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A Hero Discovered | Full Episode | LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures | Disney XD

May 31, 2021
the upper death


will soon be complete with its destructive power at our command we will crush the rebels once and for all meh don't get me wrong lord vader i'm all for ruling the galaxy that's my thing but do you remember what happened to him the first time death


, yes I was there, sure you went, let's get to the replay, is this really necessary? Now, let's blow this up and go home, now you understand me every time no one could have anticipated that maybe you can see why I might want to? a plan b vader dooku always had a plan b how come nothing continues to impress me?
a hero discovered full episode lego star wars the freemaker adventures disney xd
I'm not going to impress me master we recently


something of interest in the jedi archives the kyber saber oh emperor I like what is that I don't care what I want to give Give me, give me, give me a little problem, ah, here it comes, we don't know exactly where it is , but all forces are sweeping the galaxy, the kyber saber will be found, it better be Lord Vader, and soon we'll focus all fire on that Imperial assault carrier. I have one on my tail I can't shake it one rebel less thanks wedge sweet sweet rescue what do we have some energy harvesting coils? ion jets ready with the shovel and ready in the cannon without rowan without cannon let them shoot each other We don't want to be shot at.
a hero discovered full episode lego star wars the freemaker adventures disney xd

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a hero discovered full episode lego star wars the freemaker adventures disney xd...

I still think it's a bad idea. Courtney rescues in the middle of a battle. It's a great idea. Xander. A battle is the best place to find new parts and we need parts if we are going to do it. pay license plus those fighters are too busy exploiting each other to notice, the little us Imperials anyway are too close to retreating, the rebels are breaking up the attack, keep up the chase, ah, I miss the explosion of the power converters, oh no, wow, I think they'll figure it out great. shot, who did that, not me boss, not then, who was there, they're realizing it's time to do it guys, hey, forget it, rescuing Rowan in the middle of a battle was a bad idea anyway , uh, I said, that's what drove home. sweet home awaits a block droid that is a weasel hello


s i warned you to pay the rent or i will lock you out we just picked up a first class salvage furlac but we can't sell it without a store oh cordy, you know my character flaw.
a hero discovered full episode lego star wars the freemaker adventures disney xd
I'm too generous. Well, I'll give you an extra day to pay me before I throw you all away. Okay, but how are we going to pay the rent in one day? We don't have boats to repair or boats ready to sell, so. I'll make a ship, I've got an Your inspiration can really fly. Can I help Rowan? building requires concentration, I mean, you are many things, a handsome boy, a decent singer and a great little brother, but you are definitely not focused, oh sorry, not sorry. Oops, oops again, what else do we have to sell? Isn't it so ugly? almost done don't call my creations my life's work my kids are ugly they're sailors shh I didn't mean it baby and yeah all she needs is a push vector magnet get one of those she'll fly weren't they mostly clone


a hero discovered full episode lego star wars the freemaker adventures disney xd
Well, yes, I am baking shortbread cookies. Where was the worst battle you've ever seen in the Clone Wars? Oh, now, k-pop, no doubt, it's great, there we will find the part we need. Wait, what are my cookies. I'm sure they are. You are delicious, but we have to go, we will be back soon. Don't go anywhere, touch anything, or talk to anyone who has eight or more eyes, but I wanted to go exploring. You can look like your big sister from inside the star scavenger. I just had to keep you safe, okay, and you're way over your oops limit for the day, there's a limit, don't let it out of your sight, roger, oh, they treat me like a child, imagine how I feel, decorated veteran of the clone


. demoted to babysitter okay i wasn't decorated but there's still someone out there stormtroopers those guys could be a problem we should probably warn your brothers right Rowan Rowan hey I'm supposed to keep a good eye on you watch me run xander Courtney where are you? anything bugs bugs some trees bugs ah the boss won't be happy where did they go slow down my circuits are overheating did you hear that?
Do you hear the sound of bad decisions being made? Yes, it is very loud, it is not just another sound from a swimming pool. uh the ship came back that way it's calling me what is it I don't hear anything and not to brag but I have great audio sensors new coat of paint I'll be fine thanks for your concern Rowan You are behaving very strangely. For you I have a bad feeling about this wow, what is this? I have no idea, but we should return it and run to the ship before something really bad happens, yeah, okay, I'm not even going to finish that thought.
Good news, my programming doesn't allow it. You are very lucky, yes, that didn't work at all. Are you okay, young man? Wow, that's a lightsaber I've never seen before. Can I hold it? I would like to hold her. When can I hold it? It's called a lightsaber. and maybe after I know your name oh hi sorry I'm Rowan Freemaker and this is Roger my name is a quick question are you a Jedi? One of the few left. Jedi and battle droids weren't exactly friends during the Clone Wars. Not us. We were not what a Jedi is many years ago the Jedi were the guardians of peace of the galaxy can I hold your lightsaber now?
Patience first tell me how you found this well, you're going to call me crazy crazy but it doesn't even call me Do you know what it is? Just because? Rusty like all the garbage on this planet. We're running out of time. What's up with that troop transport? That thing looks almost new. It could be our lucky day. Good condition. No rust. It's hard to believe. This is old. enough to have been in the clone wars isn't it oh guys this is yours I'm just holding it you can take it back millennia ago even before the old republic there was a wise jedi master cantú beard master cantú wanted to create a worthy weapon. of the jedi using a skill only he knew he forged kyber crystals into a solid blade this was the first lightsaber at your feet thief is there a problem here soldier let me answer that for you there is and his name is imperial inspector oua12 Answer this, How is it possible that two civilians dressed like us could wander right into the middle of your operation and destroy your own transport?
What's wrong with how we are dressed? Oh, I'm going to need everyone's operating numbers. of you the emperor is going to be very disappointed licensed garbage collector I know they won't let you take the photo again the kyber saber was an impressive weapon it magnified cantú's powers a thousand times oh when did cantú realize the potential danger of the kyber saber he broke his sword into pieces he gave the kyber saber crystals to trusted jedi knights so that they would hide in distant corners of the galaxy so that no one would ever possess the power of the kyber saber again yes, I am master cantu jedi knight, you don't.
You're listening, yeah, that's a problem with him, hey, look at him, I'm sorry, go on, Rowan, there's danger. Emperor Palpatine found out about the kyber saver. He may appear kind, benevolent and wise. He actually looks creepily wet and his teeth are all weird. Oh, it's okay, yes, but worse, it's evil. evil really yes consumed by the dark side of the force he will stop at nothing until he possesses the kyber saber that's what those stormtroopers were looking for this huh, the stormtroopers i completely forgot about him ron wait come back i have a my brother and sister in the clutches of the empire will be sent to the spice mines of kessel or, worse yet, they could be smelted into slag and fed to a sarlacc forced to cut the emperor's toenails.
I should turn on silent mode now, Roger Roger, I have to save Cordy and look honestly this is a huge misunderstanding we had no idea you guys were here no idea no idea we were wandering around your imperial operation no idea no idea this was imperial property no idea at all but since we are imperial citizens we pay taxes in the sense that it really was our property, am I right? I have no idea what he's talking about, zip, tell us what you know about the kyber saber what is a kyber saber your choice I like his enthusiasm oh I was getting good aah are you okay?
I think so, but two questions, one why aren't you in the star scavenger and two, who is that? I saved you, you're welcome and two, this wasn't if all the Jedi were wiped out. They will be if we don't leave now. The stormtroopers will return soon and in greater numbers. Well, the lady is more than welcome to travel on our ship. A kind invitation, but I have my own ship, a beautiful ship for beautiful ladies, just fly so that no one ever possesses the power of the kyber saber again. Wow, nice story wonder


y told, but is it really a good idea to go looking for these kyber saber crystals?
I mean the jedi guy hid them for a reason, the emperor has unlimited resources, sooner or later he will find them and then with the kyber saber in hand he will be invincible. Fortunately, the emperor lacks Rowan's unique ability to sense crystals, that's our advantage. I will train you to concentrate your powers and master the force, then you can lead us to the crystals and together we can bring true peace to the galaxy. It was a lot of words and my mind was stuck in the middle, but I think you're saying I'm going to be a Jedi and have a lightsaber like you, yes, someday, oh please, look lady, thank you for saving us, but I don't need you to fill my brother's head with all these dangerous ideas.
You're right, don't tell me. Wait, I'm right, these are dangerous ideas and dangerous times. I will stay nearby to ensure Rowan's safety. Time's up, good luck. Please give us a couple of hours to sell this ugly boat and then we won't be able to rent. outside the lock the


s have paid the rent in


the freemakers have paid the rent in full and I will rent the shop across the street for a credit and you will rent the shop across the street for a credit force can have a powerful effect on weak minds the force can have a powerful effect on weak minds I feel sorry for Cordy she is just a crazy protector or maybe just crazy she should be protective Rowan if the emperor found out about your connection to the saber crystals kyber, that would be bad maybe you don't know who you can trust, don't share your secret with anyone, uh, you better keep this and then I'll protect it with my life.
Now go get some rest tomorrow. We set out to bridge the gap. When will I get a lightsaber? Wow, yes, I like it. you ran the death star nare why did we give you a perfectly good guerrilla? stormtroopers if you're just going to cut them into pieces because my lord needed to gain the trust of a boy who can lead me to the safest kyber crystals what? He makes you believe that this boy possesses such power. This he called, oh emperor, like a good job, yes, impressive, but what if you lose this boy's trust? Then I will use another form of persuasion so that you can

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