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7 Facebook Ad Copy Techniques That WORK

Jun 08, 2021
Hey guys, I'm Ben Heath from the main guru and in this video I'm going to give you seven Facebook ad





. How would you write


in your Facebook ads that will make your prospects take the action you want them to take when it's time? become a potential purchasing customer, etc. What are some of the


, tips, strategies and things we use? I'm going to share that in this video before we start, trying to ask you very quickly to hit the like button, click the thumbs up. button that would really help me, it would be greatly appreciated and of course please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you are new and haven't already.
7 facebook ad copy techniques that work
To help me with this, I have some example ads in a document we published. together we called our five-part Facebook ads template, now you can download it. There will be a link in the video description below where you can go ahead and get the Facebook ads template completely free, but here we have some ads that we have created for clients, we have blurred out certain sections or changed parts so that they are not specific to those clients, but they are very similar to the ads we created for clients who did very, very well. to talk use those examples to talk about some of the techniques the copy techniques that we use we find to be very effective when it comes to creating Facebook ads that get results so the first one I want to talk about is the calling method, I'm going to go down and take an example, I'm going to skip this, uh, go down and take an example, this is an ad for an interior design company, okay, and the calling method is something that's basically used to identify yourself with the potential client, getting someone who is in a certain place, whether in their life at the moment or because of what they are interested in, what they do for a job, anything that identifies that person and does It is clear that your ad is for them, it's for that type of person, so I'll give you an example at the beginning of this interior designer's ads.
7 facebook ad copy techniques that work

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7 facebook ad copy techniques that work...

We have removals. Question mark. Redecoration. Question mark. Okay, now you're in the process. moving house or you're in the process of redecorating, there's a good chance that as you're scrolling through your


, instagram news feed, you'll see that I just flip through it and say, oh yeah, I'm moving house and that's going to get your attention, that will make you pay much more attention to the ad, so obviously you do it at a certain time in someone's life where the movie has to be decorated because and the reason we do it is because the Interior designers know That's when people are much more likely to hire them is when they know they bought a new home, they hire an interior designer to help them make all the adjustments they want to make or when they're remodeling. your existing property, something like that, and you could also do it based on location, you know, if it's like a restaurant or a hair salon or something, it could be like West Londoners or Bristolians or something that's specific to the location you're going to capture Um attention, I've seen people doing New Yorkers or you know something, Texans, look at this, okay, so that's the quality method that absolutely can


, it doesn't work in every scenario, but try it, all this kind of stuff.
7 facebook ad copy techniques that work
I'm going to Speaking of which, there's no guarantee that these will produce better results than what you already have, but you should certainly try them because I'd be very surprised if at least one of them, including one that makes you think about your copy a little differently, it doesn't. You're not going to get substantially better results than what you're already trading in, so that's number one, okay, number two, make it very, very clear what you're advertising, so this is something that you put in the headline as much as in the main text the main text is the part above the image on Facebook um, the news is a little bit different, obviously, on Instagram and the headline down here, but the headline is free interior design consultations.
7 facebook ad copy techniques that work
Okay, you couldn't be more obvious in terms of what we're offering remember when people look at your Facebook ads, your Instagram ads, they skim through them, they don't mind your ads in the least, they're trying to access things that they're interested in, things their friends have done, funny cat videos, whatever. True, making something clear to the point where someone can look at it for a split second and see what it is is really important, so the free interior design consultation is a headline. I'm going to scroll down and give you another example, so the following example is for a gym that wanted to sell their personal training services, so right at the top of the main text we have three asterisks of a free personal training session and three more, all in caps, it couldn't be more obvious what this ad is about. about this ad it's about getting a free personal training session now, obviously the idea is that you give them one for free, they like it, they come back for more, that's the sales process, but make it very, very clear, okay , it's not rocket science, but we've seen it before.
This happens a lot and in fact, when we're, because obviously, you know, we hire a lot of people in our company and all that, I'm very used to testing someone's Facebook advertising skills, one of the things that people times ago. what I do in that testing process and I also see this in ads, they'll say something like book your free consultation now or book your free survey now and my opinion is always a free consultation on which survey you like as an advertiser. The business owner knows it because you live it and breathe it and you're there and you get the business.
Someone looking at your ad doesn't know. That's why you need a free interior design consultation. You need a free personal training session. You can't just have a free session you can't have an ad saying we're giving away free sessions you see in the headline here free personal training sessions non free sessions book your free session now free session for which is okay very very important , correct point number three, do you want? to put your offers above the fold, so above the See More button in your ad copy, it's basically those first three lines, so here we have a free personal training session up there.
If I go back to this example above, we have. We will design a beautiful interior for your home and manage the project for you, that is the service offering. Don't make anyone click to see more to really find out what's going on. See if I can take another example below. We have all kinds. of options here, you can see in the first three lines here, exclusive rainbow cakes covered with white chocolate buttercream frosting on top with fresh fruit, but the best is 350 grams per serving and we are currently offering 10 discounts. 10 off the top to make sure it's nice and visible.
I've seen many offers buried in the main text. Very low if you could watch it without clicking the See More button again. This isn't rocket science, but yes. It's worth checking your ads, make sure you offer the part you're offering, so the free personal training session, the 10 off, whatever is above the fold, above the C-plus button, okay, point number four, do you want to make a copy? as long as necessary, but no longer than that, okay, so it may sound a little confusing, but in general you want to keep it nice and short and concise and only give the information that is most relevant to finding the person. to take the next action without requiring them to read an entire load, so let's take this example.
I'm not going to read it again, but we talked about the product and how delicious and fantastic it looks. We give them just the information they need. buy it, it's only 150 calories per slice, fantastic and we're offering a fantastic 10 off. Seriously, click buy now to make your day, that's why we've put a few things into this listing to make it fun and playful, which you should know. It's a cake, of course, it should be fun and playful, but that's what I mean, it's one, two, three, four sentences, one of the sentences is a word, okay, short, sweet, to the point, let's move on to the next option, uh, well, I'm gone.
Beyond the gym, we have a little more information here because we think the free personal training session requires a little more information to explain than the um cake offer, a free personal training session. I ever used a personal trainer right now that offers free personals. training sessions with one of our expert personal trainers, now is the time to commit to your fitness goals. This was originally released in the new year and one-on-one training with an expert will really help you get results. Click the sign up button to secure your free personal training session, no nonsense, I don't have a lot of extra information that you don't need, but it gets the message across short, sweet and to the point, let's move on to another option here that you'll probably find quite fun, Uh, here we go.
The main text here for this is a carousel ad, so we're not just advertising one product, we're advertising a variety of products, which often means the main text needs to be more concise. We have real leather shoes for men made. in the UK, starting at just £45, how simple, nice and easy, and the point is that good benefits don't last long, so most of our ad copy will be relatively short. Let me continue a little further. I'm going to skip the next ad and go down to the bottom. I told you that by the way, you can download this document if you want to see all this properly, so this is a remote services application, okay, so you can provide your services. remotely now this requires a little more explanation because it's a little more complicated you want to monetize your skills and experience without me having to go anywhere with the blackhead the name app you can use your smartphone to provide services remotely connect with people through live video or chat and help them solve their problems for a fee from the comfort of your home, whether you are a plumber, computer expert translator, etc., there is a market for you, download the data app and find your customers today, so you don't need any further explanation.
It has a little more text, see what I mean here? This isn't very complicated as long as it's necessary, but don't put any nonsense in there and different offers require different lengths, so if it's something super simple like it's a piece of cake or a free interior design consultation, I mean, you do it okay, I say free interior design consultation, you get it basically from the title, but, uh, remote services app, you say what exactly it is, that needs a little more explanation, that's how it works well, number five is using questions at the beginning of your copy, questions open a loop that people naturally It's a psychological phenomenon where people naturally want to close that loop, so if you read this and say you want to monetize your skills and experience. without having to go anywhere, someone could go, yes, that sounds great, then they will cultivate if they say that in their mind, they are much more likely to continue reading because they want to know well how I do it, how it works, I want to close that loop, you kind of increased my curiosity, how can I find out the other half?
So you see, we use it everywhere, so um, let's go back to some of the previous examples and not that one, but I think the other three we've already seen as questions in all of them, I'll get there eventually. Not really. In that one, I said we're not going to use every technique, obviously, in every ad copy, which is absolutely fine. I wouldn't want to fill it out like that, but here we go, your question have you ever used a personal trainer now if you go, no, I haven't used a personal trainer, open that cycle that you want to close that cycle that you want to find. but i haven't used one, but how does it work again? moving house, redecorating all these kinds of things, so questions near the beginning of your copy can really help open that loop, grab your audience's attention, get them going, yes, it's me or it's not.
I've never actually done that and want to know more as a result. Well, the next point is that you generally won't find any in the text of this ad. I'm not a big fan of using testimonials, a lot of people want to. to put testimonials in your ad copy, I can completely understand the logic of why you would want to do that and in theory it should work great, it's just not what we see in reality, it's one of those things where you know You have to do your theory test to learn how to drive a car, but you also have to do your practical test well and sometimes they don't always match up, it's one of those theory testimonials and the ads should work brilliantly well, justThey don't often work as well as the structures we've used here, obviously no one could say 100 why I tend to think it's because it introduces doubts about the credibility of the company, so if you think about these types of ads you see that They have tons of testimonials and stuff like that, what do you think sometimes?
Do you sometimes think this is a scam? Is this not legit? Why are they just shoving people who had great results with this down my throat? a pop-up ad appears and you probably click on some of the landing pages, like I did, because they're just fun and they're all about getting ridiculously rich in an incredibly short period of time, exchanging some nonsense, right?, and you go to the landing pages and it's full of similar testimonial after testimonial and they don't do the same thing. The testimonials don't seem to be from real people, it really seems like a scam and a bunch of crap and it's just not the kind of thing you want to get involved in , I think when you include testimonials in ads, sometimes for some people. presents it's almost like you're saying oh look, we're really good at our service and we have this person to prove it.
They say: why do you need to prove it? You know, it introduces that kind of doubt into the client. Note that they are less like taking action, that's my theory, what I do know is that when you run out of testimonials, most of the time, those without testimonials will do better, now there are always exceptions, there are always There will be cases where that's not true, but that's something we've seen that is very specific, by the way, in the ad copy on Facebook, if you're running, for example, a video ad that includes a testimonial from a client, that's often a very good way to do something fantastic, but in the copy it doesn't tend to work as well and that's why I think that's because I think it introduces that doubt about the credibility of the company is my theory, okay and then finally, number seven is you want your copy to be benefit rich, always think about what is the benefit to the client and if they go ahead with this, what is the benefit to the client and tell them what is the benefit, so let's give some examples here on this. interior design and moving, home redecorating is just one star, we will design a beautiful interior for your home, a great benefit for those who don't want a beautiful interior for their home and we will manage the project for you, another good benefit, so it's just one sentence, we.
I have two big benefits there. I don't want to manage the project. I don't want the decorators to put the paint on me. I don't want this to go wrong and order the products and have them arrive late. You know, great. take a look at some of the others because there's a ton around this benefit benefit benefit not just what it is we're not just saying get a free interior design consultation book one here because they're amazing benefits um Here we talk about that now It's time to achieve your goals. Individualized training with an expert will really help you get results.
There should be studies on how to work with a personal trainer. It helps improve results, compared to not all that kind of stuff. Okay, it's rich in benefits. um right now all the free personal training is one of our expert personal trainers you're not working with anyone you're working with an expert um that one probably doesn't apply as much because you just need a cake to enjoy it, I think I got deliciously good in the title, um right benefits, these products, real leather shoes for men, not a fake substance, real leather, are made in the UK, start from only 45 pounds again, very short and attractive, only one line, we have three.
Benefits There are three things that people will really want your product to have or really want your product to have. Well, this is an example that I haven't talked about yet, but it's a relatively old video of mine, actually. stage um, but you can see it says where I am here, so if you're trying to build your business on Facebook, you're probably wasting your time and in this video I explain why and what you need to do to get results. Okay, so I'm talking about the benefit of you watching this video and then taking the action that I want people to take: you'll figure out how to get results.
Facebook ads are a great benefit. Well, I'm talking about the five five. Facebook we have a template, this document that you are seeing right now. I said this template includes some of the best training ads we've created for our clients across multiple industries. If you're looking to build your business on Facebook, you'll be able to find it very useful benefit benefit benefit my audience people want to advertise on Facebook who advertise on Facebook who want to get better results how they make it work this is how it's done right um let's take a look to another, let's go down to the last one, okay, this is a great example of profit-rich things that want to monetize their skills and experience without having to go anywhere sounds great, I want to be fair, this was written before, you know, before all the things that happened in 2020 with the lockdowns.
I imagine a lot of people like the idea of ​​going places right now, but they generally don't want to monetize their skills from home and so they know that with data they can use their smartphone to provide services and connect remotely with people. live chat helps them solve their problems, all kinds of features that are linked to profit from the comfort of your home, whether you are a plumber, a computer expert translator, etc., there is a market for you. It's another small example of the calling method. By the way, if you are a plumber, computer expert translator, download the Cust the Data app and find new clients today, there you have the benefit of finding new clients today, that is exactly what my target audience wants to do.
Well, that's the seven copyright copies. The techniques we'll go over quickly, we have the calling method, um, make it very, very clear what you're advertising. Make sure you have your offer above the fold, above the cmr button. Make the copy as long as necessary without being. No longer silly, short and sweet, it's generally good to use questions at the beginning of your copy. Have you ever used a personal trainer? I want to monetize your skills without going anywhere that kind of stuff. I'm not a big fan of using testimonials in general, it doesn't work that well, it's something we've found and you want to include as many benefits as possible in the copy, obviously without being ridiculous, but make sure it's always rich in benefits, do you?
What does the client bring to the client? stopping buying your product or service is very important, okay, I hope it was helpful. A couple of things I want to mention before we get started, it's a free webinar that I created called Three Great Facebook Advertising Strategies to Double or More Your Income and in this webinar I basically break down three different strategies, three different sales funnels that we use with our clients all the time, we try it, we test it, they are very effective, they generated millions of dollars with each one and you can see exactly how we put them together and you can work too.
Determine which ones you should use depending on the product or service you sell because I will tell you that you want to use strategy a or strategy c if you have this type of product, you want to use strategy b if we have this type of service because there are no Facebook ads that work for everyone, right, you need different offers for different types of products, services, you can't sell a fifty thousand dollar car the same way you can sell a ten dollar mug, you know, I don't know, mug, I'm just looking around since my desk, there's a mug in front of me, ten dollar mug, right, completely different different strategies, okay, um, so go ahead and check that out, completely free links in the video description.
I'm very happy you did it. Another free thing I want to mention is my Facebook Ads Expert Group, so free group. We currently have 63,000 members at the time of recording this video. An incredible community, one of the largest Facebook advertiser communities in the world, full of people. just like you want to get better results from Facebook ads and people ask questions to get answers all the time. I do free live workouts in the group most weeks, if that sounds like something you want to be a part of, go ahead and join the link completely free. Again, in the video descriptions there are always good things in the video description and every time you watch my YouTube videos, I recommend that you go ahead and always be attentive and review them, if this has been helpful, please like it. smash that like button subscribe to my channel if you're new and haven't already and comment below comment below let me know it's helpful comment below if you have any questions, I can't answer them all but I try my best.
All the best and I certainly see you all and um and yeah, best of luck for your Facebook ad campaigns guys, I'll talk to you soon, bye, for now, bye.

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