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9 YeaR Old BiRTHday BOY Controls Our Day At The Beach! We Can't Say To CanYon for 24 Hours!

Apr 05, 2024


to you happy


to you birthday dear birthday to you birthday to you thank you guys but guess what that means what I can control the day and no one can say no will it come? I can't see it, I know. Someone's here Ty, how did you find me? I didn't even see you Ty, come out. I have a big surprise for you. What is the surprise? I have an important job for you. I need you to dig a very deep hole that is deeper than you. Taller than you, why do you need such a big hole?
9 year old birthday boy controls our day at the beach we can t say to canyon for 24 hours
Can't it just be the size of my finger? Looks like a good hole. It's my birthday and I have a surprise for all of you. What does a hole have to do with it? The surprise for us, uh, I have to tell you later, not now, but here's a shovel. Look at this thing, it's small. Where should I dig the hole? I guess it's fine here. This will take forever if you're as big as me. Let me find it. the next person and I hope they are hungry I hope this person really likes to eat because I am going to make them a sandwich take it we are on the


sandwich I see the perfect person to eat my sandwich dad I see you You can't hide from me I know you are There I have you dad Seriously Well, birthday friend What's the plan?
9 year old birthday boy controls our day at the beach we can t say to canyon for 24 hours

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9 year old birthday boy controls our day at the beach we can t say to canyon for 24 hours...

What are you doing with that? I'm going to make you a sandwich. I like sandwiches. It is a good idea. Sandwich, yes. bread sandwich sandwich sandwich that's not funny at all are you serious right now come on oh a sandwich okay put a piece on the thing i can take a bite first no okay put a piece where right here here this is sand this is sand and then, okay, I put this sand in it now, what do I do with this? Put it on top, we're really doing this, okay, we're making a sandwich, put it on top.
9 year old birthday boy controls our day at the beach we can t say to canyon for 24 hours
Well, now, what's okay, dad, wait here? One more ingredient to put here. Why am I? Why is this what a 9


old does for his birthday? Danielle. I see you, no, no, you should be glad you didn't eat this. You have the easy job. go get me the perfect shell, hurry up, hurry up, go, go, go, oh hey Ty, you're doing it right if you need it, yeah if you need this shovel you can have it, damn I need to go give this to My dad, that doesn't look good at all. oh no, he'll be back, he'll be back, what, what, okay, dad, it's time, it's time to eat the sandwich.
9 year old birthday boy controls our day at the beach we can t say to canyon for 24 hours
You really want me to eat the sandwich. Yes, that has sand. This has sand. Oh, it's falling. The sand is falling. Okay, no, oh, I have to put it back. Look at that sandwich, is this real? Just take a bite. Okay, I'm going to take a bite. Three two. I forgot how to count seven one. Oh no, here we go. You have something on. your arm M that's really good it's sweet yeah it doesn't taste like sand at all it's not sand it's sugar it's brown sugar And how did you do that um I just G I just left the other one and made a new sandwich that's it uh um this


It doesn't have many shelves.
I could bring this. I don't even know what it is. It looks interesting. What about this? He loves sticks that could be better than the program. Well, that's better than the show. eh, there are footprints, let's follow them oh no, he's coming alright hi Lizzy, here's your challenge a coconut, what am I supposed to do with this? Open it, bye, open it, how am I supposed to do it? These are so strong and I'm not. that strong, huh, maybe I can try to remove all the skin first. Hey, have you found my perfect shell yet? No, but I found some things that are cool.
Hm and you like sticks, so I like this, but it's not a perfect show. I'll take it a piece of walnut wood this this and a piece of coconut you'll save them what am I supposed to do with these? I don't know, you solve it, but don't forget to hold my shell well. I thought I had the easy task. I work but this is going to be harder than I thought hey Lizzy hey Canyon, how are you doing? Not so good. Oh you got a stick, why do you got a stick? It's my birthday present from Danielle, so how's it going?
There's a weak spot right here at the top that I've been pushing to see if it breaks through and then maybe I can break it after that, okay, come tell me when it's open, I'll go find the next person, okay , it may literally take me your entire birthday to open it. This still has liquid in it. It looks like a small shell. Maybe it will work. It's like the only shell on this entire beach. I hope it works well. Hello Savannah. I see you're not hiding. why is it so good? I knew you would find it.
In the end, it was also very difficult to find hiding places on this beach, so I decided to just relax. Well, you will relax even more. Oh no, what does that mean? I can't tell, just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. You'll make it? Oh no, oh man, they're going to bury me, don't worry, you're going to love it. I'm going to start off standing up or should I say, what the hell are you doing? I won't tell you that you'll know when I'm done Canon, yeah, okay, look, I found a shell that's this good, eh, it's a little small, it's the only one I can find, then look harder while I peel it.
This takes forever. Maybe I don't have to. It's that way, let's try to smash it against this rock Canon, yeah, I've been hiding forever and you still haven't found me, what do I have to do for your birthday? Oh, I have something really special for you, just wait and see why. No, I just do it now and I'm done. It's not ready yet. I'll tell you when it's okay. Bye bye. I'll go hide there again. Now you are a beautiful mermaid. Don't mess up the queue. I'll be back to fix it wait, where are you going?
I only have half a tail. In fact, I opened it, oh my God, I went to Canyon, oh, you found me, yes, and I have a very important task for you, come here. I am very worried about this. He's going to make me do um, what is he doing? Well, you have to make a sand castle that can fit, that goes around this whole circle. I'll come back and check on you in a minute. do it gaty, it has to fit in it, that's too big, how am I going to make a sand castle as big as gigo?
Okay, look, I have it open, yeah, that's awesome, but you just open the shell. I want to open the real coconut so I can eat it what oh no how am I going to open the coconut but it took me so long just to open the shell Ty Ty that's good are you sure? Yeah, okay, that's good. I'm very tired, but you're not done yet. What didn't you just say? I'm done digging. Yes, you're done digging, but I have something else for you. Yes, finally we go. Yes, what do I have to do? Good, since this is what I want you to do. the hole that binds Crea, okay, okay, Ty, now get out, okay, I'll get out, it's filling up, wa, it's filling up, okay, what's next? oh no, I didn't think through that part anyway, this is kind of fun. you push more sanding you're a genius we can bury you up to your neck come on Ty what are we doing what are we doing going into the hole up to Al's neck up to his neck you said yeah uh wait a second wait wait wait wait wait that sounds safe to you , that's why we do it up to his neck, not over his head, okay, let's keep his feet right where they are, but move them up a foot and a half, can you really do that?
We are going to do this quickly but we are going to get to where they can leave and it is safe, don't you think it is a good idea? a little higher higher higher now kneel there now you can get out of that hole ready here we go let's all bury it push the sand people can't say no to the birthday boy for 24


oh boy we have like 19


left , 5 minutes later, okay guys, see you later, have fun, right? I'm staying here I'm going to get out before I can get my arm out you need help grab my can you can get out take my arm there's an arm okay oh he's emerging he's emerging from the sand look look that you did that we're not going to make me wow I thought you forgot about me why are you so Sandy I'll tell you later okay now let's make this work what do you mean make it work?
You see, Tada, I'm a real mermaid, wow, I have a real tail and it matches my swimsuit, yes, now come with me, oh, how am I going with you, wait for me, Lizzie, didn't you open the coconut completely right? I need one more thing from you, follow me with the coconut, okay, no, Lizzy, leave the coconut, I really don't want it anymore, we're going to waste our time, hurry up, what are we going to miss, hey mom, stop, stop, stop, don't ruin it , don't let my arena cancel, yeah, but okay, look, you said that. It had to be big enough for you, so this is your throne, you're the king of the castle, so sit there, yeah, there you go, here you go, here's your staff, right?
And I want this back here, that's just the rest, how? You like it, Your Majesty, I like it, oh well, I was so worried about it that I don't know how to make a giant sand castle, Mom, I like it, but we have to hurry up and hurry, come on, I found a look, I found one. Bigger than the last one, that's amazing, I know, right? Is it big enough? Yeah, it better be because there's no way I'm going to find another one here. We have to go, hurry up, follow me. Okay, are you ready to go?
It's definitely okay though, let's all get started. Digging, can you get out without us? I think so, try, try, try, try, oh wow, you don't need our help, thank you all for helping me, welcome, thank you for making this birthday the best birthday ever, you're welcome and thank you all for watching. This video, make sure to give it a big thumbs up, subscribe button. We love you guys so much, as always, you are with him. Hello here.

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