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7 Deadly Romance MISTAKES Writers Make ❌ avoid these chemistry killers!

Apr 25, 2024
What's up, my friend Abby, and welcome back to Writer's Life Wednesdays, where we gather to help you


your story matter and


your author dreams come true. Are you struggling to write romantic


that feels believable, realistic, and makes your readers fall head over heels in love? in love with your characters, do you feel like maybe your characters are missing that magical spark that makes a fictional couple incredibly relatable? You don't even know what it is, you can't even necessarily identify it, but you know that there are some fictional couples that just have that magical M


and you're afraid that your characters won't have it in this video.
7 deadly romance mistakes writers make avoid these chemistry killers
I'm going to reveal the top seven



when writing romantic chemistry. These


will ruin your characters' chemistry and do the exact same thing. the opposite and not make your readers support them and want to see them together. Okay, you want to


these things. These things will kill romantic chemistry even faster than a poor sonnet, but if it's just a vague inclination, I'm convinced a poor sonnet will do it. Kill Stone Dead, so what do you recommend to foster affection? If you commit any of these chemical crimes, stop right now, just stop, why does your story matter?
7 deadly romance mistakes writers make avoid these chemistry killers

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7 deadly romance mistakes writers make avoid these chemistry killers...

Good question. What if I told you that there is a science behind every great story? I don't just teach you how to write, I teach you how to change the world with your story and make your author dreams come true before you get on our list of


chemistry-killing romantic mistakes, hit the subscribe button below this video, just take a second and It helps me a lot and helps you get more videos like this in your feed and never miss any of my videos, live streams or live workouts. Lots of amazing things happen on this writer's channel every week, so make sure you're subscribed.
7 deadly romance mistakes writers make avoid these chemistry killers
Don't miss it, well, let's get to the point. Mistake number one: you never or rarely have alone time together. This mistake can destroy couples who even have great chemistry to begin with, but then as the story progresses, they spend less and less time together. together or they're off their own agendas and their own missions and we start to forget what it was like to see them together, we start to forget the whole mood and the atmosphere and the tension and the wonderful, juicy conflict that happened between these characters because they can't get enough alone time together, the less proximity the less intimacy, and intimacy is what you want to look for with these characters, even if they don't have particularly positive feelings towards each other at first, maybe you're writing enemies.
7 deadly romance mistakes writers make avoid these chemistry killers
For lovers


, you still need that forced proximity so that they are alone and start creating these situations so that they can trust each other and that would be my other advice: instead of making this mistake, let your characters be alone and force them to be together. forcing them to solve problems together and bonus points if they have to depend on each other in a time of crisis and learn to trust each other. I have an idea, so why will I listen to yours if you listen to mine, we employ a pinning motion. we each approach from opposite directions if he wakes up and sees one of us the other cause is a distraction and when he turns to aim the person not in the line of fire rushes in from behind now you're ready stay here, I'm going to hit you in the face extra bonus points if you didn't trust each other before this, but now, going through this experience together, you're building this layer of wonderful chemistry, trust and affection for each other, mistake number two, they fall in love too quickly.
Love at first sight might seem like a golden opportunity for instant chemistry, but believe it or not, this is actually the best way to end any tension we may have felt between this couple. When characters fall in love too quickly, it seems undeserved and we have a hard time believing it. who have particularly deep feelings for each other because, you know, they made eye contact across the room at a party and suddenly they're like love, maybe it's not even in the same scene, but if you don't have enough tension and enough builds the confession of love when they suddenly burst out and say: I love you.
You can feel so undeserved because we didn't have that buildup over time. Now I know what you're thinking. My book takes place in a short period of time. time, what if it takes place in like 3 days or something and I need my characters to fall in love in that time? Is it doomed to look unrealistic? No, not necessarily, I've been there and done that. I have made the characters fall in love over time. Over the course of a very short period of time, but the way to execute this is to still find those opportunities for romantic preparation so that you can make something seem slow, even if it's happening pretty quickly in real time.
It's about finding those little moments to build the romantic tension, desire, affection and attraction between these two characters, the heroine of Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Bennett, she is one of the greatest and most complex characters ever written, although In fact you wouldn't know, I've read. Oh well, you can't just go from strangers to passionate lovers and expect your reader to come with you on that extreme rollercoaster of ups and downs. We need to feel like we've been on an emotional journey with these characters. If that emotional trip happened over the course of a day, you can still have buildup, just find those opportunities to build up the tension.
Mistake number three, they tease each other about other potential love interests. Nothing screams. I'm just your friend, more than making fun of someone. other potential love interests is basically like saying if you date this person if you get together with this other person I'll be happy for you I won't be bothered at all it won't even cross my mind that this is a problem and that's not what you want if You want to develop this desire, attraction and


between these two characters, if you want to play with the subtext here, you can do it by letting the character think about something different than what he's saying on the surface, I'm kidding you about another possible love and confidence like, hey, you know, I think you're really into that girl, she really likes you, she's always flirting with you, you don't realize that she's always flirting with you, oh, come on and I really deep down think not I want you to like this girl.
I don't want you to be with anyone, but the subtext is wonderful, especially in a romantic story and the build-up between these two characters, so you can absolutely play with that. but make sure that deep down your characters have an emotional reaction to the idea of ​​their love interest being interested in someone else and that that reaction feels realistic and aligns with how they feel about this person, so let the idea of another love interest takes over you. under their skin and bother them. This is a fantastic way to turn up the heat on the chemistry burner and give your main character a taste of what it would be like to lose this person to someone else.
Mistake number four that they never touch unless they are in combat. Mutual contact is not only a good way to show that your characters care about each other, it also does something to your brain: it releases oxykosine in your brain and that's like the love hormone, it's like the chemical that makes you feel confident . and love and affection and drawn to be more interested in this person, that's why it's a little hard to feel this love and this spark and this romantic chemistry between these two characters who never touch each other, aren't even interested in an accidental touch, but it's worth noting that a little bit of those accidental touches can go a long way, okay, you don't have to go overboard here, but having a moment where maybe one character has to take care of another's injury character or helping him or even holding his hand when helping them into a carriage Jane Austin was a master at doing this, giving us those little accidental touches that build up the romantic tension slowly over time and make us feel this physical spark between these two characters even beyond the emotional.
If you've made it this far in the video and you're like man, I really wish there was a definitive guide to writing wonderful romantic chemistry that makes my readers fall in love with my fictional partner, then you're in luck. Because I taught an entire live training on this topic, going deeper into writing Swoon-worthy romantic chemistry and making your characters feel more realistic, believable, and making us root for and root for their relationship. In this training, we cover the number one golden rule for create emotions. passionate relationships between characters how to use your character's existing personalities to clash and complement each other powerful ways to unite your characters using plot events how to use the weapon weakness want rule to make your characters super transportable the importance of relationship arcs and how to make friends in the zone of characters you don't want to be together with, so if you want to take your romance to the next level and create an unforgettable relationship that your readers will be obsessed with, you definitely want to check out this training, you can see the replay. on Demand right now by clicking the link below this video, so check it out and when you sign up to watch that training, you'll also get my full archive of previous live trainings that go deeper into topics on writing, editing, publishing, and more, as well Check out that link.
Next, okay, let's get back to our list of deadly chemistry-killing romantic mistakes number five, they get tired of each other after a while, when two characters are in love, they can't get enough of each other, they want to be together. on each other's side as much as possible now maybe your relationship is off to a rocky start, okay maybe you're writing enemies to lovers and at first they don't like each other, they hate each other, they want to see the other person fall off a cliff. Understand that, but as you get closer and start to fall in love and your relationship starts to change, your feelings for each other should start to change and evolve, and you actually start to like being with this person that you can't get enough of. being with them and they're like in this weird transition phase where they're thinking why am I being so tolerant of this person.
I used to hate them and now I don't even care to date them, in fact I look forward to dating them, what is this witchcraft? Also let them be on each other's minds all the time, even if even in the negative stage of their relationship, if they don't like each other at first, they could still be on each other's minds, they still can. be thinking I won't give her the satisfaction or I'm wondering what she thinks about this or he's just as annoying as he always says you get the point mistake number six you don't challenge each other's flaws and weaknesses nothing is as salty Cracker Bland as a partner who He never challenges each other's flaws and weaknesses because they are just perfect, flawless and boring.
See, this is what makes a romance interesting in the first place, because these two characters are growing together and they need each other in order to change. To have that transformative journey that the character Arc and what a character Arc pulled from being challenged, having our flaws and weaknesses tested, being thrust into the ring with some kind of conflict, your characters have to stretch each other. We have to help each other become better people by challenging each other in sometimes infuriating ways and here's some advice, Eliza. I warn you one more word and you will find yourself in a situation where your concentration may be lighter and your workload may be lighter.
If you tone down your drinking, gambling and womanizing, you are accused of obstructing the business of the police. You see that none of that juicy, heated, conflict-ridden character switching can happen between two characters who are simultaneously oatmeal, sweet, flawless, and just great people around them, they have nothing to do. They change about themselves, they are perfect, the heat of conflict is where delicious chemistry is created, even when we use this term chemistry, I'm thinking of mixing chemicals that don't go together and creating some kind of reaction from them. Why would that happen if we mix the same with the same and there is no Clash at all, then there is no bubbly chemistry and finally mistake number seven they have romantic chemistry with other characters?
I've seen this so many times with stories that clearly They are sending the main character with a love interest character and want you to root for these two characters to be together, but there is also a third character or maybe even a fourth character that the protagonist in They actually have better chemistry and you secretly want them to do it. be with that character, but the author clearly has no intention of doing so, for everyone's sake, if you're not even going to let this character be in the running for our friends MC's love interest, don't fool us with this amazing chemistry between the MC and this other character and then you turn it off like you thought she was going to end thatguy no, he's just a friend, he's nobody, come on, how do your friends own a character?
You could ask calmly, just take this. full list of mistakes and do that, make the mistakes with this character that you don't want to have chemistry with, nip it in the bud before it turns into something more and fools us all and makes us want to ship this character with that character. and you have no intention of doing that or just do it, let your characters go crazy, let them be with whoever they want to be with, step back and look at all your characters and see which ones are naturally starting to have the best chemistry with each other and see if you can really follow through with it.
Can we work with this? Can we make this shipment shippable? Okay, boom, that's it, those are the seven deadly romantic chemistry mistakes that will end your romance before it even begins, so don't commit any of these sins unless you're going to include your characters in the zone. of friends on purpose, in which case this is a good guide to do so if you want to take your romance to the next. Level up and build incredibly wonderful, adorable, swoon-worthy chemistry between your characters. look at the training I mentioned above. You can watch the replay right now with the link below this video.
Comment below this video and tell me what's the number one thing you've noticed. that kills romantic chemistry in fiction or film. I want to hear your thoughts on this so join the discussion below this video and hit the like button while you're there, subscribe to this channel if you haven't already because I post written videos every day. single on Wednesday and I would love to have you here in the community until next time my friend Rock on

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