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Apr 30, 2024
There's nothing worse than waiting too long to catch up with one of your best friends...except embarrassing yourself with yellow, sweaty spots. Oh! Take a regular shawl or pashmina and place it over your head. With both hands, pull the corners under your arms and in front of your chest. Tie them together forming a knot, like this. Now comes the fun part: take this knot and slide it over your head. Check it out! You have a new and original vest to hide those unsightly stains! Take that, summer weather. Have you ever gone from Netflix and relaxing to Netflix and a clothing malfunction?
8 brilliant clothes hacks for girls cool diy ideas by 123 go
Don't stress, you can fix this. It just takes a pair of scissors and a pinch of creativity. It feels good to be useful, right? Place the torn pair of pants on a table in front of you. Fold them in half so that one leg is on top of the other. Find the corner that sticks out: that's the crotch of the pants that needs to be repaired. By making this tear even bigger, you can now put your entire head through it! Now put your arms through what used to be your pant legs: now they're sleeves! Wow, they actually fit pretty well.
8 brilliant clothes hacks for girls cool diy ideas by 123 go

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8 brilliant clothes hacks for girls cool diy ideas by 123 go...

And there you have it! A cute crop top that you can wear to work out! Or rest and watch more Netflix. Hey, we don't judge. You've been looking forward to this party for weeks! Hey Girl! Wait a minute…she stole my look! Yuck!! Lucky for you, you have a creative mind to back you up. Place that skirt over your chest. Take a belt, thin or thick, and cinch it to accentuate your waist. Top it off with a cute denim jacket and you're good to go! You have an adorable party dress that no one else will have.
8 brilliant clothes hacks for girls cool diy ideas by 123 go
Come on, give us a ride, you know you want to. See? There is no need to fight. Here's the creativity! Health! Have you ever woken up like this? Sleeping too much is the worst! Will you have time to prepare? It's time to turn these pajamas into a look. Take off your pants and place both legs to the side. Now raise them on your chest. Take your unworn pant leg, squeeze it, and slide the head on. Wow! Super stylish for pajamas, that's for sure! Ha, fool. Add a cute pair of heels and a bag and you're good to go.
8 brilliant clothes hacks for girls cool diy ideas by 123 go
And the best dressed award goes to... At work, it's easy to get in the zone! You completely forgot about happy hour with the


! Do not stress! Take the straps of your cotton t-shirt and slide them over your head to both sides. Like. That's all! Who knew going from day to night could be so elegant and effortless! And it can be your little secret. Ooh! It's time to get dressed to go out. What to wear, what to wear… This? No, too warm. A sweater? Not so good. Oh! I totally forgot I had these shorts from last summer.
Lovely. Yes, we have found a winner! Yes, they totally fit. Wait! Oh man, all my but is hanging! These are much shorter than I remember! Try this! Squeeze some glue along the back edge of the shorts. Grab some scraps of your favorite fabric – lace is a great option! Press it firmly onto the glue. Oops! Don't forget to wrap it around the front in the same way. Paste and then press! Guys, what DIYs and crafts would you like us to do? Leave a comment below! Don't forget to like if you want to see more of our videos soon!
Who knew an old pair of shorts could look so cute? Congratulations! You avoided a shameful loot. Well done! Ah, nothing like spending the afternoon watching the same comedy you've seen 100 times. Hey! Um, we have plans, remember? Get it, Helly! Save time by wearing your oversized t-shirt in a new way! Slide your arms around your neck and down to your waist. Now stuff those pesky holes in your arms... Well, what do you know, nice pockets? Seriously, the easiest outfit change ever, right? Come on! Hit the notification bell to know when there are new videos on our channel!
Ah, the old coffee dripping on your white shirt situation. Oh. Luckily for Helly, not all hope is lost. Check it out. Take a marker or pen and outline the stains. Seriously, stay with us here. Your clumsiness just turned into a fantasy coffee island! Very impressive! Is it just me or is the white t-shirt much cuter than before? What do you think of these clothing


? Pretty impressive right? And if you don't get it right the first time, don't worry. It just takes a little practice! Whether you're late or in an outfit-matching crisis, all you need is a little creativity and a lot of deep breaths.
You got it, fashionista! Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to our channel!

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