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9 Things I Would Change about the USA after Living in the UK for 10 Years

Mar 08, 2024
American rest stops are where all your dreams go to die and maybe you'll like it, you don't need to FaceTime anyone else, you don't need to see them, just call them, no we don't need to see you, remember what. they look like Hi guys, welcome back to the Girl Gun London Channel if you're new here my name is kln. I have dual British and American citizenship and today I am talking about my controversial opinions about America or the


I think about America. should




in the UK. There is also a UK version of this video to watch and also note that this video will not address topics like guns or healthcare because those


are very obvious and are done in every video so these are like my most stuff deep and kind of silly and controversial things that I think they should


about America, number one, the banking system in America, dumb, so dumb, always behind, we didn't get chip and PIN cards until much later.
9 things i would change about the usa after living in the uk for 10 years
In the UK we didn't get contact lists until after the UK, they are always behind in terms of debit and credit card possibilities. Many banks charge you a fee to have a bank account, which I do know, I think. It exists in some parts of the UK, but seems much less common here. I mean, you can pay as a special account here, but in the United States, many basic bank accounts have a fee if you don't. 86 different transactions correctly or you have like 8 million in the account and also you can't move easily you can't move easily you can't move money easily from one person to another from different bank accounts in the United States, according to me, I have lived in the United Kingdom someone said, "Well, just give me the money back, like I


give you my account number." I asked him: how am I going to put money in your bank when we don't have the same bank? um you just transfer it.
9 things i would change about the usa after living in the uk for 10 years

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9 things i would change about the usa after living in the uk for 10 years...

I'm between different banks and they say yes you can pay money into a British person's bank account if you have two known things like their account number and sort code, easy to do, that's how most people do. like paying bills or just paying people for things or paying is just easy, it's so easy that there are no easy rates in America, they say, oh well, you owe me like $20 for the dinner we just had, so, you mean? I can send you a PayPal request. I ask why we are PayPal or come mooing. It is the type of cash or money transfer app in the US, we need a separate app to transfer money between banks and in the UK, everything is freshly prepared.
9 things i would change about the usa after living in the uk for 10 years
Everything is easy to do so American banking is very annoying and I feel like we really need to adapt to the times when the UK is way ahead of the US when it comes to banking okay, the next controversial opinion, honestly this is the dumbest controversial. I don't know, this is controversial. I think Americans should eat. There are potato chips in America called chips in the UK, so that's what I'm talking about. I feel like Americans should have more opportunities to eat them with meals, now I know. you're going to joke in the comments and in your head and whatever about how Americans don't need to eat fries anymore, it's fine overall, yes I get it, however listen to me here in the UK, it's very acceptable to eat fries fries or fries with as many different things as so many different foods just makes sense, for example pizza like pizza and fries is a very acceptable combination for dining in America, it is not in America, if you eat pizza you don't have fries because they don't go together.
9 things i would change about the usa after living in the uk for 10 years
The British eat some too and everyone says I say this incorrectly, but it's called chip a chip buddy. I know people say I say friend because I don't say tea, but it's basically a chip sandwich and I'm not saying that. Everyone likes to eat this for lunch, but it's like something people can enjoy. You've probably heard of putting fries on a sandwich. Great, why don't Americans do that? I feel like Americans limit the amount of things we are willing to eat fries. I feel like we should expand on that because if I could eat one food for the rest of my life it


be crisps or French fries, that's definitely what I would eat and that's why I feel like in the UK I have a lot more. opportunity to eat them with all kinds of different foods and not look weird, whereas in America, if I order a pizza, they'll think it's weird if I also order fries and I think we should change that, okay, next thing the rest American is like that. coming off a motorway or motorway, horrible, horrible, I moved to the UK and went to a rest stop in the UK.
I would have a date at some of them, like they had full restaurants, sometimes generally very clean, a very welcoming experience, an American break. the stops are where all your dreams go to die and maybe you're just not good they're disgusting there's a couple like within the US that are like oh America is like the best rest stops um they're not No It's nothing compared to a rest stop in the UK. He is going on a trip to the United Kingdom. I hope I have to go to the rest stop. I'm really looking forward to it.
There is also one called that, yes, that's how they say it. there's one when you go to the north of England, so really, really, I'd just go there as a station. I say, just take me to Tebay services. We'll get something to eat. Well, go see the Ducks. the lake, so relaxing, American rest stops really aren't the same and I feel like American rest stops need to up their game to the level of British rest stops. Well, next is tap water because tap water is found in most of the UK in all parts of the UK.
UK, I have found it tastes pretty good, you literally have it out of the tap, enjoy it. Well, no problem. American tap water, that's not the case in a lot of places, especially growing up in Florida. American tap water tastes like sulfur. It's really disgusting and most people don't drink Florida tap water because it's terrible. This is not the case in all places because obviously geographic differences mean that different states will have different access to better tap water, but the tap water in the US is not good. Many people drink bottled water because of this, while in the UK bottled water is very rare for a number of reasons but also because tap water is ready to drink so I guess my controversial opinion is I don't like most American tap water, it has a It tastes unpleasant, it probably has 8 million chemicals that are slowly killing you and it's not a pleasant experience, so when I go home to the United States, I drink water from a bottle because, like, tap water just isn't good, so that's my next controversial opinion.
Well, next the inside of American fast food restaurants, let's talk specifically about McDonald's because this is where an important comparison comes up in the American McDonald's again, they bring you down, you're like G I. I'm in a McDonald's like I'm excited because I'm about to buy a McFlurry, but also like I don't feel good being here. The British McDonald's is so nice, it's clean, like they would have something like that. The uh the tappy tappy, like the payment, what are the self-order screens like that they got before the US, so you don't even have to interact with anyone?
Just do your thing, wait for your number, um, British McDonald. They're just so superior, the interior is so superior, you don't feel bad about being in a British McDonald's, at least I don't, I walk in and think this is like a shiny world of fast food. I'm kind of inspired by the American McDonald's, not just the design, they are dirtier, it's just that a lot of them still don't have self-service and I don't know if I don't know exactly the reason for that. but they're just not on the same level so I remember moving to the UK and thinking even UK fast food places are better than American ones so yeah I like how this video so far has covered fries and McDonald's because it's classic.
American, but I prefer the interior of the British McDonald's better. Well, the next thing is that Americans seem to think that everyone needs to listen to their phone conversation and I know we can get loud as Americans, but when we talk on the phone we get louder. B, it seems like everyone in America thinks they need to talk on the speaker phone or sync without headphones if you go through a US airport full of Americans because we mainly travel domestically, everyone there talks on the phone to their mom, okay, but they're like FaceTiming you, they're not even like looking at the person, they're like holding them here, but somehow they're on video and everyone can hear both sides of the conversation, this feels like a lot more. socially acceptable in America is definitely not socially acceptable in the UK, although I'm sure a couple of people do, but it's very annoying, well I say annoying, but sometimes I want to hear the other side of the conversation because I'm nosy, but from a point of view like my own personal bubble I don't necessarily want to hear your phone conversation in public that you are talking on the phone is one thing I also hear the response from the other end is another and I just feel like Americans need to stop This is what they need, we need to stop FaceTiming in public, you don't even need to use FaceTime, you only do that when you haven't talked to your grandma in like 3 months and you want her to remember what you look like or taste like, maybe you're on the phone with your partner, that's long distance, like you don't need to face anyone else, you don't need to see them, just call them, no, we, we don't need to See each other, you remember how they look, so FaceTiming in public or having someone in loudspeaker in public is a very American thing to hate it, please stop doing it, okay?
My next controversial opinion about America is that security at American airports is so strangely slow and inefficient, so live. In the UK I pass through some of the busiest airports in the world, dog Gatwick, as if London airports were funneling people. I don't wait that long in a security queue, usually at a UK airport, I'll go to a US airport, it could be like that. Tulsa Oklahoma I've never been to that airport so people will say it's the best airport you could beat some random American airport like 10 people flying in and it takes an hour to get through security it's the same thing is it same? security process I think it's pretty much the same security process between countries, um, it's not completely different, it's not like the UK just waves you through, while the US does a full body search, like if it were more or less similar, some people will be called out of place.
Whatever, but the UK is usually very efficient with airport security. I know that not all the time, not every time, you will tell me about the time you waited for about 4 hours in Luton, as I understand it, but in general it is American. Security seems to be almost always so slow, why is someone answering this question for me? Let's speed it up, for example, let's get a system, let's update something, let's find out why they have to leave it 8 hours early at the Tampa airport. Don't know. I even know if there's an airport in Tampa, guys, I'm just making things up for this video, um, but you really have to plan your time very, very well when you arrive at an American airport because security will probably be slow. in the UK yes obviously security can take how long but it always seems faster in the UK then American Thanksgiving food and it pains me to say it because I feel like I'm betraying my country.
I don't understand most Americans. Thanksgiving Food I think most of it looks like it's already been eaten number one and number two it's like this is the one day of the year where we think we're going to eat as much as humanly possible, but like you pick weird things that you wouldn't eat at other times of the year and you know I did some research on Christmas pudding in the UK in my UK video so I feel like we're once again a level playing field let's talk about American Thanksgiving food. I'm just not a big fan I'm not a big fan I think we should really revolutionize Thanksgiving, we should get rid of so many casseroles.
My problem is actually casseroles like these, so many casseroles and maybe it's just because I don't like a casserole, I don't know, I just feel like Thanksgiving food disappoints me, I don't feel like eating it, and I basically eat puree of potatoes and rolls, but that could also be due toI have the palette of a 5 year old child. I'm not entirely sure. Well, my last controversial opinion about America has to do with the restaurant I knew and loved and still know, but I'm not sure I love. and it makes me so sad that, whether you're American or not, you may have heard of a place called Olive Garden.
Now Olive Garden is the place where Americans go to shop for an Italian food restaurant chain. Now I have craved Olive Garden almost always. I have returned to the United States for many


. I was like yeah, I know it's a chain restaurant, but the Olive Garden breadsticks are amazing, I just want whatever, like pasta, like I just love an Olive Garden. I have to say the longer I've lived outside of the US the more I've realized how disappointing Olive Garden is, the pasta isn't very good, it doesn't have much flavor. I don't even like that much flavor, but there's not much flavor.
Everything like in the microwave. I don't know if it really is, but as you know, it's like the microwave taste.Italian Italian chain restaurant food I still love breadsticks, but I would say that my love for Olive Garden has sadly faded over the


, um, and that's a controversial opinion because Americans love an Olive Garden as something that might make you feel better than going to this place where you can pretend you're in Italy for like 45 minutes. It just feels like you've traveled to Naples or Venice or some other place and you're just enjoying authentic Italian food, but no, you're in suburban Oklahoma and you're eating sad microwave lasagna, so I'm sorry Olive never go sponsor this channel and this will make Americans really come support me in the comments.
Sorry, I've tried to love him yet, but I can't, okay, that brings me to the end of this video. I noticed that this video and the UK controversial opinions video were unscripted, a little unhinged. maybe I've been too honest about my opinions on the internet, it should probably rain more, but I'd love to know what you think about my opinions on these American topics in the comment, in the comments section, do you have any controversial opinions about America? Again, your comments about gun health are whatever. They are not as interesting in this video, as we can talk about them in other videos.
What are the most outlandish and controversial types of opinions you have about states that I'd love to hear? Thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next time.

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