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May 09, 2024
this is a t72 ho ho no, that is not a t72 this is a t72 no no no there that way that this one what is standing here yes so this is this here that this is a t72 m well done, we have it unfortunately we have brought inside so we're not working in the rain so the reason we have this vehicle is obviously like everything we have is broken so we have some things to do that we'll get to later. a little bit, but I know absolutely nothing about the t72, I'm not even going to lie, so we'll take a


around it, we'll


in the boxes, we'll look in the engine bay, we'll look in the turret, we'll look in the drivers area , if anyone else wants to see more parts of it or whatever, let us know in the comments and we'll take a little look, starting with these great deal hooks, this great tow strap that obviously should fit a John Deere tractor, That's all I can imagine, because we also noticed, coming here, that the barrel has some pretty big indentations, which must be some kind of deactivation process.
a detailed look inside a t 72
This is if you look at it this way, which is quite unusual for us, this is the first soft B gun I've had anything to do with, so it's a 120mm soft B gun, so it's unusual. We like our Chieftain and our centurions with rifles, but I think the first thing we'll look for is the containers because with any new vehicle you get you always need to look in the containers because sometimes they can be gold bars, so I think we might need to at minus some tools to open a nice bar cover. No gold so far.
a detailed look inside a t 72

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a detailed look inside a t 72...

There is no gold. It doesn't go well like these somersaults when they work when they are not folded more empty this is disappointing ah this this looks like a designer floor here, how are we going to open? How are we going to see ourselves in this with that is that the snorkel, can you imagine going deeper wading in a tank? Oh look, more screws. The only thing I'm worried about is that it looks like a pretty big screw there and that too. I wonder what that means. It looks like one fuel tank has another. here another box ow ow ah actually I've decided I don't like them The clips are fucking horrible ooh if anyone can read that please translate it and put it in the comments then I can try to figure out where it is or should it be in the vehicle because I don't think that it should be there, I'm not sure what, when you find all this sort of stuff it's a bit disconcerting, it looks like a plug and has a lot of iron filings around it, let's hope it's not.
a detailed look inside a t 72
Let's take out the engine, climb to the top and take a look at the driver's area and turret. Now let's take a little look at the driver's area, which looks like a real pain to get into when the gun is in this position. position, so this should be fun, you have this huge infrared light and this handle that raises it with the gun and obviously when the gun is forward, that makes it incredibly difficult to get into, which is very useful, aim in against him, I literally have no idea where I'm going, oh that was easy, kinda up close and personal.
a detailed look inside a t 72
I'm going to turn on the isolator and now we're going to show you what something around my leg looks like, oh, it's just a hose. I show you what the inside of the driver's compartment really looks like. Okay, join me inside the driver's area of ​​the T72. It's incredibly tight here. I can't emphasize this enough, we have a small air conditioning fan. I think we'll see a few more of those. in the turret on the right, so inside your t72 you have your main isolator which you click on, which makes strange noises which then turns on the interior lights, then you have a series of switches here, I have no idea what they do, then you have more gauges and stuff, all I know is this button here makes the engine pre-oil audible and obviously before you start on one of these, not like most engines, most just turn the key, turn it on and that's it, do that on a Russian stock tank, it needs to be pre-oiled first, so if you start it and rev it without pre-oiling it, you could damage the engine quite a bit, like the T34, it can be started with air, so you have these tanks down here if you turn the air on. you hear that little noise there, uh, there's another one down there, you turn it on, you actually put a little pressure on this gauge, currently there's a problem, but once you have the air, you set up the oil pressure and then you press. this trigger here and that would start the engine in the air, but before you start it you have the clutch brake and the accelerator like a normal car, um, but starting one of these is a pretty lively thing, so if you start it like we do . there with the brakes off and the clutch like that, it could very well start moving forwards backwards or it could do a lot of things that are not very refined, so the best practice on one of these is to press the clutch and brake. you can call it all sorts of horrible names, if that helps, there is a handle here, you pull it, which will actually lock the brake and clutch, which means that when you start it, there is no transmission to the gearbox and brake parking brake is Basically, that's the parking brake now, so the tracks are locked in place so they don't drift.
Now you have the shifter down here. H is neutral obviously three times it's clearly reverse and then you have 1 2 3. 4 5 6 up to seven I've only been in this gear so far um but pretty much when the engine is running you press the clutch you put it in first and then you release the clutch the other way. do it on these because the russian series vehicles or the t-34 and t32 and whatever their rudders work very differently than normal tanks so the first pull is actually a clutch and then backs off a little more and then that is applied. one brake, so think about the two transmissions from the gearbox to the tracks.
They have a clutch similar to the clutch pedal, so it can actually clutch the transmission going into it, which then sends the power to the opposite side to get the vehicle into gear. to carry to one side or the other, but if you then want to make a sharp turn, you obviously pull it back, so it obviously starts to grab, so the dry thing goes to the other side, but that obviously won't turn you, then you throw it away. back even more and then that makes the brake on that track come on and screw it up so they can't turn in neutral neutral turn something else you can do with this you can actually put it in gear you can hold it you can release it your clutch, but if you're holding both levers back at the same time, as I'm going to demonstrate with my knees, I wouldn't recommend doing this if you were to now release the clutch and be in First, with levers like this, you wouldn't actually go forward because both clutches on both transmissions are disengaged and then what you can do at the same time is push the levers forward and that would also allow you to drive, that's actually the best way to go if you can help it, you have the hand throttle down here, the way this works basically works if you want to start the engine there's a little indentation there so you normally put the hand throttle in that indentation so that's about the right idle and then when you come to a stop the only way you can stop this engine is leaving the idle so far that the engine is so low that it actually stops, that's how you drive the thing effectively, um and Obviously, when you go up the gears, you clutch, then you go to second clutch and then to third, blah blah blah blah blah, pretty easy, you've got a bunch of huge batteries right next to you, which is cool, so if they start bubbling, you know, and or exploding, they're right next to the driver, which It's a nice little feature, they're obviously nice and heavy to try and carry through the hatch, which is great for doing an electric start.
Normally you would press this button here. which has another flap underneath, uh, which is one of the main problems we have with this, so you press it down to pre-oil and then it should start the engine, but all it does is dim the lights and everything happens, so we'll continue with that in another video anyway, now we're going to take a quick look inside the turret and what better way to get into the turret because it's actually easier than getting out. I'm going to do this. That's right, imagine doing it this way in a swamp. Oh, your vehicle has been hit and you are on fire.
I think one thing to say about the T72 is that anyone who thinks it's small in the turret thinks even smaller, it's so ridiculously small. Here, can you imagine if you're on fire and you're trying to get out of this thing quickly so people know that my legs are still hanging off the driver's seat here and I'm under the Commander's seat and what? What you don't want to happen now is for the gun to spin around and cut off your feet, but I'm going to try to get out anyway, there's probably Smokey here, the thing is on fire, you probably won't be able to see anything. thing and I'm getting stuck on literally everything and there's a lot of things oh my foot is stuck right there come on so a word of advice if your t72 gets stuck and you're the driver and your barrel is on top be prepared because it's quite Horrendous even in easy circumstances to get out, so try not to get into that situation where the barrel covers your lid and it's no fun, especially if you're big, fat, rude or stupid, so the T72 actually has a key.
Which is pretty cool, so Seb figured out that everything in this tank is trying to kill you, literally everything, whether it's the trash box, the hatches, or anything. I guess that's how you close it, there you go, so anyone trying to get into a t72. All you need is a little key like that, it's not the most secure thing in the world, but it's pretty simple. I quite like the simple. We found more boxes at the top, so I think what we should do before we go too far into the turret is to continue with our search for gold bars oh, we have a little welding brake, a little design for shoddy, any idea what should be on the back of this m.
That's great, feeding it has something to do with the back. The tanks, let us know in the comment, we seem to have what appears to be an old diesel filler pump in the rear turret bin, what is this? Someone must know what that is, no idea. I have no idea. I'm just going to Give It Back before I look stupider than I already do, but at least we found something very interesting. Maybe we'll find out what it's for later. Don't know. The last container to search. Yes, now, this is it. what are we talking about, let's wait with that garbage, oh we should have started the whole video using this, how does it work, look, how cute is it, I already feel like I'm in, oh yeah, I can't actually hear any of this.
They are incredibly soundproof and soundproof oh there are two what is that? Oh okay, this looks like the fuel transfer pump to me, so it should plug in, that's probably how they did it. Just clip the two battery cables and then you can, I like it. What these people are already doing is stealing fuel, that's what it is, this is the whole kit for stealing fuel for your own tank, so you go to people like that when they break down or when they're not looking. you would just have your fuel transfer pump steal all their diesel and then you would happily walk away and they would sit there broken down with no fuel.
I already like this tank. It's about surprising the enemy and taking away their fuel. What else is here? Is it a bird box? Definitely what we have here. Battery covers. I don't think I have any idea of ​​another bird box. Ah, there will be for the barrel sleeve because, as we saw earlier in the video, they should have a hard shape. thermal cover, so I've been reading, uh, that it was obviously removed when they did the deactivation when it came into the country or maybe it's an activation from the Czech Republic. I don't know, I'll have to study that many countries have different deactivation processes on the main arm of the tanks when they are shipped to and from countries, so you know there are always many differences, that's another thing to learn.
You should replace the fuel transfer pump. I have to make a video to see if. that really works, I bet it works well, how will it start next time we go to a show? We will park next to m military vehicles, we will seal their fuel properly. I can only assume this is the Holy Bible for vehicle problems, oh we have a problem book, check the charge regularly, oh thank goodness it got up to temperature in 2013, started with extra batteries because it was cold and it didn't run for some time, well there doesn't seem to be much on it in the library so what I'm thinking here is that the previous owner didn't actually use this vehicle for quite some time which is probably why that the electronic St motor went out, so we'll let it go with those people forget with these. things thatThey need a lot of regular maintenance and in fact just because you parked them in a dry shed like this doesn't mean it's going to run every time you go in it, you know the electrical system fails in the starter motor, the bearing seals Engines run dry, don't they.
It's actually good, you know, I have a tank and I keep it in a shed and it will be fine when I use it. No, it doesn't work that way, even under the best of circumstances. I mean you know at uh Bomton Tank Museum they actually keep their vehicles in a heated control environment and yet you know they can still cause problems so it's something to know people who think it's smart having your own tank, it's fun, but it also comes. with a lot of things you would never think were possible things break and you think well how could it break when I parked it?
It was okay in 2013 and now you know as years go by, it's not something you use every day so there's always a lot of maintenance to keep up to date, something people tend to forget, that's part of the gun. bracket that we had to remove, we will show you a type of clip because as I was driving it towards the shed, I hit the roller shutter door a little bit, I stopped and the brakes, when I found that you pressed the brake and then you press it a little more and you really run out of leg and then for some reason the t7 says oh you want the brakes and then it does that you know what I mean it's not like a normal vehicle you press the brake and it stops immediately there's a good 5 second delay I found on this one before I even consider putting on the brake it's like you're asking the question can you brake? going well.
I'll have to think about that at border control and, oh yeah, we stop now. Another thing to note is that this one does not have smoke discharges on the outside. Someone will probably tell us why I don't know, but again let us know in the comments why that is. Obviously on this side we don't have any toolboxes, it's just more storage fuel tanks. Ted, we've learned all this so far from Ted, he's the brain master behind Operation O, now what I really want to see is. actually, inside the engine bay, I mean, I'm not that interested in that side.
I like to know how things work, how and how and how well, how it works, what's up, Ted, ready, come on, all good, so this is a A little look at the transmission, the fan has a big coupler pulled out of this gearbox, huge here, isn't it okay? So it looks like obviously here what we did was lift the radiator up by these two huge cooling hoses. I like it, I like the uh. The idea in this type of vehicle is that all the pipes are color coded, so green is obviously water. Brown is usually oil and yellow is air and stuff like that, so it's cool even if you don't know what you're doing.
You can look at the color of a hose and you're doing really well. We know what's really inside, which I think is a good idea, but I can see the starter motor is there. Can you see it if you had one anyway? there's the starter motor just there which is right next to the exhaust manifold covered by that can so it looks like an absolute nightmare to get to it obviously there's oil down there and there's a bolt which is quite worrying where the starter comes from bolt and you. What you don't want is for the bolt to go into the fan because what you don't want to do is ruin it, so the first thing you do when you buy a vehicle, even if it's been restored or whatever, you take a good look at it.
I can't take it anymore, are you ready 3 2 1, let go LO, it's actually spring loaded, it didn't bunch up at all and hit anyone like I thought I could see it pop up, it actually goes off very easily. Now it crashes. We are taking a look at the engine for the first time and it is in fantastic condition for its age. In fact, I'm quite impressed. It's immaculate, obviously, that doesn't tell us much about how it's going. What the inside of the engine is like, but the way it ran when we drove it here it actually ran very, very well, but you can see it again.
People who have seen the t34 videos will notice that these rocker covers look very similar. The injector pump looks very similar. The way the injectors enter the heads is the same. The fuel filters look practically the same. I can see the bomb at first glance. There are some slight differences down there, but the injection pump itself is very identical and what we have here, which is different from the other one, is that we have a turbocharger, so air is sucked in here, exhaust gases, one minute, one minute, no, no, no. no, pass me, pass me a torch, please SE, thank you, pass me a better torch, please SE, what we have here is a supercharger, so air is brought in here and it is actually supercharged, not blown off the gases exhaust like a turbo, it is actually ejected. the crank then the supercharger will spin much faster than the engine rotation which will compress the forced air induction into the engine and with more air coming in it needs more fuel so what would they have done to get this stock engine?
The t34 for example has about 500 horsepower and it's pretty much the same engine from what I can see here and what they've done is added a supercharger and they've probably installed the injection pump so it's actually injecting more diesel. So more fuel and more air have created this engine to reach between 780 and 800 horsepower using the same engine that they practically use in war, so it's pretty impressive and I like this engine, although the one I have in my teeth. 34 is trashed right now. I still like it. I think it's a good engine as we can see they run when they are absolutely screwed, so I have a huge air filter that is quite dusty, but at first glance everything is pretty good.
Good condition, there is a little oil on the bottom of the floor, I can see under the engine but when I say a little, it's actually less than a Chie and we like Chieftain so it looks pretty good, very happy it seems that's going to work. to be a eh finish what you're going to say no i forgot what i was going to say just so it's not obvious the motor is bolted on backwards we've never been in a tank where the motor is inline. Okay, as I just thought, without any note from Seb, the engine is transverse, it is installed completely in the wrong direction, which we are normally used to in a Chie or a 432 or a centurion where the engine is inline, which What they've done is they brought it this way so the tank actually wasn't that long, which is a good idea, but what that means, oh, that's aluminum.
M aluminum containers learned something there, so what that means is that she is actually the vehicle. It's much smaller and actually much lighter, so what are these? These are 30 tons. Oh, it's 41 tons. 41 is heavier than we both thought before. No, it wasn't 31 tons. There were many. You're right, it's 40 15 tons. Lighter than sorry it's still 15T and a CH and to put it into perspective it's a 432 it's all that vehicle there it's a lot lighter than the main tank which is pretty impressive it really has what it means which can go a lot faster than the chiefton, which we'll probably show you, but not this time of year, plus there's a lot of little things we want to do with this before we take it out to give it a good beating and, from what I believe, A lot of people have told me on Instagram or whatever they say these really come into their own when you go up to higher speeds so again we'll do a I'll give you my honest opinion on the vehicle and speed once we can do that , but for now I'm pretty impressed with it overall, like we're saying the fact that you can actually get to the engine with the gun forward and probably the gun in pretty much any other order. that looking back is a pretty good design, you can't always, you can't always choose where to break down, that's something you have to remember, so if you break down your weapons in the wrong place and can't get the engine back, you're screwed, while This seems like you have a much better chance of at least getting in.
I mean, I'm not going to lie, there's very little I can repair from above if it's a fuel injection problem, eh, or maybe a filter that I can do, but more than that it seems like a pretty major job, for do anything else we will make a video on how to investigate the fault with the starter which will be in a separate video, yes as you can see there is a lot of space here, now I am sitting in the Commander's position and this is the barrel of 125 mil, definitely not the 120 mil cannon I mentioned before, this one has actually gained 5 mil since then, for all those people, it's getting hot on what this is because I'm pretty sure we shouldn't have that shouldn't be there what's coming from anyway this is an autoloader that I've never seen in person before and it looks very very scary if you look down. the fins that lift up and we're actually sitting on top of a 21-round carousel or something.
You should know that people know that there are a lot of explosives under our butts right now and unfortunately like some poor people. The motherfuckers know that when tanks hit, they go off and then the turret goes off, so I can only imagine how scary it must be to be here knowing that anyway, other than that, this must be like the gun computer, right? what's that? As far as I know these don't have this compared to the Chie for example it doesn't have a stabilized gun which basically means if you're driving and trying to shoot the vehicle while it's driving you know the gun is as useful as throwing a handful of r into a camel's butt instead of hitting the target, so it's a pretty big difference compared to the cheap gun, but the gun itself fires high explosives and it also fires high explosive anti-tank, which before he called again Sabo armored armor piercing thin stabilized discarded fires rounds Sabo armored armored armored thin stabilizers discarded and also sometimes the Commander's arm because obviously this is all flying and pushing things if you stray and put your hand anywhere near here apparently there is There are many horror stories in which the commanders or the loaders assemble, no, the air arm, you don't have a loader, do you?
I have a loader, no, there are three of them, it's a three-man crew, like that. What do you know, that's pretty crazy too, yeah, people. In fact, if you went sideways and had limbs in this area when she was charging quite often you apparently had your arm up there, you know it would be a big shock, wouldn't you be in the opposite tank and then someone's arm goes flying? shoots you and hits you in the periscope, it's a lovely idea, so once the gun has fired the bullet, actually the spent casing as it was has to go somewhere and what it really does is there's a hatch here it opens. and you just see it on the back of the turret, but all joking aside, being inside this thing for the first time, as you can see, I'm wearing this helmet that's very well padded and nice and that's because the simple reason that in a British Army tank, for example, like a Chie or a Challenger, the interior is fully padded, there are railings around the feet and, in fact, the level of health and safety for the crew is Quite high, not to mention the space you can move through if your arm moves a little.
But it's not going to be cut off by something in here. I can't emphasize how confined, how chaotic it must be, well it shouldn't be, we're in this and I'm not a claustrophobic person, this is horrible. and I imagine that with the hatches closed it is even worse, then you have to add the smells, the engines running, the heat, the gun, the smoke, obviously, what comes out of the gun when it fires. I can't begin to emphasize how horrendous that must be. be it for those who know that they currently use these things for their intended purpose, so you know, and it is like that, going back to the railings when the TR turret goes through, if my foot leaves where I'm sitting, it will break. off and you're not even going to know as Seb shows you now that he's actually in the gunner position, so he would be aiming the gun, you have manual controls and electronic controls, he would be zooming the gun. left and right and you really wouldn't know what damage was done to your Commander if his leg was sprayed or even as a driver if the driver for any reason tried to get out of the vehicle like I did in that shot at that time and the gun was If you went through it it would cut off its head, arm or limb, it would be pretty horrendous and like you had nowhere to go so once you're torn apart some poor bastard has to clean you up.
I mean, it must also be a horrendous job, what else should we mention? It is really a piece, as a summary of the interior of the vehicle is quite horrible. I'm not trying to be biased. I like the vehicle and you know, I can't believe this is still usedbecause this is probably one of the most horrendous spaces I've ever been asked to work in in this type of environment. Aside from you know it's wonderfully simple, the carousel autoloader I think as a general rule is a very, very reliable and reliable thing. What can you get like eight shots per minute?
Which is pretty impressive I'd say, for something like this, as far as health and safety goes, there's no health and safety when it comes to a t72, nothing that's very interesting to see. Tank Design: Our most updated tank that we really like is the Chief and looking at the two comparisons we obviously know our Chieftain a lot more than anything else and seeing the differences is pretty amazing. and you know I'm not trying to be biased or anything, but as a person I would be the boss and I went in every time for the safety and the comfort and it's actually a lot less claustrophobic.
IM not going to do it. They say it's a better tank, but for me, if there was a war, I would hate to be in one of these. I can't think of anything worse and not to mention there isn't even a BB so where the hell do you have your cup? of tea is just a complete joke that you would have that I don't know how to understand get rid of something useless like I don't know the Commander's feet and put the BV down here, no, except Joking aside, where I'm sitting here in a Chie to think that you would have another guy there down in front of you, the Gunner and me.
I can barely fit my toes in there let alone anything else, it's so tight, but that's enough with the turret anyway. If you would like to see more of the turret, please leave a message if there is anything you can enlighten us with. Obviously we don't know. on this I would like to learn all about what everything does within this particular model, I would like to see if we can make the gun operate electronically left and right and how to do it and how to do it safely will be the question This is not the kind of tank that I think we could let anyone else in if you have a person who can also talk yeah yeah someone who can talk that would be very helpful so if you know anything send us a message. an email send us a comment get in touch ow coming back to the front of the vehicle again we have one of my favorite parts and that's Ted.
We also have a cool part of the vehicle which is this Spade that you can Unscrew it, turn it down and what you can do is use it as a blade to dig a hole and get everything lower to the ground so you only have the turret sticking out, which I think is pretty cool. idea anything with a dozer blade, you know how I am, I like diggers and doers so that's cool and has that as standard, boy, sit down, sit down, good boy, okay, so this weekend We've been in the tank. museum in Bonington and we were doing a live stream.
I was very, very nervous about this, but I think it all turned out well. In fact, you can see that we will leave the link in the description. It's on the Tank Museum's YouTube channel. We met some. really nice people met the new director of the tank Museum met the tank History Bruce Crompton was actually quite nice. I was pretty nervous about the talk he was going to do, so I sat off camera and sat down to talk to Bruce and you know, him. In general he knows, everything is here, it is not written, he told us a lot.
I actually really like the WWII vehicles I sit there in, which really took my mind off the nerves that he should have been nervous about, but was anyway. nervous, that was good and again Bruce goes on to tell me that he's doing something about amazing War Stories, so it's kind of cool to see and actually, I understand that we're not for everyone, you know, no. Everyone likes our humor. I'm just trying to show our experience as a group of friends, our hobby and what we enjoy doing, you know, and we want to have fun because for us it's about having fun with these types of vehicles.
Now I find myself looking at Australian armored vehicles. They're really


, really interesting and I also really like watching them play with the tanks at the North tank museum with Aaron and the gang until the next time we meet again. My hat fell off. This is my favorite part of t22 and it is the Disassembly. function also known as an adult slide. Go

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