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7 Lobster Rolls You Can ONLY Find In Rhode Island | Delish

Jun 01, 2021
- Alright. (hits) (laughs) What's up guys? It's Julia from Julia tries everything. I'm here in Newport, Rhode Island. And today I'm going to try the best



you can


in Newport. We rank them on a scale of one to 10 and see which one ends up being the best. We will try to be ultra classic bagels. We're talking Maine style, Connecticut style, lots of butter, lots of mayonnaise. I mean, I could even rate the fries too. I mean, I might as well do it while we're here. I can't wait to have a million crustaceans on my body rotting.
7 lobster rolls you can only find in rhode island delish
My mom shakes her head. OMG, my mom is our glorious videographer today. She is the improvised Chelsea. She is literally an unpaid intern who shoots for me. So I'm feeding her


. We already have enough people looking at us. Come on. (upbeat music) We have our first victim of the day, the cocktail sauce. Oh God. We're on our first lobster roll of the day at Anthony's Seafood Market. What we're actually eating is a lobster salad roll. A lobster salad roll is from Maine. A lobster roll is from Connecticut. The main difference is that one is warm, the Connecticut one, and the other is cold, the salad one.
7 lobster rolls you can only find in rhode island delish

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7 lobster rolls you can only find in rhode island delish...

You'll see some that have mayonnaise, lettuce, and more toppings, and then you'll have others that are kind of purist. But the main difference you'll see is heat versus cold. Some of the principles for a good lobster roll were that you want that really delicious grilled bun and you want the lobster to almost fall off. You want like mountains of lobster. Wow, the best thing about this lobster roll is the huge chunks in here. It's not huge on mayonnaise. I'm thinking about the crab cake world, where sometimes people try to put in too much filling and you don't get enough of the main star of the show.
7 lobster rolls you can only find in rhode island delish
This is a super lemony crunch. Is that sharp? It's like something crunchy and fresh tasting. We add a lot of lemon juice. I love lemon on my lobster. Praise the standard Maine-style lobster salad roll. I'll give this a nine. Just because I think it might be like that, there might be a little more seasoning. I feel like there should be more tarragon here. There could be paprika. There could be something, just a little bit of something to add a little more to it. The fries here, however, are not McDonald's fries, they are fluffier, but they remind me of McDonald's fries.
7 lobster rolls you can only find in rhode island delish
The fries get a 10. Is it bad to say that the fries get a 10, but the lobster roll doesn't? But we started strong. Extra sauce, eat and share with my mom. Thoughts? - It's soft inside. - Okay, lobster, ready. Lobster teeth review. What do you know? It's a pretty decent lobster roll, it's when the lobster pieces get stuck in your teeth. We're not even in second place and I'm running home and giving my dad what we have left. Dad. Dad? Look, the leftovers are being handed over to a mysterious hand. There's like half a lobster roll in there because we ate it.
I'm sorry. (upbeat music) Okay, so we're at Gurneys, specifically it's called Show Fish right now, which is actually a restaurant in Montauk that's now here in Newport, Rhode Island. In fact, there is a Gurney's in Montauk. That's why there is one here. We are actually in a very elegant restaurant. You can see the wine in my hand. And the funny thing about lobster


is that at one time they were considered marine trash. And they were kind of like what they served prisoners in the past. And the people were exhausted and tired of eating it because it was very abundant.
When people first arrived in the New England area, there are stories of lobsters up to two feet tall washing up on the coast. Basically, you can pick them and cook them. Native Americans used lobster. They actually didn't eat it that much. In fact, they use it as fertilizer and as bait to fish for other things. So it's kind of ironic that we're now in this super nice, fancy restaurant eating a lobster roll that costs, I think, $28. In the past, people had to be forced to give it to them. I don't know. We have the traditional lobster roll, which is lots of lobster.
The bread is so light, buttery, golden and toasted. We have, we think we have parsley here. We have chives. We have celery. We have a little bit of romaine lettuce, mayonnaise. Honestly, this is beautiful. The presentation already scores, the presentation gets a 10. And they come out with chunks that are falling off. You're going to like this one, mom. I wish I put lemon in it. Anthony's is a little better. This one is a little more mayonnaise. So it's a little creamy, and you need wine to swallow it. I really love the beauty of it, but I think the beauty takes away from the flavor.
I think for $28 you get a lot of meat. The standard amount of meat you get in a lobster roll is four ounces. Without a doubt, this is more than that. So you're getting your money's worth with the lobster, but it just needs a little more acidity, it needs a little more. Which brings us to the spicy bun, which I have high hopes for. So let's try it. Same price. What do we think this is spicy with, mom? - Maybe like a hot paprika? - That's what I was thinking. She was thinking about paprika. And it's hot.
Oh, I love the smell of this. It smells so buttery. Yes, hot paprika, butter sauce, drizzled everywhere. And we have a little bit of parsley and I love the color of it. This one is much better than that one. This one gets a 9.5. The fries at every place we've been, which is


two places, have been amazing. These fries here really rival McDonald's fries. If it were a little more soggy, it would be a McDonald's French fry to me. Now we head to the Castle Hill Inn. It's possibly the most beautiful place in Newport or honestly anywhere on the East Coast I've ever been.
My mom and I agreed that the small fried onions here are a great crunchy addition. It's almost like a better potato chip placed on top. The lobster is much saltier than any of the other lobsters we have eaten so far. And it is also, I would say, as abundant, if not more so, than any of the other places. So far, every place has had it super, super charged. I'm really enjoying this one. It tastes more salty than sweet. Like the rest, they are really rich and sweet and have more mayonnaise. This, due to the fried onions, adds and the salty flavor adds a much tastier sensation.
The bread is soft, spongy, but also has a bit of a crunch to it, a golden crunch. For this one you definitely need a fork and knife. It's the messiest we've ever had. The lobster itself was what my mom and I described as salty. It tasted like it was actually from the sea. Depending on who you are, you either love it or hate it (bleep). I loved. My mom loved it. I think of all the ones we've tried, this was the best Maine lobster roll. I give it a nine. The best so far was Gurney's, the spicy lobster roll.
This is a close, very close second place. However, the $28 price tag, and the fries weren't as good as other places, brings it down a bit to a nine instead of reaching its full potential of 9.5 points. 9.5 point potential, yes. Anyway, you really come here for the views and are willing to pay whatever it takes to be able to sit there. I forgot to do a fun fact, so I went back, because I couldn't do one while I was, oh, did I just turn on the turn signal? (beep) Fun fact. (beep) The Maine lobster, which we call the American lobster, is a Maine lobster.
It can grow up to three feet long and weigh up to 40 pounds. And I think the oldest one they found was over 100 years old, although the lifespan of a lobster is half that. That's just huge. I never want to see a 40 pound lobster but there you go. (upbeat music) We're not actually at the Brick Alley Pub. See B-roll footage of the Brick Alley Pub. It's really cute (beep). The inside is like, it's like your grandmother, oh! The interior of Brick Alley Pub is like your grandmother collected items her entire life and none of them make sense together.
Of all the lobster rolls we've tried, I will say that my immediate reaction to this is that it looks the saddest. . The fries are a little thicker than I like, but they could still be good. (the seagulls meow) The seagulls. Can you hear them? They want this more than me. Okay, this looks very shredded. You can still see solid chunks of lobster, but it is much more ground up. Oh God. I got my teeth in. I like its taste. I'm actually surprised I'm enjoying this because, in terms of looks, she's not pretty. The toasted bun is not as toasted as I want.
It's like it's not browned enough. It's a little soggy, but you know what? I don't mind. If this roll was $18 or $15, then I'd say it's worth it. It's like your drunken lobster roll. I think I'm going to give it a solid eight. I could give it a 7.5, but I'll give it an eight. I'll ask my mom to try it too. Not bad. It's good. I would eat it. But if we look at other things we've had today, it's not the best. - Yes, it's not the best. Maybe it's too hot. - But I wouldn't eat it. - Okay, okay, so Brick Alley Pub, a very nice place, has a lot of things on their menu.
Maybe if you don't go there for the lobster roll. Maybe you go there for anything else on their menu. Do I have something on my lip? It's good, awesome. If you're


in Newport for a day or the weekend and are trying to eat your lobster rolls, just skip it. I'm going to give it, I only said eight, but now that I talk about it more with my mom, I think it's a 7.5. It's still not bad, but it's not the best either. (happy music) We are already at the Mooring. We are eating, my mom already ate some fries and now I do too.
They're like potato chips, but I like them soft. But what we're really here for is the lobster roll. This lobster roll is golden brown. It's lovely. We have a side where it's like the tip of the bread, which I like. And then a nice little buttery side on this side. Like I'm buying grilled cheese, this is what I'd like it to be. This lobster roll costs $26. So it's a little bit on the higher end of what we've had. However, the Mooring, where we are, is a slightly more elegant and pleasant restaurant to go to. So it is ideal for the place where you dine.
Mm, this one tastes like the sea. Brackish, brackish, brackish. It sounds stupid to say it out loud, he tastes like a real ocean. Some of the others don't have that flavor. Here you have very, very thick, beautiful pieces of romaine lettuce. Just the right amount of mayonnaise and celery. I like this one. I need one more bite to confirm if I really like it. The ratio of bread to lobster is a little off. It is a very, very thick bread. Would you say it's almost a brioche? - It's supposed to be brioche. - Okay, yes, since it is brioche bread, it has a slightly sweeter flavor, but it is much thicker and spongier.
I'm a big bread girl, but I don't want an overwhelming sandwich. I'm going to give this one an 8.5. The fries get a seven. If you love brioche bread, you love that sweet, fluffy bread, you will love this bun. However, I like the lobster roll bread to be a little more plain. I want it to sit and mold to my hand, but it makes a really great brioche bun. It is a delicious brioche bun. They have surpassed themselves. There could be a tie between this one and Anthony's for best cold. Okay, let's go to the next place.
I'm going to stop eating fries and hope it's less windy outside. So we won't do this in my car. (upbeat music) I'm interrupting my mother's lunch to shoot. I ate another lobster roll. Too windy, too cold. I placed a pick up order and we are back in a car. We have the first lobster roll that comes with sweet potato fries. I love sweet potato fries. I don't know if I want them with my lobster roll, but I'm going to... (laughter) welcome it. The lobster is completely mashed. Now this is a totally different style. I like big pieces because I like it, like, when I look at it, I'm like it's a lobster.
When it's mashed like this, sometimes it makes me think there's crab in it or something. But there are actually still some pieces of lobster claw left that can be seen, just little edges. Oh my god, I have my own dog hair. (upbeat music) Oh my God. Do your eyes open while you sleep? Hello Gus. I love you. But don't worry, they will return somehow, I'm sure. I'm sorry. The only complaint I will give about this is that the bread is not toasted, at all. It's like a potato bun, which we haven't tried yet. And honestly, it's pretty soft, a little soggy, which I don't mind.
I like a bit. I'm going to stop talking and take a bite of this big boy. What's that? What do I like about this? Oh, it's arugula and... You know, it didn't look that pretty, but it tastes pretty good. It's the green onions they have here that honestly make it the best. Everywhere we've gone they had a little bit of chives or something, but this place actually has a lot of green onion. Can you see that? But with the spicy flavor of the arugula and green onions, it gives it a really nice, flavorful kick. The Red Parrot is a very, very popular place for tourists.
So they obviously have a lobster roll. I didn't have a high standard for this one. It really surprised me. It's spicy. Has a littleof the flavor of the arugula and green onions. I actually don't care that it's shredded. The bread is one point less. The lobster roll gets a 9.2. Sweet potato fries, they don't really need them. There's no need. I want to give them like a four. (loud horn) (soft music) We're at the point where I'm hitting the lobster wall, the cage, I'm hitting the lobster cage. I didn't need another one after the first one. And I don't know if you can see that, the lights have gone out of my eyes.
It's just darkness inside me. However, we walked across the street from Red Parrot to Midtown Oyster Bar. Midtown Oyster Bar is like one of the classiest tourist places you can go to. The regular customers, the locals, love going there as much as the tourists. I highly recommend if you can, when COVID is over, eat in there, really nice. Obviously we have their lobster roll. This one is $26 and is super warm, which I'm excited about. I think I'm Team Warm Lobster Roll, that's what we've decided. So let's do it. Oh my God. Oh, it's melted. That's how you know it's a good lobster roll.
There are lobster remains that don't even fit on the roll. And then we have the beautiful New England, the New England, the New England bun, which, fun fact, is not just a hot dog bun cut differently. It's actually its own thing. If you try to


them at your grocery store, you will probably only find them if you are in the New England area. Otherwise, they are quite difficult to find. There might be a stick of butter here. I'm not angry about that. If you're a purist when it comes to lobster rolls, you'll love Midtown Oyster.
There is so much butter. It's just dripping everywhere. Really warm, simple. We have romaine lettuce here. And there's really hardly any seasoning at all, which depends on who you are. It's so warm and buttery that the bread is more than soggy. And I know just a few minutes ago I said I love it when bread is soggy, but I don't think that's what I meant. So that's my fault. I'm going to try to have one more bite. Oh my god, it's just that the bottom is literally coming apart. This lobster roll wins for being the messiest of all the lobster rolls.
Is it bad if I say seven? Is it so bad? My mom just gasped. I love hot lobster rolls. So I was hoping this would be my favorite. The lobster itself has just one note: sweet, soft, and, I guess, a little rich. Midtown Oyster Bar has a lot of great things on their menu. It's a great place to hold some kind of celebration: your birthday, graduation. - Cocktails. - Cocktail parties, celebration of just breaking up with your boyfriend, celebration of divorce, great place to go. I don't think you need to get the lobster roll when you go there.
I just found a piece of lobster on my phone. The entire back of the car is filled with boxes of lobster that we will feed to my father when we get home. The whole car smells like lobster, so it's fun. Okay guys. As you can see, the sun is setting. It is very cold. I think my mom and I lost our sen-blah-blah-blah. I never want to look at a lobster again. But I want to see the fries again. I had a great time on this tour with all of you. We have a lot of places we couldn't get to because, again, it's winter here.
So there are a few places I recommend if you come here in the summer. Eastons Beach Snack Bar, they have these twin lobster rolls that look great on the lobster bar. Another really great place here, with amazing views, but not open in winter. I don't know. I have no more words left in me. So I'll put fries in my mouth. Thank you all. Subscribe, like, comment. My friend. I don't know. Have fun. (upbeat music)

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