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7 Deco Mesh Wreath Bases / 5 Different Methods All Using a 14" Dollar Tree Wreath Frame

Apr 25, 2024
Hello, welcome back, I'm so glad you're here today, we're going to make seven








, this first one is the pull method, the next one will be the crinkle method, then we'll just do the little guy method. ring, I love it, it's so cute, this is what they call a bubble, I've never made it before, I don't love it and this is just a standard bean bag, it's small, more on that later. I started wearing this buffalo plaid


. I don't know if they call it more of a


fabric or not, it's a polyethylene burlap and it's not a


rative mesh, so it's some kind of jute twine, it has some jute twine in it, so jute fabric however you want call it this one has a bigger weave and you can see the difference one of those came from Hobby lobby and another one came from Michael's this one came from Michael's and it's only 19 feet and they use a bigger core to start with so it looks like the same amount but it's not This one from the hobby lobby, it's 30 feet, if you paid the same price, one of those is a better deal and I'm not going to tell you which one we're going to start with.
7 deco mesh wreath bases 5 different methods all using a 14 dollar tree wreath frame
I put on our bridle and put it on the cross bar and usually start it going so I don't have to try to get one end into the other end, you can't always do that but if you can it's a good idea so if I go To use the pull method, I always start with my mesh at the bottom so I can lift it up and there I just put it on the bottom, tie the little zipper. Sometimes I think I tried too hard to tighten those zip ties. I do not think that it is that hard.
7 deco mesh wreath bases 5 different methods all using a 14 dollar tree wreath frame

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7 deco mesh wreath bases 5 different methods all using a 14 dollar tree wreath frame...

Let's start with our inner rings. That's why I put that zip tie on the inside and then we just handed it over. a little bit of slack there and then just start pushing it, what you really have to watch in your pushing method is that you pull it all in evenly and then just pull it down, sometimes people stick their fingers in there. To determine how big the loops are, I honestly started this and those loops are right in the middle of where I wanted to be because I want to make two different sizes and if I'm making a larger


, like a 24 inch


, I'll make one more loop. big and if I'm making something smaller then I might make a 20 inch wreath and I might make a three inch strip and this one is right in the middle.
7 deco mesh wreath bases 5 different methods all using a 14 dollar tree wreath frame
I like it when I make mistakes. so I can point it out and then tell you how to fix it and you don't always have to redo something, you don't always have to change it, sometimes you just start doing the right thing and hope it happens. The best thing is they have several customers that prefer maybe a 20 inch wreath and a much lower price because this one says it's a wreath killer so you don't want to pay 60 75 85 for a wreath when you're just going to kill it. I try to make a smaller version of some nice wreaths so I can get them at a lower price, that's really what started the whole chain method, it was just the fact that I was looking for something I wouldn't wear as much. material and it didn't take me much time, that way I was able to get a much lower price because an average crown costs 40 50 60


s, an expensive one costs more than a hundred, so I tried to find something in a price range of 25 to 35 Dollars.
7 deco mesh wreath bases 5 different methods all using a 14 dollar tree wreath frame
This is right where I'm studying it. I think that's exactly the middle ground where I want to be. That's where I have to decide if I want to change these, but then I decide not to. I just start making larger loops at this point. I say this all the time, when you're focused on something, you see the little details when you finish it and you see the big picture, those little things tend to fade away, but I have three loops in each section, so three loops inside. sounds three loops in the middle ring, three loops in the outer ring, so nine loops in each section, once I got to the end of that mesh roll, I removed the core and, uh, if you've seen any of my videos , you've seen.
I do this before not placing that on the wreath


and then placing the new one on the wreath


. I'll just overlap them a couple of inches, squash them there and put a zip tie around it, it's a much cleaner way than having a start and stop point on your wreath, I mean I think we all want the back of our wreath to be look pretty and sometimes people cover it, but if you can make it look good then you don't have to waste time covering it. and I'll show you here in a minute when I pull it out, you can't even see it, I'm serious and it's so funny because it always ends up there at the bottom, it's never been at the top of a loop, but that could just be the fact that I manipulate it to be that way, but yeah, it's right there at the base, no problem and I didn't say this before, but you just go in the inner ring, the middle ring, the outer ring. and go back to the inner ring, the middle ring, the outer ring that way, they hold each other like safe in there, you don't have to do any twists or anything and we're at the end and you see, just start putting the flange on, wrinkle my mesh, this is one of those


where you go back and fluff each of your bean bags, they tend to bend in there so you just want them to be full so take them out once. you do that, you're done and you end up with this beautiful completed wreath.
This will be a ladybug theme. I can't wait to share it with you. I'll do this the other way around. I'll just show you. the first little bit because it is exactly the same, only it is a smaller pouf. Look, it's a much smaller bean bag and instead of going the other direction, like I did last time, this time I'm going like I guess the last time I went. the right of the ring and this time I'm going to the left of the ring I'm just showing it to you so you can determine which way is easier it depends on how you hold your leotard if you're left handed right handed or some people just have different comfort levels so that's why I I like to show you the different options so you can determine which one works best for you.
We'll only do one more series of this because you already got the idea in the other one. I just wanted to show you going in the opposite direction for a second, but this is a good time to say thank you so much for watching, if you like it, like it. I would love for you to consider subscribing and hit the notification bell to share with friends, we are definitely still growing not as fast as before but thank you all so much and here is the finished product, it looks the same as the other one because you really can't tell them apart next to each other, but seen in the Imagine how they are very very different in size, one is about 20 inches and another is about 24 inches, just make your whole little pouf and that's it, now we move on to the gathering and make two sizes different in the gathering so you can see.
The difference is also very fun and so far they are 10 inch tights. All I used today was a can of nine and a half or ten ten and a half inch mesh so I just call it a ten inch mesh and then I used a five and a half and on one of them I used a twenty one just to give you ideas on different ones, but we are cutting this shirring of ours in 25 inch lengths. I normally don't gather my mesh for cutting. but it actually worked pretty well, so that was okay, but yeah, 25 inches to do the gathering, we're just going to do a couple of these to show you that you separate your mesh and then you just roll this mesh up.
It's horrible, it sticks to itself. roll a couple three inches, go to the other side, do the same thing, just roll, I say a couple, three, four, whatever and on a 25 inch mesh you can go in about four inches and then just walk to the next side , place your pipe cleaners over and over mesh of this size and because it is very sticky to itself, I go ahead and put it on the wreath frame while I make them, sometimes I just make a bunch of them like some kind of line of assembly and I make a bunch and then I just put them all up, but with this 10 inch mesh it would take up too much space and then it would stick to itself so much, so I just made a gather and put it now here, you can see there and I'll show you. you again in a second, but I made one on the crossbar, I made a peach one on the crossbar, a peach one on the crossbar, a green one in the middle of that and then on the outer ring I just reversed that and put the green ones on the crossbars and the peach in the middle and it ended up nice and full so you didn't need more than that just turn it over now here you can see and this is the inner ring that I was putting this first round into the next one. set what goes on the third ring from the inside so this is on the inner ring and then the next round goes on the third ring from the inside and I found out that I do that, unlike the outer ring, the outer ring would give you a little crown a little bigger, but if you put it on the outside, they tend to want to rotate back, so I always try to put everything on the third ring of the inner circle that way, it can rest on that last ring, I hope that make sense, now we're on the smallest gather, this one is five and a half inches, it came from Michael's, it's weird though, all their mesh is like 9.99 unless it's on sale and you get less, like the shorter you get 45 feet. with the 10 inch ones you get like 30 feet or 35 feet and then with the 21 inch ones you only get like 19 or 20 feet it's weird who knows so I didn't cut them at 25 inches I went ahead and made 20 inches on this one because it's a tighter mesh so I thought 25 might be overkill and it ended up being a little light, a little sheer, but I think I'm just going to use different tapes and things like that to make sure I fill it in nicely, this is the same process , I just roll the edge up a little bit and I use the little clothes pins, plastic clothes pin just to hold it on this mesh.
Sometimes I don't use a plastic clothespin but on the A tight mesh like this I find it helpful to put weight on it because if I don't and then when I try to walk the other way it just goes everywhere, the weight really helps in that situation and Sorry, I'm off screen here. I moved my camera several times because I was making a lot of different


. I hope you like this type of video. Let me know in the comments. If you like to see multiple bases or if you prefer to see starting one and finishing it completely, this will give you a good idea of ​​the different methods and even how you can work within one method and still get different crown bases here peach on the bars green crossbars in the middle one, like the big one, look here, I wasn't


the clothespin and that's when I determined that I didn't like it, not without the clothespin, and I kind of made an assembly line of some of these because they are much smaller.
The assembly line stuff makes your job go faster, but like I said, with those 10-inch steering wheels they stuck together so much that I didn't want to deal with it, so you have peach on the crossbar, green in the middle. I'll finish this one and it's so cute, it's small, but it's so cute when I turn it over here you'll see I love it, just make sure everything is facing the front, but yeah, it's so cute, oh my gosh, I love it. and yeah, let me know in the comments too what's your favorite what do you like what method do you like what crown do you like what colors do you like this is the little ring it's going to be fun those are that's where I was saying they were like nine and nine leggings half, ten and ten and a half inches because each company varies a little bit, so I just call it a 10 inch mesh.
In total, I went ahead and stacked them and they were cut to 10 inches as well. for the rings and I just spread them out enough that I could make two cuts every time I had to roll the mesh, I would just cut that job in half because if I get two cuts every time I unroll the mesh then it's faster just separate you cut them and you can see I have my bowdabra there, it will hold my leotard when I pull it up, it sounds like he bought it, oh my god what's wrong with me? And I made them all the same in this.
One in particular I made green on the bottom, yellow on the side and pink on the top, you can always mix it up, honestly I don't know if it will make a difference once you do it, what's on top, what's on the bottom, what what's in the middle. I don't think it matters at all because it all looks like a bunch of rings once you put it in there, but I'm a little obsessive so I just want to do it the same every time and these pipe cleaners are cut, oh no. I don't think I mentioned that in this whole video, these are cut to half an inch or half an inch, they're cut in half, oh lord, so it's six inches.
I wasn't sure how thick the packets would be so I cut them in half. I think everything else was cut into thirds because this is the only time I had three different meshes in one package, so yeah, these were and you can tell I have to wrap it a lot more and I got four packages in each section, so which was 24 packs, damn I'm almost at the end and I don't even know if I've been saying all the things I'm supposed to say. I'll go back and listen to it and try to correct anything that needs correction or put the information in the description bar it's the description a bar no it's a section do you think it's late at night when I'm doing this?
I'm probably sorry and I made this this onecrown in particular was actually the second one and Notice again when I'm going to place this on the frame, it's on the outside ring and that's how I got to the fact that I need to put it on the third ring from the inside because this one kept wanting to turn and be upside down, so that's when I decided that when it was too late to go back and change them all, so I just left them on the outer ring but there it is all finished, another beautiful crown complete, I mean, these bases are so pretty, I mean you could almost just stick a sign on them and not even put ribbons or bows or anything and they're just It would be so cute now this is the 21 inch mesh and it's just a bean bag just a standard test.
I don't even do the string method. I wanted to see how it worked like most people do. it's where you put it in the frame and then you just measure it, flatten it and then put it in the frame and then you measure it, you'll see I didn't like it just for the record, that's why I like the chain method. much faster too, this one I couldn't quite determine, let me tell you that you can see here, that's where the first meeting is, it's at the 10 inch mark on my mat, so I just scroll down, scroll down, I slide down and go to the 20 inch mark, so it's 10 inches, play with it and see if I like to put the plate pipe cleaner from underneath or I like to put it on top.
I just played around with it quite a bit and just like I said, I didn't really like any of the methods for doing that, so I'm going to stick with the chain method when I'm making one of these beanbags, but I wanted to try something different. Show an alternative, as I always say. Find out what works best for you. Some people commented and said that I wasted time because you do double work when you do the chain method, but as I've already explained, breaking up the steps makes it easier for some people, so even if you waste a little time, definitely you don't do double work, but if you waste a little bit of time it at least breaks it down and makes it more fun and enjoyable for people to craft and sometimes I get a lot of feedback with people saying thank you for making it easier, thank you.
Now I'm going to try to make a wreath again and I love it, that's the idea. I think everyone should be able to create it and enjoy it, and then I determined that I liked putting the pipe cleaners that are six inches, these were cut in half because their 21 inch mesh is much bulkier, but yeah, I ended up putting them on the frame and then just putting the bean bags in there worked much better and the Outer Ring I made 12 inch bean bags so I would just put it in and you could do it beforehand. A lot of people put the pipe cleaners in there and turn it into a bit of a makeshift job.
Crowns cost between six and ten.


s depending on where you get them and they are the ones with the pipe cleaners or things already placed. I prefer a dollar for my wreath frames and a few cents for the pipe cleaners, but you can see here that you put it in the 10 inches. mark, scroll down to 22 inches and then just pin it, that made it a little bit easier but you still know I'd rather make a big long chain and just join them together as I go around and when I said outer ring, I mean the outer ring of puffs, you can see I'm back on the third ring from the inside, so when I said outer ring that just meant the outer ring of puffs and in the end I just cut it, cut a little bit more, not just you.
I know you can cut it right where you put it, but I always like to make it a little bit longer so you can just attach it to the wreath frame and leave it flat or you can tuck it back into one of the poufs and this. It's one that you have to separate them. It will be interesting once I complete it. I have an idea of ​​what I want to do with it and I love the green, but it's a little sparse, it's a value. type mesh and you can also say that I made crossbars on the inner ring and then I made it in the middle of the outer ring between the crossbars that way it's a little offset now the next one is a Joann mesh I had it in slow motion because I was going too fast and I felt like I had to speak in slow motion.
I didn't, oh God, this is what they call a bubble crown. I've seen many people do it. It's basically 10 inches. Poof, they're just squished closer together. I started using pipe cleaners and sped up this part. I sped up the video because I don't like them and I'm not going to use them, so I decided to use zip ties. little zip ties so I took all of that apart because I just wasn't going to sit there and twist them all and figure out if I needed to go from the top or the bottom so it's like no so after I undid them all just go in and zip tie it and since I'm working from the top I zip tied it at the top the mesh is on top and this is like the other one just put it at the 10 inch mark and measured 10 inches.
Take me a second also to determine the best and fastest way to make the bridle. It wasn't that bad, but it was still a bit long. It was a long crown. I'm going to cut out a bunch, but I just want to show you a couple of these and I used two and a half poufs per section. You can see here. I'm going to measure the first one. I didn't have to measure it because I had taken them apart, so they stayed. It's already a little wrinkled, but yeah, you only measure 10 to 20 if you have a mat, if you're not using a mat, then it's only 10 inches.
I found it best to put the flange from the outside pointing in and then I tie it so that it would put two full on the section and then the third one would jump the cross bar so basically every third jump on the cross bar on the inner ring now when you go outwards, it's a little different. Make three full ones and the fourth one jumps the crossbar because it's a little bit bigger so I wanted to be able to offset them and have it fuller and here's a couple of them on the outer ring with folded bubbles. in the middle, they didn't really seem to swell too much, so I just let them do that, so it's kind of folded, so it's two layers for each sheet, and on this one I went from the inside out when putting the zip tie on. and the thing about this too is that after you do all this, you have to go back and cut all those zip ties.
I didn't do it as I was going because I found myself picking up the tool and putting it down and picking it up and putting it down, picking it up, you know, doing all that takes longer than just going to the end and cutting, cutting, cutting, so yeah, now we're done, ato the ends to the wreath frame and you can see I attached it on that outside. The outside row of beanbags are also on the third bar from the inside. I decided that's where I'm going to live on that third bar and it's a full crown.
It's a pretty crown. I love the color. There was just a lot to do, maybe I'm a lazy wreath maker, I don't know, I just want it to be faster and I think that's why people get discouraged because it takes a long time and sometimes it's cumbersome, and the steps There are too many of them, so if we can simplify it and still get to the nice part, then that's good. I will also say that when you put your bean bags together like this or if you do the pull method, it makes them a lot more dense and so on.
It is much firmer and will last longer if you take out your bean bags and don't make as many bean bags in its 10 inches, they tend to break over time with the heat, but if you are a crown killer and you are not going to keep it for as long. It is a cheaper price. I like the back. It is very clean. Now you can see here. I'm going to cross the two rows because the spacing is too uniform. You can see it looks like a row like here on the left side. You can see it's just a straight line of space, but on the right you can see spaces and those can be filled with ribbons and different things, but if so. too uniform so I don't like how it looks but again this is probably not the method I would use if I wanted something like this I would definitely go with the pull method and I have some really cool stuff coming up because the sign I want to use on this It's probably the wrong color.
I'll have to make a different base, but it's so cute and has a retro feel to it. I love it I can't wait to make it so let me know if you prefer to see a bunch of foundations with different methods or you prefer to see a crown from start to finish let me know in the comments until then here's another video you can watch and we'll see you In the next.

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