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7 Myths You Shouldn't Believe about Motorcycles

Apr 15, 2024


, the two-wheeled death machines that everyone knows and loves. I think sometimes we bikers forget that regular people, aka the norm, don't see our passions like we do when we see a clap, we are one with the entire system in it. highway spinning at 14,000 rpm, we scream with joy, while most people would complain about that crotch rocket speeding and being reckless, while I don't approve of someone going 150 miles per hour on a public road. Cyclists will generally give a pass to the madness like this, because real cyclists ourselves and we all feel that thrill of speed, sometimes some more than others.
7 myths you shouldn t believe about motorcycles
By the way, it's no surprise that many regular people have some common misconceptions and


some pretty ridiculous


about riding a bike. I feel it is my duty as your Lord and Savior. Yes, I am a new purveyor of memes, idiocy and general antics of the two-wheeled variety to dispel some of these common


and the only way I know how to do that is by adding my knowledge into a numbered list and because you guys seem to absolutely love the content in this format before you begin. I would like to thank Filmora from Wondershare for supporting my channel for the longest time as a video editing software that allows anyone with any level of experience to create effective edits to include the full range of powerful features that 4k has.
7 myths you shouldn t believe about motorcycles

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7 myths you shouldn t believe about motorcycles...

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7 myths you shouldn t believe about motorcycles
The giveaway ends on November 20, so enter now. Let's start with the most common myths I heard. Myth number one. Motorcycles are dangerous and now you will get hurt. myth or rather instead of a myth it is more of an understood idea bicycles are dangerous there is no shell around you there are no airbags or seat belts why would you ride one of these things even though for the For most cyclists, the attraction is that there is nothing between you and the road. Now let's look at some statistics according to the NHTSA's National Center for Statistics and Analysis in 2006, thirteen, one, cars in every hundred thousand ended in fatal accidents, while that the rate for


is 72.3, four for every one hundred thousand registered vehicles.
7 myths you shouldn t believe about motorcycles
It also found that per mile traveled per vehicle, a motorcyclist's risk of being in a fatal accident is thirty-five times greater than that of a passenger car and that sounds pretty bad, but let's dig a little deeper and find out more. There is a great study done by famous motorcyclist David L. Hugh. of 1981 called the damage report, here are some key findings: Seventy-five percent of the accidents were found to involve a motorcycle in a passenger vehicle, while the remaining twenty-five percent were all individual motorcycle accidents, breaking down that figure slightly more in individual vehicle accidents. Motorcyclist error was present as a precipitating factor in accidents in approximately two-thirds of cases, while in motorcycle and passenger vehicle accidents, the failure of engines to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic was the predominant cause. of motorcycle accidents, another very important fact in almost half of the cases.
Fatal accidents show the involvement of alcohol. They also found that using the proper equipment greatly mitigates the risk of injury or death on a motorcycle. Here's what you need to know. Yes, riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous, but if you wear all your gear on at least a really good helmet, don't ride drunk, which you should never do, and practice what we call invisibility training. There's a great video of 49 if you want to check it out, which basically means walking around like other people can't see you, you greatly reduce it. your chances of being injured or killed on a motorcycle another thing you can do and learn from my mistakes in this case is if you are riding, practice good habits, don't be a statistic of motorcyclists who swerve on a fun road with curves or Something worse.
I will include some links in the description about more safety on motorcycles, but the bottom line is that they are dangerous, but you can take many precautions to reduce the risk, moving on to my second favorite myth, myth number two, you can't ride when it's raining, this is one of my favorites to hear that I would be finishing work and some coworker who knows I travel would come up and say yes, it looks like it's going to rain this weekend and you won't be able to put in the miles. about the old iron horse, am I right?
Contrary to popular belief, it is entirely possible to ride a bike in the rain, not only that but on a hot summer day a light drizzle is a welcome respite from the relentless madness of the sun, to be honest I actually find it likes to ride. in the rain, not when it starts to rain because all the rubbish on the road starts to rise to the surface and makes it very slippery, but about 30 minutes is really nice and it may sound cheesy but there is a raw feeling when driving down the street and feel the water hit your visor and cause its weight to fall on your skin between your gear, it's relaxing, plus it trains you as a cyclist, you can experience what a slight loss of traction feels like and you can deal with it more effectively than dry.
Weather conditions are not necessary to train your cycling skills and, in my opinion, should not be overlooked. Another point I would like to highlight is that, according to the same report that I mentioned in the previous point, the weather is not good. It's a factor in about 98 percent of motorcycle accidents, so statistically speaking, you're no more likely to crash in the rain than in the dry, so give it a try sometime. I'm not saying you should drive in a hurricane or a downpour, but when it's lightly raining outside it's a nice change of pace here's another one of my favorites this number 3 you will attract members of the opposite sex I say members of the opposite sex because while my audience is varied and there are women who watch my videos most of us here are guys and guys, whether we admit it or not, we are constantly looking to impress girls or boys.
If you swing that way, this is getting complicated because I want to be very inclusive. This is the conclusion. Girls literally don't care about your bike. Sorry, I know it's hard to hear, trust me, it's hard for me to hear, I just don't care about your obsession with two wheels. In fact, many women I've met don't like that kind of thing. It is seen as a sign of potential instability and maturity or both. I have never run into situations where I am around or on a bike and women are more attracted to it, maybe I am doing something wrong but in all the years I have ridden.
It's never happened to me, but hey, don't let that discourage you, go out and try it, post at a coffee shop with your sick bike, keep your helmet close and that way, if the cute cake passes by, you'll be able to say yes, amount. That's my bike, you and it's not my waifu, it should work great, here's the catch, although if you're a girl and you ride, guys will chase you like moths to a flame, that's still a meme right? Just kidding, that wasn't a meme. That was a plague on any forum where you post in any common thread.
Hell, I even see it in my videos all the time. A young girl with an avatar of herself simply says: Hey guys, you just started writing tips and about 45 different guys are ringing and getting thirsty. They just ran out of water in the Sahara. These are the facts. I am impartial. Here's another one of my favorites. Myth number 4. They are cheap. Excuse me for a moment. Well, I got it out of my system. Yes, bicycles are. Relatively cheap to buy, heck. I'm doing a beginner bike building series for under $4,000, this is a shameless plug, check it out, you're missing out, but my goodness, you're kidding yourself if you don't think this is absolute money.
A hobby well, if you were to look up the antonym of investing money in a thesaurus, you would find motorcycle riding among tires, trackday gear, more bikes, tools, I said, more bikes, this is a bona fide money well, yeah Have you ever seen one now, it's not for Say you can't get away with traveling on the cheap, it's totally possible, but as you drive longer and longer the extent of your addiction will increase, maybe a small day in the track here, it only costs a couple hundred dollars, maybe just a trip to the new highway. with my bike maybe I need an extra set of tools for the truck.
I think I need a third track bike. I mean, it makes sense riding a motorcycle can be as expensive or as cheap as you want, it usually ends up being pretty expensive. One thing is for sure though you get over 40 MPG on most motorcycles so gas won't be a big concern. Another myth you'll want to dispel quickly in case the rules bother you about motorcycles is myth number 5. they are not practical and you will want to have a car, this is difficult, it is obvious that cars have an inherent advantage over motorcycles here and They can carry many more things than you can carry on your bicycle, without a doubt, but there are many more things.
Motorcyclists who only own a motorcycle is a primary mode of transportation, ask inner city motorcyclists what they do and they will surely tell you and another thing we are not considering is that sometimes we motorcyclists here in the United States, We tend to be Very America First when it comes to our way of thinking about bikes, this causes us to skew our perception and sometimes broadcast that view to the rest of the world. Well, some democracy, but in the rest of the world many people get by just by having them. A motorcycle now isn't exactly a choice for much of the world's population, owning a car is simply too expensive and a bicycle lends itself as a reliable means of transportation, but to say it's impractical, impossible to own just a motorcycle is nonsense. , it is totally possible.
Having just one bike and living your life is difficult, sure, but not impossible, and trust me, once you get the biking bug, you'll want to take your bike to a car any time. Another myth that I love to hear and this is it. Really popular among motorcycle owners is myth number six. I had no choice but to hide it. I swear I've heard this at least five times from what seemed to be the same guy who rode a Harley or a big BMW adventure bike, the story goes like this. He was riding some drivers who were sliding in the middle of the curve and had no choice but to lower his bike to avoid a catastrophe.
Now I may not be the best source for this given my history. I'm a back-Daytona Slayer, but there are a variety of ways to avoid knocking it over and this also implies that the rider in question's instinct was to leave the bike on purpose. I don't know about you, but my instinct every time I've been on a bike is to keep that sucker upright and rubber side down. I have been close and had to quickly pick up the bike to avoid any disaster. I don't want to be a, but this is a total. myth, you always have a choice instead of lying down and besides, it doesn't even seem natural to put down a bike voluntarily, they want to stay upright because of gyroscopic forces and all that, so this is just a total myth next time you hear this .
I'm going to rip a baby's arms off and seriously hit the bully with them. I'm going to commit infanticide because this bothers me so much and our last myth, one that I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack for, is myth number seven. motorcycles are always faster than cars here we go. I'm already prepared for the commentary this will inspire. It is absolutely a myth that motorcycles are always faster than cars. I'm not just talking about straight line speed. Car tires have a much larger contact surface. than motorcycle tires, which allow much higher cornering speeds. If you have ever tried to chase a fast driver in a car when cycling on a winding road, you will know exactly what I mean or if you want to be safer.
On that note, check your lap times at your local track versus the cars lap times, you'll see that while you're on your big lead bike you can't even keep up with a Miata with a fast driver behind the wheel, it's sad, but It is true, although motorcycles haveMonstrous straight-line acceleration times, better than almost anything on the road, pale in comparison to those cars and corners around a track and those bastards even have air conditioning while doing it. What is this world fair like? No, well, the cars. I can't break mega wet wheelies and neither can I and that will do it for today my sweet children, thank you so much for taking the time to view this glorified shit post.
I hope you guys laugh a little if you like the video, make sure you do. that like button and leave a comment letting me know it really helps the channel if you enjoy what you've seen consider subscribing. I post new videos every week and I'm even giving away a motorcycle, check out my patreon for more info on that, thanks. And I'll see you next time, the fact that Yammy has never ridden a motorcycle in his entire life, instead he approximates what the sensation is like by doing crazy Saudi tricks in his car and a ghost ride on the lip, bye bye.

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