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9mm vs 45 ACP, WE END THE DEBATE. The Human Torso Test.

May 18, 2024
We'll do this one more time, we'll do two more shots, we'll do one on the other side to see if we can hit the sternum. with that plus p and then we're also going to do a diaphragm injection. I just want to see how they perform, especially with the fact that the 45 on this one hit the rib and I'm wondering how the 9 mil will perform when we do it. Okay, we have a buffalo hole again, one in the sternum and then one in the diaphragm. Buffalo boar, it's nine thousand, long, long, long ago, that recoil is not so bad with that plus p plus, I thought it would be stronger, less iffy than just normal. also p yes, I'm serious, it seems like you taste a little a little hotter, but it's not bad. 45 buffalo, we're going to put one in the lung and we're going to put one in the diaphragm a little bit opposite of the nine thousand so that we can get shock ammunition similar to the extra hot 45 buffalo buffalo.
9mm vs 45 acp we end the debate the human torso test
You hit the bone every time buddy I'm pretty sure the round is so big you just want to hit the oh no that's perfect this one is good yeah buddy that did whoa that came out on both so much holy grace Oh. Oh my God, and then he hit the steel guy once again. I'm such a good shot that I hit steel through a person. What a legendary man. It's hard to be as good as I am. In fact, I hate you. That is incredible. Well, let's see. the back of these here, so no, the one that was from the first one, yeah, that was the first one, it didn't happen well, so the sternum one, we took a look at this one, the sternum one, it broke. sternum uh, very similar to what he did to the rib, but it looks like it stopped on the rib, yeah, you can see back here where the bullet actually stopped, if you want to come over here, micah, it's right next to the first exit wound. it's kind of deep, um, so if you want to come to this side, it's right on the inside, it's a little hard to see, so it's definitely slowed down, um, the one that goes through the abdomen, that's a ridiculous entrance. a wound like that has some power behind it, that's not what a nine millimeter going through jello normally looks like, it's pretty easy to stick your finger in there, charlie, how easy it is to get in, it's pretty easy now compare it to me, I'm not.
9mm vs 45 acp we end the debate the human torso test

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9mm vs 45 acp we end the debate the human torso test...

I'm going to do that that's why we have interns uh now I put it through the mhp wound okay and where it went through the diaphragm it stopped at the spine again. Similar results we can definitely say that the 45 with the heavy drain definitely had the power to completely overcome the question is that you specifically can get your fingers out now. I guess the question is do you know specifically that it matters. Do you want that much power now? It certainly has more than enough power to get through clothes and stuff. I guess what I want to do at this point is if we do a contact shot on the side and try to shoot with the buffalo hole.
9mm vs 45 acp we end the debate the human torso test
It's actually harder to try to reach my fingers, like how far to go, yeah, weird, yeah, noticeably harder. We're at 120 yards, we're going to shoot with 45 to show you how slow the round is, that's cool, it's a little bit harder to lead and hit moving targets with 45 compared to nine thousand, so we'll go. go ahead and start with the nighthawk 45. oh there we go as you can see it's fun because you can usually see the round traveling if the light is right and it's just a slow round so it's a little harder to hit one on the move . objective, which is a consideration in certain environments, let's try the nine thousand.
9mm vs 45 acp we end the debate the human torso test
Final thoughts. You know, we've seen a lot of things happen today. I think the most interesting thing is that with the 45 and the 9 mil we weren't seeing many differences in terms of ballistics between the two, which was surprising to me. I really thought Charlie, did you think we're going to see more like the 45 doing more damage? Yeah, I thought the 45 was going to kill. Yes me too. That was really interesting to me, that really between the two of them they had more than enough, you know, energy behind them to deliver lethal force and expand almost in a very similar way, certainly the 45 could be bigger with a really good charge, but the golden sphere did it beautifully. um, ammo so well loaded between the two tends to level the playing field quite a bit and beyond that, there are a couple more things to think about.
As far as you know, you would choose nine millimeters of 45 recoil, nothing to think about. Well, there will be capacity with a nine millimeter, you can carry more in a pistol of the same size and to me that is what matters most. I like to have more rounds to win gunfights, so if I can carry more than 100 where I am, then I usually carry my glock 17 with an extra magazine. I will need it? Maybe not because in many concealed carry scenarios it has been shown to be pretty close and over pretty quickly. You can see active self-protection on a couple more channels. that kind of thing, but now we're not just talking about carrying concealed weapons, right?
So when it comes down to it we have to consider how much ammo it can carry, that's why I like the 9mm, that being said, sometimes I carry 45. because I like the 45, but you have to understand that the Nighthawk we have here is a racing gun, that thing is fast, it's a 4,000 gun and it's incredible, but a similar gun likes the 17 like the glock 21, that's just as light, you'll have more recoil than a nine millimeter. For me, what matters most is being able to fire as many rounds as I can as accurately as possible, and for me, all nine. millimeter tends to be better at that, I'm sure that will make people angry but don't be mad at me, go out on the field and train harder and I don't prove myself wrong or something so that's what really matters when Talk to yourself at the end as if training is what will get you there, whatever caliber you select.
Make sure you shoot. If you don't shoot, you will be a liability to yourself and to others if you mess up. a situation where you need to use these weapons, so, as I have always said, train, make the weapon. These are amazing pieces of hardware, both nine millimeter and 45, they are very effective, pick whatever, it's not going to hurt my feelings, whatever you pick, but what will hurt my feelings is if you don't train, get out, train up ladies and gentlemen, I love you so much, thank you so much for watching, don't forget to come out and check out my videographer's exclusive Patreon content.
Micah, it's going to be good times, but that's all I have for you, so I'll see you later, I mean, okay, before we close, yeah, I think the


taught me one thing, come on, I'm going to keep going. wearing 10 thousand 10 millimeter giga chads friend, you're not wrong, it's okay, charlie, that advice brother, hey altoid, just thanks, that was another one, I'm sure it wasn't going to come out in your mouth, it's okay, dad, advice, come on , we will walk your dogs and due. to sports gun control they have lives that have boyfriends wise words

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