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A Complete Timeline of Richard Lewis and Larry David Banter & Arguments (Curb Your Enthusiasm)

May 05, 2024
I didn't even know. Hey, come on, Bentley, give me


money. I told you not to do it. Pick up this car, idiot, take what else you have in the trunk. I don't have anything there. Some golf clubs, that's all you know. Golf sticks. That's perfect. Pop golf clubs. Yes, what's the difference? Jump in the trunk, old man, let's go. You know what's right. up there I am what is this it's not a mask on the chest yes it's a jets I'm a jets fan you're a jess fan yes they are the worst incredible me too every year they lose they think they are I'm going to make it.
a complete timeline of richard lewis and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm
My friend committed suicide. They better be responsible for the murder. They should put them all in prison. I think they're stealing from my boss. What is this? A putter. Let me take a look at this button. I'm going to need to keep the points, oh thank god, what happened, we need to talk about eyebrows, I know, but that's it, I'm sorry, that's just not going to work, what the hell, hey, yeah, I'm sorry, yes, healthy, are you crazy? Are you having a nervous breakdown? Hi John, Johnny, yeah, nice to meet you, yeah, what do you run away from a mentalist and tell them the guy had to go to the bathroom, so I took over, so understand this, what are you doing? ?
a complete timeline of richard lewis and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm

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a complete timeline of richard lewis and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm...

John stars in a movie and the character. the characters are based on me so it's following me what's the name of the biggest movie I've ever written for you oh I like it that's good I'll tell Hobie that's good you're a great actor but this might know the end, so what are you doing? You know, Michelle, the CEO? I know, I know she's the CEO. Well, I have to go furniture shopping today. uh, buy furniture. Yes, but I really have to go. Why don't we talk to me? We haven't had dinner in a while, yeah, let's do it, let's have dinner, can you, Michelle, come?
a complete timeline of richard lewis and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm
Don't listen, I really want her to come. I would really appreciate it. You see, she looks at what I'm saying with the thanks together. Seriously, what are you talking about? Do not succumb to appreciate, I will not bring her for you, she is fine, yes, to honor our friendship, but she will give me for it and you will pay for this. Text me wherever you want. know well, what are you doing? Just drop that in


water, yeah I dropped it cause I like lime with my water, I know, but they don't wash these rhymes, you gotta have some trust in people, do you ever see signs. in the bathrooms wash before you go out it doesn't matter if their hands are clean they don't have to go to the rhine land you get sick oh please and I'm really upset about something man because they hurt yeah, I never heard you use that word before, but go ahead, I'm upset because, with all due respect, John is here and Michelle is, you wouldn't let Michelle come to dinner.
a complete timeline of richard lewis and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm
I have to watch my p's and questions. I don't want to see the Q's and questions. Want? to see the peas and the tails, what are you, shari


, where are the lamb chops, look, she's hurt, she's hurt, they're both upset, uh, she's so mad at me I had to make an excuse, oh, what? What did you say? I said you had a bleeding rectum and that you were worried and scared and you needed to talk to me alone and you would be embarrassed if she heard it. You're crazy? You couldn't think of a better excuse than that.
You should have called me. I have thousands of them. I can't even face her now, why does no one respect a person with a bleeding rectum? Do you think Lincoln might have started a war if people knew he had a bleeding rectum? And by the way, when you come to dinner in a few days, I wouldn't mention it, who mentions that at a dinner party? Do I still have it or did I get over it and leave it open? It's hard to listen to it. I can also say that we ordered this type of food for the table and I feel like you.
I've surpassed your appetizer assignment at this point my assignment, well there are three of us, we each have a third party that makes up that rule, it's an unwritten rule, oh my goodness, there are two Larry Davids, Holy, pretty good, pretty good, in the kitchen for a second. oh me, yes, dressed, now you have me sitting in that wooden chair, it's embarrassing, it's new furniture, he's afraid that if you sit on it you'll ruin it, I don't have bleeding in my rectum, it's okay, even if I did, the chair won't bleed, how stupid you could have said a million different things.
The rectum came to mind first. At least you could have said it was better now. I got over it. I forgot it. Alright. The chair is in the house. Tell the CEO I want that. chair, you can't get one if I don't get a normal chair. I'm going to blow this bleeding rectum story through the roof, okay, so get me a regular chair. I would really appreciate it. Well, you'll get the chair that is. crazy for an evaluator they can't find you very well they did it with the fbi they can do whatever they want what are you going to do I'm lucky I'm not in jail 10 minutes 10 minutes okay thanks have a good show


you too buddy break yourself one leg, how's my makeup?
What's wrong with the hair? It's Charlie's hair. It seems that Charlie spends a lot of time betting away from the track. Well, that calms me down for five minutes before continuing. How dare you? a rabbi booing me at my bar mitzvah, what is this?, that can, yes, it's licorice sushi, he gave it to me. Oh, fool, it's delicious. You ate all of this. Yes, in about five hours I'll give you one, but I'm a little anxious. I ate them all today. I think I'm addicted to licorice. Oh my gosh, well what's wrong? Well, nothing. Thanks for coming, yes, okay, yes, give it a like.
Hey, don't hit the press if you want something. You know it's German licorice, yes. I don't know where it's from, you know you can sit here but you can't go to Broadway when I'm selling out show after show for 10 weeks? We have an imbalance of obligations. Okay, because I don't do anything to invite you to but you do things to invite me to I offered you I offered you opera seats you mean up there on the side looking down these views la musceline yes, those are good I said mussolini you said mussolini you know not It is mussolini like muesli is No, I take it from my cough.
You never call me. You always choose the rest. What are you? What are you? We are married. I don't understand. I'm dating you. You hate people. Your wardrobe. So what is my job? Talking about where you got that dress anyway to replace the master designer, while you just stop

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