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7 Weirdest Things You Had a Boss Fight Against

Jun 29, 2024



s come in many shapes and sizes, most are cherished by certain conventions - they're nightmarish creatures, laughing villains, and hulking machines designed to turn you into fine pulp - every once in a while, they're you, though are going through a gothic phase, some games defy convention instead of reaching for the big book of


tropes, mistakenly take the ikea catalog and throw you in the ring with appliances and other random detritus of everyday life, maybe they're trying to keep it fresh, maybe the developers just got tired of animating the knees willy-nilly. Unexpected items posing as bosses are here to stay, don't believe me, consider these the seven strangest


a boss ever had to


, beware of spoilers below, keep your eyes open folks, hey , What I can do?
7 weirdest things you had a boss fight against
Oh, they're back, oh, thank you, thank you. you if I look away I don't know what this thing will do you have to get me out of here the door can only be opened by the supervisor of the panopticon who is langston if he is still in control it is a very accurate simulation of a first day on the job So soon As Jessie Faden enters the control office, he starts doing classic induction activities, he takes a key to a door, he finds his new desk and throws that desk at the monsters using brain magic, he finds a new desk, as every new beginner He knows that it is vital to reach him. clings to office facilities where the bathrooms, the photocopier, the flying traffic lights that burn you with their scorching rays or the plastic flamingo in that undulating tunnel, they didn't mention this on LinkedIn, that must be an altered element, so it turns out that working in the office is more confusing than trying to spell office beeru office these puzzling objects are known as altered items everyday


that developed paranormal powers and as such are slammed into the office panopticon think of it as Arkham Asylum for the mundane criminals who are here you find the most unconventional boss, the arctic queen, a 60s refrigerator locked like anthony hopkins in the silence of the lambs giving an equally chilling performance and don't roll your eyes at that pun because that's when the refrigerator will tell you what you're doing in there, oh thank goodness, look, someone has to watch this object at all times or divert my jacket.
7 weirdest things you had a boss fight against

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7 weirdest things you had a boss fight against...

Never appeared. You can help? Then refrigerator work begins, which in the extra offices outside means throwing out the milk before it gains sensitivity. Here it means gain access. to this guy phillips room before his eyes fail him in the refrigerator fits i'm not sure what job it's worse to do something phillip okay this is worse sorry philip turning into a puddle of blood is the way quick to fail your probation, so jessie keeps her eyes on the arctic queen as she psychically fights her way through the bad news, if you hope to find cold delights where my refrigerator has a healthy supply of muller's crunchy corners, in This refrigerator is more likely to warm you up and then squish you into a corner.
7 weirdest things you had a boss fight against
That's courtesy of the former, the paranormal host of the refrigerator and the SpongeBob cosplayer's plankton, fortunately, a few bullets to the eyes and throwing convenient projectiles in his direction is all it takes to put this strange boss on ice or not on ice outside the refrigerator. You get it, the fridge looks spruced up, maybe a little excessive for your first day, but hey, at least you know where to put your stinky egg sandwiches. Now the result is that his opponent is buried in consumer guilt. An indescribable horde in prison that has been free for a long time. entertainment the secret star of don cornell's star stable who would buy a property in midgar in the gloomy classified final fantasy vii remakes mega city either you are condemned to live in a shack held together by spit and fetch missions or you will get a small slice of the suburbs where house prices always threaten to go down, don't wait, where houses always threaten to go down, but these cursed abodes pale in comparison to the residential evil that was fought in the final round of the corneo coliseum.
7 weirdest things you had a boss fight against
This is where Cloud and Aerith take after Russell. Crowe and gladiators beating up dogs and robots to earn a shot at the main event, only Maximus Decimus Meridius ever had to fight a small independent family house and frankly the movie is weaker for it, yes this is the house from hell or as so cleverly summarized with observation cloud master, was it the flames that gave him away or perhaps the entire living being is technically a promotion for the possessed property that made him a regular enemy in sector six in the Original Final Fantasy VII, proving that you can gentrify anything if you put your mind to it, this fixer-upper now has its own boss fight, if it weren't for all the trying to kill you, the hell house will be a Desirable purchase capable of using ice and fire magic, never too hot or too cold.
In the event of a flood, you can grow legs and run away from danger, ladies and gentlemen, and there's the waterproof barrier of invincibility. Good luck posting a pizza flyer through that. Are the neighbors really going to complain about the bins being put out late when you do this? I'll sort through my recyclables when I'm good and ready Margaery, with the property market being what it is, it's cruel to ask first time buyers to destroy an affordable property, it sends the wrong message to two young people with their whole lives ahead of them, well maybe No, Aerith Cuphead has or should have single-handedly ruined countless everyday items by turning them into relentless boss encounters.
Now every time I see a carrot I have to kick it across tescos and if I ever see one. frog with boxing gloves, I'll put it back in the box, so look at it frogs, the strangest encounter though has to be the tombstone in the level. Rusev News. Goopy Legrand is a slime ball in every sense of the word, both an amorphous sphere of goo and a dirty, rotting substance. Cheetah puts him on the ropes and takes a pill that doubles his size, no wonder doping in sports is illegal, those giant bikers would be terrifying, of course the winners don't take drugs and soon, Goopy is splashed by his own tombstone who then sets out to tear off a new one, what should be a moment for somber reflection and light sobbing turns into a farcical battle to the death, okay, second death while you pour bullets into Goopy's smiling face and he tries turn Cuphead into a saucer while being the official outside.
The stance that gross desecration is bad, bold, I know we make an exception in dividing this fool here lies goopy Legrand, died as he lived and then lived a little longer after he died, annoying to the end. Sunset Overdrive doesn't take itself entirely seriously. see the exhibit to the decision to use the game's community manager, brandon winfrey, as the final boss of the dlc the Dawn of the Rise of the Falling Machines, another reason not to mess with the community managers, but even a laughing Winfrey has nothing to do with the final boss of the campaign where an assault on Fizco's HQ turns into a boss fight against Fizco's HQ, wait, wait, don't tell me you've fought against bosses on top of huge buildings and against bosses the size of huge buildings, but fortunately this is the first time you fight against a huge building.
It has an exposed power core on the ceiling, hey we didn't design it, getting to the ceiling is a test of your acrobatic skills as you grind tentacles and jump along floating drones to reach that convenient weak spot, it's almost like this stuff. wants to be blown up the real challenge is to run through the city to get to the building as it runs away do it and it only takes two trips to the top to do a proper demolition job and if that seems too easy do it with a community. The manager thought Paper Mario, the origami king, could have populated a whole list of strange boss fights on his own, but we tried it and the spoiler warning popped up looking really weird as Mario struggles to untangle the princess's castle.
Peach from King Ollie's streamers and takes on the legion of normally harmless stationary craft tools that turn deadly when applied to Mario's fragile paper body, like Jean-Pierre's 12 colored pencils, whose set of words is as sharp as his arsenal of freshly shaved tips mwah if this boss thing doesn't work jean-pierre a The role on this channel calls, but the boss who left his mark on us is the piercer of disco dancing. To be fair, he leaves his mark on most things. Being the gimmick of this particular boss fight, he starts by munching on the paper sand limiting Mario's roots. and possible pickups as you trace a path to the middle, but what follows is probably the nastiest bit of body horror I've ever seen as the driller blasts a hole through Mario's skull.
How is this game classified as peg e7 unless it particularly means? Extreme cutting footage, he will continue to drill Mario until you smack him on the butt, forcing him to vomit up Mario's missing body parts. Now all Mario needs to do is pick up his own face from the ground. Is this definitely a Nintendo fact? But this is very dark, don't worry, as it all ends on a much sweeter note, ripping the stapler's ass off of his body. Wow, straight Mario, well then let's end this crazy party. Do we know if he's asking the three heads of Cerberus to play? dead or taking down a giant ghost horse Devil May Cry Dante has killed more bosses than all the heroes on this list combined Sorry Paper Mario, but it's true, but his strangest encounter comes during a trip to the underworld in Devil May Cry 3.
The damn chessboard as in damn instead of I can't find my damn chessboard is a living version of the game invented in the 6th century and then completely forgotten until the Queen's Gambit made it cool in traditional chess , two players take turns frowning a little and then touching a clock and then going back to taking tranquilizers in the bathroom. I'm taking most of this from the Queen's Gambit. This version does not include any of that and all the pieces are grouped together at the same time. Around me. They talk about a rookie mistake. Worse yet, you can only.
They damage the pieces as they move and each piece follows the behavior of its real-life counterpart. Oh, and demonic bishops can shoot fireballs, which I don't think happens in real chess, but again, check with the queen's gambit. Dante just needs to kill the king. to clear the board, manage that and you are truly worthy of grandmaster status. I would like to see you try that, you are a foolish human but you wish to eradicate the desires of humanity. Who regrets? Persona 5 is the story of incredibly well-dressed students who try to cleanse a shadow realm of psychological perversions and muster the courage to eat a very large hamburger, but no matter how stale the pickles are, they are not Persona 5's greatest evils. honor goes to a series of emotional constructs that represent the wildest fantasies of their human hosts I guess this guy's wildest fantasy is being made of giant paintings and this guy wishes he were a fly, turns out all these wrong images are the result of an even greater evil and it is a cup, but not just any cup, perhaps the most famous cup of all I am revered as the grantor of dreams to all who behold me of being more commonly known as the holy grail forget what you indiana jones taught the holy grail is not a dirty old glass but a 50 foot tall chalice covered in Gears of how Jesus drank from this without tangling his beard, we will never know, even worse, he talks like an internet lord, this Common people with fetal mentality will make their social reform, all in vain, the shared heart of the masses has fallen into excess influence and transformed into a prison.
The grail feeds on the desires of humans courted by its promise of a free life. of chaos healing you in battle and allowing you to bask in royal brilliance How do you hit a giant cup full of wishes? It helps if you see the cup's health bar half empty instead of half full, but more practically you sneak up on him and sever his ties with his human slaves without his gallons of delicious desires, he's as harmless as any regular old 50 gold chalice. feet tall which turns out to be It's still pretty dangerous, there's still nothing three brave teenagers on a cat can't handle now to fight the real boss, three feet of meat and heartburn for weeks, mmm, so those were the seven strangest things you ever had to fight a boss, please don't attack the bossesrefrigerators or holes. hits in real life, if you can think of any other strange objects repurposed as boss fights, leave them in the comments below and if you like it, why not check out all our other videos, including some fabulous tabletop sword adventures in the darkness in the meantime take care of yourself, like and subscribe if you liked it and see you next time bye

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