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8,000 YEAR-OLD BARBECUE STYLE - Ancient Inca Food in Peru!

May 01, 2020
- Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day, I'm Mark Wiens. I am in the Andes Mountains of Peru, approximately an hour by car from Cusco. It is absolutely, stunningly beautiful. Today we have a once in a lifetime experience, we are on our way to a local community, a Quechua community, and they are going to prepare an entire pachamanca banquet for us. And a Pachamanca feast is a variety of meats, vegetables and tubers, all grown locally, that are cooked in a traditional pre-Columbian Peruvian clay oven. We'll see the entire process from start to finish and then, of course, eat the amazing


8 000 year old barbecue style   ancient inca food in peru
But we just stopped, we're on our way, we're almost there, but we stopped at this beautiful lake. The views are simply spectacular. But we're almost in town to be with Pachamanca. (upbeat instrumental music) I can't even comprehend the views, the natural landscape, the beauty, the freshness of the air. Okay (speaking in foreign language). - Quechua, Quechua. - Quechua. (speaking in foreign language) Here we go, five more kilometers to the town. And here we are at a high altitude, I think it's 37, 3700 meters. So you don't want to, you don't want to run too fast at this point. (upbeat instrumental music) Hello. - Hello Mark. -Jane. - Yes, a pleasure to meet you. - Hello.
8 000 year old barbecue style   ancient inca food in peru

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8 000 year old barbecue style ancient inca food in peru...

Nice to meet you. - Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Janet. Hello how are you? How is the baby? Did she fall asleep? - The baby is sleeping, yes. (speaking in foreign language) - Thank you. - Micah. - Micah. Thank you. Oh, the herbs of it. (singing in foreign language) Impressive. Entering the town house. (singing in foreign language) Impressive. Wonderful. Oh, there's Ying behind. (speaking in a foreign language) In Quechua, (speaking in a foreign language) is that correct? This is how you say thank you in Quechua. Well, this is the situation. The Pachamanca, which is the clay oven, is already being heated with stones that they collected from the river, smooth stones, the right stones.
8 000 year old barbecue style   ancient inca food in peru
The wood goes down and then they also dug a kind of hole in the ground. But they had to preheat it because it takes a long time to heat up. It feels very warm and very pleasant. But in the meantime, because they wanted to show us the process of how they do it, how they make the fire, which is crucial, which is important for a Pachamanca. In a different place they're going to show us how to create this whole clay oven, baking, deliciousness, they're going to show us it separately, so, but then we're actually going to cook here that's already heating up because it's needed.
8 000 year old barbecue style   ancient inca food in peru
So much time to heat up all those stones. But you said that 40 different types of potatoes can be grown here. - In this city. - In this town, in this town. - In this town. Yes. - Wow. It is a local house, it is like a patio, beautiful grass, the ingredients for Pachamanca have already come out, the potatoes, the beans, the sweet potato, the corn, the corn, which is huge, like giant ears, and then the variety. of the meats are marinades and cheeses. - Lamb of the sheep. - Sheep, great. - This is alpaca meat. - Alpaca meat. - This is pork. - Oh my God. - And chicken. - And they are already pre-marinated in a combination of orange juice, yellow chili, which are yellow chili peppers, so important in Peru, there is garlic, there is, what else did I miss.
Oh, and then you can see on top and you can even smell that, the huacatay, which is also known as Peruvian mint. A kind of cilantro, a kind of mint flavor, and at the end it's just sprinkled on top of the marinade. Then all that will go to Pachamanca. Okay, so the Pachamanca that we are going to cook is here and it is the one that is heating up. But then right next to it, that's where you're going to show us the process of how they did this first because it's going to take a long time. (speaking in foreign language) And then first he set up sort of two, almost like a Stonehenge structure with those three stones.
And now they are piling stones in a circular formation. Wow. It's so wonderful to see them do this. It is the knowledge, the cuisine that has been transmitted, all from the land. Especially like with strange stones. Within minutes they have the ability, they've created this structure, which is turning into a sort of inward-leaning stone, but these are all just strange stones that they're using and they're just fitting them perfectly, that's how it is. Yeah, I couldn't do that, that's for sure. I have to do it, I'm getting a little excited, I'm out of breath. (Mark laughs) (soft instrumental music) In about 10 minutes they built this whole structure, just rocks, that goes all the way, it's a dome, it's a half dome.
That's amazing, that would have taken me like, I bet I could try to do it all day and I still wouldn't have done it, I still wouldn't be able to do it and now they're adding fire in there. But that's just the demonstration of Inca architecture and design skills. The good thing is that that post and lintel that acts as a door to feed the fire into the structure is incredible. And this one is much, much further along on its path, on its heating, heating journey. Coming in with some herbs. Yes. They're getting ready to load it. (speaking in foreign language) - Yes, Julio. - Now they are removing the stones but with some delicacy.
You don't want to touch those stones because when they are filled, when they put all the ingredients in the Pachamanca it will be like a layering process with the stones. (speaking in foreign language) Then they will put the potatoes in first. (potatoes sizzling) (speaking in foreign language) Pretty cool, very hot, still inside the metal. (speaking in foreign language) - Alpaca. -Alpacas. - Alpaca, yes. (hot stones sizzling) (speaking in foreign language) - This has to be one of the coolest cooking methods I've ever seen. Simply standing among the vapors, among the hissing of those stones. The juices from the meat, I definitely got some meat juice splashed on me and I love it.
It's amazing how they are doing this. Wow, those aromas of meat that sizzle on the stone. (speaking in foreign language) (soft instrumental music) The strategy, the knowledge of all the ingredients, the stacking and doing it so fast to maintain that heat, because you can't waste time when you do that, when you bring out the fire, when you load the stones, you have no time to waste because at every moment the rocks begin to lose their heat. They said an hour to cook. That was one of the most amazing displays of human culinary genius I have ever seen.
We go to the other side, here, where they are also going to prepare another dish while the Pachamanca is cooking. And what is this dish called? Those are the freeze-dried ones. - This is moraya. -Moraya. -Moraya. This is how we are going to do it (speaking in a foreign language). - Very cool. (speaking in foreign language) This is the process of these freeze-dried potatoes. - The name of that is moraya. -Moraya. - The process to obtain the moraya is in the months of June and July, which for us are the driest and also the coldest months.
They will expose the potatoes during the day in a field and they will be exposed to very high temperatures in the sunlight. And at night the temperature drops below zero degrees. Then the potatoes will be exposed to this. - So, hot sun and then very cold, icy temperatures. - Very cold. - And that's what naturally freeze-dries these potatoes. - And then, after three to four days of exposing the potato we get the chuno. Chuno is the natural frozen potato with skin. - Well. -Then what they will do is that they will peel some of these potatoes with their feet, as if they were stepping on them.
They will remove the skin and then put it in some bags, like that cloth that is up on the ceiling. And when they put it in the bags they take it to the river water, which is very cold, and they leave it under the river water for about three weeks. And after three weeks they will be able to collect the moraya. - And they look like this. - And from moraya. - What a process. - You can get it, this is what we use. - What a process. - For doing this. - The genius of the conservation of these freeze-dried potatoes that can last up to four


So in times of


scarcity, in times of climate change, they still have freeze-dried potatoes. It's an amazing process, a cool process, and then they'll make a soup out of these potatoes. And then a little bit of oil and then add garlic and onion. (Pot sizzling) (speaking in foreign language) Yeah, wait. Now they are peeling the potatoes for the soup, they are fresh potatoes. They are so fast at peeling potatoes, so skilled. Yeah, all you hear is like the whistling sound of the knife buzzing around that potato in like five seconds per potato. (Speaking in foreign language) (Janet chatting distantly) They added the carrots, they added the fresh potatoes, these are simmering in the water and they are about to add the freeze-dried potatoes that they turned into powder. and then dissolved in water. - (mumbles) the extra water. - And finally he added the moraya that was dissolved in water.
It's almost like porridge, it's very thick. Wow, that will be hearty, that will be comforting. The soup is almost ready, the Pachamanca still needs about 30 more minutes, so we are going to go see the farms, some of the vegetables where they grow there, I think there on the outskirts of the house. (upbeat instrumental music) He's just showing us his little garden with some of the vegetables, with some of the daily necessities of vegetables that grow, the herbs right outside his house. This is the first time I have seen the quinoa plant, the purple one. Purple buds, very cool.
And down there is the huacatay, which is so important for so many things. And that is the main herb they use to stuff the guinea pig before roasting it, it gives it an incredible fragrance. (upbeat instrumental music) Exactly one hour, he's ready. It's time, this is the moment we've been waiting for. (speaking in foreign language) You could smell the meat immediately through that steam, you can smell the meat now. Oh, and the beans are wrapped in there too. Ah, the cheese. (speaking in foreign language) And those beans come first. Oh, I want to bathe in it.
I want to bathe in Pachamanca. Oh oh oh. Oh, that scent has to have healing properties. (speaking in foreign language) Now the rocks are coming off, I think the next layer is the meats. (speaking in foreign language) (soft instrumental music) And just as they worked as a team to prepare the Pachamanca, to load the Pachamanca, they are working, as a team to unload it. The meat is gone. They are on the potatoes and corn, the bottom layer. (speaking in foreign language) That's just, wow. I'm so excited about the food that my heart rate is definitely way above normal.
You just have to be careful with the elevation, you have to be careful with how excited you get about the food. Seriously, that's not even a joke. Good, and all the food is transported to the table. So, it was on this same table in its raw form an hour ago, now it is in pure Pachamanca toasted glory. (soft instrumental music) That meat is the definition of charred, roasted, hot stone roasted, the seer. It smells incredibly good. Now they are cutting the meat. (foreign language chatter) (soft instrumental music) Wow. (Janet murmurs) Oh, sure, thanks. Wow, we're ready.
First we're going to eat the soup, they served it and she grated it, she, chopped some grass there in the final stages. Now it also has a very sticky texture. Look at that texture, it's almost rubbery. (Mark exhales deeply) Oh, that's amazing. You can feel the warmth entering your soul immediately. It's thick like a sauce. Pumpkin pieces in there. This is incredible. Oh, that's so good. The best potato soup ever. What is also an honor for me, an honor for us, is that they sit down to eat with us. So we all eat as a family, as a community.
We can't say thank you or express the love and gratitude we have for them, who took all day to prepare this for us, but then sitting down to eat with us is amazing. - No, I want to save it for. (speaking in foreign language) - So they are going to leave all the food here and then we will take our plates and pile them with the main ingredients of Pachamanca. (upbeat instrumental music) (foreign language speaking) - I'm very excited. I'm almost shaking. Look, look at the color of that sweet potato, man. - This is complete. (speaking in foreign language) - I'm going to get a variety of all different types of potatoes, there are at least 3 potatoes.
Oh man, that could add up quickly. The corn continues. This is the alpaca, I'll take a, oh, there's marrow in there, I'll take a piece of alpaca bone. Well, this is the chicken, I think, the wing. It's lamb, I think lamb mixed with pork. This could be it, it sure looks like lamb. Sweet potato, two different types. Ah, two different types of sweet potatoes. Two different types of sweet potato. Wow, your starches build up really fast. Finally some beans, put them on this side. And then a couple of pieces of cheese. Well, I think it is a beautiful, beautiful Pachamanca dish.
A little bit of, wait, wait. Be careful with the balance of these banks, okay. The colors like, everything perfectly charred, everything perfectly cooked, toasted. Of all this dish I have to start with that alpaca, and I have the bone, thick, there is even marrow, alpaca marrow there. Oh, wow. The beauty of Pachamanca is its smoke and its charring. It is tender. And that marinade. Are you eating alpaca right now, friend? - The first time I have alpaca. You can taste that Peruvian black mint. And the charring, that is a thing of beauty. (speaking in foreign language) - Yes, Julio is the man.
I have to take another bite, I'll get the. Oh, that onealpaca. Yes, you can really taste that huacatay that just arrived. It is an herb that is not that strong but penetrates through anything. And some of the pieces of meat are crispier because that was probably the part that touched the rock. But the inside remains damp. I'm going to put some of that alpaca in my mouth and take a bite of the sweet potato. Because Jane was explaining to me that it's also very common to take a bite of something and then mix it with another ingredient, but mix it in your mouth.
This is how you chew and this is how you mix. I kept a small alpaca. Friend how. The sweet potato, that skin actually because it's a little chewy and crunchy, and then the inside is sweet and dry. Wow. Oh, mixing it with alpaca is wonderful too. As if the potatoes were not marinated in anything. It's just that the stone burns and the quality of the potatoes is unparalleled in the world. Well. I'm going to move on, let's try another meat. I think it's time for chicken wings. Pachamanca chicken wing. (Mark laughs happily) Wow, yeah. The chicken is amazing.
They go in that same marinade, the orange juice, the lemon juice, the huacatay, the huacatay, the. Oh, the yellow pepper is there too, the yellow chiles, in that marinade. It's cheese time. (upbeat instrumental music) Yeah, at least that's how I did it. That cheese is spectacular. Look, it's the type of cheese you like, you feel that texture on your teeth. You can hear it like (imitates chewing), like teeth grinding, it's so good. What would be a good accompaniment to cheese? What would you pursue well? I think there is a piece of corn down here on this mountain in Pachamanca.
Corn, corn is milky, silky and similar, it doesn't even have starch. It's really good and very smoky too. Well, the next one should be the, I think this is the lamb. And you can see how that marinade is still coating it. (upbeat instrumental music) This is almost like dehydrated to the point that it's almost like beef jerky, very tasty. Because of how bubbly and crispy that skin is, this has to be pork. Check it out. (crispy meat) Oh, yes. Oh yeah. That's the familiar pork skin, but it's like the crispiest charred pork skin, it's so good.
The beauty of Pachamanca is the crispy meats. The crispy meats are amazing. I think it's time for potatoes, this potato. Oh, purple skin and purple on the outside and then white on the inside. These potatoes are very starchy, really good. You can taste the earth, you can taste the earth, the mountain in this potato. (speaking in foreign language) It means delicious in Quechua. No, but... - The beans are very fresh. It's like, man. - Oh, they're so good because, again, they're like smoked but steamed. Okay, we have more potatoes, a little more, everything to eat. I'm going to try the next potato, look at that charcoal.
Wow, but what I like most about potatoes is the skin of the potato, for me that's where the flavor is. Okay, I'm going to get back to my alpaca nugget. Oh, alpaca is so good. It's incredibly thin. And how. Like a little playful. But because of that marinade, it might even take away some of the flavor. It's just a delicious flavor. It's time to eat the bone marrow, the alpaca bone marrow. Check it out. Oh, alpaca bone marrow. - Julio, great, Julio already left. - Yes, health. - Health. (speaking in foreign language) (soft instrumental music) - Oh, wow. (speaking in foreign language) It's butter.
I have a small bone fragment. But that is very rich. That's when you can taste the alpaca. - Let's smell. - Hurrah. - Ah, oh that tea and that pachamanca. What an impressive meal. This is not a light meal, it is a satisfying, hearty and nutritious meal from the land. And that was the most amazing culinary display of genius culture and technique, it was truly amazing to see and eat. Now after lunch they will quickly show us how they traditionally take the wool and then turn it into yarn and then weave their traditional clothes and fabrics.
It is an amazing art and an amazing process. And this is part of how Jane empowers this Quechua community and preserves their culture. As you can see, they even sell some of their products. We'll take a look later, but we'll have a chance to watch them make their yarn and weave. There are four types of wool, alpaca. - Yes. We have a flame. - Sheep. Calls. - This is llama, you can touch it, this is sheep. - Sheep. - Said one more. (speaking in foreign language) - Alpaca. - Alpaca, lamb, alpaca and sheep. (speaking in a foreign language) Now she is going to prepare-- - Natural soup from that root that will be used to clean the wool. (people chatting at a distance) (speaking in a foreign language) Wow. - Work on the spindle.
Filling out the (speaks in foreign language), it's time to take the next step. - She makes it look easy but I can guarantee it's not that easy. (The woman laughs) -Now she has water. - Now I'm going to hold these and just... - Along with ch'illka is the name of these leaves. (speaking in foreign language) Colpa is her name. So when they add the clay lick, look what happens. - Oh. (speaking in foreign language) All natural, all different colors. The orange, there is green, there is like, everything is natural. - This is the cochineal. Its alive.
This mealybug is alive. - So the most unique dye is the reds, the different reds, which come from this cactus, which is grown at a lower elevation and then it's actually not the cactus, but these little beetles that eat the cactus. -Look what she does. - Wow. That? Wow. - Do you want to do it in your hand? - Wow. - Make a different tone. (soft instrumental music) - Wow, absolutely brilliant. All natural, simply mixing stones, ashes and pigments. I won't even begin to explain everything she went over in the last 15 or 30 minutes. The main point is that weaving, creating threads and dyeing them has been a huge, huge part of their culture since the time of the Incas, for hundreds and hundreds of


Everything has a meaning, the surprising thing is that Quechua, which is the language, previously did not have written language, it was only verbal. So at the time of the Incas it was just a verbal, spoken language. And then things were represented as images and then even each design is a representation of a time, of an event, of a place, of a mood, of many, many different things, important things. Such an art, it is such, requires very, very serious skill. (upbeat instrumental music) And I really should have bought this hat earlier at the beginning of today so I could wear it all day.
I love this hat. And these are the products that they make, all the different fabrics, which are very traditional, they are another part of the way the community makes a better living, makes money, and through Jane and what she does. (exhales deeply) Oh, that little walk here, that little jog. Before we finish, one more thing I have to share with you is that there was evidence of a Pachamanca, the remains of a Pachamanca from more than 8000 years ago. So, I am sure that little has changed in the entire process, in the cooking, in the ingredients used in a Pachamanca.
A Pachamanca of the Andes is literally an 8000 year old tradition. This was an incredible learning experience and I feel very honored and grateful to have had it. I want to say a huge thank you to Jane for organizing this whole experience, for organizing this whole day, and to Julio and his family for graciously welcoming us, accepting us, and sharing with us. If you haven't seen this entire Peru food and travel series yet, I will also have a link in the description box where you can watch the entire series. Oh, Peru is such a diverse country, mega diverse, with elevation, ecosystems, landscapes and things to eat.
So it's been amazing, it's been once in a lifetime, it's been such a memorable learning experience traveling around Peru and eating, and I'll have all the videos in the description box below, if you haven't seen them all you can check them out. A look. And I want to thank you for watching this video. Remember to give it a like if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you. And, if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now and also click the bell icon to get notified on the next video I post. Goodbye from the Andes.
I'll try to breathe in as much fresh air as possible before I leave. And see you in the next video, thanks again for watching.

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