to the lesson. Number one, okay, I'm ready, Webster's dictionary describes funny as anything Jack, please don't laugh at me. I'm trying to help you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, you didn't hurt mine. feelings anyway, okay, you want to know what's funny, I'll tell you what funny jokes are, jokes are like a sneak joke or something, yeah, and I know the best jokes of all, here at hand, that's one pussy, this pussy, yeah, okay, are you ready for the most fun? break yeah come follow me overseas hey Jazzy have you ever put peanut butter on a hot dog? uh no, okay, so let me tell you that, okay, what is that?
a lost mermaid we found a magic mermaid kids fun tv
Oh wizard, show, okay my friend, look at this Kade, I am the


al spirit that lives in the Shell what shh silence Jazzy I am talking to a Magic Shell okay what I say and I will grant you


al powers okay quick quick act like a chicken if you want these magical powers that's fine, I'll do better than that Okay, Jack, that was really fun. I'm learning a lot. Jack, that was the funniest joke. Ah, come back here, friend. Okay, now that Jack's boring lesson is over, it's time to get real. I'll introduce you to pause remotes.
a lost mermaid we found a magic mermaid kids fun tv
What's that? I just told you what it was if you were even listening oh yeah so um how it works let me show you come oh I'm thirsty wait I'm sorry I'm not used to legs I can't hold on pause okay, okay, how? You dare, you better unpause me, look at it, oh my god, I can't believe it worked. I'm learning a lot about how to be funny, I know and it only takes two double batteries. Oh, quick, revenge is coming. I'm coming. your way, okay, are you ready for this? Yeah I'm just really nervous because it's almost sunset and I don't want to be stuck with human legs forever don't worry I got you it's time to learn a valuable lesson in telling jokes yeah yeah yeah yeah I love jokes I bet you make jokes 101 the first thing you need to tell a good joke is to have a good setup the setup usually starts with a question like why did the chicken cross the street oh ok that makes sense now the next part some people struggle with you have to come up with a clever follow-up to the question you just asked oh, for example, why did the farmer brush his teeth why because his teeth burned well, not quite, but it's okay mermaid Dude, are you ready to ask us laugh?
Sorry guys, but I think we just need a little more time, but we're close, but we don't have that much time. The sun sets in 15 minutes. No, guys, I have this, I think. I'm ready to introduce you to the funniest mermaid in town. Wow, great night of bending over, ready for my first joke. Guys, yeah, um, um, uh-oh, okay, here's what part of your body the mermaid likes the least. The Sharks, okay, okay, how about this one? Two muffins. sitting in the oven and then a muffin tells the other guy it's too hot in here and the other guy says yeah yeah yeah I should get my tail back anytime yeah sorry that was a fake laugh I just felt bad okay , maybe we'll go to the beach, magic might work better on the beach, maybe guys, I only have one joke left and it's almost sunset.
I'm so nervous I won't make you laugh, you're right, so there's the sun. Sit down, uh, quick, tell me another joke, okay, here it goes, what's up? Fun team, hey, you guys want to go catch some epic waves, whoa, what, um, who is this guy?, uh, it's funny Dad Dad Mermaid Dad Mermaid Dad Mermaid I thought mermaids had tails oh well, to our dad He loves to laugh, he's the funniest guy we know, oh yeah, I love some jokes you make, a fish swims well, I thought that's how it was until I met you, hurry up, look well, here's my last joke you got.
Okay, why were the students' braids underwater? I don't know why because they were below sea level. Oh yeah, that was a good one. I've had some good ones, but that one was good. Oh please, they are very kind. "They're killing me okay we'll have to stop now she's falling for you guys he thinks you're funny guys you look like foreigners and thanks for laughing at all my jokes how could I not you are the best hilarious ". I've heard in a long time no, you can show that king clownfish, what a funny meaning, couldn't have done it without the fun team, oh group hug, well we'll miss you, don't worry, maybe I'll visit you sometime .


, I was just going to tell you that it doesn't matter.

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