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73 Questions With Blake Lively | Vogue

May 30, 2021
great, how are you, thank you, you have an accordion in your hallway, I had no idea, that's amazing, I'll just ask you 73


, have a seat, okay, how are you feeling these days nervous about answering 73


so quickly? the best thing that happened to you this year um I was given an Irish red setter what's the best thing that happened to you this month um my company is launching what's the best thing that happened to you today um I have shoes that look like eternal gobstoppers What's the best? Pianos What is your favorite season? Autumn. Favorite party.
73 questions with blake lively vogue
I love all parties. What is your best Halloween costume? One you would do. If there were two hands, would you ever live anywhere else besides the east coast of Paris? Which Sex in the City character do you prefer? I identify with the majority, mainly with men. Do you like surprises? Yes, I have one for you in the kitchen. Come on, okay. Wow, I don't think I dressed for this. Alright. What is the biggest surprise you have had? My mom brought home. a kid from a garage sale one time true story what's the surprise that made you cry um stubbing my toe what's the best surprise you plan for someone um a collection of stories written by loved ones from for my husband what's your favorite plot twist vertigo if I can do a flash mob where would it be in a pool synchronized swimming is that my surprise I ask the questions Blake oh boy okay I'm checking anyway do you like cupcakes?
73 questions with blake lively vogue

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73 questions with blake lively vogue...

Yes, you usually bake cupcakes. Yes, they are much better. baked that raw do you want to decorate some cupcakes yes, how often do you bake um very often what is your favorite dessert um chocolate soufflé is there any dessert that you don't like? There is no such thing as cake or pie. What is your favorite bakery? my house my my husband has coined in the bleh curry what is the best thing about Canada Geoff Pat and Terry just let you know there are cherries in the fridge but what is your favorite food is that a hint of chocolate soufflé oh I already said that melted cheese what's your least favorite food um sea urchin what's your favorite condiment mannish is brunch what do you eat unless the frosting counts as a condiment um eggs benedict it's 4 a.m. m.
73 questions with blake lively vogue
On a Saturday night you'd eat cookies because the only reason you'd be awake at 4 a.m. m. on a Saturday night because I'm baking them you're stuck on an island you can choose one food to eat forever without getting tired of it what would you eat truffle pappardelle away from the screen and tell us tell me your favorite color pink can you answer that again? Now that this is a question, least favorite color pink, um Maile, there is no such thing because each color informs the others. What type of lip gloss do you use? Rich color What color dress did you wear for your problem?
73 questions with blake lively vogue
Coral Blow dry or air dry Air dry Have you ever cut your hair? I did it by accident recently, but only on one side, which was very unfortunate. Who is your fashion icon? My mom. What are three things in your bag? You can't live without my cell phone, my credit card and my passport, just in case, your favorite superheroes. Green Lantern really, really, really nice piece of art you have, thank you, who is your favorite painter?, Travis Louie and Sage, what do you see in this decoration? My father, let's take this to the dining room. I'm going to make some coffee.
Who was? Person you'd love to have coffee with, um Alan Watts, but he's dead, so that's not possible. Who is a historical figure? You love that coffee with Eleanor Roosevelt. How do you like your coffee? at Starbucks, do people go to Starbucks these days? 7 questions from now a man will appear through that window and ask you something about housework, okay with you, that's creepy, but okay, who was the last person you texted? My sister, who was the last person you tweeted I don't have Twitter iPhone or Android iPhone did I come or you - either Twitter or Instagram I still don't have Twitter since 2 questions ago oh I have forgotten who everyone should be following right now, the leader wherever I go, hey, I'm buying a pre-war one-bedroom apartment for my girlfriend.
I want to know if we are going to do carpet or hard hardwood floors. You should do wooden floors, but you should check, because it is a pre-war building, if the existing floors below are still there because they are always good oh, okay, her mother didn't love him very much. Have you had anything stolen besides cupcakes? Oh, my freedom after I murdered that man for stealing my cupcakes. Favorite country to visit. France, last country visited. Canada country you want to visit Japan what was your first pet a dog what was the name of your first pet 405 after the highway favorite is Remy's animal for math tutoring kittens or puppies puppies what is your spirit animal Mickey Mouse uh that was question 63 okay, yes It's time to go, are you kicking me out?
You said it, you guys are very rude here. What do you believe? Amaro. Am. I'm decorating a summer barbecue. I'm going to have this weekend. What excites you most in life right now? Oh me. I'm so excited about my company that I'm going to release what your favorite movie is. The Wizard of Oz movie. You laughed the most at Shawshank Redemption. You could sing a duet with someone who would be an unplugged microphone if your life were a song with him. The title will be a victory lap for those people who believe you can live multiple lives.
A book I read because everyone else was reading it. Harry Potter, the best gift you have ever received. A video of all the people who had an impact on my life for my husband's birthday last gift you gave a friend a hug oh thank you very much and one last question okay, did you forget something? Oh your father, thank you, explain my father, whose father are you?

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