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A Detailed Look into The Black Sisters- Sisters of House Black Behind The Scenes

May 30, 2021
the noble and oldest




people it does not matter what someone is born but what they become hello you are a hooked good my name is Kelsey Ellison and I am the writer and producer of meanings the path of life hello beautiful


cheeks and Roberta Black and Sir Malfoy of NASA have always intrigued me so much what it was like growing up and living with the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange how they came to be the characters we see in the Harry Potter story this was one of the reasons I wanted to create a short about their lives, there's not a lot of color in their past life, so it was really fun to imagine an explorer joining in on your


' development in such a short space of time, 40 minutes, it was a challenge.
a detailed look into the black sisters  sisters of house black behind the scenes
I knew we had to do it. showing ourselves visually as much as we could and the costumes and the way they


ed really helped with that in the early


where the


are still really close and feel a strong loyalty to the black family, they all wear very similar color tones and outfits, Even having their similar hairstyle, everything slowly changes once the sisters meet each other and each follows their own path in this war. Bellatrix keeps the black color palette, but her costumes slowly become more like the ones you see in the Harry Potter movies as time goes on.
a detailed look into the black sisters  sisters of house black behind the scenes

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a detailed look into the black sisters sisters of house black behind the scenes...

One way to do this was to add corset silhouettes and then add full corsets. Eventually, her latest costume is directly inspired by the order of the Phoenix dress you first see on Bellatrix, however, we made it


new and not tattered like she just received it. this iconic costume and she hadn't yet done all the terrible things she was eventually going to do with that dress, this new dress represents the beginning of the end of Bellatrix that we meet in Sisters of House Black, we also made her hair become curlier and crazier As time went on to show how the memory spells were affecting his Frankish mind his development was shown in how his clothing went from a more traditional black family to more of a 70's Wizard/Muggle style mix.
a detailed look into the black sisters  sisters of house black behind the scenes
He also cuts the hair after getting it. arrested by the ministry for being confused with Bellatrix, it is no longer difficult to associate her with her so much and for Narcissa her star is still quite elegant as the black family, however as time goes by she becomes more elegant and Malfoy likes to impress and fit. with Lucius and his family, oh I forgot to also mention that we assigned colors to Andromeda and the man from NASA. Andromeda was purple and Mr. NASA was, of course, green. Designing what the black family style would be was a lot of fun, the time period in the movie is from the late 60's to early 80's, but I had to keep in mind that this was a pure blood family that would also have their own style and traditions.
a detailed look into the black sisters  sisters of house black behind the scenes
In fact, we added some details to the costumes regarding many things. of the black family named after stars in Bellatrix's room, you can see a map of stars and she also wears items of clothing that relate to the main one, being the tiara she wears at the wedding and also her court, since that the black family practically saw itself. As royalty, I opted for elegant, almost magical pieces with bits of sparkle that really tied together the more traditional black family style, like Charles's feather, the black family emblem includes three black birds, and there are three black sisters.
I thought it would be very appropriate. As a tradition for them to wear them at important events, another way we know the more traditional style was to add jewelry pieces that were passed down from generation to generation. I was very excited to work with the sisters of the Black Film


and design accessories for each one. Sister, I imagined these accessories would have been black family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation and I wanted to show the nobility of the family above other witches and wizards. I began the design process by sketching out my ideas for each piece until I had something that I felt would represent each one.
Sister Bellatrix wears a necklace in the movie, but not just any necklace, but a choker. This means the strict restrictions that her parents impose on her. In my research on the character, I discovered that Bellatrix is ​​the name of the third brightest star in Orion. constellation Orion Orion I can never place that star correctly. Sorry, the necklace is made of dark silver with sparkling Sawatzky crystals representing the stars against NASA's night sky, which is why it uses a clasp. Her name is a reference to her vanity and the Greek goddess Isis was inspired to make the pin a little extravagant, just like her, it is also made of dark and silver color because it eventually turns to the side. dark.
The stones are pure black, representing her loyalty to the black family. Andromeda wears a bracelet that is made. with silver and crystals that represents her joyful nature and her will to resist the darkness I incorporated a swan is the bracelet that embodies the grace and love that she possesses to follow her heart and Ramada finally wears her bracelet behind when she chooses her love for TED talks about his family as a big thank you to the fans of the movie and the support of the fire. We are having a competition to win. Bellatrix's necklace is won in the movie for free.
All you have to do is follow Ellie Vision and Air-Five Accessories on Instagram like it. contest photo tag at least one of your friends in the comments and a random winner will be chosen by January 5, 2020 and the necklace will be mailed directly to you anywhere in the world. Good luck before you start writing the script. Maybe not about the sisters and the points I made are still strong in the final product. "I'm Bellatrix," he laughs, "and I have no doubt you know the name my sisters and I share." December 20, 1950, we now invent the real name. month there is no cannon in any month she was born that we could find so we made it up with the name of the stab Bellatrix which means warrior woman in early memories her behavior is more like her sisters with just a little hint of what's to come, but in later flashbacks, after joining Voldemort, it's more like she develops Bellatrix chooses power and Voldemort through that, also chooses to please her parents by marrying a pureblood, although initially may refuse to go ahead with an arranged marriage when I get married.
It must be my choice I do it my way I don't appreciate the person around me I can see the Weekly magazine but when she mentions it again she is already obsessed with Baldemar and sees how she could use him to her advantage, she goes with Dolphus he is a good match and she gets along with him, but never loves him. At one point she was close to Andromeda and was proud of how smart, strong and mannered she was. She saw her as having a good future and possibly as a great alliance for her on her path to power she sees it as a definitive betrayal when Andromeda leaves she made a decision she grows up in the years after Dumbledore's triumph over Grindelwald there was probably a poster of prom tycoon change in the world so that Bellatrix grew up hearing about the good old days because she tells how doing what was accomplished in winter and more could help her and other purebloods of her generation feel like they have been robbed of their birthright.
Baldemar enters the scene as Marva's political underdog and a pure bull champion. mounts cygnus using the memory possibility on her as a discipline, it affects her and may have contributed to her ending up the way she did, although this may explain some of her actions, it does not excuse her, she is a textbook bully because she has no all the power in At home with her father, she likes to intimidate people and be surrounded by powerful people. Baldemar gives him free rein to do that. She wants to be on top so no one can hurt her.
Bellatrix just wasn't the initial plan, but after scheduling issues, I thought. A lot about what she wanted to do as an actress. I've never played a role like her before. I never got the chance to do it since she seems young and innocent but she also hasn't done that much on-screen work because of the differential I have. However, I wanted to push myself, I wanted to challenge myself and at the end of the day there were no production managers, there are casting directors who say that the audience would not want to see me, that my gaze would be distracting, and they are all real things.
I heard that I was the boss and after consideration, I decided to go to this family first before even considering making another one. Nana, be stupid. On September 14, 1953 we had to recover this day because there is only one real cannon on her birthday. How little information we have about her before she dates Ted, she has no reason to question her family where he was showing interest in the dark arts. “We had one of these lines left in the script when she agrees to visit Voldemort,” she said. She would take us to visit the superior court. Take advantage of your visit because if there are new magic beans Hans, I want to be there.
I'll go get my clothes. We also hit her again when she is Imperial. Imperial NASA uses an unforgivable curse after a murder. She admired the electoral tricks and saw her as a strong role model. They both have very strong characters and generally got along quite well and shared jokes following her example about making her decisions sometime tomorrow when I get married. I want it to be that way. I know my choice my way Bella this is my choice I'm doing it my way you remember that fight that's why when Bellatrix agrees to an arranged marriage and starts her obsession with Baldemar and follows his orders and Dromeda is extremely disappointed it's true at school , even if Bellatrix and her friends did questionable things, she would turn a blind eye since she saw it more as an asset and a security blanket that people would freak out or associate her with the sister, although of the three she would be the most easy to get along with or get close to.
She loves Bellatrix and her family, so she tries to ruin and distance her family ties with Baltimore. She is particularly concerned about the person Bellatrix is ​​becoming and she walks towards the sister she admired. she made the decision for her, she gets along well with NASA and sees her MA as the sister she can really talk to and trust as a specialist. Time passes and she becomes more and more distant from Bellatrix, so she tries to tell Nasus about Ted in a deleted scene. Thank you. I hate Dementors it's a cold sissy I need your help the green one got this job I got this it has to stay between you and me I needed to keep an open mind of course what is it do you remember the day in the woods but in the end and Ultimately Georgia she is disappointed in Madison for supporting Elaine.
Things happen for NASA. She says that, for selfish reasons, she realizes at the right time that empowering the dark arts and having people fear you is not the way to live a good life. She may have realized that later. life right now sir, but thanks to Ted she realizes much sooner, even though she doesn't agree with them, she is still afraid of disappointing her family. It has been drilled into her brain since she was a child to make them proud. Ted has probably tried to push her several times to get her to leave them so when Battery told NASA to find them and threatened to take her back to her parents she sees the opportunity if they find out about this and the drama they will surely be banished take me with them, do it.
Andromeda chooses to love her. She was tempted by power and possibly she could have followed the same path as Bella's traits, but she meets Ted, who opens up a whole new world to her. Can you play the role of Andromeda in Sisters of House Black? It has been a really exciting experience for me. It was the first role I took on, which was camera and film. It was the first time I worked on a film set, which was really exciting and wonderful, especially because it was with such wonderful people. I really feel like I learned the best way. how a film set works when playing Andromeda.
Another great thing about being able to play Andromeda was that I was able to make her my own, as I said before, there isn't a lot of information about her in the books and movies that we do know a little about. About her we know the history of her family, the circumstances of the world in which she lives and we had the script, but other than that, there is not much about her, so it was a lot of fun to be able to create this character, almost without a scratch. What I wanted also is that Kelsey said that she took a lot of inspiration from Andromeda in terms of the costumes and certain lines and the sarcasm, um, that she actually took it from me to have this character that is loosely based on Who Me.
I'm like a person and that kind of stuff was actually really fun and interesting to see come to life. What I miss most about playing Andromeda and being in Sisters of House Black are the exciting days of filming like I couldn't. I explain to you how fun it is to be able to take on a role and be an actor and do what you love to do. I'm going to miss the people I worked with on set, they were all more or less from the south and obviously I'm still up north and can't go to a lot of the meet and greets we all do so I have a little FOMO when it's about that and the mostThe important thing I would love to see is the reaction. to see that everyone's hard work has paid off to see that you love and appreciate the star with the characters the effort that has been put into this to see that this has paid off and that you all appreciate and love it so much like us That's been really rewarding and it's something that I will definitely treasure forever, so thank you sisters of the Black House and thank you Andromeda.
Oh bah, on October 24, 1955, we also had to do a little bit of this because again this was like that. In Canon his name means narcissus, it could also be nasasos, a beautiful book fair character from Greek mythology with the term NASA 'something referring to vanity and elitism, usually when families are named after stars or astrology is not clear why it was.' All


include NASA, as they are his memories. NASA as if her name has to do with the image of how she looks and how others will perceive her. Like her family, influential people in the Wizarding World and Lucius, she loves Lucius.
There are signs of this in the Harry Potter books, as she jumps to her defense when she talks to Harry and also when Voldemort tries to take over the world from her. Lucius could have done it. anyone, he is one of the best families, but he decides to opt for Narcisa. Yes, sorry, we need a family meeting. Let me guess, you two have been fine. You know, instead of talking about it, you could join us. It's also pretty obvious in this movie. when the music box plays, maybe the initial pull was the family status of both of them, but they started to realize that they have true feelings for each other.
Lucy said it's time to play when she feels love. He has that sensitive side to you when the younger one looks up. to her sisters, especially Andromeda, since she gravitates as a martyr and was driven by a sense of humanity. She feels like she can really be herself in front of Andromeda and was close to her. Andromeda leaving and betraying her family affects her because she really just stayed in her own bubble. At that moment she does not understand why Andromeda would do such a thing, which is one of the reasons why she looks back at her memories, but also because she, although she is disappointed and hurt by Andromeda's actions, she She wants to keep something like a sister.
She used to have her sisters with strong women and characters because they are both very dominant characters, especially together, she sometimes allows them to overshadow her sometimes out of fear, especially with Bellatrix, but there are times when she also stands up for herself, like when you try to advise Bellatrix and store memories, whatever you can control, take off, keep storing those memories. She would suggest watching when she is pensive each night, when she nails a dromeda to a tree to confront her, explain herself, and when she stops that face in the air to stop them both. of you, when Andromeda leaves, we can see that the lord of NASA is capable of being as strong as his sisters when he faces off and stands his ground against Bellatrix in the last scene, are you really going to do to me what you did he make me?
Forget that she knows when to keep her mouth shut in situations, even if she may be against it for her own benefit and safety. In the one gem scene between Bellatrix and Andromeda, she looks back at him for a moment alongside him, which will benefit her and her family more. instead of jumping in and fighting right away, the last thing with Bellatrix is ​​very interesting, he wins bail tricks by playing with her, he has his suspicions that it was Andromeda who did the surgery and uses that to stop and possibly prevent Bellatrix from destroying the pensive by playing.
As for her emotions, who was the one who just operated? It was you or the Andromeda burner. The NASA lord may not be as vocal as Bellatrix or Andromeda and he can be quite a difficult person to read due to his Slytherin products, but his actions ultimately ensure how he feels about situations. The lord of NASA chooses the family and herself, she wants to please her parents, she wants to please Lucius, she wants to have the advantages of being with a pureblood family and an influential husband, no matter what they do, she is proud of your family and who you are from, family means everything. for her and that she doesn't see it yet, her love for them is her strongest asset.
Hi, Hannah Snow here, and I played Narcisa Black on Sisters of House. Playing Narcissa was fun and challenging because of the time jumps in the script. It was difficult to move back and forth from young Narcisa to old Narcisa, so it was like there was always a lot to consider for her character, the things she had been through, the people she had met, the problems she had to face. with his sisters and I always. I hope to express this in my portrayal of her while acting friendly is that I learned that I like being able to try to stay in character with her while I'm on set.
I think she helps me a lot as an actor or at least staying on stage. mood of the character, I'm not sure if that makes me a method actor, but I would love to study method acting in depth one day. I also realized that I think I will always be involved in the world of film at some point. In some way and that is something that makes me very happy. One of my favorite things about Sisters of House Black is the attention to detail within the film. There's been a lot of research into this in terms of keeping it true to the Wizarding World. respecting the movies that were made before and the books that have been written so wonderfully, but also paying a lot of attention to the details of this particular story, there have been discussions between the actors about which scenes just happened before the ones you see in camera.
There have been little props on the set that we'll know about, like Bellatrix's exercise book spread out on the table in her bedroom scene, and to anyone else you wouldn't know it, but it has a whole diagram of her biology lessons and things like that message that I wanted to convey in this movie as if the Harry Potter story itself was the power of love, the love that these sisters had and the way that they all interpreted it so differently, which led them down two extremely different paths. different, it is our choices that surely are much more than what we really are. our abilities even though they were all narcissistic memories, I never saw a sister as the main character or even the main protagonist since they are also morally gray, but I wanted them all to leave their own message, which can depend a lot on your own interpretation .
For me personally, Bellatrix, the love of power will always lead me to a better life, don't be blinded by the obvious love in front of your eyes. Andromeda's love can sometimes lead to tough sacrifices. I've learned some things about Andromeda that I can stand. In my personal life, I have learned to always follow your heart. If a decision seems wrong. Contaminated. It's hard. If you know deep in your heart and soul that this is the right thing to do, then you should do it. Not everyone will understand your decision. Beliefs, not everyone will understand your morals, not everyone will understand the decisions you make, but like I said, if it's true to yourself and true to what you want out of life, then you should try it.
I also believe, like Andromeda, that we are all magical. in this world, whether fiction or non-fiction, and that we should all strive for a world where everyone is accepted with love, everyone's diversity is accepted with open arms and we should all make a little space for each other Narcisa, the power of love will give you the power to do anything, speak and believe in what you love and another strong message I wanted to convey, quoted by Sirius in the books, the world is not divided into good people and death eaters, we all have light and dark within us what matters is the part we choose to act that is who we really are what these sisters chose in this story it took them all down very different paths in fact I hope you all enjoyed this video and sisters of the black house yes they haven't done it yet I watched the movie well, big spoilers, but you can also watch it for free on YouTube.
Now let me know in the comments which sister you resonated with most in the movie and also your performances and don't forget if you want to win the Bellatrix award. collar follow elevation on Instagram and participate there in the contest thank you very much for watching bye

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