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A day in the Wilderness Hunting with Aboriginal men | Catch and Cook

May 27, 2024
this time he will get it golden 3. 2. A slow step in the wrong direction. This episode today is brought to you all by the season's sponsor, Zio. Zio is a personal person who locates Beacon. Basically, you can see it here hanging on my backpack and I'm using it on this trip because last season I had a satellite phone that actually failed on me and um, I won't tell the whole story, but I got caught having some problems with the trailer on the side of the road here in Cape York, in the middle of nowhere, alone, I've had enough, it's like I said 7:30 I can't even drag this thing off the road I won't I won't bother fixing it right now oh man, it was fine , I outgrew it when I was about 11 years old. or 12 hours fixing things and because I was late to where I was arriving, everyone panicked, my wife at home, people are actually including the police who are about to come and get me and if I had had the Zio, everyone they would have.I've been aware of where I was so on Zio, I'll do my best now to continue each of the adventures I've been using on this trip and honestly I'm very impressed with it just hang on your backpack there.
a day in the wilderness hunting with aboriginal men catch and cook
I can easily press that little button and it sends my location and that I'm fine. I set it up for my wife, so she gets updates constantly. My wife is currently camping at Lockart River while I am away. here with the kids in the middle of nowhere and um, it's a quick and easy way to keep in touch, she's a little scared after last season when, uh, I disappeared and um, this gives me peace of mind, so my cell phone The phone is in my backpack it has the Zio app on it and I can also pull out my phone and send a quick text and she can reply to me and tell me she got the message.
a day in the wilderness hunting with aboriginal men catch and cook

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a day in the wilderness hunting with aboriginal men catch and cook...

She has my location because I pressed the button. button on this AIO device, it's really cool to be connected and if something were to happen, you will also have an SOS button on this AIO device, where you open it and press the button and help will be on the way, so if you get bitten by a snake grabbed by a crocodile and you're able to get to the bank and, um, tnic yourself or something, you can press that button or you know you actually pressed the fan and you were stranded somewhere in the vehicle out of the water, something serious, they could press that button and help will come so thanks to Zio for supporting what I'm doing here in the bush and I recommend all of you to get something like this.
a day in the wilderness hunting with aboriginal men catch and cook
I recommend Zio and stay safe don't let that stop you from getting out into the desert so it was cool to see how this river really changes today to transform since we got here this morning and walk to where we could be semi safe in crocodile water Or, um, until it got too deep and you know, sit there and make that mullet do those Spears and then, um, wait for that noose to fall off and then walk so far down the River, see all these Crocs. slides on the shore to really see this river how it changes in Sid, the ecosystem and hearing the different wildlife that lives there is pretty special and it doesn't seem like it now but the tide is starting to come in and um we have to come back in before it gets too deep Brother, this little drain, last pass, yeah, I guess if you walked through this with a bow, yeah, especially this time of night, hey, yeah, these pigs come down, pigs and C , yeah, on the low TI, I just have to do it. walk very very calm you'll probably see some bars just on the hooks yeah that would be cool we need that barrel oh we got it yeah bro that's a small one yeah come on where's that big little one?
a day in the wilderness hunting with aboriginal men catch and cook
Look at him, the biggest fish of the day, little one. bar, yeah, the only one we landed, I hope we have, I hope we have another one. I understand the guys just walked upstream, probably lit the fire again,


that crab for brother, yeah, eat some, yeah, that's what you got. His bar is in the place, come on, hey, you bought him a catfish, he's man, I'm going to jump, he ain't bad, yeah, good size, I got a better one from yesterday, oh brother, that should be a cast, yeah what I missed, it was a good size bro come on man that was big here yeah bro come on I think they just sat on the bottom or something.
I'm going to shoot my threes, yeah, bro, and that's it. ah come on, got it slippery again, bro, I wasn't really paying attention, yeah, same as the first one, yeah, that's a good size one, bro, yeah, it's good, bro, good stock, good barrel, bro, It's good, brother. Yes, he's back, yes, brother, he's very nice. I hope I can probably


the same one and take it home. Give me a good day, guys, thanks. It's a pleasure to meet you, father. I'll see you when I get back oh yeah, I'll cut that spear for you. I'll make sure to have tea bags next time.
Yes, we lost his phone. Yes, they missed it. We came to look for your brother. Brothers, he's fine, guys. that's a recap for another episode uh today was an amazing day another great one um the sun has set behind the hills over here and I'm heading back to camp to see my family great day you guys saw it, I don't need to Explain it right new, but there's something primitive about just


ing food that I love and, especially here where things haven't changed for so many years, yeah, there's an Aboriginal community here and I'm sitting here now under power lines, um, but it goes down this path that it's for locals only and head towards the Old Mission, an ancient site that the locals call where you know these three tribes were brought to that area in the mission days uh. and we get together to live there and you go to that country and that hasn't changed in thousands of years, except for the track that goes there, it's all the same, I mean, it's all the same, like it hasn't changed. changed, it's the same as it was thousands of years ago and that's what I like to do, I like to connect with this country that we all live in, we all walk and, um, we are many of us are missing, many of us are missing we're losing that connection and because it's changing and you come here you come to any place that hasn't really changed and you can feel that connection and it's beautiful and that's what motivates me so if you're enjoying it make sure you come back next week because I'm sure there will be a lot more of that kind of stuff.
I don't know where we go from here, but I know. I have to get to the island and the straight T, but I want to come back here to Lockart because it's very special to me. I love being here. I love these guys that I can go out and live in the country with and we have a lot. It's fun, so I'll come back, guys, and we'll go camping for a few nights, I think, and we'll fish and hunt properly and see a little more about your culture, so, that's it, make sure you get your merch. we have the new fishing shirts on there um and come back and watch another episode as you all know there are over 100 episodes on there do us a favor and click on the next one and keep watching until next week.
That's Sal T, I see you try Lon, go get some lemon salt from Wild Riches.

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