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7 Deleted Bosses You’ll Never Get to Fight

Jun 16, 2024
that's how we like our


in video games, very scary and crucially killed by us, too much celebration and rejoicing, it's annoying that some


in games manage to escape the punishment they so richly deserve by being removed from the game before its release. Cut mercilessly during development. with the result that you'll


get a proper chance to kick their asses, these are the




s you'll


get to play, but we have spoilers for the following games, so anyone who's played Bloodborne will tell you they're not lacking. of horrible dogs there are small angry dogs big dogs on fire even neat dogs take a bow vicar emilia could I book you for a baptism next sunday vicar something tells me you have availability with such a surface of dogs or enemy dogs beast adjacent in blood is Maybe It's not surprising that a highly dog-centric boss battle ended up cut from the game, but it's a shame because it would have been really cool.
7 deleted bosses you ll never get to fight
The eliminated boss in question is known as the Great Beast, suggesting an affiliation with the great ones. powerful god-like entities in the world of Bloodborne that can exist on multiple planes of reality, supernatural beings worshiped since time immemorial who hold sinister dominion over the land of Yharnam and when they're not doing so, they simply wave their own placentas around while screaming. will be the next big ticking craze, you will only see the big beast, however it manages to behave with much more dignity and although it exists in the game only as code snippets, what exists can be found and fought in one of the games created by users.
7 deleted bosses you ll never get to fight

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7 deleted bosses you ll never get to fight...

Chalice Dungeons in doing so gives you a tantalizing taste of what a full-fledged boss


against this enormous hound could have been like, which is to say, fucking terrifying because, in addition to being physically imposing with its wavy fur, glowing red eyes and teeth Huge, the great beast's attacks are equally fearsome, the entire boss fight would surely have featured many of these scythe claw combos and we can imagine many players having their day ruined by this extremely aggressive floating lunge attack when the great beast He's not flying through the air with his claws out and often summons what we have to assume in the full game would have been some sort of alien magic in keeping with his larger companions, this piercing howl will shred your health bar even if you're not. near.
7 deleted bosses you ll never get to fight
The damn thing is fatal if you're not careful - although Bloodborne, as we've mentioned, offers plenty of horrible dogs and supernatural nightmares to fight in the full game, it's hard not to feel a pang of regret that this beastly boss fight happened. finished on the cutting room floor, those determined to find it can find the Chalice Dungeon glyph that will take them there with a quick Google search, but since they're playing with removed content that's prone to being weird, definitely definitely back up your save file first and maybe don't go. in the fight with over 233,000 blood echoes in you, yeah, I don't think I'm going to get them back there, I was wondering what was keeping you.
7 deleted bosses you ll never get to fight
I hope you didn't have any trouble finding me. Half-Life 2 is memorable for many. Reasons why these are clever puzzles, for example, wonderful characters or cool notions for integrating secret laboratories seamlessly into the home. Oh, and by the way, it's nice to finally meet you. You might as well get a Coke, though Half-Life 2 is a little less memorable, though. Although boss fights are generally reluctant to follow the traditional video game formula of dropping you in a huge arena with a single big enemy, after all, Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist capable of finding more cunning ways to defeat his enemies than shoot the thing with your gun until it explodes maybe more theoretically a physicist than a theoretical physicist, it's an important distinction since there aren't many boss fights in Half-Life 2, you might be surprised to know that there are even fewer than there. it could have been encountering the hydra, a water-dwelling enemy that ended up being removed from the game and would be removed.
The game's maps suggest that Freeman faced a boss fight matchup, we don't know what that would have looked like, but the presence of the hydra in the demo videos shown over a year before the game's release tells us that The hydra was really scary despite looking like a rogue tapeworm on its way to an electronic music festival. We can forget the tapeworm comment, right, oh friend, oh friend, made of glowing, sticky flesh, the hydra. It was the brainchild of Half-Life 2 team member Ted Backman, who worked on the creature's movement and physics for half a year. Entire areas of the game had been designed around an encounter with the Hydra, but in the end it was decided that fighting the many-tentacled glowing monster was too confusing in first-person, so the Hydra was sadly removed from Half-Life 2 along with with the possibility for the player to fight her, a move Batman describes as painful but necessary, although he has said he would still like to do so.
Check this out somewhere in the Half-Life universe. Well, I can think of the perfect game to put on Valve Alien Swarm Two. If you finished Metroid Prime, you may be left with the feeling that something important was forgotten. What could it be like to lose all your powers? at the beginning of the game, no, that's there, where you have to escape from an exploding facility against a countdown timer, no, that's there, also to evacuate immediately, it may not be until much later that you feel stands tall like Kevin's mom home alone and shouts crade, that's right, crade is home alone, I mean he's not in the game for the uninitiated.
Crade is a large, scaly, three-eyed alien lizard who appears in Metroid games with alarming regularity, as he doesn't exactly seem able to get out of it. room let alone in a completely different game metroid hero samus has fought craig many times to the point that in the recent metroid dread she seems almost bored huh what is crade shooting spikes from your belly again the crade record crade is noticeably absent in metroid? His presence was limited to a name in the manual that says that the devious space pirates are busy elsewhere resurrecting Crade along with other Metroid mainstays, Mother Brain and Ridley, this scaly rongan was going to have a much more prominent role, as that in fact there were plans for a cool battle in metroid prime a meeting with craig was mentioned in the first news of the game and the concept art of the game's development shows a very similar level to his old tricks, by which we mean shooting nails With 35 belly buttons, it ultimately seems that the tight production time meant that Crade was removed from the game, although to be fair, Metroid fans can't exactly say that they haven't had enough opportunities to kick Craig's scaly butt.
On the other hand, it's a shame that crade was removed for the game. A simple reason why Metroid Prime was the first 3D Metroid game and it would have been cool to see a family feud play out in more than two dimensions. Unseen


game file. 64 quotes from an anonymous x Retro Studios employee who described the planned boss fight as With Crade at one end of a cavern, the room would also contain rickety platforms that Craid could knock over. The player's job in one phase would have been to climb to the top and cause something to fall on Craig, which would have at least been a little different.
Seriously, we need to mix it up. Samus is visibly bored. A minor obstacle. A trivial impediment. I'll move on. I'll deal with you later. Alice. You will never stop our great plan. Nothing ruins a tea party like guests rebelling and starting an industrial revolution, but that's exactly what happened in Alice Madness Returns, the second installment of American McGee's dark gothic spin on a children's classic following Alice's return to a ruined wonderland, discovers that the dormouse and the marching hare have abandoned birthday parties in favor of smashing the mad hatter and making him part of their horrible machinery, I mean, I've heard of people who want to run a company, but this is nonsense, it's up to you to recover the mad hatter's limbs, but the dormouse and march.
The two hares run away before you can get close to them, the cowards, so when you reach the end of the level you are quite excited when a big mecca appears and you can take down the animal versions of jeff bezos abandoned, forget the past, the damage. It's done, let the madness begin to resume with a drilling arm and a hammer hand. It looks like it's going to be a fight to remember, until Mecca is immediately destroyed when he hits his head with a giant teapot. Yes, the newly reassembled Mad Hatter took away. the megabot came out in one hit, which is doubly annoying when he had just been knocked out of the scene in the previous scene, some saw this as a subversion of the boss at the end of the level's cliché, but at one point this mecha was supposed to it was a boss battle, his arms would have smashed the ground around Alice and Alice would have shot the big glowing ring in the middle, but things get cut during the development process and this battle was one of them because Alice Madness returns in posts from the forum now deleted. mcgee said that he couldn't remember exactly why it got cut, other than the fight was frustrating and there was only one guy working on each enemy boss and they just ran out of time to do everything they were hoping to do, so this robot. the battle was scrapped oh sorry I'm supposed to say something here but we only had one person working on the script and they simply ran out of time to do everything they were hoping to do.
I have the last joke, right? late, yes, but it's going to be your mecca. I'm so angry I have to be dlc. Sorry, the Cuphead game took so long to develop that we can't even remember when work started. I mean 1928, that would explain how it looks and sounds. Not really. Work on this tough gun-and-racing platformer began in 2010 before it was first shown publicly in the summer of 2014 at the e3 gaming conference with a release planned for 2015. The feeling of endless weight was due to to the fact that the game was a wouldn't actually be released until over three years later and b it looked incredibly good having taken so long in development, however it did mean that some things we saw at the beginning didn't make it into the final cut, some did, for example, the boss battle against Goopy Legrand seen here in 2014 and then still present in the finished game, an early boss that exists to let you know that Cuphead is a game that will hurt your feelings badly, and often a boss that can't hurt you is this demonic bat because between the 2014 introduction and the game's release, it was removed from the game.
Flashes of the bat are few and far between, but it would have been fought in a burning arena, possibly even in hell, which is where you end up at the end of the game for a dramatic showdown with the devil himself, suggesting that the demonic bat could having been one of the last bosses players faced and even tougher than the other already rock-hard bosses in the game. We know little about how the fight would have played out, except that one phase I saw an open coffin releasing a swarm of smaller bats, no doubt very difficult to dodge, it's a shame there's no sign of the demon that in the final game literally happened years watching and rewatching its debut in the 2014 trailer, but take solace in the fact that there's still a boss phase where things fly out of you from a coffin, thank goodness, when humanity discovered the relays of mass, when we learned that there was more to the galaxy than we imagined, there were some who thought the relay should be destroyed entirely.
It is surprising to find the elusive man on this list. Guess he wasn't so elusive after all. In reality, he is an elusive man. Is He illusory or deceptive? The elusive man in mass effect is the puppet master of the human survival group Cerberus. His name is as confusing as his hair. He's good and his face is Martin Sheen's if you play the mass effect trilogy you'll spend a lot of time in his company since he's the one who sends you on many of your missions in the second game I just wanted you to know that I appreciate the risk you took.
You're taking regardless of your opinion of Cerberus about me. You're a valuable asset to all of humanity at the end of the third game, however, things have gone a little wrong for this chain-smoking Machiavelli in an attempt to control the ancient alien reapers. To satisfy his own purposes, the elusive man finds himself indoctrinated and under the control of those same extraterrestrials. No, I am in control. Nobody tells me what to do. Something that surprises him even though his face has gone all Star Wars. No no. that is the first step tocheck if you are an evil and elusive man.
We go into a final conversation in Mass Effect 3. You defeat the elusive man, either by killing him yourself or by forcing him to realize that he is under the control of the Grim Reaper at one point, however, this confrontation was going to end. be a lot less talkative and a lot more trigger-happy, since scrapped plans would have had your boss fighting an elusive transformed reaper creature. The concept art showed a gigantic, elusive man covered in robot cables and claws as something you'd fight at the end of a Resident Evil game if Resident Evil were in space, which, frankly, we'd love for it to be, Wait, that's dead space, hooray, I got what I want This wasn't the only plan presented for an elusive manned boss fight in a Eurogamer interview, recalls head writer Mack Walters. a boss encounter where the elusive man would have been in control of a giant octo date that you could fight, reminiscent of the giant mechanical human reaper from the second game, although perhaps that was scrapped because it would be even harder than the elusive The man hadn't realized yet that he was the bad guy, if he was driving a giant octo that looked like this, that's step two to checking if you're evil, I guess that's missing him, it's actually an illusion , although you may think that the residents of the post-nuclear wasteland of the consequences that New Vegas has suffered are enough, after all, they are forced to spend a week, friend, living in the unforgiving and irradiated Nevada desert, where in a On a bad day the deadly claws eat your legs and on a good day the same thing happens, but the deadly claws are kind enough to kill you first. but that's why you don't work at obsidian entertainment because those people can't get enough of punishing the inhabitants of the wasteland.
It seems how else to explain the existence of gojira, a gigantic fire lizard that exists in Fallout New Vegas only in secretly buried code and was created by a developer for fun to unleash the troops hidden in the camp mccarran outpost of the game to be fair, gojira isn't so much a boss fight as a joke from the developer that was left in the game code and can only be summoned with the use of console commands, although those looking for a challenging fight could hardly do better , Gojira is the strongest creature in the game with a health pool the size of the Pacific that deals immense damage that will fry you in a very hot second, don't feel too bad about This is how a legendary deathclaw, one of the most strong in the right game, he gets by in the same fight.
Crispy Gojira's name is a reference to the romanized version of the Japanese name Godzilla, although this particular giant reptile is slightly less interested in nuclear radiation than its namesake, it is also extremely similar in terms of anatomy to the smaller geckos that They can be found throughout the wasteland and whose brains can be easily cut out with a shovel; The only real difference between gojira and these geckos is their immense size, although that size changes. vibrates a little, I hope I haven't seen that shovel thing before, so those were the boss fights that became elusive for us, that's right, no, but yeah, if it means you won't hurt me anymore, you got it , Ellen, thank you as always.
I enjoyed that video please give us a thumbs up it really helps a lot and also tell us which boss fight you wish you could have played in the comments below maybe you know those secret boss fights that are just in the code maybe they are in somewhere you can find them, but you can't play them, they're too close, delicious boss fights, but if you liked this, please approve, subscribe if you haven't already and check out these other videos. I promise they're not hidden look, you can find them, there's a playlist and everything, until next time, bye.

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