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80 Year Olds Share their Biggest Regrets

Apr 17, 2024
Would you regret anything if you could go back in time? Mhm, what period of your life would you relive again and why? Oh, I probably can't say this in a movie because I'm too worried about what other people think of me. I absolutely regret doing it. my whole life is that I had no confidence in myself, what I regret is that I had a dysfunctional family and I wish I had learned not to take responsibility, maybe I would have chosen different friends, I don't know if I didn't have them. funniest, I don't regret it, what I regret is that sometimes people put pressure on you in the wrong way, we all go through that and people make you angry, you lose your temper and then you start talking to people or being violent.
80 year olds share their biggest regrets
I wish I had finished college in I was 30 when I started drinking a lot. I wish I had done that because it was related to drug abuse when my parents were older. He worked very hard. I worked about 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, so I didn't have any. time to take care of them, not even spend time with them, that is my


regret. I don't regret anything in my life. Good times, bad times, they have all shaped who I am today and without some of those bad and difficult times. In my life I would not have the same philosophy of life and the same vision of human beings and life that I have, but I am grateful for both the difficult times and the good and I do not have any reference that I thought I would have. get a master's degree and uh and probably um story and I married the wrong person, but then I learned that there is irony in this world because she gave me the greatest miracle because she was the mother of my daughters, she probably didn't get a good education, did she?
80 year olds share their biggest regrets

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80 year olds share their biggest regrets...

You know? married, have kids, things like that, but I'm glad I didn't. I'm so happy if you could give your younger self some advice, what would you say? I don't know, choosing someone else to marry, I guess live. life to the fullest because none of us have any security about how old we are going to be when we are going to die, so when you can live life to the fullest, believe in yourself, you can do anything safe to retire. I think I see that many people do not plan throughout


life planning for retirement thinking about the here and now rather than the future and being fiscally financially responsible during




s will produce a much easier flow into their later


s. third age.
80 year olds share their biggest regrets
I will be safe and won't fight as much as if you don't plan. I think my advice would be to be more positive and not take responsibility for everything everyone else did around me. Be careful what women you go with because I was married five times, so I felt like, I wish, yeah, yeah, I've probably made better decisions, I've probably been a better love, Jesus, really believe in yourself, believe that you can be better at what you are doing. I kicked myself in the butt for being like that. If I were 20 again, I think I would be very careful who you trust to keep you off the SP drug.
80 year olds share their biggest regrets
F knows the worst things, people die every day and I also have to be very careful with Facebook likes. and T, you know, the bully, you know, that kind of thing probably has a bad influence on younger people. If I were 20 right now, I would definitely finish my studies at university, be happy with who you are, you know, take, take the things you know. your attributes your good and improve them be a good person and be yourself I spent many years worrying about what other people thought of me. I was probably in my 30s, maybe when I started realizing that people are going to talk. they will like you or they won't like you if you could go back in time what period of life would you live again why oh I wouldn't go back in time because I probably like the diversity of moving forward my adolescence and I focused more on my school around the 30 because I always traveled even when I was a little kid and now I'm 70, but 30 is like when I was just starting to learn how wonderful adventure is and then having it makes enough sense to do something a little clever with the way you do it, probably 4 years ago because I started a business and it was doing well.
I could go back. The business, making money, is not important. The most important thing is where the parents take. Taking care of them when they were already 80 years old at that time. My brother didn't know him, but he just died and he's only 53 years old. If he could do it again, he would have called home more times and I would have realized what was going on. My best moment was when I gave my heart to the Lord for the first time, when I was uh 206, in my late teens and early 20s, it was such an exciting time to come out of adolescence and into adulthood back then, I was in the 80s and I think times were very easy, it was easy to get a place to live and find a job and there was always a balance between work and life.
Those days when I left high school and then went to college were the best times. For me, I loved college and probably enjoyed some of the things they had in my glass. I don't think I would want to go back in time and relive any part of my past life. I always firmly believe that the past is in the past and leave it there and move forward with the present. There are so many things you know in the future that I have to wait for and that's why I can't say that I would like to go back.
I'm looking forward to the future when I was a cowboy, cowboy, I worked on a ranch in Elco, just outside of northern Nevada, it was just beautiful and I enjoyed it and that's what I love. My family was all alive in the 40s and 50s and it was a happier time. I think people were more worried about each other nowadays, it's too much of a dog world, oh Lord, I've had so much fun all my life. Wow it's hard but there's one place I really like to revisit and that's when I was in the Navy in the Mediterranean there's an island called Pam Mayorca this little island off Spain big Libertad if you could give your younger self some advice What would you say?
I would say don't sell yourself short when you really want to Do something, just do it, as long as you don't hurt anyone, live your life, enjoy it, have fun, we need to embrace everyone we need as Humanity, the whole Earth is really one species of spaceship with which we are born. All children have. the opportunity or should have the opportunity Unity to reach its full potential God-given full potential we never know how long we will be in this world live it when you can later it is too late despite the obstacles that exist today I still can still move forward, can It may not look the same as it did then, but there's no reason to give up, so it's about giving back and helping others and lifting others up.
When they feel impossible, they know that they are not alone and that there is Someone there and available to help them or guide them or just be a kind of sounding board from time to time, so you have to be careful what you say to your children because it means that there are many things that affect them in their lives and they just don't do it. Don't be afraid to try it if you want to live a very peaceful and beautiful life with the time you spend with Jesus.

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